Are RefNums supported on the FPGA module?

Are RefNums supported on the FPGA modules?
In particular, the PXI-7831R?

If by RefNums you mean for example, I/O references or handles, then no. An FPGA doesn't know anything about those, remember, it's just a piece of hardware...
“A child of five could understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.”
― Groucho Marx

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    The NEXYS 2 is not officially supported, but if you'd like to try it, you can attempt to follow the guide for the Spartan 3E here (substituting your NEXYS 2 for the Spartan 3E).
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  • Drop down values are missing while using the function module KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT

    Hi all,
    I am using the function module "KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT"  to upload the excel template to an internal table but i am not getting the complete excel data into the table the fields which contains the drop down list values those values are not coming in to the table.
    Is there any other function module which can read even the drop down list values? can any one please provide me the solution.
    Thanks in advance
    ** FYI...i am using the below code:
    * upload excel file to a generic table
           filename                = l_filename
           i_begin_col             = 1
           i_begin_row             = 1
           i_end_col               = 150
           i_end_row               = 65000
           intern                  = lt_intern
           inconsistent_parameters = 1
           upload_ole              = 2
           OTHERS                  = 3.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

    Hi all,
    I am using the function module "KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT"  to upload the excel template to an internal table but i am not getting the complete excel data into the table the fields which contains the drop down list values those values are not coming in to the table.
    Is there any other function module which can read even the drop down list values? can any one please provide me the solution.
    Thanks in advance
    ** FYI...i am using the below code:
    * upload excel file to a generic table
           filename                = l_filename
           i_begin_col             = 1
           i_begin_row             = 1
           i_end_col               = 150
           i_end_row               = 65000
           intern                  = lt_intern
           inconsistent_parameters = 1
           upload_ole              = 2
           OTHERS                  = 3.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

  • Dropdown values are missing while using the function module KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT

    Hi all,
    when i am trying to upload the excel template by using the function module " KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT" to an internal table some field values are missing.
    i am using the function module " KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT"  and i am uploading an excel template and downloading that excel data into an internal table but some field values are missing while uploading the excel template and i found that the field which contains the drop down list values those values are missing.
    And also when i am uploading the excel template by using the function module" KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT"  when i am coming out of this function module one pop up is coming. how can i avoid this popup, can any one please provide me the solution thanks in advance. is showing the below popup screen ..

    hi Feiyun,
    below is the code(highlighted in bold)and after coming out of the function module i am getting popup and also the drop down values are missing.
    DATA: ls_control         TYPE zsfi_fiupload_control,
             ls_header          TYPE zsfi_fiupload_header_v13,
             ls_item            TYPE zsfi_fiupload_item_v13,
             ls_trailer         TYPE zsfi_fiupload_control,
             l_line_count       LIKE zsfi_fiupload_control-rec_count,
             l_current_curr     TYPE kcde_cells-value,
             l_current_postdate TYPE kcde_cells-value,
             l_current_compcode TYPE kcde_cells-value,
             l_currentrow       TYPE kcde_cells-row,
             l_filename         LIKE rlgrap-filename.
       DATA: BEGIN OF lt_intern OCCURS 0.
               INCLUDE STRUCTURE  kcde_cells.
       DATA: END OF lt_intern.
       DATA: BEGIN OF lt_items OCCURS 0,
               a TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               b TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               c TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               d TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               e TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               f TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               g TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               h TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               i TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               j TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               k TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               l TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               m TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               n TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               o TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               p TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               q TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               r TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               s TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               t TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               u TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               v TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               w TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               x TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               y TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               z TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               aa TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ab TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ac TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ad TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ae TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               af TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ag TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ah TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               ai TYPE kcde_cells-value,
               AJ TYPE KCDE_CELLS-VALUE,
               AK TYPE KCDE_CELLS-VALUE,
               END OF lt_items.
       l_filename = p_flpath.
    * the file must be an xls file, not xlsx or comma seperated
       IF p_flpath NS '.xls' AND p_flpath NS '.XLS'.
         MESSAGE i261(zfi).
         g_error = 'X'.
    * upload excel file to a generic table
           filename                = l_filename
           i_begin_col             = 1
           i_begin_row             = 1
           i_end_col               = 150
           i_end_row               = 65000
           intern                  = lt_intern
           inconsistent_parameters = 1
           upload_ole              = 2
           OTHERS                  = 3.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    * validate that the format is in the restatement format
    *  this is the only template to have the ledger group in cell G-2
    **  READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0002' col = '0007'.
    **  IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR lt_intern-value IS INITIAL.
    **    MESSAGE i260(zfi).
    **    g_error = 'X'.
    **    EXIT.
    **  ENDIF.
    * create control record values
       ls_control-rec_type = 'C'.
       ls_control-global_id = 'GLU-03000'.
       ls_control-local_id = ''.
       ls_control-rec_count = ''.
       CONCATENATE sy-datum sy-uzeit INTO ls_control-date.
       ls_control-version = '12'.
       ls_control-email = ''.
       ls_control-eor = 'X'.
       ls_trailer = ls_control.
    * open output file and add the control record
       TRANSFER ls_control TO p_unixfilename.
    * create header record values, will be transfered to file in the item loop
       ls_header-rec_type = 'H'.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0017' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-header_txt = lt_intern-value.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH key row = '0020' col = '0002'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-comp_code = lt_intern-value.
    ************doc date
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0011' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-pstng_date = lt_intern-value.
    ************posting date
         ls_header-doc_date = sy-datum.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0009' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-doc_type = lt_intern-value.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0014' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-ref_doc_no = lt_intern-value.
    ************currency moved to line items
         READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0020' col = '0001'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
       ls_header-currency = lt_intern-value.
       ls_header-trans_date = ''.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0010' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-period = lt_intern-value.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0006' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-reason_rev = lt_intern-value.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0007' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-rev_date = lt_intern-value.
    *  READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0002' col = '0007'.
    *  IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-ledger_grp = ''.
    *  ENDIF.
    *  READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0013' col = '0013'.
    *  IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-exch_rate = ''.
    *  ENDIF.
       READ TABLE lt_intern WITH KEY row = '0008' col = '0003'.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         ls_header-calc_tax = lt_intern-value.
       ls_header-eor = 'X'.
    * loop at the line items and append them to a table with multiple columns
       LOOP AT lt_intern WHERE row GE 20.
         IF l_currentrow <> lt_intern-row AND l_currentrow IS NOT INITIAL.
           APPEND lt_items.
           CLEAR lt_items.
         l_currentrow = lt_intern-row.
         CASE lt_intern-col.
           WHEN '0001'. lt_items-a = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0002'. lt_items-b = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0003'. lt_items-c = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0004'. lt_items-d = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0005'. lt_items-e = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0006'. lt_items-f = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0007'. lt_items-g = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0008'. lt_items-h = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0009'. lt_items-i = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0010'. lt_items-j = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0011'. lt_items-k = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0012'. lt_items-l = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0013'. lt_items-m = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0014'. lt_items-n = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0015'. lt_items-o = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0016'. lt_items-p = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0017'. lt_items-q = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0018'. lt_items-r = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0019'. lt_items-s = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0020'. lt_items-t = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0021'. lt_items-u = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0022'. lt_items-v = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0023'. lt_items-w = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0024'. lt_items-x = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0025'. lt_items-y = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0026'. lt_items-z = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0027'. lt_items-aa = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0028'. lt_items-ab = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0029'. lt_items-ac = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0030'. lt_items-ad = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0031'. lt_items-ae = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0032'. lt_items-af = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0033'. lt_items-ag = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0034'. lt_items-ah = lt_intern-value.
           WHEN '0035'. lt_items-ai = lt_intern-value.
           when '0036'. lt_items-aj = lt_intern-value.
           when '0037'. lt_items-ak = lt_intern-value.
       APPEND lt_items.
    * sort rows by the post date, comp code, curr.
    *  SORT lt_items BY ah a ai.
    * loop at the items, creating a header record if the comp code, curr. or post date changes
       LOOP AT lt_items.
         ls_item-rec_type = 'I'.
         ls_item-post_key = lt_items-c.   "lt_items-b.
         IF lt_items-c GE '20' AND lt_items-c LE '39'.
           ls_item-vendor_no = lt_items-d.
         ELSEIF lt_items-c GE '0' AND lt_items-c LE '19'.
           ls_item-customer = lt_items-d.
         ELSEIF lt_items-c EQ '70' AND lt_items-c EQ '75'.
           ls_item-asset = lt_items-d.
           ls_item-gl_account = lt_items-d.
         ls_item-asset_type = lt_items-m. "lt_items-l.
         ls_item-trans_type = lt_items-n. "lt_items-m.
         ls_item-print_flag = ''.
         ls_item-item_text = lt_items-j. "lt_items-i.
         ls_item-comp_code = lt_items-b. "lt_items-a.
         ls_item-bus_area = ''.
         ls_item-alloc_nmbr = lt_items-l. "lt_items-k.
         ls_item-tax_code = lt_items-q. "lt_items-p.
         ls_item-taxjurcode = lt_items-r. "lt_items-q.
         ls_item-profit_ctr = lt_items-g. "lt_items-f.
         ls_item-costcenter = lt_items-h. "lt_items-g.
         ls_item-orderid = lt_items-ac. "lt_items-ab.
         ls_item-wbs = lt_items-i. "lt_items-h.
         ls_item-trade_id = lt_items-o. "lt_items-n.
         ls_item-part_prctr = lt_items-p. "lt_items-o.
         ls_item-material = lt_items-t. "lt_items-s.
         ls_item-salesorg = lt_items-aa. "lt_items-z.
         ls_item-distr_chan = lt_items-ab. "lt_items-aa.
         ls_item-pmnttrms = ''.
         ls_item-pmtmthd = ''.
         ls_item-pmtmthsupl = ''.
         ls_item-alt_payee = ''.
         REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '(' IN lt_items-e WITH ''.
         REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ')' IN lt_items-e WITH ''.
         ls_item-amt_doccur = lt_items-e. "lt_items-d
         REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '(' IN lt_items-f WITH ''.
         REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ')' IN lt_items-f WITH ''.
         ls_item-loc_amt = lt_items-f. "lt_items-e
         ls_item-loc  = lt_items-k. "lt_items-j.
         ls_item-sas_revtype = lt_items-s. "lt_items-r.
         ls_item-rev_type = lt_items-u. "lt_items-t.
         ls_item-rev_chnl = lt_items-v. "lt_items-u.
         ls_item-bill_to = lt_items-x. "lt_items-w.
         ls_item-payer = lt_items-z. "lt_items-y.
         ls_item-ship_to = lt_items-y.
         ls_item-tax_amnt = lt_items-x.
         ls_item-func_area = ''.
         ls_item-expend_date = lt_items-ae. "lt_items-ad.
         ls_item-wtax_code = lt_items-af. "lt_items-ae.
         ls_item-wtax_base = lt_items-ag. "lt_items-af.
         ls_item-wtax_amount = lt_items-ah. "lt_items-ag.
         ls_item-payment_block = ''.
         ls_item-grp_amt = ''.
         ls_item-anc_amt = ''.
         ls_item-permit_payee = ''.
         ls_item-value_date = ''.
         ls_item-pernr   = ''.
         ls_item-legacy1 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy2 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy3 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy4 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy5 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy6 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy7 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy8 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy9 = ''.
         ls_item-legacy10 = ''.
         ls_item-eor = 'X'.
         TRANSLATE lt_items-ai TO UPPER CASE.
         TRANSLATE lt_items-b TO UPPER CASE.
         TRANSLATE lt_items-a TO UPPER CASE.
         TRANSLATE lt_items-aj TO UPPER CASE.
         IF l_current_curr <> lt_items-a "lt_items-ai
           OR l_current_postdate <> ls_header-pstng_date "lt_items-aj
           OR l_current_compcode <> lt_items-b.
           l_current_curr = lt_items-a.
           l_current_postdate = ls_header-pstng_date. "lt_items-aj.
           l_current_compcode = lt_items-b.
           ls_header-comp_code = l_current_compcode.
           ls_header-currency = l_current_curr.
           ls_header-pstng_date = l_current_postdate.
           ls_header-doc_date = l_current_postdate.
           TRANSFER ls_header TO p_unixfilename.
           l_line_count = l_line_count + 1.
         TRANSFER ls_item TO p_unixfilename.
         l_line_count = l_line_count + 1.
       ls_trailer-rec_type = 'T'.
       ls_trailer-rec_count = l_line_count.
       TRANSFER ls_trailer TO p_unixfilename.
       CLOSE DATASET p_unixfilename.
    * change the format to fixed format for the remainder of the load program
       p_fixed = 'X'.
       p_rstmnt = ''.

  • HT5457 will any of the features that are not supported on the IPod touch 4 be available in future updates?

    Will any of the features of iOS6 that are not supported on IPod touch 4 now be available in future software updates?

    We are users, this  is not an Apple forum. We know nothing more about future products.

  • USB videos are not supported by the head rest monitor?

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    Could you please any one help me sort this issue and get USB video output in Headrest moniter.
    Mahendran P

    When is Apple going to ... allow us to use USB 3 on a Mac Platform.
    Maybe in 2011 when Intel starts using it? There's a website for this here:
    You were simply cheated on ebay I think.
    In any case, you can tell them what you want here:

Maybe you are looking for

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