AS400 to SAP career Change

Dear Friends,
I have been working with AS400 technology for the past 8 +yrs. Since I see demands for AS400 professional (8-10 yrs experience range) has been drastically reduced, I would like to change my career. Considering the job opportunities and long term career skill, SAP appears to be the best option.
I am yet to explore more on Functional/Technical modules suitable for me, I would like to get your advise on this change.
Could you please advise on a road map that would optimize my experience and smooth swift to SAP.

Hi VJ,
1. As you are shifting from one TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM to other, be ready to spend - in terms of time and money. If you can afford to take the coaching then get yourself trained from SAP Education in your respective conuntry or else you can approach to your SAP division within in your organization to get yourself trained in ABAP.
2. ABAP altogether a different programming language, but I am sure with the proper training, you could able to achieve a great success in SAP.
3. Becoming functional consultant will be challenging for you due to lack of domain functional knowledge.
4. But with the good technical ABAP understanding, in future you can become a complete techno-functional consultant.
Hope this will be useful

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    Kind regards

    Hi! Yes, there are many opportunities in SAP-related careers. As you know a career combines skills, education, and work experiences. The need for business skills combined with IT is in need. In addition to FI/CO, you may want to keep your eye on trends which relate to SAP CRM, SAP CRM on Demand, SAP Sales on Demand, and SAP Business Analytics. Also, we provide additional background in the UA Career Resource Center - UA Career Resource Center
    Best regards,
    P.S. Age is in the eyes of the beholder...!:-)

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    correct me if I am wrong. You don´t have any idea about how it works in SAP, how to navigate around, the concepts, nothing about theprogramming, about the database concept and stuff. Is that right? If yes, don´t think about the ABAP basics as the target, it will be thepath to the overall knowledge of the SAP system.
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    In ABAP trial you can play with both ABAP language itself or the BI. Try, learn the basics and reconsider your question.
    I hope that could help,
    regards Otto

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    Hi Robert
    As previous poster said, a lot depends on how keen you are to learn networking. I switched from being a Unix admin to a network person because as with you i found the networking parts by far the most interesting. But i had to do a lot of extra work outside normal work hours to get up to an acceptable level.
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    Ambareesh Jonnavittula wrote:
    Reward me points if the data shared is useful.
    Thank you,
    Ambareesh J.
    Please don't ask for the points.
    Here is the link added by Ambareesh..
    SAP Career Blog Links
    Message was edited by: Chandra Shekhar Agarwal

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    Hi Sudhakar,
    The best suitable module / system suits for you is SAP SD (cover logistics) & Foreign Trade and SAP Global Trade Services (Compliance, Customer, Risk Management.
    SAP SD Covers logistic execution and Foreign Trade, however nowadays SAP trying to split all modules in big a way due to Globalization.  If you look at SAP SD - Foreign Trade that becomes SAP Global Trade Services as separate system.
    The quite secret is domain experience never counts in IT industry but that would be an added advantage for your career as for my experiences in India and outside India.  Also, the companies first question is "Whether you have relevant SAP experience or are you holding any SAP certification" you can experience when you apply for a job.
    Age side, there is no restriction of age to enter into SAP because when I studied in SAP Authorized Training Institute there were two guys whose age was 40 and 41 years and another two guys were 36 years old.  That was a great boost to me when I joined at 29 years to take a certification and I started my SAP career at 29 years only.
    You know one thing, all those guys got a job in only in CMM Level 5 companies in India, you have to believe you and your passion, patience and perseverance end of the day.  Because those Mid 30 years and 40 years old guys were succeeded already then why can't you.
    Our guys already pointed lot of things to you... Take a slow step one by one and try to get into SAP.  Do not urge you and take the step.  Do not leave your current job and take the step.  So, take it very slowly and precisely.
    How will I take step?
    1. Go to SAP Authorized Training and take a certification
    2. Go to SAP Training Training and Certification Shop and Take the training & certification.
    3. Be patient and apply the job and set your target (give 3 to 6 months time) to get into SAP or become SAP Consultant.
    RC Gopi
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    Hello Steven,
    I see that this is your first post to the forums here and I would like to welcome to SDN and BPX. I hope you will find these communities very helpful for learning and sharing information about SAP Products and Technologies.
    Regarding your question, I think the best place to find the answer would be the ABAP Development.
    However, being an experienced ABAP developer myself, I do not think program variants have change history. And yes, there is no way to retrieve the old values of the variants .
    Anand Mandalika.

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    Search for online training institutes on the net. Each of these gives a demo. By attending the demo make a selection of the institute.
    On Youtube too, there are lots of SD training videos. Check those.
    Added: A good trainer will have the following:
    1 - give business examples, to explain functionalities
    e.g. intercompany sale process: the process from his experience, what are the key benefits to business etc.
    IMP: Functional consultant is first about understanding the business process and second about configuration etc. in SAP
    2 - patience
    he should not be reluctant to answer your questions properly
    he should sense how you are understanding the concepts, and take necessary actions
    3 - mentor
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    Message was edited by: TW Typewriter - added in blue

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    Devang Nandha
    "Together, Transform Business Process by leveraging Information Technology to Grow and Excel in Business".

    Dear Devang Nandha,
    A very relevant question.
    I feel that you should gain good knowledge in one of the modules. Please do not select the module based on the popularity. Select the module based on your work expereince and your interest. Trust me there is enough in any module to learn and to contribute.
    Devang, you are in a very good position as you have the choice of selecting the module. Make the most of this opportunity. For any specific query, please let me know.
    Welcome to SAP world and best of luck for your future endeavors.

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    Guidence of experiece people is more helpful than Googling daily. Thankyou for reading this, and kindly guide me.

    SAP XI seems to be doing pretty well and should be able to find something eventually. That is not to say that SAP Security in not a good choice, but jumping into SAP Security would be a totally new concept (unless you have already been exposed to that area as part of your ABAP experience)

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    I am SAP SD Certified fresher, completed certification in Oct.2013.
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    1) Shall I continue this role or search a new job(but getting new job would very tough as I am fresher)?
    2) Is this testing project affect my SAP career?
    3) Going forward what are different things I should learn so that I will get good hike after 2 yrs if I continue this role.
    4) Shall I join any institute which will give me insight about support or implementation project so that I can show in next intw(after 2 yrs) even if I worked in testing project i know process of implementation or I know the types of tickets and all other stuff
    Kindly guide me.

    Hi Abhijeet,
    This is sad part but I don't want to demotivate you more as this is your first job in SAP career.
    "Which road you take that will lead your growth".  The problem is if you are starting as testing career then you will move on to same testing roles and will not get any SD implementation or support opportunity.  Just ask them, would you able to be part of Support or Implementation project.
    Positive side: Sometimes if your project likes you, then you will move into SAP implementation project down the line, due to increasing demand of skills in your project.  I have seen many people in the past and recently projects recruited as testing guy then moved into functional roles on implementation.
    Testing may be ok in the beginning but do not stay longer because your profile not worthy in future.  Look for better opportunity if they ask you stay more than 6 or 1 year in same testing roles.
    Career Path for Testing - Test Analyst, Senior Test Analyst -> Testing Manager -> Testing Director
    Career Path for Functional Consultant - Functional Consultant -> Senior Functional Consultant -> Functional Lead -> Solution Architect or Project Manager -> Programme Manager

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    Its more helpful when you a functional knowledge , experience and certification in your hand along with training.
    try to get an entry job in SAP SD in any company, then improve your knowledge with trainings, certifications etc.
    Read the career center blogs written by Gold Otto and others, they are worth Reading.
    Must read career advice for all beginners - check out this blog
    Edited by: maheshchandra.lanco on Dec 17, 2011 12:48 PM (blog link)

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    Matt wrote:
    > I'd go for Canada, or Denmark.
    > Australia is full of venomous snakes and spiders. New Zealand is full of orcs and balrogs.
    > matt
    Australia also has crocs and [murderous bushmen|] while NZ has sheep and lots of them, just have a look [here.|]

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    New name…
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    I do not have a full confidence that I'm personally good with this. Explain why:
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    1. whether this is advisable.
    2. Whether I need to resign from my current job.
    3. What salary I can expect from SAP job profile, as my current salary is 7 to 8 lacs.
    4. Whether I will get a job immediately after certification.
    5. Howmuch SAP PS certification Job requirement in market.
    Please advise.

    Hi Sama,
    Kindly go through below link and  all you questions will be answered.
    Career Center

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