ATV3 drops Home Sharing

Today I received my ATV3.  Unplugged my ATV2, power and HDMI, and plugged in the ATV3.  Everything worked great for several hours, then all of a sudden, home sharing disappeared.  I have tried closing out of my iTunes, turning home sharing off and on again - on my iMac.  In addition, I have turned off and turned on home sharing on ATV3, and even restarted (not reset) ATV3, and still cannot get home sharing to come back.
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance!

Home sharing with the new Apple TV / iTunes update is just broke.  Only works for a bit unless you restart iTunes or disable / re-enable Home Sharing.  Use to work great until the last updates.  This is not a network (router, firewall, ...) issue - just a (bad) regression in Apples software.  Hopefully they fix this soon, hard to believe its been broke this long already.  The Remote app update also fails to connect to Apple TVs (but does connect to iTunes) for many people as well.  Poor QA all around. :(
I have yet to see any suggestion that actually works other than reverting to previous versions of fwr / iTunes - which is a pain / joke to do.
There are a *ton* of posts about this:

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    have to restart ATV. Not sure what is going on. I have MBP set not to go to sleep and to wake on wifi.
    Very frustrating.

    Hi there BaldElvis,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    Troubleshooting Home Sharing
    -Griff W. 

  • Remote app unable to access library - keeps dropping Home Sharing

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    I originally did update the Remote app, but that didn't help, so I uninstalled it from the iPad, power cycled it, and then downloaded and installed it from the App store again. It is currently version 2.2 and is not available for update in the App store.

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    All that and possibily other things that I do not remember right now but still looseingconnection to the Library after a few minutes. I have realized first time I put a slide show of pictures with music background and the music always stops after the second music. After that you just see the message that you need to turn on the Library related to my Apple ID.
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    Yesterday were released the IOS 5.1 and the Itunes 10.6. I thought that updating the IOS on the Apple TV 2 and the Itunes on PC, my problems would go away. I did that but for my surprise it has NOT.
    Then I had a recall that I have read somewhere a while ago about issues with the AVAST Anti-Virus and Home Sharing, that can generate connectivity issues,
    In one of my first temptatives to resolve this issue I have stopped the AVAST and I still had the problem, so I left this trail of solution. But since nothing was working I decided to uninstall it. I was a little skeptical about it but gave a shoot.
    To my surprise, when I uninstalled it, booted the computer and did the Home Sharing, the problem was FIXED!
    That made total sense because the other computer that runs Windows 7 and I have tested before, worked fine, it runs AVIRA as Anit-Virus software.
    So my conclusion is that, on my case, the AVAST caused the issue and to stop its service was not enough to diagnose the issue. I had to uninstall it, believe or not. And that the issue has nothing to do with Windows Vista OS but with AVAST.
    After that, I uninstall AVIRA as Anti Virus software and, since that, the Library and Home Sharing (24 h ago) is working perfectly and I think that will stay.

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    Last night, while watching a movie, I was having a horrible time - movie would play for 10 min or so then Home Sharing would seemingly drop (the ATV would display the error message that I needed to connect to MediaServer and enable Home Sharing). Well, after about 3 times of getting up and fiddeling with restarting iTunes and enabeling/disabeling Home Sharing I had had enough!
    On the 4th drop, out of frustration, I rebooted the Apple TV (either via the menu or by holding the Menu+Play/Pause keys - I used the remote method). POOF! Home sharing was restored in every case (the ATV lost Home Sharing 2 more times after I discovered this 'work around'
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    Please Apple, get on a fix ASAP!

    I have an appletv version 2 upgraded to 5.0 and a appletv version 3 with 5.1 using Windows7
    I find I am having problems with Homeshare and having to come out of, and go back into Homeshare within Itunes to be able to Homeshare for sometimes 5 minutes and sometimes 45 minutes.
    I have a friend who has appletv version 2 using 4.4.4 and he can Homeshare on this with no problem.
    We have different internet providers and we wondered whether this was the problem, but after setting up around his house I had the same problem and he had none.
    So it appears that the problem is with appletv with versions higher than 4.4.4.
    Could people having this problem please state what there appletv is running on?
    I feel that when Apple upgraded to 5 and above we started having trouble sharing.  This could also be working in conjuction with the latest upgrade of Itunes

  • Apple tv 2 dropping home sharing connection

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    Afe people have reported this problem. I don't recall seeing a solution. However, restart all of your devices and login and out of homesharing on the ATV and computer.
    Also submit a bug report to Apple via the Apple tv feedback page. You can find it simply by googling Apple TV feedback

  • TS2972 Apple TV drops home sharing

    I have follwed all the instructions on how to fix the Home Sharing issue.  NOthing works.  I cant hold it for more than 30 minutes

    Welcome to the Apple community.
    The first thing to check would be that both devices are on the same network, after checking this, ensure that any firewall or security software installed on your computer is not blocking access for iTunes.

  • Apple TV dropping home sharing with Win 7 Pro

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    Hi there BaldElvis,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the article below helpful.
    Troubleshooting Home Sharing
    -Griff W. 

  • ATV3 Home Sharing Randomly Dropping

    I've had an Apple TV 3 for about a week now. I really like it but...two days ago, it began randomly dropping home sharing with my MacBook Pro at random times. I've been on calls with phone support twice to correct the problem (with two different solutions). And then this morning, it decided, while I was watching something, that I didn't have Home Sharing on.
    I really don't understand what is going on. I'm almost religious about keeping my software up to date, so I'm running the most recent versions of iTunes, OSX Lion, and the Apple TV software.
    Any suggestions for a lasting fix? Because I really don't have the time or patience to keep running around resting the router, MacBook, and the ATV (Including reinputting all of passwords for the wifi network, iTunes, etc.)
    (Oh, and as I was typing this, it randomly dropped while I was watching something I had running on the ATV coming from my iPhone 4)

    Well add me to the list of frustrated ATV3 owners. I have 10 ATV3s on a large local network all hard wired and connects to server to share Movies and Music. The ATV will lose connection with server often and iTunes reset will fix it most of the time, but have a couple ATVS that just can't connect to server.  Internet access works perfect on all units it's the Home Sharing that fails. Completely unreliable.  Called Apple support and they said that they are aware of the problem and are not sure why it started having troubles. Older iTunes worked fine until a recent update. The Apple name is getting a bad rap now, and as an AV installer, I can't recommend products that fail to work. Pretty simple, Apple needs to step up and spend the cash on fixing this problem. Not sure why we all have to resort to a discussion forum.

  • Home sharing constantly dropping out

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    I have owned Apple TV for a year and half and dropping home sharing has been a problem from day one. I have spoken to Apple many times and tried all their suggestions, Macbook Pro, Airport Extreme, Reboot, Reload, Etc..... Nothing has solved the problem. The problem may be as frequent as every 5 minutes or once in 3 hours. Logging out of home sharing and logging back in gets home sharing back running but does not solve the problem.
    I am convinced Apple TV is garbage. Everything I own made by Apple "just works" I cannot say the same about Apple TV. It is an expensive paperweight. I cannot recommended anyone to purchase this product and during my year and a half relationship with Apple TV, it is obvious that this problem is widespread and Apple has no resolution to fix it. This piece of junk just sits there collecting dust since it is too frustrating to use it. 
    I have spent many, many thousands on Apple products and everything works fine, but Apple TV is garbage.

  • Confused about iTunes and home sharing

    My family of 4 has been using iTunes for a number of years with our iPhones (4 iPhones) but this home sharing has me confused and maybe I have been doing things wrong. Right now we have four different PCs, iTunes is installed on each computer. Each computer has it's own library. Each iPhone is synced with a different PC with its own library. Each of us have our own iTunes account with a different email address (so 4 different accounts), the two kids have their own credit card associated with their own accounts (I do not want to pay for their purchases), my wife and I have the same credit card with our two different accounts.
    So when I try to set up home sharing it wants me to put my wife's account into the home sharing on my machine and her machine so does that mean you can only share across one account? So she could not see items on my machine but I could access items on her machine? Does that mean the kids cannot share their purchases with both of us via home sharing? Perhaps my wife and I should start sharing the same iTunes account since the money comes from the same credit card.
    In the future I may purchase a laptop in addition to my desktop. So I would install iTunes on it and it would start with a different library than my desktop (although I believe I could copy the desktop library to the laptop initially) Does the laptop need a different iTunes account or could it keep the same one that I have on my desktop? How do I easy keep the libraries in sync and can I sync my iPhone with either my desktop or laptop and not get the iPhone or me confused.
    Please help thanks

    The iTunes/AppleTV/iOS comms system does seem to get easily confused at times even when it's worked peefectly for months.
    I've never felt these services which detect each other automatically are particularly good at re-establishing lost connections without restarting one or several components and as you suggest may be linked to IP addresses changing and devices still looking for each other on old IP addresses which have changes.
    Try restarting the Time Capsule - I had issues out of the blue last year, iTunes restart helped temporarily but the fix was a router power down and reboot (it had been on for months).
    Recently since 5.3, one of my AppleTV 3's has been very flaky with wifi - drops Home Sharing while loading a film then instantly finds it again once the film has stopped - wifi strength listed as full strength - might be interference but ethernet has fixed it for now.

  • After itunes and atv3 update the home sharing drops out

    I updated aTV3 and itunes and after that the home sharing dropps out suddenly.

    Hello Roossx2,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information, take a look at:
    Troubleshooting Home Sharing
    Have a nice day,

  • Apple TV & Homehub 3 Home Sharing Drop Out

    Good morning all and my apologies for posting this in the BT Vision section but I didn't know where else to go.
    I've had BT Infinity for a few months now and been generally happy with the service.  I'm a Mac user and at the weekend I decided to purchase an Apple TV 3.  One of the main things I wanted to do with the ATV3 was to be able to use Home Sharing from my iTunes on my Mac.  I set everything up and it was all looking good, within minutes I was happily streaming video to my Apple TV.  5 minutes into playback however it dropped out.  It said on the Apple TV that Home Sharing needed to be enabled, I went back to the Mac, Home Sharing was enabled but I reconnected it again and it started working again.  5 minutes later again it disconnected.
    I'm no network/router expert but even then I knew something was wrong.  I started to trawl the Apple forums looking for people with similar issues and found a LOT!  Problem is that everyone has different routers, issues, fixes and none of the solutions I tried seem to work for me, such as changing the channel on the router, reboots etc.
    Basically I'm just really stuck now.  I'm not the most technical of people (but I do know some stuff) but I'd love some advice if anyone can help.  At the moment the Apple TV is practically unusable for me and I really would love to be able to have this working as when it does work for those brief few minutes it works really well and does exactly what I want it to.
    Many thanks in advance.
    Go to Solution.

    I should add I found the following on the Apple forums although this seemed to be quite an old post (2 or 3 years) and was for an older Home Hub as when I checked I couldn't seem to add the Port Maps in the same way as this post and got confused
    1. Update the software on Apple TV (Settings | General | Update software)
    2. Perform windows update (Start | All programs | Windows update)
    3. Obtain the latest release of iTunes software. Run iTunes. From the iTunes menu select About | Check for updates. I am running version
    4. Check that you can view movie trailers from Apple TV. If you can't then you the apple TV has not connected to the BT home hub wireless network. You need to enter the BT home hub wireless key (which is found on the back of the bt home hub) as you password when you connect your apple TV to the wireless network. Check again that you can view Movie trailers. Don't proceed until you can.
    5. Enter the BT home hub manager (Start | All Programs | BT Home Hub | Hub manager). Select Advanced. Enter admin as the username and your password to your hub. This is either a password you entered when you first set up the hub or the S/N number printed on the back of the BT Home Hub. Click continue to advanced. Select Application sharing. Select Create a new game or application.
    Enter MyAppleTV against Name. Select Manual Entry of Port Maps.
    Enter this Information one line at a time:
    Protocol | Port range | Translate To ... | Trigger Protocol | Trigger Port
    TCP | 123 | TCP | TCP | 1
    TCP | 3689 | TCP | TCP | 1
    UDP | 5353 | UDP | UDP | 1
    TCP | 80 | TCP | TCP | 1
    TCP | 443 | TCP | TCP | 1
    TCP | 53 | TCP | TCP | 1
    6. In BT home hub manager navigate to the devices menu, just above application sharing. And select MyAppleTV from the drop down menu and assign it.
    7. Turn the power off on the Apple TV, BT home hub, and PC. You must turn the BT home hub off.
    8. Turn on Home hub, PC. Wait for your network to return. When it has turn on apple TV.
    9. Open up iTunes. In the menu select Edit | Preferences | Apple TV. Check that Check for Apple TVs is selected.
    10. In iTunes under Library and Store, Devices should appear and within Devices Apple TV should appear.
    11. If this does not work then phone Apple support and do not let them fob you off by offering you a replacement Apple TV.

  • TS2972 I have ATV2 and the correct version of ITunes yet when watching a movie from ITunes, ATV2 will drop it mid way through and then will claim home sharing is not activated in ITunes. Can anyone offer advice please?

    I have ATV2 and the correct version of ITunes yet when watching a movie from ITunes, ATV2 will drop it mid way through and then will claim home sharing is not activated in ITunes. Can anyone offer advice please?

    yepp, I have done numerous tests today, skipped router and hard wired betwenn PC and appletv3. same problem.
    same network, but from my laptop, works like a charm.. so its not reproducable on all machines.
    this seems to be a itunes/bonjour problem, not ATV3 problem.

  • My Apple TV drops out when my iMac isn't connected to wifi yet my TV is connected to wifi.  Also having issues with losing settings on Home Sharing as well.  How do I fix these issues?

    Whether I'm watching a movie purchased via my Apple TV or a movie stored on my iTunes app on my iMac I'm having constant issues with Apple TV either cutting out (randomly - not related to wifi) or not being able to access the 'My Computer' files when my iMac drops out the wifi connection because its in power saving mode.  I also have issues with 'Home Sharing' settings having to be reset and sometimes having to unplug the Apple TV power cord and plugging it back in to be able to successfully reset these settings so I can get back to watching whatever it was I was viewing on Apple TV.  My TV is connected to wifi as well so I'm wondering if there are any changes I can make in the settings of both my Apple TV and iMac or TV so that I can just select whatever it is I want to watch and be able to watch the entire movie or episode without it dropping out or having to keep flicking the mouse on the iMac to keep the computer connected to wifi?  I love Apple products generally but Apple TV is proving to be a pain in the a**e lately.  Hopefully someone can help me sort these issues out

    Intermittent issues will point to a local network/wifi issue.
    Reboot ATV and router, make sure both are up to date
    Try ethernet
    The home sharing connection will cut out if the iMac goes to sleep.

Maybe you are looking for