Audio importing problem

I'm using a DAC-100 analog-to-digital converter to record from a VHS tape and cannot get any audio in the iMovie 08 import window. I'm using RCA cables in and firewire out. Odd thing is after importing a sample chunk I can play it back and lo and behold the audio is there! Would be nicer to hear the audio so I know what I'm importing, but I cannot seem to find a way to hear it during import. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks

You said "there is no audio on import..." so is that the last word on the subject as far as Apple is concerned, i.e. it's the way iMovie was designed, and it won't change?
It is the current word as far as iMovie '08 is concerned. Remember, only DV import even has the capability to monitor the audio and/or video during capture and even then there is a slight time difference between the pre-converted input and the post-converted arrival as digital on your computer. If monitoring is of such great importance to you, why not use iMovie HD to do the importing or a dedicated capture application like Vidi (free). Both have the ability monitor the A/V a it is imported/saved to your hard drive. Once saved to you hard drive it can be edited in any Apple or third-party editor, played immediately in the QT Player, or sent directly to iDVD for burning if no editing is required.
Do you foresee Apple fixing this?
There is always a possibility that Apple might relent here, but it is not probably that they will allow you to monitor DV capture but not HDV, AVCHD, or MPEG-2 since these other formats must process the audio and video streams of data separately. It is only because the DV audio and video data is "captured" in parallel on a "frame-by-frame" basis that it is possible to monitor the two simultaneously with nothing but a slight time delay between input and output. To do this in iMovie '08 means having to have a separate import routine for DV incorporating this capability. Unfortunately, most programmers try to eliminate redundant processes where possible for efficiency. Besides, you can always monitor the input side of things just as easily as the output -- i.e., run your VHS tape either through/in parallel with an AV amplifier/receiver to the DAC to the computer.

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    Welcome to iMovie Discussions..
    I think your problem is an old one; the Formac converters needed updating to match the most recent iMovie versions ..there was a lot of discussion about this a year or two ago.
    Some models could be 'flash' upgraded via a download, and older models couldn't. Check Formac's website and see if there's a downloadable upgrade available for your particular unit.
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    You will have to be more specific about the files you are trying to import. Which version of MPEG? What was the source of the video files? Just because you can play them in QuickTime Player doesn't mean you can edit them in FCE.
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    Premiere cannot handle clips with variable framerate.
    Your converted clips need to have constant framerate.
    Otherwise use a converter like Handbrake.

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    ryclark wrote:
    Well it may have been in FAQs before this site's software was changed and previous FAQs lost.
    None of the actual FAQs are lost  - they are all on the AudioMasters forum (except the ones I haven't finished editing yet, which is about three of them). But I don't recall seeing one about this, I have to say. The closest I can get (and this may be relevant, because I don't think it affects just ripping) is this one.

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    I am surprised it has ever worked. That can normally only be done with synched professional equipment. Maybe they changed the CD player at the performance and the old one happened to play at the same rate as your Mac when it imports? (There is a slight difference between the playback speed between different players)
    Or perhaps your video camera has become slightly worn, so it pulls the tape slower?
    There are endless possibilities for problems with your setup.
    I think you should take a look at the "add scaled" tip at the bottom here:
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    You are actually pretty lucky to just have Audio sync problems, though I do not know why scrubbing would make any difference. With both Xvid and DivX one more often gets no Audio, or no Video.
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    It looks like that camcorder shoots in a variety of modes and resolutions, including 1080p and 1080i.
    Unfortunately, none of the specs indicate which codec they record to (There's no indication that it shoots in the AVCHD standard), so I can't promise that this video will work properly in Premiere Elements or even suggest a direction for you.
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    There is absolutely no reason you should be having this issue, considering these specs, rm. The only bottleneck may be your external hard drive -- but I edit from my external to my iMac with no problems. Is your USB plugged into a dedicated port on your CPU or is it sharing a port (ie., plugged into the multiple jack or the side of your keyboard)?
    But try shooting some sample footage and using Premiere Elements' Video Importer to download the footage from the camera to see if it makes a difference.
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    Thanks for mentioning it.
    There have been several mentions of this here in iMovie Discussions, but older messages 'drop off' the page, and so sometimes they're not visible any more.
    Thanks for the timely reminder.

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    The odd thing is that the movie plays perfectly while in imovie.
    Any suggestions as to how to correct this issue?

    Tedious situation.
    To avoid this I'm kind of strict in Audio in two ways
    • Material used if video is in same frame per minute - else I use JES_Deinterlacer to convert all to one standard. I use PAL = 25fps - one of my Cameras records ONLY in 30fps - (some people records in 24fps - to get a movie feel - I never)
    So keeping the fps from Camera to (in my cases) DVD - gives a supperior result
    • I'm strict in the kind of Audio formats I use - ONLY .aiff (or from miniDV tape Cameras) AND THEN 16-bit 48kHz or from Audio-CD (still .aiff as on normal CDs) and here 44.1kHz
    If Camera is set to record in LP-mode or 12-bit Audio - Then I use an external Audio Editor to get this right
    If from iTunes - I never use this directly - BUT - collect needed audio into a New PlayList - BURN THIS as a Standard Audio-CD (NO .mp3 - but .aiff here too) and then use the files on this CD in my movie project's in iMovie HD6 or FinalCut any varsion (or if forced to - iMovie'11)
    Else read this
    Audio Sync problems
    • 12.bit - should be 16.-bit (from miniDV tape - set Camera right)
    Avoid recording in LP-mode on miniDV tape. This tape must be play-backed by same Camera. When Camera dies
    so does the video material in worst case.
    • .mp3, .avi etc strange file formats - should be converted to .aiff 48kHz 16-bit
    • in iMovie (up to HD6) - do - Extract Audio - it most often helps
    • from iTunes - collect into a PlayList then Export out as an Audio-CD (not .mp3) and use the files on this (.aiff 44.1kHz)
    • There seems to be a problem with slow-down resp speed-up. Has to be in specific steps as 25% 50% 150% 200%
    else problems will arise
    • Audio problems when transitions is in use - especially iMovie HD/HD6
    a. Select video clips
    b. Extract Audio (Advance menu/Extract Audio)
    c. Now apply transition
    d. eventually fine-tune end and start of extracted audio clips
    Yours Bengt W

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    I've tried using AAC audio but am having a different issue with that:
    Any ideas why I am seeing this audio artifact problem and how to resolve it?

    Most h.264 should work.
    Have you tried FILE/IMPORT MOVIE and then navigate to the h.264 file?
    If that does not work, but the h.264 will play in QuickTIme PLayer, then you can get MPEG Streamclip from Squared 5 (which is free). Drag the h.264 file into MPEG Streamclip. Then FILE/EXPORT TO QUICKTIME. Choose Apple Intermediate Codec for Compressions. You can use this file in iMovie by clicking FILE/IMPORT MOVIE.

  • Import problems - cable?

    Hello Everyone,
    I'm importing from a Sony DCR-HC20 miniDV camcorder and I've been having two problems. One is similar to what I've seen in other posts (apparently without resolution). The video and audio get more and more out of sync. In the first clips it seems fine and in later ones it's quite out of sync. Thankfully, this does not happen everytime. I can't figure out why it happens and why it doesn't, though. I restart, reboot, fix permissions, anything I can think of to "purify" the environment. Sometimes it imports correctly without anything special and sometimes it gets out of sync with all of that.
    The other problem is that it will sometimes import the first couple of clips and then not import (or save) any of the others. They just don't show up. I go back to those clips and then it seems to import fine (though sometimes with the audio sync problems above).
    A thought just struck me. I wonder if it's the firewire cable. I have a 6ft Firewire 4 pin to 9 pin cable. It was embarrassingly cheap and now I'm wondering if it could be the source of my problems.
    So, two questions. Any answers (other than the cable) to the above? And any thoughts on the cable being the problem?
    Thanks in advance,

    I consistently have the problem whether importing 100 images or 3 (although I haven't tried just one). I have also tried several different cards to no avail. It seems to work fine if i turn off the "Do not import suspected duplicates" box. Or if I first import to a folder on the desktop and then import into lightroom from there with the duplicate checking on, which is what I have been doing.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    i have audio sync problem -- of the finished product which didn't have that problem before. does anyone know how this could have happened? in my earlier posting, there was a warning window which i played around w/ and now i have an audio sync problem in my prior projects.
    please help me.

    The Reels, are indeed the 5 surround channels. I have a feature that is broken up into 8-10 minute sections. I did this because the composer was using a G3 at the time and couldn't handle the whole movie at once. They are 16bit 48khz aif files exported from ProTools. The biggest thing here, is that at one point everything was in sync. I am trashing the preference files now to see how that works.
    It's not a playback issue as well. When i scrub one frame at a time, the sync has drifted off later in the clip. It's very strange.
    In my previous post I said the one of the Reels was in sync. That was because I recreated it, by making a new project and copying the video from the timeline, and re-importing the 5 audio streams. It didn't work for any other reels though. it is still out of sync in the main project.
    Trashing prefs did not work.
    Also, I tried a lot of the things in that technical doc, but non of them worked including trashing prefs.
    The real weird part is that the Audio file SAYS it is the same length of the video, but the audio ends later. It's in sync in the beginning but not at the end.

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