Audio In playback starts/stops

I finally got some movies to import to encore and I have been working with the menus but when I go to preview it, the audio starts and then stops. Anyone know what might be going on or can help. Thx

>some movies... audio starts and then stops
First, Encore requies DVD specification compliance
Compliant video to produce a DVD (per Encore forum)
NTSC: 720x480 or 720x486 (or 704x480) at 29.97 or 23.976 fps
PAL: 720x576 (or 704x576) at 25 fps
Encode audio to AC3 or PCM for best player compatibility
NOTE that 704-wide is "less good" per a recent message
in that it may (will?) need to be re-transcoded by Encore
Second, provide DETAILS of "some movies" so someone may have
some idea of what you are doing, and why there are problems

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    I am having the same problem. This same issue occurred a while back when they moved to the first CC version and it was maddening. I was in contact with text support about it and they were aware of it. They finally came out with a fix, but for some inexplicable reason, it's back.
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    Is this some sort of core audio issue?
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    Ok, I recorded each bass chromatically into Logic in real time (not triggering samples via MIDI).
    The resulting audio files were opened in Keymap to be converted to an EXS24 sampler instruments.
    The lift off clicking noise occurs with both basses but not with factory sampler instruments I play with the Godin LGX-SA.
    The point about the spacebar or numerical pad decimal point is that when I use either of these to stop/start playback of the original audio file in Logic, clicking occurs. Uninterrupted audio playback is fine. Interrupted playback causes clicking which should not occur. While attempting to problem solve the funny lift off noise while playing the sampler instruments, I noticed that interrupting playback of the original recording in Logic caused clicking.
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    Somehow. the noise that occurs with finger release from the fretboard is related to the problem with the audio clicking when stopped during playback. Meaning that the audio file is corrupt in some way.
    I followed your suggestion of unchecking both play tickboxes in the Sound Effects tab of the Sound preference. The problem still exits.
    So in summary, at this time, I cannot record audio into my Mac without some sort of clicking problem when stopping playback. Audio that I record then causes some strange lift off noise or click when played as a sampler instrument. The base problem is that something goes wrong when audio is recorded into my Mac.

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    Try to download the application VLC.
    It is a media player that should be able to play any audio or video file you may have. If your videos play flawlessly using that application, then the issue is with iTunes and Quicktime, as they are both essentially similar software types when it comes to playing media.
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    I used aadebug to get some info about my setup: output
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    Expression 'ret' failed in 'src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c', line: 1027
    Expression 'AlsaOpen( hostApi, parameters, streamDir, &pcm )' failed in 'src/hostapi/alsa/pa_linux_alsa.c', line: 1059
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    Last edited by qubodup (2010-01-11 17:45:19)

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    Is it one of the new Flip Ultra HD cameras that came out last month? Or is a standard definition Flip Ultra? If it's one of the new Flip Ultra HD camera your computer is under powered to playback the video in Quicktime.
    For 1280x720 (720p) video at 24-30 frames per second:
    1.8 GHz PowerMac G5 or 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo or faster Macintosh computer
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    Hello David, 
    Thank you for contributing to the Apple Support Communities. 
    It sounds like your Apple TV is having trouble streaming videos from iTunes on your computer. This symptom could have a variety of causes, and I'd suggest the following initial troubleshooting steps. 
    In addition to restarting your devices (Apple TV, computer, router), try the tips in this article, starting with "Check your home network:"
    Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation): Troubleshooting playback performance - Apple Support
    All the best,

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    Have you had a chance to look at this troubleshooting page? It may be of some help: iTunes for Windows: iTunes has detected an audio configuration problem

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    I'd begin with repairing your drives with Disk Utility and Disk Warrior; clone your system to another drive, and check for corrupt files and prefs.

  • DV Start/Stop detect with iMovie
    Because this thread was marked solved I can't add to it.
    I think the problem is the rendering as you surmised. There is no way to fix this problem because of the way iMovie works. It captures without timecode so every clip begins at zero. Once you've rendered the material and moved it to the browser the render file looks to the TC on the clip to sync up. Once it's broken up every subclip starts with zero because it has no inherent timecode so the render file associated with zero TC links to every subclip.

    Hi Tom,
    thanks for addressing that topic again (I had just marked it "solved" because it was open by a long time...).
    I see what you mean: since there is no TC in the .dv from iMovie there is no way to sync the audio render file and the subclips. Another interpretation is that DV Start/Stop Detect applies only to the original .dv media, not to audio (item level) render file created in the timeline, so FCE cannot associate different sections of the audio render file to the corresponding subclips.
    But now that I read it again... I think we are just saying the same thing!
    And you are suggesting a feedback would be useless.
    Thanks anyway

  • Logic Pro midi start/stop remote

    I would like to start and stop (and even record) in logic with MIDI-commands from my keyboard (Roland RD-700GX).
    The keyboard has several midi buttons which are progammable but the message which is sent, is not a controler or SysEx but the start/stop status bytes of the MIDI-protocol. Logic cannot recognise these messages. Is there any trick or what can I do to work around this problem. wrote:
    (look at FAH and FCH!)
    Well I downloaded the Midi Implementation manual and it says that these the S1 and S2 buttons send this messages for start/stop. They are labeled as "Real Time Midi messages" but I could not understand if they are MMC ones for this device. If it is standard MMC it must looks like:
    *MMC messages*
    An MMC message (that is sent to, or generated by, an MMC device) is:
    *F0 7F deviceID 06 command F7*
    The third byte is the Device ID.
    The fifth byte is the command:
    01 Stop
    02 Play
    03 Deferred Play
    04 Fast Forward
    05 Rewind
    06 Record Strobe (Punch In)
    07 Record Exit (Punch out)
    08 Record Ready (Record Pause)
    09 Pause
    0A Eject
    0B Chase
    0F MMC Reset
    40 Write
    44 Locate/Go to
    47 Shuttle
    Where the Roland Device ID is 41 as far as I remember.
    You can try the S1 & S2 start/play function but first enable "Listen to MMC Input" logic sync setting ( see the pic below ).
    I downloaded the User Manual of the RD-700GX as well, so in page 103 I found "Transmitting the Control Change (USER CC)". can you try to assign for S1 & S2 buttons ? If yes then assign CC13 for S1 and CC14 for S2 ( values 0 for example ). After that try to learn the Logic Keycommands dialog for play stop using this buttons - see my first post picture.
    !! [|]

  • Start/Stop control for itunes

    I am in a band and I use itunes to playback my drum tracks. Anyone know of a switch (I'm visualizing a USB start/stop footswitch) which I could use to stop itunes playing? Thanks for your help. Brett

    Oh, ya.  I know all about that problem.  Sorry it is not good news.  You will probably need a new phone.  Moisture has gotten into the button or the dock port and shorted the home button contacts.  Replacing the button will not fix it since it is the contacts on the board that are shot.  You can Google fixes for iPhone home button, for more details.  There is a rough work around fix of adding a few drops of rubbing alcohol on the button and pressing it 15 times then blowing it out with compressed air.  This helped a bit, but did not fix the problem.
    Happened to me while I was running a bit of sweat must have gotten in.  There and it started happening to me.

  • HT1199 cannot play songs, the following comes up - Itunes has detected a problem with your audio configuration. Audio/Video playback may not operate properly. Can anyone help. Cheers Wade Johnson

    Cannot play songs, the following comes up - Itunes has detected a problem with your audio configuration.
    Audio/Video playback may not operate properly.
    Wade Lawrence

    Hello Wade,
    This is typically indicative of an issue with the installation of QuickTime on your computer. The following article provides steps for reinstalling QuickTime to resolve the issue.
    "iTunes cannot run because it has detected a problem with your audio configuration"
    QuickTime may need to be reinstalled. Follow the steps below to uninstall QuickTime and then download and install QuickTime using the QuickTime standalone Installer.
    On the Start menu, click Control Panel.
    Follow the steps appropriate for your Windows operating system below.
    Windows XP and Windows 2000: Open the Add or Remove Programs control panel and selectQuickTime in the list of currently installed programs.
    Windows Vista and Windows 7: Click Uninstall a program (or if using Windows Vista's Classic View of the Control Panel, click Programs and Features) and select QuickTime in the list of currently installed programs.
    Click the Remove button (or Uninstall for Windows Vista and Windows 7) and follow the prompts to remove QuickTime from your computer.
    Download QuickTime. Note: There are two options for downloading QuickTime, be sure to select the option that does not include iTunes.
    During the download:
    If you choose to run the installer, proceed to the next step.
    If you choose to save the download, double click the QuickTimeInstaller file, then proceed to next step.
    Follow the on-screen instructions to install QuickTime.
    Reopen iTunes.
    iTunes for Windows: iTunes cannot run because it detects an issue with QuickTime

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