Backup-GPO -All, can this be filtered?

Hi guys,
I'm using the following to backup all the GPO's in the domain:
$Backups = Backup-GPO -All -Path $SubBackupFolder -Domain $DomainFQDN -Comment "Add comment here"
However, I do not want to backup all the GPO's. I want to backup only about 20 Gpo's found inside 2 OU's. Is this achievable via backup-gpo? Rather than the -All parameter can I instead say -All that are inside these 2 OU's. All the GPO's I want to backup
contain the words "win7" somewhere within the GPO name if that helps.
I'm using Ian's script "Comprehensive Group Policy Backup Script" that performs a backup and there's a script that imports the exported data as well. Keeps links, gpo settings, delegation, etc etc..
Thank you so much for your help.

Hi Mike,
Thanks for the response. I think I understand what you're saying, I now need to find out how to do it. I'm a complete scripting beginner. I can read scripts but cant write, I'll read up on filtering with Where and piping. BTW here is the complete script
I'm working with:
Backs up all GPOs from a specified domain and includes additional GPO information.
The script backs up all GPOs in a target domain and captures additional GPO management information, such
as Scope of Management, Block Inheritance, Link Enabled, Link Order, Link Enforced and WMI Filters.
The backup can then be used by a partner script to mirror GPOs in a test domain.
* Creates a XML file containing PSCustomObjects used by partner import script
* Creates a XML file WMI filter details used by partner import script
* Creates a CSV file of additional information for readability
* Additional backup information includes SOM (Scope of Management) Path, Block Inheritance, Link Enabled,
Link Order', Link Enforced and WMI Filter data
* Each CSV SOM entry is made up of "DistinguishedName:BlockInheritance:LinkEnabled:LinkOrder:LinkEnforced"
* Option to create a Migration Table (to then be manually updated)
* PowerShell GroupPolicy Module
* PowerShell ActiveDirectory Module
* Group Policy Management Console
.\BackUp_GPOs.ps1 -Domain -BackupFolder "\\wingdc01\backups\"
This will backup all GPOs in the domain and store them in a date and time stamped folder
under \\wingdc01\backups\.
.\BackUp_GPOs.ps1 -Domain -BackupFolder "c:\backups" -MigTable
This will backup all GPOs in the domain and store them in a date and time stamped folder
under c:\backups\. A migration table, MigrationTable.migtable, will also be created for manual editing.
Backup folder name in the format Year_Month_Day_HourMinuteSecond
MigrationTable.migtable (optional)
EXIT CODES: 1 - GPMC not found
This sample is not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service.
The script is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all
implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability
or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance
of the sample and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors,
or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the script be liable for
any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits,
business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of
the use of or inability to use the sample or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised
of the possibility of such damages, rising out of the use of or inability to use the sample script,
even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
## Script Options and Parameters
#Requires -version 3
#Requires -modules ActiveDirectory,GroupPolicy
#Define and validate parameters
#The target domain
[ValidateScript({Get-ADDomain $_})]
#The backup folder
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]
#Whether to create a migration table
#Set strict mode to identify typographical errors (uncomment whilst editing script)
#Set-StrictMode -version Latest
## Main
#Create a variable to represent a new backup folder
#(constructing the report name from date details and the supplied backup folder)
$Date = Get-Date
$SubBackupFolder = "$BackupFolder\" + `
"$($Date.Year)_" + `
"$("{0:D2}" -f $Date.Month)_" + `
"$("{0:D2}" -f $Date.Day)_" + `
"$("{0:D2}" -f $Date.Hour)" + `
"$("{0:D2}" -f $Date.Minute)" + `
"$("{0:D2}" -f $Date.Second)"
#Create the backup folder
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $SubBackupFolder | Out-Null
#Make sure the backup folder has been created
If (Test-Path -Path $SubBackupFolder) {
#Connect to the supplied domain
$TargetDomain = Get-ADDomain $Domain
#Obtain the domain FQDN
$DomainFQDN = $TargetDomain.DNSRoot
#Obtain the domain DN
$DomainDN = $TargetDomain.DistinguishedName
#Backup all the GPOs found in the domain
$Backups = Backup-GPO -All -Path $SubBackupFolder -Domain $DomainFQDN -Comment "Scripted backup created by $env:userdomain\$env:username on $(Get-Date -format d)"
#Instantiate an object for Group Policy Management (GPMC required)
Try {
$GPM = New-Object -ComObject GPMgmt.GPM
} #End of Try...
Catch {
#Display exit message to console
$Message = "ERROR: Unable to connect to GPMC. Please check that it is installed."
Write-Error $Message
#Exit the script
Exit 1
} #End of Catch...
#Import the GPM API constants
$Constants = $GPM.getConstants()
#Connect to the supplied domain
$GpmDomain = $GPM.GetDomain($DomainFQDN,$Null,$Constants.UseAnyDc)
#Loop through each backed-up GPO
ForEach ($Backup in $Backups) {
#Get the GPO GUID for our target GPO
$GpoGuid = $Backup.GpoId
#Get the backup GUID for our target GPO
$BackupGuid = $Backup.Id
#Instantiate an object for the relevant GPO using GPM
$GPO = $GpmDomain.GetGPO("{$GpoGuid}")
#Get the GPO DisplayName property
$GpoName = $GPO.DisplayName
##Retrieve SOM Information
#Create a GPM search criteria object
$GpmSearchCriteria = $GPM.CreateSearchCriteria()
#Configure search critera for SOM links against a GPO
#Perform the search
$SOMs = $GpmDomain.SearchSOMs($GpmSearchCriteria)
#Empty the SomPath variable
$SomInfo = $Null
#Loop through any SOMs returned and write them to a variable
ForEach ($SOM in $SOMs) {
#Capture the SOM Distinguished Name
$SomDN = $SOM.Path
#Capture Block Inheritance state
$SomInheritance = $SOM.GPOInheritanceBlocked
#Get GPO Link information for the SOM
$GpoLinks = (Get-GPInheritance -Target $SomDN).GpoLinks
#Loop through the GPO Link information and match info that relates to our current GPO
ForEach ($GpoLink in $GpoLinks) {
If ($GpoLink.DisplayName -eq $GpoName) {
#Capture the GPO link status
$LinkEnabled = $GpoLink.Enabled
#Capture the GPO precedence order
$LinkOrder = $GpoLink.Order
#Capture Enforced state
$LinkEnforced = $GpoLink.Enforced
} #End of If ($GpoLink.DisplayName -eq $GpoName)
} #End of ForEach ($GpoLink in $GpoLinks)
#Append the SOM DN, link status, link order and Block Inheritance info to $SomInfo
[Array]$SomInfo += "$SomDN`:$SomInheritance`:$LinkEnabled`:$LinkOrder`:$LinkEnforced"
} #End of ForEach ($SOM in $SOMs)...
##Obtain WMI Filter path using Get-GPO
$WmiFilter = (Get-GPO -Guid $GpoGuid).WMiFilter.Path
#Split the value down and use the ID portion of the array
$WMiFilter = ($WmiFilter -split "`"")[1]
#Add selected GPO properties to a custom GPO object
$GpoInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
BackupGuid = $BackupGuid
Name = $GpoName
GpoGuid = $GpoGuid
SOMs = $SomInfo
DomainDN = $DomainDN
WmiFilter = $WmiFilter
} #End of $Properties...
#Add our new object to an array
[Array]$TotalGPOs += $GpoInfo
} #End of ForEach ($Backup in $Backups)...
#Connect to the Active Directory to get details of the WMI filters
$WmiFilters = Get-ADObject -Filter 'objectClass -eq "msWMI-Som"' `
-Properties msWMI-Author, msWMI-ID, msWMI-Name, msWMI-Parm1, msWMI-Parm2 `
-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
##XML reports
#Create a variable for the XML file representing custom information about the backed up GPOs
$CustomGpoXML = "$SubBackupFolder\GpoDetails.xml"
#Export our array of custom GPO objects to XML so they can be easily re-imported as objects
$TotalGPOs | Export-Clixml -Path $CustomGpoXML
#If $WMIFilters contains objects write these to an XML file
If ($WmiFilters) {
#Create a variable for the XML file representing the WMI filters
$WmiXML = "$SubBackupFolder\WmiFilters.xml"
#Export our array of WMI filters to XML so they can be easily re-imported as objects
$WmiFilters | Export-Clixml -Path $WmiXML
} #End of If ($WmiFilters)
##CSV report
#Create a variable for the CSV file that will contain the SOM (Scope of Management) information for each backed-up GPO
$SOMReportCSV = "$SubBackupFolder\GpoInformation.csv"
#Now, let's create the CSV report
ForEach ($CustomGPO in $TotalGPOs) {
#Start constructing the CSV file line entry for the current GPO
$CSVLine = "`"$($CustomGPO.Name)`",`"{$($CustomGPO.GPOGuid)}`","
#Expand the SOMs property of the current object
$CustomSOMs = $CustomGPO.SOMs
#Loop through any SOMs returned
ForEach ($CustomSOM in $CustomSOMs) {
#Append the SOM path to our CSV line
$CSVLine += "`"$CustomSOM`","
} #End of ForEach ($CustomSOM in $CustomSOMs)...
#Write the newly constructed CSV line to the report
Add-Content -Path $SOMReportCSV -Value $CSVLine
} #End of ForEach ($CustomGPO in $TotalGPOs)...
#Check whether a migration table should be created
If ($MigTable) {
#Create a variable for the migration table
$MigrationFile = "$SubBackupFolder\MigrationTable.migtable"
#Create a migration table
$MigrationTable = $GPM.CreateMigrationTable()
#Connect to the backup directory
$GpmBackupDir = $GPM.GetBackUpDir($SubBackupFolder)
#Reset the GPM search criterea
$GpmSearchCriteria = $GPM.CreateSearchCriteria()
#Configure search critera for the most recent backup
#Get GPO information
$BackedUpGPOs = $GpmBackupDir.SearchBackups($GpmSearchCriteria)
#Add the information to our migration table
ForEach ($BackedUpGPO in $BackedUpGPOs) {
} #End of ForEach ($BackedUpGPO in $BackedUpGPOs)...
#Save the migration table
} #End of If ($MigTable)...
} #End of If (Test-Path $SubBackupFolder)...

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    Hi Fergubru,
    Thanks for your posting.
    To troubleshoot Task scheduled that a task ran, but the program that should have been executed did not run correctly.
    As AZ said above, some programs require elevated privileges to run correctly.  If a task is running a program that requires elevated privileges, ensure that the task runs with the highest privileges. You can set a task to run with the highest privileges
    by changing the task's security options on the General tab of the Task Properties dialog box.
    If a task program does not run correctly, check the history of the task for errors. For more information, see
    View Task Properties and History.
    For the Event ID 4656, this is an Audit log, This event will be Audit Success or Audit Failure depending on whether the user account under which the account is running has the requested permissions or not. 
    For more detailed information about Event ID 4656, please refer to this article:
    I hope this helps.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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    If you previously synced to the computer then you may be able to recover use of the iPod without erasing the iPod by following the instructions here:
    Disabled Recovery-must use syncing computer.
    Otherwise y will have to restore and thus erase the iPod
    You can restore from backup
    If not in backup then:
    - If you used PhotoStream then try getting them from your PhotoStream. See that topic of:
    iOS: Importing personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer
    - Maybe from the restored iPod via How to perform iPad recovery for photos, videos
    Wondershare Dr.Fone for iOS: iPhone Data Recovery - Wondershare Official
    -iPod touch Deleted Photo Recovery Tips You Should Know
    Place the iOS device in Recovery Mode and then connect to your computer and restore via iTunes. The iPod will be erased.
    iOS: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen                         
    If recovery mode does not work try DFU mode.                        
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings        
    For how to restore:
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software
    To restore from backup see:
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes
    If you restore from iCloud backup the apps will be automatically downloaded. If you restore from iTunes backup the apps and music have to be in the iTunes library since synced media like apps and music are not included in the backup of the iOS device that iTunes makes.
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store        
    If problem what happens or does not happen and when in the instructions? When you successfully get the iPod in recovery mode and connect to computer iTunes should say it found an iPod in recovery mode.
    If you previously synced to the computer then you may be able to recover use of the iPod without erasing the iPod by following the instructions here:
    Disabled Recovery-must use syncing computer.

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    Hi DineshRemash,
    Based on my research, we can store the following VB Script to a text file, then modify the file name extension from .txt to .rss.
    Dim rootPath As String = "C:\Reports"
    Sub Main()
    Dim items As CatalogItem() = _
    rs.ListChildren("/", true)
    For Each item As CatalogItem in items
    If item.Type = ItemTypeEnum.Folder Then
    Else If item.Type = ItemTypeEnum.Report Then
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub CreateDirectory(path As String)
    path = GetLocalPath(path)
    End Sub
    Sub SaveReport(reportName As String)
    Dim reportDefinition As Byte()
    Dim document As New System.Xml.XmlDocument()
    reportDefinition = rs.GetReportDefinition(reportName)
    Dim stream As New MemoryStream(reportDefinition)
    document.Save(GetLocalPath(reportName) + ".rdl")
    End Sub
    Function GetLocalPath(rsPath As String) As String
    Return rootPath + rsPath.Replace("/", "\")
    End Function
    Then navigate to the folder contains the script, we can directly run the below command from the run menu:
    rs -s
    http://aa/ ReportServer -i download.rss
    We can modify the rootpath to point at whaterver fold you’d like to download the RDL files.
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Time Machine deleted ALL my backups prior to 4AM this morning.

    I had been using time machine and time machine editor to backup once a day at 4am. Somehow this morning instead of a normal backup it received an 'unknown instruction' and thought that there was no more room on the disk partition. Actually as of yesterday there was a huge amount of room compared with what it had been using.
    When I looked in the TM folder it showed that my backup drive and edrive had been backed up every hour since 4am, so it's no wonder that it ran out of room. I looked in the console's system log and this is what seemed Germain:
    Aug 5 04:00:24 Macintosh-2 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1865]: Starting standard backup
    Aug 5 04:00:32 Macintosh-2 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1865]: Backing up to: /Volumes/TimeMachine/Backups.backupdb
    Aug 5 04:00:32 Macintosh-2 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1865]: Ownership is disabled on the backup destination volume. Enabling.
    Aug 5 04:00:32 Macintosh-2 KernelEventAgent[63]: tid 00000000 received unknown event (256)
    Aug 5 04:05:29 Macintosh-2 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1865]: Starting pre-backup thinning: 30.75 GB requested (including padding), 4.80 GB available
    Aug 5 04:05:29 Macintosh-2 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1865]: No expired backups exist - deleting oldest backups to make room
    Aug 5 04:06:13 Macintosh-2 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1865]: Deleted backup /Volumes/TimeMachine/Backups.backupdb/Office-omputer /2008-07-07-041140: 4.90 GB now available
    My questions are these:
    1. What the heck was the 'unknown event' that screwed everything up and lost all my b/u's since april?
    2. How do I delete the copies of emachine and the b/u drive from TM? They take up far to much room and were never backed up before 4am today. Do I have to remove TM entirely and reinstall?
    3. Is it possible to recover the backups that were deleted?
    Is TM really this sensitive to random bits flowing around the system? And if so what good is relying on a backup system that can be wiped out by a random and unknown bit or series of them?

    I had been using time machine and time machine editor to backup once a day at 4am. Somehow this morning instead of a normal backup it received an 'unknown instruction' and thought that there was no more room on the disk partition. Actually as of yesterday there was a huge amount of room compared with what it had been using.
    When I looked in the TM folder it showed that my backup drive and edrive had been backed up every hour since 4am, so it's no wonder that it ran out of room. I looked in the console's system log and this is what seemed Germain:
    Aug 5 04:00:24 Macintosh-2 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1865]: Starting standard backup
    Aug 5 04:00:32 Macintosh-2 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1865]: Backing up to: /Volumes/TimeMachine/Backups.backupdb
    Aug 5 04:00:32 Macintosh-2 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1865]: Ownership is disabled on the backup destination volume. Enabling.
    Aug 5 04:00:32 Macintosh-2 KernelEventAgent[63]: tid 00000000 received unknown event (256)
    Aug 5 04:05:29 Macintosh-2 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1865]: Starting pre-backup thinning: 30.75 GB requested (including padding), 4.80 GB available
    Aug 5 04:05:29 Macintosh-2 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1865]: No expired backups exist - deleting oldest backups to make room
    Aug 5 04:06:13 Macintosh-2 /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1865]: Deleted backup /Volumes/TimeMachine/Backups.backupdb/Office-omputer /2008-07-07-041140: 4.90 GB now available
    My questions are these:
    1. What the heck was the 'unknown event' that screwed everything up and lost all my b/u's since april?
    2. How do I delete the copies of emachine and the b/u drive from TM? They take up far to much room and were never backed up before 4am today. Do I have to remove TM entirely and reinstall?
    3. Is it possible to recover the backups that were deleted?
    Is TM really this sensitive to random bits flowing around the system? And if so what good is relying on a backup system that can be wiped out by a random and unknown bit or series of them?

  • My 2 TB Time Capsule's memory is full because it will not automatically delete old files as it is supposed to, so it is giving me zero backup of my two computers now.  How can this be fixed so my Time Capsule deletes the old data and saves the new?

    My 2 TB Time Capsule’s memory is full because it will notautomatically delete old files as it is supposed to, so it is giving me zerobackup of my two computers now. How can this be fixed so my Time Capsule deletes the old data and savesthe new?
    Neither my local computer consultant nor I have been ableto change any of the settings in Time Machine to correct this problem.  Working with the choices in the TimeMachine, there does not appear that there is any way to change the frequency ofthe backups either, so, after a year has elapsed, the time capsule is full, andmy only choice appears to be to erase all the current data on the Time Capsuleand start over, something that I do not want to at all let alone repeat on anannual basis.  My questions are:
    What can be done to have my Time Capsule delete old filesas it is supposed to do, so it has memory available to allow my computers toback up? 
    Is this a software problem that can be fixed online or isdoes this require a mechanical fix of defective hardware?

    How much data is being backed-up from each Mac?  (see what's shown for Estimated size of full backup under the exclusions box in Time Machine Prefs > Options).
    Is there any other data on your Time Capsule, besides the backups?
    Most likely, there just isn't room.  Time Machine may be trying to do a very large (or full) backup of one or both Macs, and can't.  Since it won't ever delete the most recent backup, there has to be enough room for one full backup plus whatever it's trying to back up now, plus 20% (for workspace).
    Also see #C4 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting for more details.

  • I just lost all recent updates to my iCal from the last days. Can this possibly happen ??? What can I do to restore iCal with the most recent updates?

    Hello All, yesterday afternoon I just lost all recent updates to my iCal from the last days. How can this possibly happen ??? It may have occured after I chose the Refresh function after I had problems searching my iCal for a particular event. I think my iPhone was also not properly synched in the morning but I didn't pay it much attention and opened iCal on my MacBookAir instead.
    How can I prevent this from happening again?
    What can I do to restore iCal with the most recent updates?

    Random glitch.  It doesn't matter; if you didn't backup the data, then you can't recover the data.
    In the future, for any 'important' data, back up that data regularly.  Forward the 'important' text messages to your email.  Trasnfer your photos & videos to your computer, etcetera.

  • Trying to choose iCloud backup on my new phone as I lost my previous one but it states"no iCloud backups are compatible with this version" therefore I can't set up my replacement phone! Any suggestions

    Trying to choose iCloud backup on my new phone as I lost my previous one but it states"no iCloud backups are compatible with this version" therefore I can't set up my replacement phone! Any suggestions

    You can't restore a backup that was made on a device running a more recent version of iOS.  If your replacement phone is running iOS 6.0.1 and the one you backed up was running 6.1.2, for example, you would have to update your replacement phone before you could restore to the backup.  If this is the case, update your phone by connecting it to your computer, and selecting Check for Update or Update on the Summary tab of your iTunes sync settings, update the phone and set it up as New.  Then go to Settings>General>Reset, tap Erase All Content and Settings, go through the setup screens again and choose Restore from iCloud Backup.  You should then be able to restore your backup.

  • If I erase all content and settings on device, can this be restored thru icloud

    If I erase all content and setting on device can this b restored thru iCloud

    What Mende says is true IF you have previously decided to back up to iCloud and not iTunes on your computer.
    Selecting a backup method:
    Backing up to iCloud:
    Restoring from iCloud:
    Restoring from computer:

  • I've lost all my contacts on my iphone 4S with iOS 6 and I haven't a backup. How can I restore them?

    I've lost all my contacts on my iphone 4S with iOS 6 and I haven't a backup. How can I restore them? I've also downloaded Dr.Fone but it doesn't works, it stops scanning on 99%! Thank you.

    You need to post this in the correct discussion if you want a reply:     Keynote iOS

  • I am trying to print all the PDF pages in a range of 5 pages but can only print one page at a time . . . It will print the current page, but not all or pages 1-5.  Can this be overcome?

    I am trying to print all the PDF pages in a range of 5 pages but can only print one page at a time . . . It will print the current page only, but not all or pages 1-5.  I need to go to the next subsequent page and command to print current page; continuing with this procedure until all pages are printed one at a time. Can this be overcome?

    You can use printPages(1, 5), however I need to know how you print current page.

Maybe you are looking for

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