Wondering if anybody with a DTR CPU can tell me which BIOS version they know will work.  I can boot at a 4x lock, and then proceed to windows for full speed via clockgen right now, but that is with the defacto shipping BIOS version.
I have a 3200+ DTR and am getting zero results with overclocking (actually currently underclocked to 9x200 for full prime95 testable stability).  I want to try a new BIOS, but the last thing I need is to lock myself out by updating to a version which won't even boot a DTR.
Questions, comments, answers?  Fire away, and thanks in advance.

First off, thanks for the quick reply Ish.  What improvments went into 1.2b5, do you know?  Did it help your overclocking results at all?  Also, I just wanted to mention that tedinde from the forum noted that half multi's can be detrimental to stability and performance.  Thanks again for the info, I'll track down a copy of 1.2b5 and see what happens...
Are you using a raid0 by the way?  I'm wondering if that might be why my setup won't o/c worth a  so far...

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    Quote from: bejon2000 on 02-February-06, 15:13:05
    9x290 (2,6Ghz) is a very good OC, passing prime95 with both core´s tested.
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    Is there any problem with your hardware? If you don't have any problems do not flashed it as it might cause you problem unless it has a problem then you have no choice to flashed it. Many ppl used Ver 1.9 while other's don't. You may look into this forums where you have the same spec's of yours.See from my sig as it might help you how to flashed the bios. Gd luck.

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    Ivy bios versions won't work well for oc with Sandy cpus on 6 series chipsets.
    You can try the betas with suggested method:
    To be sure you can downgrade to the latest Sandy version 22.8 with the following method (it won't work any other way!):
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    Honestly? Stock. There's little to no performance gain overall for the CPU.
    You can't change the GPU performance from the BIOS.
    If you're asking these types of questions, you're probably better off not changing anything without doing a TON of research first. There's plenty of website out there that detail what you can do, and why, and how it really isn't very effective (especially in the mobile space) just because you can't increase it as much as you can on the desktop space (in some cases).
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    Quote from: JasonKruys on 21-February-05, 05:44:57
    Well at 245x10.5 your RAM is running at 233......(245x10.5)/11...
    As stated before when half multipliers are used, the RAM is divided by the next whole multiplier.
    Also, at 3 and 4 multi, your RAM is not running at the speed you think it is either, but slower.
    A full multiplier table can be seen here, posted by Oskar Wu, a DFI mobo tech
    Thank you thank you.  Now it totally all makes sence.  I know I have a really chitty ram but now it makes sence that it won't go that high in ram frequency.
    But my question still stands what bios to you all like to use on this mobo.

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