Best Strategy for Quantizing Old Audio Recordings

I've got a bunch of old four-track cassette recordings that I'm cleaning up. One of the things I'm trying to do is correct the tape drag. Even though they were recorded at a consistent tempo, the song gets unintentionally faster towards the end due to the nature of the medium.
I'm trying a few things but have hit a wall:
1. Beat mapping will allow me to get the click track to follow the recording, but it doesn't correct the problem. Once it's beat mapped, is there a way to then adjust everything to a consistent tempo?
2. I've tried using the new Flex feature in Logic 9. I start by picking an approximate tempo and then push and pull the transients to correct the tape drag. The problem with this is that you need to do it to each track individually and it's impossible to keep them all in sync, as there's no "global" flex command. I suppose one solution is to do it in the mastering stage, using a stereo mixdown. But it would be great in I could do it before that.
Any other ideas?

I kept a PowerBook G4 6 years before I finally got rid of it because it was starting to give me some problems.  I've had my current iMac almost 3 years now and have no immediate plans to get rid of it.  I've had my Airport Extreme Base Station for 6 years and it still appears to be working OK and doing what I need it to do.
When someone asks me, I always say buy a new computer only when you absolutely need one or must have the abolsute latest computer on the market.
As for selling an old one, others on this forum may have a better handle on it than I do. 

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    Instead of ragging on people who are familiar with DW and Site Development, you should be gracious and accept the practical advice you've been given.  A "best strategy" would be to read some tutorials and learn how to work with HTML, CSS and server-side technologies. Without some basic code skills, you're going to find DW an uphill, if not impossible battle.
    Frankly, I don't have free time to hand-hold someone through the excruciating process of migrating a 5,000 page static site from GoLive  to DW. And I doubt anyone else in this forum has either.  We're not Adobe employees.  We don't get paid to participate here.  We are all product users JUST LIKE YOU.
    I'm sorry you're frustrated.  I'm also sorry for your clients. But the problem you have now isn't Adobe's fault. It's yours for not keeping up with server-side technologies or handing-off these huge static sites to more capable web developers.  I'm not saying you need to buy anyone's books, but they are good resources for people willing to learn new things.
    That said, maybe you should stick with GoLive.  The software doesn't have an expiration date on it and will continue working long into the future.  If you're happy using GL, keep using it to maintain your legacy sites. At the same time learn X/HTML, CSS & PHP or ASP.  Use DW CS4 for the creation of new projects.
    FREE Tutorial Links:
    HTML & CSS Tutorials -
    From   Tables to CSS Web Design Part 1 -
    From   Tables to CSS Web Design Part 2 -
    Taking  a Fireworks (or Photoshop) comp to a CSS based layout in DW
    Creating  your first website in DW CS4 -
    Guidance  on when to use DW Templates, Library Items and SSIs -
    Best of luck,
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    Ditto, ditto, ditto on all of the previous posts. I've done four long form documentaries.
    First I listen to all the the sound bytes and digitize only the ones that I think I will need. I will take in much more than I use, but I like to transcribe bytes from the non-linear timeline. It's easier for me.
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    Perhaps, you weren't at the shoot and do not have this advantage. It's crucial that you organize you b-roll bins in a way that makes sense to you.
    I then have music bins and bins for my voice over.
    Many folks recommend that you work in small sequences and nest. This is a good idea for long form stuff. That way you don't get lost in the timeline.
    I also make a "used" bin. Once I've used a shot I pull it out of the bin and put it "away" That keeps me from repeatedly looking at footage that I've already used.
    The previous posts are right. If you've digitized 45 hours of footage you've put in too much. It's time to start deleting some media. Remember that when you hit the edit suite, you should be one the downhill slide. You should have a script and a clear idea of where you're going.
    I don't have enough fingers to count the number of times that I've had producers walk into my edit suite with a bunch of raw tape and tell me that that "want to make something cool." They generally have no idea where they're going and end up wondering why the process is so hard.
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    Good luck
    Dual 2 GHz Power Mac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    Heh, Marian, that about sums it up. 
    In all seriousness...  How does "precision" connect with "cropping"?  I've always thought of "cropping" as most based on an artistic judgment, not something done for precision.  Perhaps you could describe your photography and what you expect from your workflow?
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    Agreeing with Kappy that your "secondary" backups should be made with a different app. You can use Disk Utility as he details, or a "cloning" app such as CarbonCopyCloner or SuperDuper that can update the clone periodically, rather than erasing and re-copying from scratch.
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    Please post this query to the Business Objects Enterprise Administration forum:
    BI Platform
    That forum is monitored by qualified technicians and you will get a faster response there. Also, all BOE queries remain in one place and thus can be easily searched in one place.
    Thank you for your understanding,

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    outside access to the folder?

    The built-in Firefox Sync service allows you to store your settings, including bookmarks, on a Mozilla server. This isn't accessible as a file like Google Drive; it can only be used by connecting another copy of Firefox to your Sync account. You can read more about this here: [[How do I set up Firefox Sync?]] (I haven't tried it myself since it changed recently.)
    The cross-browser Xmarks service is more focused: it just does bookmarks. (I've never tried this one either)
    If you prefer working with files and you have a Dropbox or similar account, you could in theory back up your Firefox profile folder, or more particularly, the bookmarkbackups subfolder. I haven't tried that myself. To find the folder:
    Open your current Firefox settings (AKA Firefox profile) folder using either
    * "3-bar" menu button > "?" button > Troubleshooting Information
    * Help menu > Troubleshooting Information
    In the first table on the page, click the "Show Folder" button
    A window should launch showing your currently active settings files. The bookmarkbackups folder should contain dated .json files which can be used to restore your bookmarks to another copy of Firefox.
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    Hi all,
    WITHOUT RECOVERY follwing commands
    weekly full database backup
    backup as compressed backupset
    incremental level=0
    device type disk
    tag "weekly_database"
    format '/sw/weekly_database_%d_t%t_c%c_s%s_p%p'
    I want do CONFIGURE RMAN BY FOLLWING stragtegy
    and other is by default
    sql>alter system set control_file_record_keep_time=15 days;
    os--aix6 and for two database 10g2 and 11g2
    what is best configuration strategy for rman backup.AND BACKUP WITH RECOVERY CATALOG OR WITHOUT RECOVERY CATALOG
    Edited by: afzal on Feb 26, 2011 1:45 AM

    For simply two databases, there really wouldn't be a need for a recovery catalog. You can still restore/recover without a controlfile and without a recovery catalog.
    From this:
    afzal wrote:
    CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO REDUNDANCY window of 14 days.I am assuming you want to keep two weeks worth of backups, therefore these:
    alter system set control_file_record_keep_time=15 days;
    RMAN> sql 'alter system set control_file_record_keep_time=22';
    RMAN> CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO RECOVERY WINDOW OF 14;22 would give you that extra layer of protection for instances when a problem occurs with a backup and you want to ensure that data doesn't get aged out.

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    I have recently started using Aperture in my photography workflow and I need some advice from the experts on the best strategy to import the existing .JPGs from my hard disk into my Aperture library.
    Prior to using Aperture, my workflow was as follows:
    1.) I would import ALL the photos from my digital camera to a folder on my hard disk (one folder for each date of import). These, in effect, were my 'master' images, which I never edited or deleted.
    2.) Next I would make a copy of each new master folder, under a separate folder called 'picks', where I would go thru and delete the bad ones and occasionally make some minor edits or crops to the good ones. These 'picks' folders are what I used for my slideshows, photo galleries, etc.
    NOW, as I'm moving everything to Aperture, I'm attempting to find the best strategy to import everything, where I would maintain both a master copy of everything that came off my camera and the already organized 'albums' of 'versions' the represent my 'picks', but also reduce some of the redundancy of having duplicate copies of 60-70% of the photos in my library.
    Here is where I need some advice. In the case of new photos imported directly from the camera into Aperture I have managed to figure out how to import the master images and then create albums of versions for my good pics. However, I haven't found any way to import my existing masters and picks without importing two copies of each "good" pick.
    Is there any way I can get Aperture to recognize that the photos in my 'picks' folders are actually 'versions' of some of the original 'masters' so I don't need to import two master copies of each of my good pics? (I generally left the file names the same.)
    I have several thousand existing pics on my hard disk that I'm hoping to import into Aperture so I'm hoping there is an efficient way to do this!
    Many thanks for the help!

    HI I would also be interested in how others do this. I have been playing with aperture for some time and I am still not sure whether to commit to it.
    I also keep my masters in a folder structure with year at the highest level and day of shooting below that.
    I know its not necessary to do this in Aperture but I am not sure I understand why or if its a bad thing to do.
    Would love to her what others think and advise.

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    Check the calendar(s) you want to delete events from
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    Shift-select events to delete, then delete (gives you the choice to delete future events or not)

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    I have been through Deke's 1-1 fundamentals at, and I have access to the Advanced/Mastery courses, which is where the symbol/gradient/transparency topics can be found (though I have not examined them yet). 
    Thank you in advance for any advice you can provide!   It may be premature, but I am also going to probably try simulating a light source similar to that in the original pic

    Keep in mind that something to actually be used as a "logo" should usually be very simple, and boiled down to clean, tidy, and efficient normalized paths.
    That said, this is just to demonstrate ways to exploit transformations, Blends, and Symbols to quickly genereate a bird's-eye-view of a "clustered" construct like a bloom, bush, or whatever:
    With any of these, you can also generate "different" ones by simply applying the same Transform Each command again, to randomly change the rotations of the petals.

Maybe you are looking for

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