Beta OIM SAP connector

I heard there is a beta available for a OIM connector for SAP, I was wondering if there is any documentation available on this new connectors functionality

A Java class is trying to add users using SAP EP 6.0 libraries on SAP 7.0 EP.
We set the security parameters in files as follows
After executing method from class file, we are getting the following problems. SAP logon ticket functionality cannot be initialized
because of an internal error while reading own key and certificate from the keystore.
Alias of own key/certificate in the keystore: 'SAPLogonTicketKeypair'
We have tried to import certificate with following command, but still we were getting the same error:
keytool -import -alias SAPLogonTicketKeypair -file verify.der -keystore D:\EP\jars\keystore
So we tried with another option:
keytool -import -alias SAPLogonTicketKeypair -file verify.der -keystore D:\EP\jars\SAPLogonTicketKeypair
And still we are facing same problems. Can anybody tell, what exactly is going wrong?

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  • OIM SAP UM Connector gateway port configuration

    Hi All,
    On SAP Target System, port for gateway communication is not the default 3300, but 3301. How do I go about configuring OIM to establish connection on 3301 instead of 3300?
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: user13015045 on Aug 31, 2011 3:24 PM

    Hello 790345,
    You said:
    There is a variable on SAP called "SYSTEM NUMBER". it takes two digit value .eg : 01.
    port number is derived for that system number. so from above example gateway port will be (33<system number>) i.e., 3301
    If I understand correctly, this variable SYSTEM_NUMBER is on SAP system side (target).
    How about on OIM SAP connector side (source)? have you managed to make it connect to 3301 instead of 3000?
    If yes, how did you do it?

  • SAP connector info

    I am working with SAP connector at a customer and I see that the versions supported by OIM is:
    SAP R3 4.6C (running on Basis 4.6C)
    SAP R3 4.7 (running on WAS 6.20)
    MySAP ERP 2004 (ECC 5.0 running on WAS 6.40)
    MySAP ERP 2005 (ECC 6.0 running on WAS 7.00)
    The customer tells me that they have:
    Netweaver 7.0 (previously 2004s) and we are running ECC 6.0 w/WAS 7.0 (SP 18)
    I do not see Netweaver mentioned anywhere in the SAP connector docs.
    Can someone please tell me if the version at customer is supported by OIM SAP connector?

    As Netweaver is a totally different technical platform I would find it unlikely that it would be supported unless specifically stated.
    Best regards

  • OIM - SAP Employee Recon and SAP User Management Connectors vs. OC4J

    In reading through the SAP connector documentation I've found that we cannot use OC4J to run OIM if the 9.0.3 SAP User Management Connector or SAP Employee Recon Connector is used. This is all related to a conflict in JDK versions supported between the SAP JCo (Java Connector) library and OC4J. A thought we've had is to use a Remote Manager for these connectors. Can anyone validate this approach? Is it possible to use a different JDK version with your remote manager? Is there another workaround that anyone is aware of?

    The remote manager should work with different JDKs. We are going to be doing the same thing for one of our adapters.
    As for SAP, I cannot think of another workaround -- we actually abandoned the SAP JCo approach and are doing web services with XI.

  • ECC SAP Connector with OIM

    I have configured ECC SAP Connector on OIM which is running on JBOSS.
    The configuration is successful.However when i try to provision user i am getting exception as below--
    Point to be noted here is i am using ECC Sap Type not CUA.
    2008-11-24 20:37:43,763 INFO [STDOUT] Running SAP CUA Create User
    2008-11-24 20:37:43,763 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] createUser(): Create User Request
    2008-11-24 20:37:43,810 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] createUser(): userId :EAI_12, userGroup:,lastName:eai_1212,firstName:eai_12,userTitle:,langComm:,department:,langLogIn:,timeZone:,telephone:,extension:,Fax:,email:,dateFormat:,decimalNotation:,function:,roomNo:,floor:,building:,code:,commType:,alias:,startMenu:,userType:,RoleProfile:admin,RoleProfileOption:Profile
    2008-11-24 20:37:43,810 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] SAP CUA Create Connection Request
    2008-11-24 20:37:43,826 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] createCUAConnection(): START SAP Connection creation.
    2008-11-24 20:37:44,982 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] createCUAConnection(): SAP Connection creation successfull.
    2008-11-24 20:37:45,154 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :returnStructure:User EAI_12 does not exist
    2008-11-24 20:37:45,154 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Type:I
    2008-11-24 20:37:45,154 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Mesage NUMBER:124
    2008-11-24 20:37:45,154 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] findUser(): User not exist in SAP CUA
    2008-11-24 20:37:45,154 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] createUser(): Create User Start
    2008-11-24 20:37:46,701 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Mesage :User EAI_12 created
    2008-11-24 20:37:46,701 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Mesage Type:S
    2008-11-24 20:37:46,701 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Mesage NUMBER:102
    2008-11-24 20:37:46,701 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] addProfileToUser():Add Profile to User
    2008-11-24 20:37:46,748 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Mesage :You have not logged onto the central system
    2008-11-24 20:37:46,748 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Mesage Type:S
    2008-11-24 20:37:46,748 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Mesage NUMBER:351
    2008-11-24 20:37:46,779 ERROR [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] addProfileToUser():Profile: admin is not added to user: EAI_12 for System: ECC
    2008-11-24 20:37:46,779 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] createUser():Unsuccessful in assigning the profile to the User.
    2008-11-24 20:37:46,779 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] deleteUser(): Delete User Start
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    2008-11-24 20:37:48,138 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Mesage Type:S
    2008-11-24 20:37:48,138 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Mesage NUMBER:090
    2008-11-24 20:37:48,138 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Mesage :Role assignment to user EAI_12 deleted
    2008-11-24 20:37:48,138 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Mesage Type:S
    2008-11-24 20:37:48,138 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Mesage NUMBER:090
    2008-11-24 20:37:48,138 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Mesage :Role assignment to user EAI_12 deleted
    2008-11-24 20:37:48,138 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Mesage Type:S
    2008-11-24 20:37:48,138 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] getStatus() :Mesage NUMBER:090
    2008-11-24 20:37:48,138 INFO [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] deleteUser(): User deleted SUCCESSFUL
    2008-11-24 20:37:48,138 DEBUG [XL_INTG.SAPCUA] createUser(): EAI_12:SAP.USER_CREATION_FAILED
    If you have faced such an issue earlier.Please provide me pointers.

    Rename the copied file to match the VOYAGER_ID property. For example, if the target system has VOYAGER_ID = VOYAGE14, then the .properties file should be named
    The Voyager reconciliation agent sends a unique identifier value, called VOYAGER_ID, each time a reconciliation event occurs. This value must match the name of the .properties file being used by the topsecret-adv-agent-recon.jar file for reconciliation.

  • OIM - SAP Organization Reconciliation

    does anybody know how to reconcile organization names from SAP in OIM?
    According to the SAP connector guide:
    "...the connector processes only records of the P (person) object type. IDocs of all other object types, such as organization and position, are ignored even if they are sent to Oracle Identity Manager..."
    In the Person object type we can find the organization unit (org id), but not the organization name...
    Thank you for your help

    You can always build a custom connector that gets this information and stores it in a lookup (like AD connector). I am assuming that the information is available somewhere in the SAP DB.
    Best regards

  • AE 5.2 Defining SAP Connectors

    Can someone identify to me the process in defining NEW SAP connectors for Access Enforcer 5.2?
    I have been configuring AE and have the process working for creating new users where the user receives the email identifying their password and the system they have been defined to once the provisioning is completed
    The SAP BASIS group who performed the installation have defined the connections as "VIRSAR3_01_MODEL and VIRSAR3_02_MODEL", for the DEV and PRD systems respectively.
    Our production system is known to users as SAPPRD and I would like to create a SAP connector that shows that as the name rather than "VIRSAR3_02_MODEL"
    I have tried to use the Define Connectors from the AE customization panel but have not had success in saving the definitions.
    I am thinking that the VIRSAR3_02_MODEL name may be a default used during installation and there may be more than just going to the AE Define Connector panel to add additional connectors or name them differently.
    Appreciate if someone can identify the proper steps I need to take; I would think the SAP BASIS group will need to be involved. This is somewhat new to them also.
    Jerry Synoga
    [email protected]

    Hello Listeners,
    I have researched this issue with our BASIS group and we have now become more familiar with the AE Connectors;
    The ones that I have been given are what is defined with the NetWeaver  installation and are defaulted to the VIRSAR3_01_MODEL and VIRSAR3_02_MODEL; these then become available in the AE Configuration process for defining SAP Connectors; these are the JCO connectors and will work if used for AE provisioning of NEW / Change users
    It is recommended by SAP that for this type of connection you should use a non-JCO connector which should be defined using the AE Configuration> Connector> Define SAP process; when I tried to do this and change the "name" of the connector, I would receive the ACTION FAILED message; the system log identified the error as a Duplicate Key (too bad the AE message was not that informative);
    we discovered that the Key setting was made up of the "short description" field of the Define Connector process; since I only changed the 'name" field, I was hitting the duplicate key error; one would have thought that the 'name" field, which would always be unique, would comprise of the key;
    The JCO connectors should be used according to SAP for communication between tools such as AE and CC ( Access Enforcer communicating with Compliance Calibrator; this is something I plan on getting to in the near future
    Conclusion is that if you need to change the JCO connector names to something other than the defaults, you can do this if you have access to the NETWEAVER ADMINISTRATION functions;
    The non-JCO SAP connector can be defined for communication between AE and the SAP backbends system; remember that the 'short description" field should be unique among all the connectors - JCO and non-JCO
    With this knowledge I have successfully completed the connector definitions and now have a better understanding of this process
    Hope this lengthy explanation helps others
    Thank You
    Jerry Synoga
    jerry,.[email protected]

  • No connection from SAP EP to Raytion SAP Connector

    The Raytion SAP connector 1.5.1 has been deployed without any problems on the customer SAP EP (Production). We see that no connection can be made from the SAP EP to this SAP Connector.
    Extract from the log file: ( is the IP address from the Raytion SAP Connector server.)
    2008-04-03 13:30:40,082 DEBUG resource allowed by watched repository filter: true
    2008-04-03 13:30:40,097 DEBUG resource allowed by hidden filter: true
    2008-04-03 13:30:40,097 DEBUG resource allowed by size filter: true
    2008-04-03 13:30:40,097 DEBUG resource allowed by Exclude RegEx filter: true
    2008-04-03 13:30:40,097 DEBUG resource released by timebased service: true
    2008-04-03 13:30:40,097 DEBUG resource released by statemanagement service: true
    2008-04-03 13:30:40,191 INFO about to post /Intranet/Departement%20Facility%20Management/Dienst%20Schoonmaak/Nieuws/7061c4fe-fc43-2a10-05bc-bcb3aa83965c.xml
    2008-04-03 13:30:42,082 WARN could not connect to connector server at http://portaal:50000/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/ not sent!
    2008-04-03 14:47:32,552 INFO Start security update initiated by Connector Server
    2008-04-03 14:47:34,240 WARN could not connect to security cache at Start update notification not sent!
    2008-04-03 14:47:34,240 ERROR Could not send security synchronisation start notification. No server available.
    The contractor that installed this, thinks the next area to look to is to see if the SAP EP has been configured somehow to stop outgoing http traffic from applications running within it... Maybe the EP is blocking outgoing HTTP access, although other components from the EP are working OK.
    How can we check this?
    Please advise.
    Kind regards.

    Check the following Links:
    I want an explanation for this connection between R/3, CRM and IPC ??????
    Document flow from R/3 to CRM
    BP Changes From CRM to R/3
    BP Changes From CRM to R/3
    Reward Points if useful.

  • SAP Connector no longer working after upgrade

    After upgrading from EP 6.0 SP2 Patch 2 to Patch 3, our iViews using the SAP connector framework is no longer working. No connection is obtained. Even the examples in the PDK has stopped working. It seems that maybe some files have disappeared (in folder ".../server/services/eisconnector/work").
    Any ideas?

    Hi Hilde,
    1. please have a look in the Visual Admin Tool -> Services -> EISConnector ans see if the SAP Connector is deployed there. if you see it there, so it is deployed.
    2. try to remove and add agian the SAP Connector (in the same place as from section one)
    3. why dont you use the last Portal Patch and J2EE patch?
    4. do you see any special exception in the Log file?

  • SAP Connector

    when i will make a bapi call by the sap connector framework, what i have to do? Can i take the sap connector framework wizard? But i become a error-msg:
    Error This compilation unit indirectly references the missing type javax.resource.cci.ResourceAdapterMetaData (typically some required class file is referencing a type outside the classpath)     BspConnectorApp/src/com/gft/connector/connection     line 0
    Only the jdbc connector is default on the sap application server. When I will make a bapi call, which connector i need (java?) and i have to pay for that or not - example please?

    Hello Frank,
    have a look at this thread: How to read R/3 table and show it in SAP EP 6.0 I hope it helps.

  • SAP.Connector.RfcCommunicationException

    When call SAPProxy function, a SAP.Connector.RfcCommunicationException raised
    Please help me to analysis the cause and solution.
    My doubt is if the Gateway is indispensible for a .NET Connector function call
    Thanks in advance
    Detail information:
    Connect to SAP gateway failed\n
    Connect_PM GWHOST=, GWSERV=sapgw00, ASHOST=, SYSNR=00\n\n
    LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host\n
    ERROR partner not reached (host, service 3300)\n\n
    TIME Thu Dec 09 13:13:01 2004\n
    RELEASE 620\n
    COMPONENT NI (network interface)\n
    VERSION 36\n
    RC -10\nMODULE ninti.c\n
    LINE 979\n
    ERRNO 10060\n
    RRNO TEXT WSAETIMEDOUT: Connection timed out\n
    COUNTER 1\n
    The code lines as following:
    string cs = "ASHOST= SYSNR=00 CLIENT=000 USER=xxxx PASSWD=xxxxxx";
    // construct the proxy with connection string
    SAPProxy1 proxy = new SAPProxy1(cs);
    // create a SAP Table variable
    BRFCKNA1Table tblCust = new BRFCKNA1Table();
    // call the RFM method on the proxy
    proxy.Rfc_Customer_Get("","A*", ref tblCust);
    catch(SAP.Connector.RfcCommunicationException exp)

    Hi Reiner,
    One of my partners are having this problem...
    1. They are having a dev server of ip 200.1.12.xx and remote site has network with ip
    2. Another subsidiary needs to use NCo to access this server
    3. They are using two firewalls, one from Buiding A and another in Building B
    4. all ports of firewalls are open, there IP mapping from firewall in Building A to IP in firewall in Building B.
    5. Building A being the remote building, can log on via SAP GUI, however, unable to connecto via NCo
    6. What seems to be the problem and what can I tell the basis guy to check?
    How does NCo support firewalls and waht is the best way to work around this?
    Your help is much appreciated.

  • SAP Connector: Retrieve Business Components?

    i am evaluating the features of the SAP Connector. I deployed the login-data and checked the connection ("Success!"). Then I tried to import metadata.
    I see the Message "Retrieving Business Components.." for e few seconds, then it disappears. There is no metadata imported and no error message.
    I tried this both with 10gR1 and 10gR2.
    Can you help me?

    Which version of SAP system are you connecting to?

  • SAP.Connector.Rfc.dll installing to 2 directories

    I am installing SAPGUI Frontend components including the BW and BI add-on components on a Windows XP/SP2 system with .NET 1.1 already loaded. 
    I've read on this forum that SAP.Connector.Rfc.dll and other .NET assemblies are installed to the GAC, but I saw on a test machine where this assembly (and others) were installed to both the GAC and to the ProgramFiles\sap\frontend\bw directory as well. 
    Is there a requirement for the .NET assemblies to be in the bw directory ( or other private SAP directory as opposed to the GAC?   )
    If anybody from SAP knows the answer, it would be much appreciated.  Thanks!
    Message was edited by:
            Owen Gilmore

    Hi Sowmya C,
    How are you doing ?
    Upon addition of any SAP component, the reference is added automatically.
    However, in the event that the reference to "SAP.Connector.dll"
    is not present, you can add it through the references tab, provided that the SAP.NET Connector is installed on the local machine [as this will allow you to add the dll reference locally, like you would reference anyother local assembly]
    It is of type .NET dll
    with respect,

  • SAP Connector 2 - Could not load file or assembly 'SAP

    Hi all,
    I've recently installed SAP .NET Connector 2 and have been developing a basic C# web form to interrogate the customers table. I have created all my code and done a successdul build. However, when I try to run the web form I get the following error:
    <i>Could not load file or assembly 'SAP.Connector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=50436dca5c7f7d23' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.</i>
    The SAP.Connector.dll and SAP.Connector.Rfc.dll files are on both my development machine and the server I am deploying the project on. Any ideas ?

    Fixed it myself. In the solution browser, expand the reference section and in the properties for the SAP.Connector and SAP.Connector.Rfc set the 'Copy Local' parameter from False to True. This fixes the issue.

  • SAP connector and VS2005

    Can SAP connector 2.0.1 be install in a pc which has only VS2005? I tried to install it and I received the following error:
    Can someone tell me if I can connect to SAP from VS2005 and how?
      Thanks in advance

    SAP Connector for MS .NET is not currently supported on Visual Studio 2005.
    Please check the article Using SAP Connector for MS .NET (NCO) in Microsoft Visual Studio 200 to learn a workaround that enables easy design-time connectivity to SAP back-end systems in Visual Studio 2005 by creating the connector proxies in Visual Studio 2003 and porting them to Visual Studio 2005.
    The link to this article is available in the Development Center under Additional Resources.
    Anne Tarnoruder
    SAP NetWeaver Product Management

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