BEx Analyzer for Power Users

My Power users have been given access to design their queries in Bex Designer and publish via the web.
For no reason, they don't have access to run their queries via Bex Analyzer. I am trying to push for them to have access to Bex Analyzer but I need some concrete reasons for them to be able to have this. I have always been a fan of being able to develop in BEx and immediately view in BEx
Can anyone think of advantages or reasons why the Power Users should view in Bex Analyzer?

The BEx Analyzer would give the users the power of BW and with it the power of XL. This could be a very good option when one is faced with a very rigid formatting requirement. One can use the BEx/workbook combination to design a formatted report which could otherwise have not been possible with the web. Of course some formatting features are as I understand are provided with the new report designer in NW04s, but XL could still be powerful for this.
Some developments in BW could be avoided if we use XL like when you have to manipulate data from multiple areas and queries. For instance, you could have a sales query, a Finance query and even a purchasing query in a workbook and do some calculations with the data. If you were to do it in the QAD, you might have to have created a multicube with all the above and then write a query.
In addition to that one can use the macro feature of xl and carry out further formatting/analysing/processing of the data

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  • Webi Vs Bex Analyzer for the same query

    Hi Experts ,
    I face an issue in Webi Vs Bex Analyzer for the same query :
    Output of Bex query:
    Transport System     Location ID     Quantity
    PIPEC1-Z4          LOCCP1-Z4     1,000.000 BBL
                              LOCCP2-Z4     400 TO
                              LOCGAL-Z4     *
                              LOCRAS-Z4     200 TO
                              Result     *
    Here as the Unit of measure is different, the RESULT displays a *
    Only in cases where the unit of measure is the same, the result
    is displayed correctly.
    However in webi, the sum function blindly adds up without any possibility
    to check whether the uom is the same.
    How can I check to add only when the units are the same ?
    Regards, Jerin.

    Hi Jerin,
    Each Key Figure used in a BW query can have up to three different sets of information:
    Numeric value of the Key Figure corresponding to the Key Figure without the unit.
    Unit or Currency information, A Dimension object with character format that contains the unit or currency. For example, 'USD', 'u20AC', 'km'
    Formatted value, representing the user-specific formatting. A Dimension object with character format that contains the Key Figure and the unit (formatted value) based on user preferences configured on the SAP server. For example, '200 USD', '345 u20AC', '25 km'
    Each Key Figure is represented with a Measure object in a Class u201CKey Figures.u201D In the case where the Key Figure is configured in BW with a unit, an additional Dimension object will be added representing the unit information. The u201CFormattedu201D value represents the numeric value Formatted as a string value, following the user-specific formatting settings.
    Or if doesn't appear the Unit, for some CKF or RKF it happens, you can add to your BEx query and then to the universe the unit or currency and create a separate dimension with that information.
    I hope this help you.
    Best regards,

  • How to set default User preferences in Analyzer for all users

    How to set default User preferences in Analyzer for all users<BR><BR>Hi,<BR><BR>I would like to set some settings in Analyzer as default for all users. For example:<BR>1. Display | Char<BR>2. right mouse click on char | Chart Properties<BR>3. Axes tab<BR>4. "Format: Currency" i would like to change to "Format: Number".<BR><BR>How to set default values to all users? Is this possible?<BR><BR>Thanks,<BR>Grofaty

    I'm pretty sure higher access superceedes, so you could set up a group with no actual access, just to get the preferences working, then their individual security will dictate what they can do. I haven't tested this fully, but I beleive this is how it will work.<BR>As far as setting the preferences, go into the admin console and right click on the group, then select Preferences. To apply the group preferences to a user, add the user to the group, then right click on the user, select preferences and from the upper left corner, use the drop down to select the active preference, in this case, it will be the group you created and added them to.<BR><BR>HTH

  • HOWTO: Configure JDeveloper for Power Users

    < !doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <meta name="Author" content="JDeveloper Product Management">
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.72 [en] (WinNT; I) [Netscape]">
    <meta name="Description" content="Configuring JDeveloper for the Power User">
    <title>Configuring JDeveloper for the Power User</title>
    <font color="#000000">HOWTO: Configure JDeveloper for Power Users</font></h2></center>
    <hr WIDTH="100%">
    The default JDeveloper installation installs many components, however,
    it does not create easily accessible menus and shortcuts that many power
    users need.
    The common configuration problems that developers often face, but may
    not know how to fix include:
    Quickly Launching JDeveloper</li>
    Invoking the JDeveloper Help system (without running JDeveloper)</li>
    Adding external tools to JDeveloper's Tools menu</li>
    Editing JDeveloper Configuration files</li>
    This document explains how to perform the above tasks, and hopefully, you
    will learn how simple customizing your Windows &; JDeveloper environment
    can be.
    <hr WIDTH="100%"></h2></center>
    This document contains instructions for configuring JDeveloper for the
    power user.
    The following instructions lead you through the steps necessary to:
    Add links to key JDeveloper configuration files from the windows start
    menu.  This makes it simpler to change JDeveloper's behavior.</li>
    Create Short cut menus to JDeveloper Help system</li>
    <img SRC="PowerUser_StartMenu.JPG" height=89 width=332>
    Create a Quick Launch menu to JDeveloper</li>
    <img SRC="PowerUser_QuickLaunch.JPG" height=27 width=309>
    Add key utilities to the JDeveloper Tools menu.  This makes your favorite
    utilities just a menu away from within JDeveloper.</li>
    <img SRC="PowerUser_ToolsMenu.JPG" height=351 width=214>
    Enable the JDeveloper Console window.  This allows you to see the
    results of statements such as System.out.println( "message" ).</li>
    Let you understand how easy customizing various aspects can be</li>
    <hr WIDTH="100%"></h2>
    Detailed Instructions</h2>
    1. If you have not previously executed JDeveloper, Run JDeveloper once
    and exit.
        This creates the initial JDeveloper.ini
    2. Create links to JDeveloper's key files.
    <blockquote>Right click on the Windows Start menu
    Select <u>Explore All Users</u> to launch an Explorer window
    We will refer to this as Explorer Window #2 because it has 2 panes
    (left &; right)
    Note: This directory structure is also used by the Windows Start menu,
    thus adding folders here is the same as adding menu items to the Start
    menu decedents, Adding folders here is the same as adding sub-menus!
    In the right hand pane of Explorer Window #2, double click on Programs.
    Double click on the Oracle JDeveloper Folder.
    Select menu File | New / Folder to create a new folder.
    Name the folder, Customize
    Right click on the JDeveloper icon (either one)
    Select the <u>Properties</u> menu to launch the  JDeveloper
    properties dialog,
    <blockquote>Switch to the Shortcut Tab.
    Copy the path portion of the Target string (exclude JDeveloper.exe)
    into the clipboard (Select + Ctrl-C )
    Cancel the Properties dialog</blockquote>
    Press windows Start | Run... menu
    Paste clipboard contents (Ctrl+V) in the open line.
    Press OK to create an Explorer window.
    We will refer to this as Explorer Window #1 because it has 1 pane.
    Note that Explorer Window #1 is  focused on your JDeveloper bin
    Next we will create shortcuts to key JDeveloper files which are directly
    accessible from your windows start menu.
    Situate the two explorer windows so they do not overlap (shrink window
    size if necessary)
    We will be dragging from Explorer Window #1 to Explorer Window #2.
    // Create Shortcut to JDeveloper.ini inside of Customize folder/menu.
    In Explorer Window #2, Double click on Customize folder
    In Explorer window #1, find and select JDeveloper.ini.
    <font color="#000000">***Important:</font>  Right Click
    and Drag JDeveloper.ini from Explorer Window #1 and right-drag to Explorer
    Window #2 and release the right mouse button in the right pane.
    Then a small context menu appears, select the menu item <u>Create
    Shortcut(s) Here</u>
    This created a shortcut to JDeveloper.ini.
    // Create Shortcut to Tools.cfg inside of Customize folder/menu.
    Lets repeat the process for Tools.cfg
    Right click-drag from Explorer window #1 to Explorer Window #2 and
    choose Create Shortcut(s) Here.
    // Navigate to LIB dir
    In Explorer Window #1, lets navigate one directory level up by pressing
    the Folder UP arrow icon.
    Now Double click on the LIB directory Folder.
    // Create Shortcut to inside of Customize folder/menu.
    Lets repeat the process for
    Right click-drag from Explorer window #1 to Explorer Window #2 and
    choose Create Shortcut(s) Here.
    // Create Shortcut to inside of Customize folder/menu.
    [Optional] Lets repeat the process for
    Right click-drag from Explorer window #1 to Explorer Window #2 and
    choose Create Shortcut(s) Here.
    // Navigate to DOC dir
    In Explorer Window #1, lets navigate one directory level up by pressing
    the Folder UP arrow icon.
    Now Double click on the Doc directory Folder.
    In Explorer Window #2, lets navigate one directory level up by pressing
    the Folder UP arrow icon. This places us in the folder where the JDeveloper
    shortcut is.
    // Create Shortcut to JDeveloper.chm inside of JDeveloper folder/menu.
    Lets repeat the process for JDeveloper.chm
    Right click-drag from Explorer window #1 to Explorer Window #2 and
    choose Create Shortcut(s) Here.
    // Create Quick Launch Shortcut to JDeveloper.
    If you do not have the Windows Quick Launch Menu enabled, Right click
    on your Task bar, but not on any icons and Select Menu ToolBars | Quick
    Launch to display Quick Launch Menu
    Now Select JDeveloper from Explorer Window #1  and Right click-drag
    to the Quick Launch Area (on windows Task Bar) and choose Create Shortcut(s)
    This creates a Quick Launch icon for launching JDeveloper from the
    Quick Launch area.
    To verify everything is OK, you can now select the Window Start menu
    | Programs | Oracle JDeveloper... and you should see links to all the new
    files we just added.
    When everything is as you like, close both explorer windows.</blockquote>
    3. Enable JDeveloper's output console window
    <blockquote>Select Windows Start menu | Programs | Oracle JDeveloper |
    If windows asks you what to use to edit this file choose Write.
    Search for LogConsole=0 and change it to LogConsole=1
    Save the file and exit the editor.
    This Console window is very important for Advanced programmers because
    they can see various output including exceptions during their IDE interaction,
    Addin processing.</blockquote>
    4. Add more tools to JDeveloper's Tools menu
    <blockquote>Select Windows Start menu | Programs | Oracle JDeveloper |
    If windows asks you what to use to edit this file, choose Write.
    Add the following lines to the END of your Tools.cfg file.
    <font color="#000000">***Important:  </font>Be sure to make
    appropriate path changes suitable for your environment.
    Note: You may want to add your own favorite tools to this file for
    invocation from JDeveloper.
    <table BORDER COLS=1 WIDTH="80%" >
    <td><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>## Shortcut to Netscape
    Browser on current node (HTML, gif, etc)</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Navigator <Current
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>"C:\Program Files\Netscape\Com municator\Program\netscape.exe"</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>.</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>$NodeName</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>## Shortcut to Netscape
    Composer on current node (HTML, gif, etc)</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>## Note: Due to netscape
    modal issue, drag the node to netscape.</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Composer <Current
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>"C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\netscape.exe
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>.</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>$NodeName</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>## Shortcut to editing
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Edit Tools.cfg</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>C:\WINNT\system32\Write.exe</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>.</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>D:\jd3\bin\Tools.cfg</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>## Shortcut to editing
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Edit Gallery.ini</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>C:\WINNT\system32\Write.exe</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>.</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>D:\jd3\bin\Gallery.ini</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>## Shortcut to editing
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Edit JDeveloper.ini</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>C:\WINNT\system32\Write.exe</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>.</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>D:\jd3\bin\JDeveloper.ini</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>## Shortcut to editing</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Edit</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>C:\WINNT\system32\Write.exe</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>.</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>D:\jd3\lib\</font></font></td>
    Save the file and exit the editor.</blockquote>
    5. [Optional] To view the output of JDeveloper Addins as they are loaded,
    <blockquote>Select Windows Start menu | Programs | Oracle JDeveloper |
    If windows asks you what to use to edit this file, choose Write.
    Search for jdeveloper.logOutput= line and change it to end with
    a dash
    Save the file and exit the editor.
    This will place trace like statements invoked with Addin handling into
    the Console window.
    This is also the file which you will edit to add your Addin files to
    6. Start Developing with JDeveloper.
    <blockquote>Your new shortcuts can make launching JDeveloper, JDeveloper
    help files, external utilities, and configuring JDeveloper super easy.</blockquote>
    <hr WIDTH="100%"></h2>
    <blockquote>With the above configuration changes and the concepts understood,
    there is no end to your levels of customization that you may perform. 
    These represent but a few of the customizations that you can perform to
    make your day more productive.</blockquote>
    Please send corrections and suggestions to [EMAIL][email protected][EMAIL]

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Jannatpour ([email protected]):
    < !doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <meta name="Author" content="JDeveloper Product Management">
    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.72 [en] (WinNT; I) [Netscape]">
    <meta name="Description" content="Configuring JDeveloper for the Power User">
    <title>Configuring JDeveloper for the Power User</title>
    <font color="#000000">HOWTO: Configure JDeveloper for Power Users</font></h2></center>
    <hr WIDTH="100%">
    The default JDeveloper installation installs many components, however,
    it does not create easily accessible menus and shortcuts that many power
    users need.
    The common configuration problems that developers often face, but may
    not know how to fix include:
    Quickly Launching JDeveloper</li>
    Invoking the JDeveloper Help system (without running JDeveloper)</li>
    Adding external tools to JDeveloper's Tools menu</li>
    Editing JDeveloper Configuration files</li>
    This document explains how to perform the above tasks, and hopefully, you
    will learn how simple customizing your Windows & JDeveloper environment
    can be.
    <hr WIDTH="100%"></h2></center>
    This document contains instructions for configuring JDeveloper for the
    power user.
    The following instructions lead you through the steps necessary to:
    Add links to key JDeveloper configuration files from the windows start
    menu. This makes it simpler to change JDeveloper's behavior.</li>
    Create Short cut menus to JDeveloper Help system</li>
    <img SRC="PowerUser_StartMenu.JPG" height=89 width=332>
    Create a Quick Launch menu to JDeveloper</li>
    <img SRC="PowerUser_QuickLaunch.JPG" height=27 width=309>
    Add key utilities to the JDeveloper Tools menu. This makes your favorite
    utilities just a menu away from within JDeveloper.</li>
    <img SRC="PowerUser_ToolsMenu.JPG" height=351 width=214>
    Enable the JDeveloper Console window. This allows you to see the
    results of statements such as System.out.println( "message" ).</li>
    Let you understand how easy customizing various aspects can be</li>
    <hr WIDTH="100%"></h2>
    Detailed Instructions</h2>
    1. If you have not previously executed JDeveloper, Run JDeveloper once
    and exit.
    This creates the initial JDeveloper.ini
    2. Create links to JDeveloper's key files.
    <blockquote>Right click on the Windows Start menu
    Select [b]<u>Explore All Users</u> to launch an Explorer window
    We will refer to this as Explorer Window #2 because it has 2 panes
    (left & right)
    Note: This directory structure is also used by the Windows Start menu,
    thus adding folders here is the same as adding menu items to the Start
    menu decedents, Adding folders here is the same as adding sub-menus!
    In the right hand pane of Explorer Window #2, double click on Programs.
    Double click on the Oracle JDeveloper Folder.
    Select menu File | New / Folder to create a new folder.
    Name the folder, Customize
    Right click on the JDeveloper icon (either one)
    Select the <u>Properties</u> menu to launch the JDeveloper
    properties dialog,
    <blockquote>Switch to the Shortcut Tab.
    Copy the path portion of the Target string (exclude JDeveloper.exe)
    into the clipboard (Select + Ctrl-C )
    Cancel the Properties dialog</blockquote>
    Press windows Start | Run... menu
    Paste clipboard contents (Ctrl+V) in the open line.
    Press OK to create an Explorer window.
    We will refer to this as Explorer Window #1 because it has 1 pane.
    Note that Explorer Window #1 is focused on your JDeveloper bin
    Next we will create shortcuts to key JDeveloper files which are directly
    accessible from your windows start menu.
    Situate the two explorer windows so they do not overlap (shrink window
    size if necessary)
    We will be dragging from Explorer Window #1 to Explorer Window #2.
    // Create Shortcut to JDeveloper.ini inside of Customize folder/menu.
    In Explorer Window #2, Double click on Customize folder
    In Explorer window #1, find and select JDeveloper.ini.
    <font color="#000000">***Important:</font> Right Click
    and Drag JDeveloper.ini from Explorer Window #1 and right-drag to Explorer
    Window #2 and release the right mouse button in the right pane.
    Then a small context menu appears, select the menu item <u>Create
    Shortcut(s) Here</u>
    This created a shortcut to JDeveloper.ini.
    // Create Shortcut to Tools.cfg inside of Customize folder/menu.
    Lets repeat the process for Tools.cfg
    Right click-drag from Explorer window #1 to Explorer Window #2 and
    choose Create Shortcut(s) Here.
    // Navigate to LIB dir
    In Explorer Window #1, lets navigate one directory level up by pressing
    the Folder UP arrow icon.
    Now Double click on the LIB directory Folder.
    // Create Shortcut to inside of Customize folder/menu.
    Lets repeat the process for
    Right click-drag from Explorer window #1 to Explorer Window #2 and
    choose Create Shortcut(s) Here.
    // Create Shortcut to inside of Customize folder/menu.
    [Optional] Lets repeat the process for
    Right click-drag from Explorer window #1 to Explorer Window #2 and
    choose Create Shortcut(s) Here.
    // Navigate to DOC dir
    In Explorer Window #1, lets navigate one directory level up by pressing
    the Folder UP arrow icon.
    Now Double click on the Doc directory Folder.
    In Explorer Window #2, lets navigate one directory level up by pressing
    the Folder UP arrow icon. This places us in the folder where the JDeveloper
    shortcut is.
    // Create Shortcut to JDeveloper.chm inside of JDeveloper folder/menu.
    Lets repeat the process for JDeveloper.chm
    Right click-drag from Explorer window #1 to Explorer Window #2 and
    choose Create Shortcut(s) Here.
    // Create Quick Launch Shortcut to JDeveloper.
    If you do not have the Windows Quick Launch Menu enabled, Right click
    on your Task bar, but not on any icons and Select Menu ToolBars | Quick
    Launch to display Quick Launch Menu
    Now Select JDeveloper from Explorer Window #1 and Right click-drag
    to the Quick Launch Area (on windows Task Bar) and choose Create Shortcut(s)
    This creates a Quick Launch icon for launching JDeveloper from the
    Quick Launch area.
    To verify everything is OK, you can now select the Window Start menu
    | Programs | Oracle JDeveloper... and you should see links to all the new
    files we just added.
    When everything is as you like, close both explorer windows.</blockquote>
    3. Enable JDeveloper's output console window
    <blockquote>Select Windows Start menu | Programs | Oracle JDeveloper |
    If windows asks you what to use to edit this file choose Write.
    Search for LogConsole=0 and change it to LogConsole=1
    Save the file and exit the editor.
    This Console window is very important for Advanced programmers because
    they can see various output including exceptions during their IDE interaction,
    Addin processing.</blockquote>
    4. Add more tools to JDeveloper's Tools menu
    <blockquote>Select Windows Start menu | Programs | Oracle JDeveloper |
    If windows asks you what to use to edit this file, choose Write.
    Add the following lines to the END of your Tools.cfg file.
    <font color="#000000">***Important: </font>Be sure to make
    appropriate path changes suitable for your environment.
    Note: You may want to add your own favorite tools to this file for
    invocation from JDeveloper.
    <table BORDER COLS=1 WIDTH="80%" >
    <td><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>## Shortcut to Netscape
    Browser on current node (HTML, gif, etc)</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Navigator <Current
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>"C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\netscape.exe"</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>.</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>$NodeName</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>## Shortcut to Netscape
    Composer on current node (HTML, gif, etc)</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>## Note: Due to netscape
    modal issue, drag the node to netscape.</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Composer <Current
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>"C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\netscape.exe
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>.</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>$NodeName</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>## Shortcut to editing
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Edit Tools.cfg</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>C:\WINNT\system32\Write.exe</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>.</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>D:\jd3\bin\Tools.cfg</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>## Shortcut to editing
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Edit Gallery.ini</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>C:\WINNT\system32\Write.exe</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>.</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>D:\jd3\bin\Gallery.ini</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>## Shortcut to editing
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Edit JDeveloper.ini</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>C:\WINNT\system32\Write.exe</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>.</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>D:\jd3\bin\JDeveloper.ini</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>## Shortcut to editing</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Edit</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>C:\WINNT\system32\Write.exe</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>.</font></font>
    <font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>D:\jd3\lib\</font></font></td>
    Save the file and exit the editor.</blockquote>
    5. [Optional] To view the output of JDeveloper Addins as they are loaded,
    <blockquote>Select Windows Start menu | Programs | Oracle JDeveloper |
    If windows asks you what to use to edit this file, choose Write.
    Search for jdeveloper.logOutput= line and change it to end with
    a dash
    Save the file and exit the editor.
    This will place trace like statements invoked with Addin handling into
    the Console window.
    This is also the file which you will edit to add your Addin files to
    6. Start Developing with JDeveloper.
    <blockquote>Your new shortcuts can make launching JDeveloper, JDeveloper
    help files, external utilities, and configuring JDeveloper super easy.</blockquote>
    <hr WIDTH="100%"></h2>
    <blockquote>With the above configuration changes and the concepts understood,
    there is no end to your levels of customization that you may perform.
    These represent but a few of the customizations that you can perform to
    make your day more productive.</blockquote>
    Please send corrections and suggestions to [EMAIL][email protected][EMAIL]

  • Resources for Power User Training Material

    I am developing training materials for power user group. Can someone points me to the resources available on the Internet on this?

    Hi Fulham,
    I did something similar to this a couple of years ago.  I found some great material in the SAP Marketplace.  Afraid I do not have the links anymore, but there were 2 massive pdf files, one named "BW_Functions in Detail", the other "Business Explorer".  Maybe 1/3 of the material was suitable for Power Users (who are mostly interested in getting data out of BW, as opposed to getting data into BW).
    Would be happy to chat futher if you like.  You can write to me at [email protected]  I can offer you insights into what we thought Power Users would do compared to what they actually ended up doing.  (Your experience might differ, of course.)
    - Pete

  • BEx Analyzer for connection issue

    Hi Everyone,
    I received the following message while using RRMX transaction from SAP BI 7 system and unable to connect BI and BEx Analyzer.  However, I am able to connect to BW system from BEx Analyzer when manually enter user id and password after this error.  There is no issues in Dev, QA and has this issue in Preproduction system.
    Verified with my colleague who have same SAP GUI 7.2, MS Excel 2003 versions and my colleague is able to conenct to BEx Analyzer successfully.  Please advise.
    Error Group
    SAP_CMINIT3 : rc=20 > Connect to SAP gateway failed
    Connect_PM, GWSERV=sapgw23, SYSNR=23
    LOCATION    CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host
    ERROR       connection to partner '' broken
    TIME        Tue May 17 08:19:12 2011
    RELEASE     720
    COMPONENT   NI (network interface)
    VERSION     40
    RC          -6
    MODULE      gwxx.c
    LINE        646
    DETAIL      NiIRead: P=; L=
    COUNTER     2

    HI Prasad,
    This is a known issue.
    Implement these three notes on your system: 1435326, 1471630, 1498947(manual steps).
    If persist, let me know.
    Best regards,
    Edward John

  • Roles not displayed in BEx Analyzer for NW2004s

    We are evaluating a technical upgrade only from BW 3.5 to Netweaver2004s.  Under this plan, the 3.5 security will not be migrated to 7.0. We are using SAPGui Frontend 6.40 for BI. The existing BW 3.5 roles are not display in the Role Menu of SAP NetWeaver BEx.
    Any ideas on this?

    Got the following response from SAP and this resolved the issue
    please add the parameter
    into the table: ssm_cust (via tx: se16)
    The settings in SSM_CUST defines a compress mechanism for the user menu
    known as "Redundancy avoidance" and described in notes 357877 and 357693
    Redundancy avoidance deletes easy access menu entries for doubled
    transaction codes whenever SSM_CUST contains
    1. an entry CONDENSE_MENU with PATH = 'YES' and
    2. either an entry DELETE_DOUBLE_TCODE with PATH = 'YES' or no entry
    If you don't want doubled transaction codes to be deleted, then simply
    add an entry DELETE_DOUBLE_TCODES with PATH = 'NO' into table SSM_CUST.

  • Will the new iTunes 11 still work for power users?

    I've looked at the available screenshots, and I'm worried.
    On the new iTunes page, Apple says, "Simplicity is a beautiful thing" — but I'm not so sure. I don't see any conventional list views, and I'm very worried that in simplifying it, they've sacrificed the control that so many music lovers like myself have come to rely on.
    Here's Apple's info:
    Anyone have additional insight?

    Limnos wrote:
    1) iTunes is free software.  As such it isn't targeted at the "power user" nor does Apple have a specific committment to produce a certain style product.
    I disagree. Apple has added many, many features to iTunes over the years that target the power user. From smart playlists, to obscure things like ID3 tag version control. Power users features are sprinkled throughout iTunes. And to say that Apple doesn't have a "specific committment to produce a certain style product" is true, but also fairly obvious/meaningless.
    2) iTunes' developments over the past decade have largely been in the marketing facet.  As for basic music playing not much has changed since it was developed from Soundjam.  What has changed a lot is the introduction of the iTunes Store and interfacing with mobile devices.
    Basic music playing has changed a LOT. You couldn't even rate your tracks in the beginning.
    3) Apple is a for-profit corporation.   We might like to remember them as the little-computer-that-could taking on the big corporations, but frankly they aren't that anymore.  They have a responsibility to their shareholders to do whatever it takes to maximize profit.  We don't really know what the October iTunes looks like (much) but if they decide to dumb it down so it is easier for people primarily interested in using iPhones to use then from a marketing perspective can't blame them.  We might not like it and might yearn for the the days when Apple really was computers, but those days are gone.
    This is simplified to point of meaninglessness. There's an interaction between customers and product design teams. It may not be obvious from the outside, but there's still a give & take. What you're saying is in essence is, "Shut up and accept whatever happens," which is not a rational approach.
    4) If Apple decided iTunes wasn't in their interest they would drop it in a flash.  Where's iDVD?  iDVD was something people were willing to pay for.  They still would, but Apple isn't selling it anymore even though it is clear people in general have not given up on DVDs.
    iDVD is not a good comparison, because of the vastly different switching costs. I used iDVD, but was fairly unaffected by its slow demise.

  • Single PM Role for Power User

    Dear Experts,
    Kindly let me know whether there is any Single Standard Super Role in PM (SAP_PM_...) to cover all authorisations of PM functions for the use of Power User.
    I know that there are about 49 Standard PM Roles.
    Jogeswara Rao

    You can find out standard single role
    then create composite role and include all single roles in this

  • Bex Analyzer - Broadcast Creation User

    Hi folks,
    Appreciate any insight or best practice on this one.
    In creating an information Broadcast schedule (BW 3.5) is it most common to use an individual business account or a common generic account to create broadcasts.
    We have the issue of traceablity/accountabilty with the generic user.
    Thanks !

    Then I seem to have misunderstood the scenario. Sorry.
    Using the logged on user to submit a job is nothing new and okay. Using it to schedule a periodic job is a rather ugly design, but as long as you are not deleting the user ID you can move it into a secure "retired" user group.
    But ideally you would want to apply an administrator lock or restrict validity and then lock the idle password (perhaps better...).
    > Wondering what the typical approach is for a standard  generic or the named business user.
    The named business user is always better IMO, as long as it does not conflict with other requirements or create dependencies on keeping itself "alive".
    I would suggest moving this thread (I can do that for you) to the BI-BEX forum to continue the discussion and see what other gurus there think about it and which solutions they have found to work best (althought security might not be the initial or main focus).
    Do you agree?

  • Lets talk systems requirements for power users

    Ok so... I've been a Logic/Emagic user since Creator for the Atari ST. I find the latest version to be a power hungry beast. I can only get a few tracks working with my G4 powerbook before core audio runs out of resources. In my last attempt I could get only THREE tracks. I had a drum loop, a preset EP EVP88 sound with effects, and a bass track. When I wanted to record a saxophone, I ran out of gas.
    So I want to upgrade without mortgaging the farm. I could easy find myself tracking 20+ channels of audio and instruments. All with EQ and effect settings. I use Logic as a composition tool as much as recording medium. I don't want stop the creative process to have to bounce tracks around in order to get more usage.
    So what kind of "box" do I need. Is a quad G5 with a ton of ram the only thing that will keep the beast (aka Logic) fat and happy? Please talk about what kind of capabilities you're able to get out of your set up.
    G4 12 inch Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  
    G4 12 inch Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  
    G4 12 inch Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    I'm sorry for my rant in my last post, but I was pretty TO'd. I wasn't using any plugins with this latest attempt. The tracks consisted of one stereo, one mono, one MIDI track. It was when I tried recording another mono track, the core audio crapped out.
    Lets get into the details. Here's my set up;
    12 inch Powerbook G4 1.5 GHz
    Latest OSX & Logic upgrades
    PreSonus Firebox using S/PDIF input
    1.25g RAM
    Maxtor 300g firewire drive
    The main drive is about 2/3rds full. The external is only 10% full since I can't enough tracks in it! What I can't understand is the Logic system resource monitor shows I should have plenty of both disk I/O speed and CPU load to work with. There has to be something else going on here. I've had issues setting up the S/PDIF with the Firebox. I use a Focusrite Voicemaster pro as my pre-amp. Maybe the digital audio is not syncing??? I'll have to test this using the non-digital inputs. There's only one firewire plug on the Powerbook. Could the daisy chaining I'm doing with the Firebox and the Maxtor be causing the slowdown???
    I don't think I'm going upgrade if I can't get this working. In fact, I'm going to downgrade back my EMac running Logic 5 big box in OS 9. It's not as many plugins, but I could track up to about 12 channels. Even more when using MOTU software.
    Thanks for the replies,
    G4 12 inch Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  
    G4 12 inch Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

  • How to set variable value in BEX analyzer for IP Layout

    Hi All,
       I have created a simple planning function to copy data from one account to another and I have used mandatory selection variable for Fiscal year /period. When I execute the planning function through Planning modeler I get the prompt for the variable and the planning functions execute without errors and return the values. But now when I design the Bex workbook using my Input ready query that have button to execute the planning function,I don't get the prompt for the mandatory selection variable. I need to set the variable vaule in design mode then the function return the values. Is there way to get the prompt for the variable when I choose to execute the planning function. Also is there a option in Web application designer too?
    Please let me know what I'm missing.
    Appreciate you help.

    At the back of button specify the following parameter:-
    CMD    1        Execute_planning_function
    Planning_function_name  1   xyz
    Var_name     1    variable_name
    var_value      1    blank
    Can also refer to link below:- refer to page 20)
    Hope it may help

  • Average usage for power users?

    Hello All,
    Me and my wife recently relocated to a rural location were the broadband infrastructure is slim to say the lease however we get really good reception with Verizon. However I am having difficulty selecting a shared data plan that will support our usage, browsing, gaming etc. I understand coming from a cable broadband connection were data really wasn't an issue this is going to be quite different. So my question is on average how much data are you guys typically using for those who have a situation similar to mine? Thanks!

    I share a 10GB data plan between my phone and a Jetpack. I've never gone over that, but I keep close track of my usage. My usage is mostly web browsing and music streaming (Sirius, Pandora). On most of my Youtube videos I use 480p with an occasional splurge of 720p. If I want to watch something that uses a lot of data like Netflix or Hulu, I'll switch to wi-fi.

  • Power user training documentation in BEX

    Could any one pls provide me the links or any pdfs for power user training documentation bex analyzer and web ex

    check the links below:

  • SAP BEX Analyzer Set values for variables

    Please help us out in sorting out this problem,
    We are automating BEx Analyzer for a Testing Project with Quick Test Professional (QTP) a functional automation tool uses VB script.
    There are 5 steps in automation
    Invoke BEx Application
    Log in to BEx server
    Run Query
    Set values for Variables for Query
    Display Report
    We are able to do 1,2,3 steps using BEx API functions and running BEx macros but we struck up with 4th step,
    1. Invoke BEx Application
    ‘Launch Excel
    Dim app
    Set app = createobject("Excel.Application")
    ‘Make it visible
    app.Visible = true
    ‘Attach add-in to Excel file
    app.Run ("'C:\Program Files\SAP\Business Explorer\BI\BExAnalyzer.xla'!SetStart")
    2. Log in to BEx server
    Login to Bex server
    Function logonToBW(app)
    Dim myConnection
    Dim logonToBW2
    On Error Resume Next
    logonToBW2 = True
    ' Create logon to system with following user and system details
    Set myConnection = app.Run ("'C:\Program Files\SAP\Business Explorer\BI\BExAnalyzer.xla'! SAPBEXgetConnection")
    With myConnection
    .client = "600"
    .User = "USERNAME"
    .Password = "Welcom123"
    .Language = "en"
    .systemnumber = "00"
    .System = "BWDCLNT600"
    .systemid = "BWD"
    .ApplicationServer = ""
    .SAProuter = ""
    .Logon 0, true
         If .IsConnected = 0 Then
               .Logon 0, False
    If .IsConnected <> 1 Then
    MsgBox "Automatic logon failed. Please enter your username and password in the next screen ..."
    Exit Function
    End If
    End If
    End With
    ' Run connection query to see if connected
    app.Run ("'C:\Program Files\SAP\Business Explorer\BI\BExAnalyzer.xla'!SAPBEXinitConnection")
    logonToBW2 = True
    End Function
    3. Run a Query
    app.Run "'C:\Program Files\SAP\Business Explorer\BI\BExAnalyzer.xla'! runQuery", "ZZCCA3_M01_Q0003"
    Till here the script is running fine then the “Select values for Variables” window is displayed.
    This is where exactly we struck up; in this window we need to select values.
    Name of the Fields
         Field Name     Technical name of characteristic     Variable Name     Value
    1     Company Code                     0COMP_CODE     ZM_COMPCODE     1000
    2     Cost Center Hierarchy          0COSTCENTER     ZS_CCTRN     1000MDON
    3     Cost Center Node     0COSTCENTER     ZS_CCTRN     1000COP
    4     Cost Element          0COSTELEMENT     ZS_COELN     1000GDON_6999
    5     Fiscal Year     0FISCYEAR     0P_FYEAR     2007
    To select values for variables, we are trying below code but its giving an error,
    app.Run  "'C:\Program Files\SAP\Business Explorer\BI\BExAnalyzer.xla'!SAPBEXSetFilterValue", “1000”, "0COMP_CODE"
    app.Run  "'C:\Program Files\SAP\Business Explorer\BI\BExAnalyzer.xla'!SAPBEXSetFilterValue", “1000MDON”, " 0COSTCENTER "
    app.Run  "'C:\Program Files\SAP\Business Explorer\BI\BExAnalyzer.xla'!SAPBEXSetFilterValue", “1000COP”,  "0COSTCENTER"
    app.Run  "'C:\Program Files\SAP\Business Explorer\BI\BExAnalyzer.xla'!SAPBEXSetFilterValue", “1000GDON_6999”,  "0COSTELEMENT "
    app.Run  "'C:\Program Files\SAP\Business Explorer\BI\BExAnalyzer.xla'!SAPBEXSetFilterValue", “2007”,  " 0FISCYEAR"
    Any help highly appreciated, thanks in advance.

    Hi Reinhard,
    Pleas look at this:
    Passing a range to SAPBEX.XLA!SAPBEXSetFilterValue
    Best regards,

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