Blue screen when opening premiere elements 7

Hello i am new to this program i installed premiere with no problem and the first time i opened it it gave me a blue screen
ive been searching around and ive been told that its got sometihng to do with my drivers my video drivers
i have a nvidia gefore 6150 LE and i am upgrading ym drivers now so
any other informatio nthat will help me solve my problem just kinda scared me because i had music on at the time and was acting crazy
was not a BSOD though

You don't say if you're using XP or Vista -- but there are things you should do with both.
1) Ensure that you have at least 50 gigabytes of free, defragmented hard drive space
2) Ensure that you have from 1 - 2 gigabytes of RAM
3) Ensure that your operating sytems is completely up to date (not just automatic critical updates) and that all of your firmware and drivers are up to date. This may mean several trips to Windows Update, followed by reboots, to get even the "hidden" updates. XP is on SP3 and Vista is just releasing SP2.
Also make sure you have the latest version of Quicktime, which plays an essential role in video editing.

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    What computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 12 running on?
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    We will follow up when you have time.
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    A BSOD is a very serious matter. It is most often caused by hardware, or low-leve drivers interfacing with the OS. This ARTICLE goes into much more detail. It also provides links to tools, that might be very helpful.
    I would start looking for:
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    This article will give you some background, and also point you to updating your video driver:
    Good luck,

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    Thx for the reply.
    I had Bridge open in background and once I closed that Elements installed correctly.
    Thank you.

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    Loosing the registration code from any software is about the same as burning hundred dollar bills.  In this case a brand new copy of Premier Elements 13 is $60 for the DVD version.  B&H Photo Video
    That said, depending on how you registered the software, you may be able to get help here:  What are my contact options?
    Good luck.  Loosing your registration information frequently does not work out well.

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    I have an issue when launching Premiere Elements 13.
    Installation was ok, serial ok.
    When launching
    - i choose Premiere instead Organizer
    - Pop up ask me to connect to my Adobe id account to activate => next
    - i enter my id for connection => ok
    - Software License Agreement => I agree
    And then nothing happen, the dialog box close and ... nothing.
    I work on win7 64bits.
    I buyed both Photoshop Elements 13  and Premiere Elements together.
    I install Photoshop on my job computer and i install Premiere on my personnal computer.May it come from here.
    Thanks for your expérience.

    Premiere Elements 13 on Windows 7 64 bit.
    Does the problem exist with and without the antivirus and firewall(s) disabled?
    Do you have the latest version of QuickTime installed on your computer with Premiere Elements? And are you running the programs as administrator?
    Is your video card/graphics card driver version up to date according to the web site of the manufacturer of the card?
    Please look at the hosts file and other considerations included in the following Premiere Elements 12 link and determine if any applies to your Premiere Elements 13 situation
    ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE12: Premiere Elements 12 Editor Will Not Open
    Please review and consider, and then we will move forward based on your details in your reply.
    Thank you.

  • I can't open Premiere elements 13.

    I bought it and installed it, but when I click on it nothing happens, even if I try to open it as an administrator

    My PC a HP windows 7 Home Prem. does not seem to like Adobe Prem Elements  or Elements 13. I think its the software that has a lot of issues.
    I did gett it  running for a short time (but slow) when I restarted the PC in the morning it could not find  the  'path'.
    Adobe were no help. Looks  like I wasted my money.
    Original message----
    From : [email protected]
    Date : 16/02/2015 - 23:43 (GMTST)
    To : [email protected]
    Subject :  I can't open Premiere elements 13.
        I can't open Premiere elements 13.
        created by Tivers95 in Premiere Elements - View the full discussion
    I've reinstalled a load of times. My computer really doesn't like it.
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  • Blue Screen when coming out of sleep mode

    I had been having problems with my powerbook (15") and my associated 23" Cinema Display. Sometimes when I open up the powerbook one or both of the displays go to the dreaded "blue screen". I have to reboot to get back to normal.
    This was a minor niggle but recently, after the purchase of a La Clie 250 Gb external hard disk I'm having a similar blue screen problem but this time it is more serious: every time I wake the computer from sleep the 23" display shows the desktop for about a second and then goes to "blue screen". Opening up the powerbook sometimes makes both screens go black or both go blue! This happens every morning and every time I come back from work. I'm going from restarting the machine once a week to twice a day!
    I have the following devices permanently attached to the mac: iSight, Harman Kardon Speakers, eyeTV 410 box
    I've tried repairing the hard disk (from start-up DVD, it says there are no problems) but the issue still remains.
    Is this a known issue with Apple or likely to be due to my specific hardware configuration?
    Any advice would be helpful
    Power book G4   Mac OS X (10.4)   15" Powerbook, 23" Cinema Display, La Clie 250Gb disk, iSight, EyeTV, Harman Kardon Speakers
    Power book G4   Mac OS X (10.4)  
    Power book G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Have you tried things in Apple doc.#106464?

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    On your lower right hand corner is an icon that is used to disconnect your usb devices safely.
    simply click on it then select the device you want to remove, the computer will say "Device is safe to remove" then unplug the usb cable from the computer.
    Additionally try another usb port on your computer and see if that corrects the problem.
    Another thing to do is before you hook the phone up again do a system shut down and restart. Then plug in the phone. This may load your usb drivers correctly or the system will repair them.
    Good Luck

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