Bootcamp expired?

Hi all,
I want to erase a partition on my internal HD. I downloaded Bootcamp but it won't open telling me it is expired. Is this true? Why?
Can I work around this; does anyone know a way for me to delete a windows partition from my mac side? I've been trying Disk Utility, but I can't get one single option (no buttons light-up) to be recognized. Disk Utility will not in any way recognize the partition, there appears nothing I can do with the app. What gives?
All replies are appreciated

Thanks for that Neil.
Can you answer me this: now that the windows partition is erased, can the files in any way be accessed? Is it the case that the files still exist, but i've only erased the path to them (is that the right term?) ?
If the windows files do still actually exist can they in any way shape or form interfere with my OSX?
-If I understand correctly, windows and mac have different file formats (is that the right way to say it?) and are non-compatible.
Thanks you,

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  • Bootcamp expired? Erase a partition...

    Hi all,
    I want to erase a partition on my internal HD. I downloaded Bootcamp, but it won't open telling me it is expired. Is this true? Why?
    Can I work around this; does anyone know a way for me to delete a windows partition from my mac side? I've been trying Disk Utility, but I can't get one single option (no buttons light-up) to be recognized. Disk Utility will not in any way recognize the partition, there appears nothing I can do with the app. What gives?
    All replies are appreciated

    Thanks for that Kappy.
    Can you answer me this: now that the windows partition is erased, can the files in any way be accessed? Is it the case that the files still exist, but i've only erased the path to them (is that the right term?) ?
    If the windows files do still actually exist can they in any way shape or form interfere with my OSX?
    -If I understand correctly, windows and mac have different file formats (is that the right way to say it?) and are non-compatible.
    Thanks you,

  • Formatting OS Partition

    I want to return to SL from Lion.  I have cloned my HDD to an external HDD via CCC.  However, I am unable to remove the Mac Pro HD partition and leave my boot camp partition on the internal HDD. It seems that the only way Disk Utility will allow me to repartition the HDD is if I repartition the ENTIRE HDD, thus loosing my Boot Camp partition. If I reformat the entire HDD, and create two partitions can I then install SL on one, and the Boot Camp partition from the cloned copy on the other? If not, is there a workaround to solve this issue?

    brujakob wrote:
    Hello all,
    I have Tiger and I have a NTFS partition that I want to transform to Extended Mac OS X parition. Bootcamp expired for Tiger, and disk utility does not let me erase the partition. What should I do? I dont have windows installed in that partition anymore either, and my cd-rom doesn't work.
    Thanks in advance.
    Welcome to Apple Discussions:
    If you search the forums or the Apple database you will find an article about turning your clock back to use your expired to uninstall the BC partition and revert back to a single partition.
    As with all partitioning, if you do not have a full backup and something happens, you were warned ahead of time.
    You should get an external optical drive or you will not ever be able to maintain your computer properly.

  • Will Windows fail to work when leopard is released

    My question is just that... will windows stop working properly when bootcamp expires. Ive noticed some odd program crashes lately, that didnt happen b4

    You are still using Tiger then?
    If so, then you need not worry. The Boot Camp Assistant will expire, probably at the end of this year, but your Windows installation should still work. The only thing is you won't be able to update your drivers unless you get Leopard.
    By the way, Leopard has already been released on October 26.

  • Bootcamp on tiger. what do i do? how do i start?

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    Bootcamp beta has indeed expired for Tiger, without upgrading to 10.5 or 10.6, there is Parallels...
    VmWare Fusion...
    Which I think are far better options than Bootcamp anyway.

  • MacBook Air running Bootcamp getting ACPI errors in Windows

    We have a number of MacBook Air 13" mid-2014 A1466 models running Bootcamp with Windows 7 64 bit Enterprise.
    (We image them with Windows & Bootcamp, no Mac OS X partition)
    We are using latest Bootcamp 5.1.5640 drivers
    They work fine for most applications.
    We are regularly getting ACPI errors
    The error in Windows System log is
    Source: ACPI
    Description: The embedded controller (EC) did not respond within the specified timeoutperiod. This may indicate there is an error in the EC hardware or firmware that the BIOS is accessing the EC incorrectly. You should check with your computer manufacturer for an upgraded BIOS. In some situations, this error may cause the computer to function incorrectly.
    The error we are seeing is when a user is logged into a Windows domain it should pass the Windows password to other applications like Outlook, Lync, etc. Instead, on these Macs, they regularly prompt for the Windows password to re-connect to the source. We don't get this issue with normal Windows PCs.
    Also booting has a slight delay of around 10 seconds before Windows begins loading. Don't this delay with older MacBook Airs.
    Have looked at repairing Bootcamp drivers. EFI & SMC looks up to date, had to use Mac boot USB to check this info.

    VikingBrad wrote:
    Just re-reading my post and I was unclear. Yes we do use EFI and boot directly into Windows.
    This is good to know.
    The Windows partition is joined to an AD domain and logs in fine with AD credentials.
    The only problem being that when we open Outlook or Lync or other apps that require AD authentication the user is prompted for their AD credentials.
    We have cleared Credential Manager in Windows, tried different users with no success. It works with older MacBooks and Windows PC. Seems to just be these latest MacBook Air 2014 models with the issue. After user re-enters AD credentials they can connect to Outlook, etc.
    This may be a bit off-topic, but Macs do not "officially" support Enterprise versions of Windows. Can I suggest using a test 2014 MBA, installing W7/W8 64-bit, and configuring for AD authentication and testing. Are there any known DNS issues on this Macs? In all the applications which do not function correctly, does the username show up correctly populated, when prompted for login?
    The only error we see in Event log is the ACPI error so suspect it is related. But we have latest Bootcamp drivers from Apple perhaps we are off track.
    If the user successfully enters credentials when prompted for say, Outlook, and the computer is made to sleep or hibernate, is the connection to Outlook/Lync still up if the timeout for sessions (if any) has not yet expired and the computer is woken up?
    It may also be worthwhile to look for requests being made for authentication before the applications prompt the user for credentials.

  • Boot Camp Version 1.3b expired.. need to update but don't have windows.

    So let me run you through what I did so far.
    I got a version of Boot Camp 1.3 beta. I successfully installed it and began to go through the steps to set up windows. I skipped the burning the windows CD option and went straight to the partitioning. I created a 20gig partition named "Bootcamp."
    I then realized I needed to burn the windows CD from Boot Camp in order to install it. So I quit the Boot Camp Assistant Application. The option to burn the windows CD was no longer available so I scrapped the Boot Camp Assistant, re-downloaded the 1.3 beta version and installed it.
    Still no opportunity to burn the windows drivers CD disc. So I quit the assistant once again. I attempted to re-open the Boot Camp Assistant and I got an error message telling me it expired. So I set the date back on my clock to a date before the beta version expired (prior to Sept. 30, 2007).
    Then, I got this error message:
    This version of Boot Camp Assistant is not supported in Mac OS X v10.5. Use Boot Camp Assistant 2.0, located in /Applications/Utilities/.
    And that's where I am right now. I still have to have the date set back to before Sept. 30th, 2007 to get to the error message above or else it tells me the version is expired.
    So I've determined that I need to update Boot Camp to version 2.0 or higher, except I don't have windows installed on my computer yet. The mac support page tells me that I have to open windows and then install the updates to the latest version of boot camp... which I obviously can't do because I haven't installed windows yet.
    So I'm stuck with a partitioned drive and I cannot use the Boot Camp Assistant. I need the assistant to burn the windows install CD that I need..
    I'm in quite a pickle. Any help would be appreciated.. thank you.
    If you need more information let me know I'll try provide the information needed to fix this issue.
    Thank you.

    I don't have the Leopard disc because a man updated it for me in the mac store when I brought my laptop in for repairs.
    You need to get that disk to use Boot Camp. Mac OS X 10.4 disks don't contain the drivers.
    So, I have this Mac OSX install disc.. do I just insert it? And then what? How do I go about installing windows after that? I'm a little confused about how to get to the drivers and what to do I'm just not sure.
    Once you've partitioned the drive and installed Windows, start up the computer into Windows and insert the disk. The installer should automatically start.

  • Bootcamp gtx 680 mac edition and windows 8.1 BLACKSCREEN

    I have an MacPro 5,1 with EVGA GTX 680 Mac EDITION, with two SSD drives
    1 SSD Mac OS X 10.8.5
    1 SSD Windows 8.1
    Using BootCamp5.1.5621 drivers on the MacPro.
    Put in the new Card OS X Booted Great, tested everything as expected.  Then I booted over to Windows 8.1  Screen resolution came in at 640x480, so I rebooted.  The screen was completely black on reboot.
    Read that Windows 8.1 was using old or expired drivers in its automatic driver updates, I safe-booted and disabled
    like here d-with-windows-8-1
    rebooted, still black screen.
    DAY3 and DAY4
    Safe Booted and got an app called DDU ninstaller-ddu-v12-6-0-released-03-17-14-/26/
    I uninstalled ALL drivers for windows 8.1  I rebooted and under DEVICE MANAGER it saw my video card as the Generic Microsoft Video driver or whatever it was.
    I then installed the EVGA drivers according to the EVGA website.
    I tried Driver 335.23
    I tried Beta Driver 334.67
    I tried GEFORCE DRIVERS 334.89, 326.01, 327.23 and 335.23.
    Safe Booted and got an app called DDU ninstaller-ddu-v12-6-0-released-03-17-14-/26/
    I uninstalled ALL drivers for windows 8.1  I rebooted and under DEVICE MANAGER it saw my video card as the Generic Microsoft Video driver or whatever it was.
    Then I went back to the BOOTCAMP folder, found the NVIDIA drivers for the video card and it ERRORS during the installation.
    I can't even begin to explain how frustrated I am,
    BTW the card is SUPER SOLID and runs Perfect in OS X.
    I drowing in black screens...

    It removed all extra peripherals and it worked.  Ended up being an ATTOTECH card, that was making it crash.

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    Something insightful that pertains to the discussion. Like who I can talk to regarding this issue. As well as maybe how I can go about getting answers why vsync cuts me to 30fps clamp in games on Mac pax yet on bootcamp I get 60fps and no issues... And that I cannot update video drivers. Boy for a company that talks about graphics they have **** poor support in that department. But I'm sure u will flame me again with your attitude.

  • Using Windows 7 RC on bootcamp: will i need upgrade or full?

    I'm running Windows 7 RC (Ultimate) on my macbook pro via bootcamp. I'm anticipating the expiration on it and I need to know if it will i need to buy the upgrade or the standalone for windows 7 ultimate when it is released in october?

    The upgrade version for $49 is thru July 11th. The expiration on RC is not until MARCH though.
    And a clean install is recommended path.
    I would NOT buy Ultimate this go-around! Home Premium is fine for most anyone. 7423#9747423

  • Help! Win 8.1 Bootcamp partition vanished

    Hi all
    My Windows 8.1 Bootcamp partition has vanished.
    Last night I was playing a Windows game, all was well and I shutdown the machine at the end of the night.  This morning I got up, powered up the Mac Pro and noticed it was stuck in an OSX reboot cycle.  I held the alt key down and the 3 boot partitions popped up OSX, Recovery, Windows 8.  I selected Recovery and ran the Disk Utility,  "Check" disk tool.  It reported that the EFI was bad so I clicked on Repair.  It then said it couldn't repair it.  I rebooted again and this time there are now only two options, OSX and Recovery.  I clicked OSX which loaded fine.  I have no idea how this happened when the machine was off over night and fine the night before in both Windows and OSX.
    So now I have no way to boot into Windows on my new Mac Pro 2014 machine.
    Bootcamp is on the internal SSD along with OSX
    I have never resized the partitions
    I have not installed anything new in the last few weeks
    I do not visit dodgy websites and run Malware bytes anti malware regularly (never found an issue to date)
    Last night I added a secondary HDMI monitor
    The day before yesterday I unplugged everything and rearranged my office
    I uninstalled Parallels Desktop Trial (expired) 1 week ago from both Windows and OSX
    I have backed up the Bootcamp partition to an external drive using Disk Utility 
    I CAN browse the bootcamp partition using finder and the folders and files are all visible.
    New Mac Pro. 512GB SSD, OSX 10.9.3, 16GB Ram, Thunderbolt Display, HDMI Dell Display
    Any help would be much appreciated as some of my key work software is on the BOOTCAMP windows install.

    There is overcharging protection in the battery and the adapter, both. This can also be seen on OS X side under System Report -> Power. If you adapter is plugged in and the battery is charged, it will say 'Not charging' despite the fact that the power adapter is connected.

  • Installing Windows 7 Ultimate on Lion/Bootcamp 4/Mac Pro (before 2008)

    I'm currently trying to install windows (described in title). Everything works fine until the windows intallation gets to the last step. It restarts the computer to run the configuration which causes a blue screen of death to appear and disappear so fast I can't read it. I've been poking around to see if there are any solutions but I haven't really seen anything helpful. The closest I've seen has been to rename the apple drivers bootcamp installs (or something like that) but when searching the file system I can't find the ones mentioned. Also this compy has a 2 x 2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon processor with 2GB 667 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM ... and was purchased around 2007/2008. Thanks all.

    Windows 7 64-bit requires UEFI, which means Mac Pro 3,1 Early 2008.
    That is what Microsoft supports for UEFI and GPT on 64-bit OS, group, Intel, Apple and other partners.
    And the ROM yu have is 32-bit and too small for that. UEFI didnt' exist until two years after the MacPro line debut.
    So the easy way: install Wndows on a PC to get it started, don't update, then insert drive into Mac Pro and continue from there. That is the easy route.
    You actually should, with 64-bit DVD, get an error message:
    Select CD ROM 1 or 2
    I had Windows 7 evaluation copy, on my computer, which was expiring.  Bought the Windows 7 Home premium and put the disk in the CD-Rom drive, and started my computer.  Got the "Select CD-Rom Boot Type" prompt with the  options "1" and "2", with  no  descriptions for either one.  I entered the number '1' and my computer started with the evaluation copy (tried '2' as well).  Finally, I started the computer again and entered  the number '3'.  Installation process for my Windows 7 home premium started.
    Someone put this help tip and it should be useful, but does require Windows, and it is easy to install Windows from ISO or DVD into a VM whereas native install fails.
    Again, you only need Apple drivers, not Boot Camp Assistant to partition etc and you do need to put the Windows drive in bay #1 or #2 while removing all other drives (external as well).
    Try typing "3" though if you get the "Select CD" prompt first, seems Microsoft has for years had an issue with their loader is not ISO9660-compliant.
    And if it was my Mac, I'd download Windows 8 Preview on the 29th (well, wait a couple days for the server to catch up as it will probably get million downloads a day). Unless you have access to Windows 7 through work or MSDN.
    You only need to buy System Builder Windows 7 64-bit Pro - Pro to use both processors in your system.
    And normally installing 32-bit version is a piece of cake. and from in there you can install 64-bit in another partition on same hard drive without having to boot off DVD.
    I think you created the DVD with Disk Utility and that is why it doesn't work. No?

  • Can BootCamp beta be installed on Tiger by setting the clock back?

    I have a MacBook, it is about one year old. I have been running BootCamp on with with XP Pro/SP2 since the day I got it, and it has always worked fine.
    Now, however, for a few reasons, I want to wipe my hard drive clean completely - set the partitions back to being one partition, format everything, install Tiger, install BootCamp, install XP, etc.
    I am concerned about BootCamp though, as the beta has expired and I don't intend on getting Leopard anytime soon.
    If I try to open the BootCamp assistant, it obviously says that it's expired. I've often heard that you can get around it by setting the system clock back to 2007. I did so, and I got the following common error message:
    "The startup disk cannot be partitioned or restored to a single partion..."
    I've read that this usually means that there's something wrong with the way your partitions are set up...but I have only two partitions, the OSX partition and the XP partition as the BootCamp Assistant itself set up a year ago. I've never had any trouble booting into Windows, and I've never had any problem with BootCamp before this. I don't know what could be causing this, but I'm thinking if I'm going to wipe the entire hard drive clean, I might as well just use disk utility to delete the XP partition and go from there.
    But I don't want to wipe my hard drive if I can't use BootCamp again afterwards, so my real question is this: If I wipe my hard drive completely, install OSX, and then
    1.Set the system clock back to 2007
    2.Install BootCamp Beta
    3.Run BootCamp Assistant to make the partitions, install XP
    4.After XP Installation, set the OSX clock back to its appropriate time
    I need a definitive answer to this, and it's no, is there any other way I can accomplish what I'm trying to do?

    Yes that should work, I have tried a similar thing in the past.
    See also
    "Boot Camp Beta: Removing a Windows partition after Boot Camp Beta has expired in Mac OS X 10.4"

  • Mid 2012 mbp bootcamp install issues

    I am having trouble installing Windows 7 64bit via bootcamp on my 15' mbp.  I made a usb boot drive and I am able to boot into windows 7 INSTALL, but it asks driver.  There's a browse and a rescan button.  Rescan does nothing.  I have browsed to the bootcamp driver folder and it fails to find anything.  Running through each folder I get the window to populate when I am under INTEL/CHIPSET/ALL folder but nothing will install.  I usually get "No new devices could be found.  Make sure the driver files are correct and located on the driver installation media."  However, the USB drivers crash the machine. 
    I am an IT person but this is my first Mac so I am not in my element.  (Actually I just bought a mini as well.)

    I think I have similar problem.
    I have MacBook pro mid. 2012. And for hole year it was perfect.
    But several days ago I noticed some graphic artifacts all over my screen. I rebooted my system - but the problem was still there. I use gfxCardStatus to monitor and control video card status. And I noticed, that that glitch appears only when nvidia adapter is in use. I tried to roll back hole system for one week back with time machine, but no luck...
    There's no apple store in my contry (Russia, Saint-Petersburg), but there's several apple authorized service providers. I called them for diagnostic, and they told me, that this is videoRAM problem, and only solucion is to replace motherboard, and it will cost me for something around $1000
    Irony is that my year warranty expired just one week before this trouble appears.
    So I'm working now only with integrated video

  • Consistent failure at installing Windows 7 with BootCamp

    A couple of weeks ago the 1TB hard drive of my mid-2010 21.5 inch iMac died, and I had it replaced with a 2TB hard drive.
    As an architect, it is important for me to have access to Windows 7 (at least) so that I can make use of the Autodesk Revit software, among other programs. It is very important that I install Windows 7 on my new hard drive ASAP!
    My SuperDrive seems damaged; it has trouble reading disks, as well as burning them (i.e. it simply cannot burn disks) and to circumvent this I purchased an external disk drive (a "LaCie Slim DVD" USB connected disk drive) which I have plugged in to my iMac. While I can confirm that this drive works fine - it was capable for one of burning a disk at 8x - I am encountering a problem when I try to restart the computer and commence installing Windows 7.
    Specifically, I get a black screen (in the microsoft DOS kind of style) with a line of text saying, roughly: 'No boot disk detected -- please insert a boot disk and press any key to continue'.
    Obviously, my boot disk is inserted. I have tried using Startup Disk to force the computer to use the disk in my external disk drive, but it hasn't worked. I have even tried using the old, damaged SuperDrive in the iMac but it presents me with the same screen. Sometimes it seems as though the external drive isn't activated when I start the computer - but other times it does have a glowing green light and makes that disk drive noise - even when the black screen with 'No boot disk detected -- please insert a boot disk and press any key to continue' is showing.
    So what is my ultimate question?
    How can I install Windows 7 on my iMac with a busted SuperDrive, using my external Disk drive that my computer seems to be ignoring?
    I know MacBook Air laptops are capable of installing Windows with a USB - is that right? - can a very clear tutorial be provided to me as to how I can go about doing this?
    I simply have to have this installed on my computer so I can access Revit ASAP, please help!

    There could be another workaround, but I hesitate to mention it:
    Install Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac and use it to create a Windows 8.1 virtual machine.
    1. I have not tried Parallels Desktop 9 under Mavericks, nor Windows 8.1 under Boot Camp under Mavericks, so this is not a personal endorsement, nor can I provide specific help because I'm still using Parallels 7, and Windows 7, not Parallels 9 and Windows 8.1
    2. Parallels probably does not provide adequate performance for your Windows application software, compared with a Boot Camp installation.
    3. There could well be compatibility issues with your Windows software and hardware. The mainstream stuff like Microsoft Office is fine. The more esoteric the software and more specialized the hardware (digitizers, plotters, 3-D printers), absolutely no guarantees.
    So, Parallels 9 allows you to create virtual Windows machines that DO NOT REQUIRE BootCamp partitions, and you can install a legitimate copy of Windows from either a DVD or USB.
    If you still want to give it a shot, download a free full version of Parallels Desktop 9 for Mac for a 14-day free trial here:
    Once the free trial has expired, it's $79.99 to purchase a license for one machine. You do not have to re-install and re-download if you purchase a license. you simply install the license code into the trial copy. If you already own a recent version of Parallels, there might be a less expensive upgrade available for $49.99.
    I have successfully installed my legitimate OEM copy of Windows 7 64-bit copied to a USB stick, while running OS X 10.8.5 with Parallels 7, and my legitimate OEM copy of Windows XP from CD. It's not strictly plug and play. You do have to configure the Parallels Desktop settings to know where to look for the Windows installation files.
    There is also VMware, and other virtual-machine software out there, but I have no experience with them.

Maybe you are looking for