Bounced audio has echo in nested sequence.

I fixed dialogue in STP, exported back to FCP and it plays fine in the sequence. However, when I nest that sequence in my final film, part of the audio needs to be re-rendered. When completed it plays back with an echo. The first part plays fine and can't for the life of me work out why the problem starts mid way through or how to fix it.
I'd be grateful if anybody knows a solution.
Kind Regards

No problem. I wish it would maintain any track mute settings in final outputs. If I have a project with 2 or 3 different versions of an audio mix in addition to the raw files, I'd rather just mute all tracks but the most current mix. Maybe a feature request...

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  • Audio mixes not correct when inserting nested sequence.

    Ah, yet another anomalous behavior issue...
    I commonly edit packages for a program I regularly work on, then drop the nested sequences into the show's easier that way, and the EP likes it that way. However, I occasionally come across an issue where the nested audio sequence doesn't "remember" the mix levels of the component parts. For instance, I just made an audio adjustment to the open of the show, and dropped the nested open into the show timeline...where it promptly "forgot" the music rampdown I'd just done.
    The workaround? I slipped the audio track, blowing out the render files...then dragged the clip back into sync, re-rendered again...and then the mix stuck.
    Probably I should do this sort of stuff in Soundtrack, eh?

    FCS has lots of quirks (I hesitate to call them bugs because they are not always repeatable). Still, people need to keep in mind that the FCS suite is built upon an ancient (in computer years) core technology (and code). While everyone is holding their breath for 64bit thinking it will be faster, I'm cringing because I know what a massive bit of code this suite represents and the thought that a complete rewrite will get everything correct is simply unimaginable.
    [/rant on] My simple hope is they do not keep chasing after these consumer formats (including BR) and simply focus on making the core of the program function exactly as it should - especially media management. The whole 32bit/64bit nonsense is a distraction. Stuff that is stable and works the same every time - even if a little quirky- is MUCH more valuable in the professional environment than dumping in loads of new stuff. [/rant off]
    Have fun.

  • Nested Sequence Audio Problems

    Hi all,
    Progressing with FCP and experimenting with doing things differently, I am trying to take advantage of being able to nest sequences so that the minor changes I make to these individual sequences automatically update in the large, full sequence in which these various scenes are nested. It's great.
    However, I have encountered a couple of different problems with audio. For instance, at various points, when I am playing the full sequence (the one containing nested sequences), audio drops out completely (though only briefly). At other times, an audio track that I have faded out pops back on for no reason.
    Does this ring a bell with anyone?

    I have never really had any luck nesting sequences in FCP. When I first bought FCP, version 1, I was sold on the premise that FCP has about 90% of what After Effects has in it. It does not. FCP is a video editor and not really designed to nest sequences like a AE. I like Motion because it can render internally in FCP instead of AE that requires you to render to a media file and then import that into FCP. I hate to tell you that you compositing is something best reserved for a dedicated compositor. Doing it in FCP will only make you cry.

  • Multicam edit from nested sequence -- no audio?

    Can someone please help me explain why I can change the video tracks as if they are multicam in my nested sequence, but I can't change the audio?
    I created a sequence called "sync" which basically is all of my cameras, each on their own individual tracks, sync'd with each other, as they turned on and off throughout the shoot.
    I cut this 'sync' sequence into my main timeline 'master', and then enabled multicam. I can now beautifully cut between cameras using the 'multicam' window and clicking on the preview of the shot I want as it plays. I've made my visual edit, but now I want to go back and choose my audio tracks, which it seems I can't do...
    Furthermore, it seems that my nested sequence, which has video cut into V1 and audio cut into Stereo track A1, is only playing stereo track A2 from 'sync' when it's played on 'master'. It seems to be somewhat dependent on the tracks I have enabled on 'sync', but not entirely:
    1) If all audio tracks are enabled on 'sync', only A2 will play from A1 on 'master'
    2) If all audio tracks except for A2 are enabled on 'sync', no audio will play on 'master'
    3) If only A2 is enabled on 'sync', only A2 will play from 'master'.
    Is there any documentation about this behavior? Is it a bug? Is there any way to select a different audio track from 'sync' from the multicam edit window?
    Thanks in advance!

    OK, maybe I should clarify...
    Only A2 is coming through, NOT A1 -- so that's inconsistent with what you're saying. I have not checked Audio Follows Video, because that's not the bahvior I want. I'd like to be able to choose from any of the video tracks. Is that not possible in Premiere Pro?
    Also, do you think it makes a difference that I'm 'multicam editing' from a regular sequence (with multicam enabled) as opposed to an actual multicam sequence?
    thanks for the help.

  • MAstering nested sequences causes audio pops

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    I've also had some weirdness like that such as bizarre volume changes in the master sequence that aren't in the nested sequence. Several "quirks" I've encountered were remedied by re-rendering or deleting the preview and media cache files then re-rendering.

  • Why does my nested sequence have only one channel of audio?

    Working in Prem Pro CC on my Mac Pro.
    I have  a number of interviews, each shot with 3 cameras and with audio from a separate audio recorder. The audio has two channels, Ch1 has the boom mic and Ch2 a radio mic.
    I created a sequence, placed the audio into channels 1 & 2 (they are linked) before placing the video tracks onto timeline tracks 1-3. Everything's synced nicely and so I nested the shots and then I enabled multicam on the nested sequence.
    However, now when I edit the nested sequence into my edit sequence, it has only one channel of audio. I tried Modify>Audio Channels but within that page, in the option to select 'Source Channels' the options are "None" and "Channel 1".
    How do I get my nested sequence to place both audio channels into my edit sequence?
    Any help much appreciated.

    Nevermind folks, I figured it out. I had my render control settings set to Apple Pro Res on some timelines.

  • Nesting Sequences (Audio Tracks Problem)

    I am trying to use Premiere to make a rough (rough!) edit of some audio. There is no video yet.*
    I made a handful of sequences in Premiere, all of which consist of edited audio clips.
    Now I have created a new big sequence, and I want to nest the audio sequences in this new big sequence. (I only want to bring in the audio, if I can do this easily.)
    When I drag the sequences into the new big sequence, it keeps dumping the audio on Track 9, which didn't exist before.
    How tough will it be to put the audio of the nested sequences on Track 1?
    *Animations will be made later in After Effects and added to the timeline to go with the audio. Until then, there's no video.

    Your sequence setup is messing things up. Audio tracks are either mono, stereo or 5.1. If you have only stereo tracks (indicated by the two speaker icon at the left side of the track), they can not be placed in a mono or 5.1 track. If a stereo track is missing, one will be created for you. Same with the other formats. There is nothing wrong with a 9-th audio track, but you can delete the empty tracks above it easily to move your audio track to the first track.
    Basically, you need to adjust your sequence settings.

  • Nested sequence: after a cut, audio repeats from previous clip

    Summary: In a nested sequence situation, I'm getting short audio repeats from a clip element just prior to a cut.
    Premiere Pro CC, latest version at time of writing (7.0.1 (105), under Windows 7 (64-bit).
    Structure: I have a sync-sequence (multicam source sequence) consisting of XDCAM-EX (file structure broadly along the lines of AVCHD) and Z1 (plain m2t files).  Derived from / dependent on that is a multicam edit sequence, where I cut between camera angles.  Then that sequence is itself nested in a master sequence (showing selected extracts of the performance).
    For reference purposes: Multicam edit sequence consists (among other things) of a rock band's "big finish" followed by some applause.  I made a cut in the audio part (only) of the nested sequence clip, to enable the audio for the applause to be normalized independently of the band performance.  To smooth the join I added a crossfade transition over the cut.  Nicer in principle than using volume envelopes.
    When I play the original recording or the multicam sync-sequence or the multicam edit-sequence, all looks and sounds fine.
    When the Master sequence is played back (in preview or an exported/encoded clip) I hear the big finish, then applause starts, then after 2 seconds the "big finish" is heard once again, but at lower audio level.
    This effect happens wherever I have used the same cut/normalize/crossfade technique in the (nested) multicam edit sequence.  I have also encountered it in previous projects in Premiere CS6.
    If I delete the crossfade then the problem disappears...  Doesn't matter what type of audio crossfade is used.
    Is this a known problem? and is there a quick workaround? (other than using envelopes instead or copying/patching the audio up to the master level)

    Ah so  [Sequence > Render Audio] is not just a "luxury item" to get waveforms to display when nested or to (presumably) to lower CPU load (e.g. when audio effects have been applied).  It's something that I will need to always do from now on...   It's a shame there's a "feature" but great to know of the workaround.
    Thank you very much.

  • Nested sequence: Audio anomaly

    I've had the strangest experience. I created a number of nested sequences in my project. These sequences included a video track, a dialogue track and a music track. I played through these nested sequences and everything seemed good to go. I saved the project and quit out of PremPro. Today when I  opened up one of the nested sequences the music track has been somehow partially "switched" with another sequence's dialogue track. The music is no longer on that track! (I am working on a mac os, snow leaopard with CS5.5). what did I do wrong?

    I apologize to anyone reading this for the negative tone of the post above.
    I have since answered my own question and, as usual, the problem turned out to be one of my own making. I'm pretty sure that the reason that none of the other methods worked for getting rid of the glitch was that I had pulled the nested sequence in question out of a different project altogether and added it directly to the time line rather than adding it first to the bin of my final project and placing it into the timeline from there.
    Dual 2.0 G5 Mac OS X (10.3.9) 1.5 GB RAM and Fiberchannel Xserve

  • Nested Sequence Audio Update Glitch

    This problem seems to pop up on my system from time to time and I can never remember how to correct it.
    Nested Sequence plays back with an audio track that is no longer in the nested sequence. When I open the nested sequence, sure enough, the audio track is not there.
    I've tried "refreshing" the track as suggested by another thread by way of control clicking and removing none existant attributes. It didn't work. I've tryied adding Audio Filters that will require a render. It didn't work. I've tried deleting all of my audio render files. It didn't work. I've already resorted to overwriting the nested sequence in question with the same nested sequence, but there should be a way to fix this @#$% bug without doing that!
    Dual 2.0 G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   1.5 GB RAM and Fiberchannel Xserve

    I apologize to anyone reading this for the negative tone of the post above.
    I have since answered my own question and, as usual, the problem turned out to be one of my own making. I'm pretty sure that the reason that none of the other methods worked for getting rid of the glitch was that I had pulled the nested sequence in question out of a different project altogether and added it directly to the time line rather than adding it first to the bin of my final project and placing it into the timeline from there.
    Dual 2.0 G5 Mac OS X (10.3.9) 1.5 GB RAM and Fiberchannel Xserve

  • Getting bad audio glitches on crossfades in nested sequences

    I believe I've had this issue a long time ago in a previous version, but I'm now experiencing it with CC2014.  Audio crossfades in nested sequences are causing really terrible glitches.  Sometimes, popping and crunchiness and sometimes just acting like the crossfade isn't even there.
    Anyone else having this issue?  Any suggestions on how to fix it other than putting all of my audio on separate tracks and keyframing the fades?

    Mac Pro 10.9.4
    Premiere CC 2014.0.1   8.0.1
    This occurs all around my timelines, without rhyme or reason, sometimes here or sometimes there. Does not appear in exports, just within the timeline as I edit and play, scuba, etc.
    Sometimes a specific transition  or crossfade will glitch, sometimes it won't.
    I tried to remove the transition, and it still audio glitched, ** even before I added keyframes. Oddly, this this is happening ONLY on the clips that the transitions were on, and NOW, if I take there transitions off,  the glitch is happening on different points within the clip, not just at the transition point.

  • Each edit is taking 5-10 seconds to process in some of my project file's nested sequences. What can I do?

    I edit a weekly news show. For this show, I have created a Project File that I re-use as a template every week. It's a highly nested template, with a sequence for every used material (the anchorman’s footage, the news set, the media playing over the anchorman’s shoulder, the lower thirds, etc). It has three different camera angles in a multicam sequence, each sequence sharing the same nested sequences but just resized to look like a different camera angle.  To make this easier to understand, here's an episode (explicit):
    SKATELINE - Cory Kennedy, David Gonzalez, Jimmy Carlin In Enjoi Oververt and more.. - YouTube
    In the past, the template has worked perfectly. However, everytime Adobe has a major update and I update the project file, for some reason, some of the sequences perform very sluggishly. With Adobe's recent update, the sequences for the anchorman’s footage and the media playing behind him are very slow to make edits in. Every action I do takes 10 seconds to process, even moving an image. However, if I work in the master sequence (With everything put together) everything runs perfectly smooth when I make edits.
    In an attempt to fix this problem, I decided to recreate the project file from scratch, with the new update, but even then, my "anchorman footage" and "media behind him" sequences are very slow. What's even more bizarre is if I select a piece of footage in the anchorman sequence, my entire program sometimes crashes. I have tried rendering the sequences to help performance, but that hasn't worked. I have tried installing CUDA Drivers to use the CUDA version of the Mercury Playback Engine on my Macbook Pro Retina, but it also still isn’t working.
    So why do you think that my sequences are operating so slowly? What could be causing it? Could it be that each sequence is used several times in the multicam sequence? If so, why has it worked smoothly until now? What can I do?

    Yes same issue for me also, working in mutli cam nestings
    Very Very Sluggish Performance, semi hangs in PP, if you actually wait long enough, or leave it hung whilst you do a post on here, for a few minutes then it may come back to response.
    The issue is defo to do with nesting, I have tried turning off audio wave forms, which helps in the multicam nest edit but as soon as you put that sequence into a third nest then the sluggishness is major.
    Basically, this looks to be the same issues that have been reported before with the new update.

  • Working with Nested Sequences

    I'm working with a 1 hour, 20 minute multi-cam (2 cameras) Sequence of a concert, with many edits. One of the music pieces was complicated, so I separated it out into a separate Sequence, and did the editing. Later, my occasional fcp tutor created a new nested Sequence, into which he transferred the separated piece. The nested Sequence is exactly the same length as the original Sequence.
    Since the two cameras required different kinds of Color Correction, we did this in the nested Sequence. Then we exported the nested Sequence as a self-contained QT file. O.K. so far.
    But then later, after my tutor has gone, I realize that I don't understand nested Sequences. When I double click on the nested Sequence in the timeline, I'm taken back to the whole concert Sequence in the timeline, out of which the nested Sequence was created. So, Question #1: I can't adjust the audio in a nested Sequence? Question #2: Now, I realize I need chapter markers and I create them in the original whole Sequence, but too bad, they don't appear in the nested Sequence (which has the color correction that I want). How can I transfer my newly created chapter markers in the nested Sequence so that I can now re-export it with the chapter markers?
    Thanks, Robert

    1. Duplicate the 'whole' sequence (The one with the chapter markers)
    Give the duplicate an obvious name. Like "FinaL WITH CHAPTER MARKERS".
    2. Delete all clips in this duplicate sequence. (Command-A, then Backspace)
    The chapter markers will remain. Don't alter the original sequence in any way!
    3. Go to the nested sequence. Copy Everything (Command A, then Command C)
    4. Go to the (now empty) Duplicate sequence. Paste (Command V)

  • Exporting nested sequences from premiere

    Hello.  I'm trying to export a nested sequence and a separate track that has audio.  When I try to export all I get in file is one of the original clips and no audio.

    For PC users, of which I am one, the Preview Render codec in the Sequence is usually MPEG so best to avoid it. If you can actually use ProRes, then it's understandable that you'd want to "Match Sequence" if possible.
    Check this link -
    Jeff Pulera
    Safe Harbor Computers

  • Errors with nested sequences

    I have been working on a large project in which I have been nesting sequences and placing them into one master timeline.
    When I update my nested sequences, the master sequence does not reflect the new changes. For example, I deleted an audio track in one of the nested sequences, but the audio track still plays in the master sequence.
    My master sequence used to update when I made changes to the nested sequences, but this problem has only occurred recently.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    If your audio is mixed down it's likely playing the mixdown back in the rendered sequence. Is that what is happening? However I've not tried it to see if it's a bug. I don't nest audio tracks myself.
    Audio mixdowns are transparent in the timeline too unfortunately.
    Do video changes also not show up?
    Message was edited by: Jerry Hofmann

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