BT21cn and WBC

Not sure if this the right place to get information about 21cn/WBC Exchange dates, but there is no information available for my exchange either from the usual websites such as Samknows or plusnet, or from BT. There is currently no WBC date set for the Upwey (Dorset) exchange, and I have no idea when we are likely to get the ‘faster’ connection. Perhaps one of the moderators can find out? It is a little ironic that BT are pushing ahead with fibre to cabinet and fibre to home before they have even reached 60% of homes with 21cn technology. The ‘speed gap’ is becoming a real problem for those of us who want to run bandwidth hungry applications (particularity in the peak hours between say 6PM and 10PM) and a two tier service is very much in evidence.
The BT ethos was once one of cross subsidisation, where the more rural communities enjoyed a comparable service, subsidised by the urban services. Clearly profit has become the paramount driver now, and hence many exchanges will be lucky to receive ADSL2+ at all, let alone fibre. I do not believe this is a fair policy when there are many of us who have no choice but to accept BT as the main local provider, and pay the same rates for an inferior service.

I guess you are both (mikeatupwhey and nickwynne) right (and wrong) after a fashion.
Mrs Smith, in nickwynne's example, should be given the option of what service she want to buy - if she wants a basic solution, she shouldn't have to pay as much as someone who wants and uses every bit of bandwidth they can get.
Similarly, someone who needs/wants a fast connection, but infrequently, shouldn't pay as much as someone who downloads 24/7 at high speed.
Basically, we should be paying for the service we get and the service we use - a pretty complex mix of speed and download level.
I go back to the 'pint of beer' analogy I've used before.  I like to buy beer in a pint glass and I get ever so hacked off about being charged for a full pint when I get given a thimbleful in the bottom.  Mrs Smith likes to by hers a thimbleful at a time and it would be unreasonable to expect her to pay for a full pint. (the bandwidth/speed argument)
Now, I only want to buy a pint a month, but Steve Speedy wants to buy four pints a day.   Joe Bloggs wants to match Steve, pint for pint, but only gets a thimbleful of beer in each glass, so has to use more glasses (time) to consume the same amount of beer and it takes an age for the barman to provide so many glasses.
Steve Speedy should be paying most of all and Mrs Smith the least.  Joe Bloggs should be paying less than Steve, because of the poor service he is getting.  I should pay less than eith of these two, but more than Mrs Smith.
Simple really! 
"To forbid us anything is to make us have a mind for it."
-- Michel de Montaigne, Essays, 1559

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  • Bt infinity 2 slow speeds and disconnection

    hi all hi all after having spent over two hours on the phone with BT being passed from post to post from billing to technical support back to billing people slamming phones down on me and no  help what so ever today 22/05/2014 have been with bt over 5 years phone  line the broadband and all services 
    it a joke now 
    2012 I have had fibre optic broadband service with BT and all was ok till November 2013 when start have slow speeds and in January year 2014 started having disconnections reconnection connections form 5 mins to to 60mnis or sum times 2mins  of the broadbands and the connections sometimes 3 to 4  times a day disconnections and so on .... when was supposed to be fixed the upload speed was very slow and the download speed was okay when I first started with BT with the fibre-optic broadband two years ago nearly I was averaging about 42 meg per day and average speed of upload was 6.5 Mag
    but now 32.meg dowm /up is 3.5 Rwent off in February he did a shift in lift because the broadband was 42 meg download bought lacked upload speed of less than half meg for the day of the lift it ran at 52 meg  with an average upload speed of about seven meg from around February till the end of February then stat act erratically reboot the bt hub 4 rebooting all time DSL light off on the main openreach modem in one day was off and on 36 times 
    had  engineers visit last week 14th of May to test line all was ok with line but i had now found out that bt they'll are now only selling me option one broadband fibre-optic even though I am paying for option two they now states that the speed on my line will never go above 36 meg so why am I paying for option 2 fibre-optici be through to the billing department today said yes you are an option 2 but  the technical department to say my line will only support 36 meg and I did find out from the engineer that I am on option one and only for the supply of the broadband line but have been pay for BT infinity option2
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    No customer support spent over two hours on the phone today and got nowhere and one department saying we can downgrade you to option one broadband but it will cost you £30 to do so 
    who i speak to if billing are no help at all ??????

    Telephone Number 01704 on Exchange CHURCHTOWN is served by Cabinet 6 
    Featured ProductsDownstream Line Rate(Mbps)Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)Downstream Range(Mbps)Availability Date  High Low High Low    
    FTTC Range A (Clean)
    FTTC Range B (Impacted)
    WBC ADSL 2+
    Up to 15
    8.5 to 19
    WBC ADSL 2+ Annex M
    Up to 15
    Up to 1.5
    8.5 to 19
    ADSL Max
    Up to 7
    6 to 8
    WBC Fixed Rate
    Fixed Rate
    Other Offerings
    Fibre Multicast
    Copper Multicast
    For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.
    For FTTC Ranges A and B, the term "Clean" relates to a line which is free from any wiring issues (e.g. Bridge Taps) and/or Copper line conditions, and the term "Impacted" relates to a line which may have wiring issues (e.g. Bridge Taps) and/or Copper line conditions.
    Throughput/download speeds will be less than line rates and can be affected by a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.
    The Stop Sale date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2012; the Formal Retirement date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2014. The Stop Sale date for IPstream is from 31-Dec-2012; the Formal Retirement date for IPstream is from 30-Jun-2014.
    If the End User wishes to migrate from their current Broad

  • CUCM SQL Query AND statement

    So either I'm dense or it just doesn't exist. All I really want is a report of what devices are associated to an application user. We have a situation wherein we have two CTI applications and if a single device is associated to both the world comes crashing down. I wasn't able to find this in the GUI interface so I took to the CLI via SQL and I have my query working.
    The following syntax will spit back all associated devices for user X:
    /*Show Devices associated with PBC-Genesys User*/
    select d.fkdevice, as DeviceName
    from applicationuserdevicemap as d
    inner join device as dv on d.fkdevice=dv.pkid
    where fkapplicationuser = '5cad9858-2934-82ae-e5a4-6822ac390ed0'
    And by simply changing the fkapplicationuser I can see devices associated with user Y:
    /*Show Devices associated with WBC-Genesys User*/
    select d.fkdevice, as DeviceName
    from applicationuserdevicemap as d
    inner join device as dv on d.fkdevice=dv.pkid
    where fkapplicationuser = '0bbacbb2-0c38-7023-936c-733aedd8a9d8'
    Now I would think a simple AND at the bottom of this query would return me a list of devices that happened to be associated to both but that isn't the case. Is this possible? Here's what I tried that doesn't work.
    /*Show Devices associated with PBC-Genesys AND WBC-Genesys Users*/
    select d.fkdevice, as DeviceName
    from applicationuserdevicemap as d
    inner join device as dv on d.fkdevice=dv.pkid
    where fkapplicationuser = '5cad9858-2934-82ae-e5a4-6822ac390ed0' AND fkapplicationuser = '0bbacbb2-0c38-7023-936c-733aedd8a9d8'
    I'm the first to admit I suck at SQL but I'm trying slowly to wrap my head around it.

    This should give you the required information:
    admin:run sql select, d.description from applicationuserdevicemap audm1, applicationuserdevicemap audm2, applicationuser au1, applicationuser au2, device d where audm1.fkdevice=d.pkid and audm2.fkdevice=d.pkid and audm1.fkapplicationuser=au1.pkid and audm2.fkapplicationuser=au2.pkid and'Service1' and'Service2'
    name            description
    =============== ==================================
    SEP123412341234 (1210999) Logged Out
    SEP123412341235 (1210999) Logged Out
    Just replace Service 1&2 with your exact servicename.

  • Reading Area - Home Hub 5 - Performance and Phone ...

    Hi Folks
    Looking for some advice.  Engineer installed Home Hub 5 on 29 Aug.  Engineer assured me that once the systems sorted themselves out, my speed would go from 15MB on installation to around 25MB
    Instead of which speed dropped to 8MB and the Phone stopped ringing on incoming calls.  Called BT, sent an engineer who said it was the voltage thing at the exchange and he switched me to a different circuit.  Phone started ringing.  But still only 8 MB.
    In addition, my wireless connections are fine, but my ethernet connection fails.  At which point, it seems I have to shutdown the Desktop (Windows 7 ) , and then re-start the Home Hub, and then switch on the Desktop - and it, more often than not comes back.  NIC drivers are up to date.
    Today, phone rings continuously on an incoming call.  Incredible interference on the line.  Speed test shows...
    8.04 MB from Exchange to House, 7.01 MB download.
    Are these connected?  Anyone else had trouble connecting to Ethernet.  Any advice gratefully appreciated.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi shirts
    I believe it was a sub-contractor - white unmarked van.
    Featured ProductsDownstream Line Rate(Mbps)Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)Downstream Range(Mbps)Availability Date  High Low High Low    
    FTTC Range A (Clean)
    FTTC Range B (Impacted)
    WBC ADSL 2+
    Up to 1
    1 to 5
    WBC ADSL 2+ Annex M
    Up to 1
    Up to 0.5
    1 to 5
    ADSL Max
    Up to 0.5
    0.75 to 4
    WBC Fixed Rate
    Fixed Rate
    Other Offerings
    FTTP on Demand
    Fibre Multicast
    Copper Multicast
     Interestingly, the exchange to the home is now apparently happy - but I'm down to 6.9MB on BT Help app.
    1. Product Name: HomeHub52.
    Serial number: +076284+1414003738
    3.Firmware version: v0.07.01.0235-BT (Type B)  Last updated [Unknown]
    4. Board version: 01
    5. VDSL uptime: 0 days, 00:18:39
    6. Data Rate: 2429 / 8782
    7. Maximum Data Rate: 3054 / 9698
    8. Noise Margin: 6.7 / 5.2
    9. Line Attenuation: 0.0 / 27.8
    10. Signal Attenuation: 0.0 / 0.0
    11. Data sent/received: 10.9 MB / 135.8 MB
    12. Broadband username: [email protected]
    Two further things that might be relevant.
    1) The BT engineer who visited to mend the phone took the adsl filter of the socket. Said there was a built-in filter.
    2) I have a grey box on the outside of the house which the phone line comes into.  It's probably 20 years old.  There are wires coming out of that for extensions in the kitchen and a bedroom.  So the externsions do not come out of the Master Socket - if that is what the sub-contractor installed.
    Quiet line test makes exactly the same noise
    For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.

  • Please Help: Lost everything because of switch to ...

    Tuesday 8th July.  A week ago today I was switched to BT Infinity from ADSL with a non BT ISP. I had 2.5 years of bomb proof internet on ADSL. It didn’t ever go down or slow from 4-5Mbs. However I made the crazy decision to switch to Infinity for, ironically, a faster and more reliable service.
    Immediately after installation of my Fibre my connection speed went DOWN from 5Mbs on adsl to 0.5-1Mbs. It was immediately obvious to me something was wrong. I insisted the installation engineers stay and watch a speed check but they said this was “perfectly normal” for the settling in period.   Before they’d even left my drive way it crashed and continued to crash over the next 24 hours for up to several hours at a time. Speeds varied from 0.5 – 1.5Mbs.
    On Thursday 10th I took several hours off work and spent it on the phone to India where they eventually booked me an engineer to look at my line the next day. Someone from a UK call centre called me on Friday to say they’d attempted to remotely repair my line and it had failed and they’d need to send an engineer out.
    On Sunday 13th the BT Open Reach engineer arrived at 2.30pm (I’d cancelled a family day out to the annual village fete). He insisted on checking all the house wiring, despite me pointing out that the wiring was fine as the adsl had worked perfectly previously, I repeatedly pointed out it was a problem outside our home. He left in a hurry at 4 saying he’d return tomorrow.
    Monday 14th I had to take a day’s leave on Monday to await the OPen Reach engineer who was not the same guy as Sunday. He was pleasant and professional but again insisted on testing all my home lines and then spent all afternoon replacing the lot. He completely rewired the house, rerouting the phone lines into a new socket, drilling walls etc. His tests did not show any problems on the line at my house or at the cabinet. He called technical help whilst I was there who said they couldn’t detect any problems on the line. However the internet was still very very variable and I insisted he call back. This time they stated the “interleaving” was off on my download and switch it on (BT’s guidance says it is NOT an option to switch this off for fibre so why was it off?). This appeared to stabilise the internet at 18Mbs download and 7Mbs up with a long latency of 60-70 on the ping.
    Tuesday 15th Awoke and it was still working! I dared to hope. Too soon though. My wife has just called me on her mobile, very angry, we have now lost not only the internet but the phone too! The line is completely dead.
    I’ve reached the end of what I can cope with. I cannot take more time off work whilst engineers visit. I cannot even call and sit in a queue for hours to India as I have no phone (this was sent from my works Email). I work from home a lot and I’m in danger of losing my job because of a combination of time off and an inability to connect to the works network. This is wrecking my life.
    I live in the village of Great Eccleston, Lancashire and know there were issues with “the cabinet” a few months ago from the BT engineers who visited and that engineers were working on the lines in our street yesterday as damp had got into the junction (but this ended at lunch yesterday and my phone was still working).
    I have repeatedly requested this is resolved externally, that I’m given a “lift and shift” in the cabinet to a new circuit, but was told yesterday BT wholesale were reluctant to do this. Each time I call the call centre I have to explain everything again to a new person, same when an engineer visits. When the engineers visit they insist they will sort it but make it worse. There is no continuity at all. All I can think to do now is Email the CEO of BT.
    I have to go home now but will check this tomorrow.

    Featured ProductsDownstream Line Rate(Mbps)Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)Downstream Range(Mbps)Availability Date
      High Low High Low    
    FTTC Range A (Clean)
    FTTC Range B (Impacted)
    ADSL Max
    Up to 5.5
    4.5 to 6.5
    Fixed Rate
    Other Offerings
    Fibre Multicast
     The line and internet are still dead.
    For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.
    For FTTC Ranges A and B, the term "Clean" relates to a line which is free from any wiring issues (e.g. Bridge Taps) and/or Copper line conditions, and the term "Impacted" relates to a line which may have wiring issues (e.g. Bridge Taps) and/or Copper line conditions.
    Throughput/download speeds will be less than line rates and can be affected by a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.
    The Stop Sale date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2012; the Formal Retirement date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2014.
    If the End User wishes to migrate from their current Broadband supplier they will need to contact them in the first instance to obtain a MAC (Migrations Authorisation) Code, and then contact their new Broadband supplier to arrange for the service to be migrated.
    Note: If you decide to place an order for a WBC fibre product, an appointment may be required for an engineer to visit the end user's premises to supply the service.
    Please note that postcode and address check results are indicative only. Most accurate results can be obtained from a telephone number check.
    Thank you for your interest.

  • Sold BT Infinity 2 but it doesn't seem to exist!

    Just wanted to see if anyone else has had a simliar problem to me and if so how you are going about dealing with it. So back in August I moved into a new house. I rang BT and said that I would like a phone line and also enquired as to what Broadband they could provide.
    So the woman in the sales centre informed me that I could have BT Infinity 2 with speeds of up to 76mbs! Brilliant. So I ordered this amazingly fast Broadband and also my phone line. I'm now in November nearly 3 months on from ordering this superfast broadband and I still don't have any broadband.
    I have had 4 or 5 engineers come out now. Basically the problem is that the exchange hasn't been set up for BT Infinity 2. 
    The latest update I had was can you wait for 3 weeks and we will do a review. When they did a 'Review' on Tuesday the outcome was can you wait another week and we will give you another update.
    There must be some sort of act that they are in breach of selling a service that isn't actually available? They don't seem to give me a decent answer ever. They seem to blame BT Openreach for all the problems. 
    Just wondered if anyone has had the same problem and what you did?

    Hi sorry for not replying to anyone. Not having the internet at home is obviously an issue. The battle with the BT Muppets is still ongoing and we still don't seem to be any closer.
    Says that it is all available. Think I'm up to just about 3 months now since ordering it. I've been told 3 dates in the last 2 weeks when the problem is supposed to have been resolved only to be let down every single time. I'm not due an update until December now though! 
    Just doesn't seem to be anyone at BT that knows what they are doing or able to give you a straight answer on exactly what is going on. 
    Do BT fine BT Openreach for delays? If so I would be interested to know how much they get!
    My issue has been moved onto a specific person now because I complained. But quite honestly that has made no difference whatsoever. Just like dealing with the normal bods on the normal line! 
    I would never go with BT again even if it is just because of the poor customer service and lack of updates. Everytime they say they are going to ring me they don't and then I have to end up chasing them all the time. 
    The only reason I don't want to cancel it now is because I'm 3 months down the line and if I cancel and go with someone else I get to join the back of the queue!
    Telephone Number  on Exchange WEST MALLING is served by Cabinet 42
    Featured ProductsDownstream Line Rate(Mbps)Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)Downstream Range(Mbps)Availability Date  High Low High Low    
    FTTC Range A (Clean)
    FTTC Range B (Impacted)
    WBC ADSL 2+
    Up to 1
    1 to 3.5
    ADSL Max
    Up to 1
    0.75 to 2.5
    WBC Fixed Rate
    Fixed Rate
    Other Offerings
    Fibre Multicast
    Copper Multicast
    For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.
    For FTTC Ranges A and B, the term "Clean" relates to a line which is free from any wiring issues (e.g. Bridge Taps) and/or Copper line conditions, and the term "Impacted" relates to a line which may have wiring issues (e.g. Bridge Taps) and/or Copper line conditions.
    Throughput/download speeds will be less than line rates and can be affected by a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.
    The Stop Sale date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2012; the Formal Retirement date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2014. The Stop Sale date for IPstream is from 30-Nov-2012; the Formal Retirement date for IPstream is from 30-Jun-2014.
    If you have already placed an order for Broadband and now wish to change to a new supplier, then you will need to cancel the existing order with your service provider or your new request will be rejected. If you do not know who the current Service Provider is, please contact your new Service Provider, who should be able to help you to resolve this issue.
    Note: If you decide to place an order for a WBC fibre product, an appointment may be required for an engineer to visit the end user's premises to supply the service.
    Please note that postcode and address check results are indicative only. Most accurate results can be obtained from a telephone number check.
    Thank you for your interest.

  • HH5 & Infinity 2 Issue - Please Help

    Ok i've had a morning of being passed from one department to the other online and on the phone, and nobody seems to be able to help. Have seen various posts on here suggesting there is an issue of people being stuck on the wrong IP profile when upgrading to HH5 etc.
    I have been paying for Unlimited Infinity 2, which should give me 76Mbps, however, I'm only getting a max of 39Mbps.
    Please can someone start the ball rolling, what sort of info can I copy and paste on here to see what the problem is?
    As it happens, I'm now due to be leaving BT in about 10 days anyway, but want to see if I can try and get some money back for what seems to have been a well-documented problem.
    Many thanks in advance!

    Telephone Number xxxxxxxxxxx on Exchange SEVENOAKS is served by Cabinet 36 
    Featured Products
    Downstream Line Rate(Mbps)
    Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)
    Downstream Range(Mbps)
    Availability Date  HighLowHighLow    
    FTTC Range A (Clean)
    FTTC Range B (Impacted)
    WBC ADSL 2+
    Up to 2
    1 to 3.5
    WBC ADSL 2+ Annex M
    Up to 2
    Up to 0.5
    1 to 3.5
    ADSL Max
    Up to 1.5
    1 to 2.5
    WBC Fixed Rate
    Fixed Rate
    Other Offerings
    FTTP on Demand
    Fibre Multicast
    Copper Multicast
    For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.
    This line has jumpers in place.
    For FTTC Ranges A and B, the term "Clean" relates to a line which is free from any wiring issues (e.g. Bridge Taps) and/or Copper line conditions, and the term "Impacted" relates to a line which may have wiring issues (e.g. Bridge Taps) and/or Copper line conditions.
    Throughput/download speeds will be less than line rates and can be affected by a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.
    The Stop Sale date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2012; the Formal Retirement date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2014. The Stop Sale date for IPstream is from 30-Nov-2012; the Formal Retirement date for IPstream is from 30-Jun-2014.
    If the End User wishes to migrate from their current Broadband supplier they will need to contact them in the first instance to obtain a MAC (Migrations Authorisation) Code, and then contact their new Broadband supplier to arrange for the service to be migrated.
    Note: If you decide to place an order for a WBC fibre product, an appointment may be required for an engineer to visit the end user's premises to supply the service. 
    Please note that postcode and address check results are indicative only. Most accurate results can be obtained from a telephone number check.
    Thank you for your interest.

  • There is a delay to the provision of your Broadban...

    OK I've just moved home.  My sole source of income is from the Internet so am temporily living round my parents until my "Broadband - Unlimited BT Infinity 2" is activated.  Was supposed to be activated on Friday, but got a message on my BT page saying:
    "There is a delay to the provision of your Broadband order which we are currently investigating with our suppliers. We will keep you informed of any progress, please keep checking online for further updates".
    I've been in communication with a couple of people from BT, but they both claimed to be in the wrong department to help me.  I got 2 different phone numbers to ring tomorrow 0800 731 0286 and 0800 800 150.  Which would be the correct number to ring?
    Is it likely to go on for a long time before I get connected?  What would people advise me to do in order to speed up the process as much as possible?  I'm still paying rent on my old home in case I don't like it in this new area.  So I'm paying 2 lots of rent, 2 lots of council tax and living at my parents!

    Featured Products
    Downstream Line Rate(Mbps)
    Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)
    Downstream Range(Mbps)
    Availability Date  HighLowHighLow    
    FTTC Range A (Clean)
    FTTC Range B (Impacted)
    WBC ADSL 2+
    Up to 15
    8.5 to 18.5
    WBC ADSL 2+ Annex M
    Up to 15
    Up to 1.5
    8.5 to 18.5
    ADSL Max
    Up to 7.5
    6.5 to 8
    WBC Fixed Rate
    Fixed Rate
    Other Offerings
    Fibre Multicast
    Copper Multicast
    For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.
    This line has jumpers in place.
    For FTTC Ranges A and B, the term "Clean" relates to a line which is free from any wiring issues (e.g. Bridge Taps) and/or Copper line conditions, and the term "Impacted" relates to a line which may have wiring issues (e.g. Bridge Taps) and/or Copper line conditions.
    Throughput/download speeds will be less than line rates and can be affected by a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.
    The Stop Sale date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2012; the Formal Retirement date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2014. The Stop Sale date for IPstream is from 31-Oct-2013; the Formal Retirement date for IPstream is from 30-Jun-2014.
    If you have already placed an order for Broadband and now wish to change to a new supplier, then you will need to cancel the existing order with your service provider or your new request will be rejected. If you do not know who the current Service Provider is, please contact your new Service Provider, who should be able to help you to resolve this issue.
    Note: If you decide to place an order for a WBC fibre product, an appointment may be required for an engineer to visit the end user's premises to supply the service. 
    Please note that postcode and address check results are indicative only. Most accurate results can be obtained from a telephone number check.
    Thank you for your interest.

  • I used to get infinity but now can't?

    I've recently moved house and reluctantly said good bye to really fast and reliable net from virgin. However, before moving I checked to ensure I would be able to get at least some kind of fast internet. And yes I was, I could get upto 76mbps from bt infinity. Which is fine, before we went through with the offer on he house I asked the occupants what internet they had, and they said bt infinity and upto 76mbps. So great I thought, I can get decent internet.
    I should probably say at this point that my wife requires a good internet connection for work and I love streaming films and gaming etc. so fast internet is important to us.
    So I ordered my bt infinity to be installed the day after I moved in... 5th of April. An engineer was arranged to come out and set it all up for us. The 5th came and went, so I checked my online status, apparently I didn't need an engineer and could set it up myself. So I dully tried with no success, however before I could phone bt, they called me saying there was a technical fault at the cabinet, and it would take a couple of days to sort out. Ok fair enough.
    So after a couple of days bt phoned and said they were still having problems with the line. And it would be another couple of days. Sigh... But ok.
    Then I heard nothing, so phoned back and apparently my order was cancelled, so after much a do I had to reorder my infinity, for some unknown reason. And was told it would all be up and running in a couple of days. They were just performing speed tests, and then it would all be good.
    So two days later still no internet nor engineer to set me up. So I phoned again, and they said "ah, there was a technical fault with their system" and it cancelled my order again! "We are working to resolve this issue in 6 days, we will get it sorted and I guarantee that it will be working at the end of that time".I was getting a bit angry now almost 2 weeks being in without internet for my wife to work! But I was assured it would be working.
    So we come to today, 23rd of April. I received a missed call, a text and an email from bt asking that I contact them. So I did, and I was told that the order had been cancelled yet again. Now I was rather unhappy! And wanted to know exactly why it was getting cancelled, so they looked into it, and I have been told, that infinity is not available in my area!
    Now I don't get angry very easily. But this took the biscuit, I am fuming. And demanded to know how It could not be available now, when I was told a month ago that I could get it, the previous occupants of my new house had it and many other people in the street have it.
    To this they said I have been switched exchanges? ????!! And my exchange isn't fibre ready.
    So I looked into that, and of course my exchange is fibre ready according to btopen reach, and not to mention my house used to have infinity.
    I am at a complete loss as to what to do now? I have been offered regular broadband of 2mb, which I have not had to endure for over 14 years!
    How is this possible? Does bt have a fault with their system or am I just the centre of some social experiment?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I said my wife requires decent internet for work, currently I am using my phone as a hotspot, so not ideal.
    Thanks again,

    It's not a screen shot but..
    Apparently my cabinet is not available. What does this mean?
    Telephone Number *********** on Exchange KIRKCALDY / BEVERIDGE is served by Cabinet 55
    Featured Products
    Downstream Line Rate(Mbps)
    Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)
    Downstream Range(Mbps)
    Availability Date
    WBC ADSL 2+ Up to 1 -- 0.25 to 2 Available
    ADSL Max Up to 1 -- 0.25 to 2 Available
    WBC Fixed Rate 0.5 -- -- Available
    Fixed Rate 0.5 -- -- Available
    Other Offerings
    Copper Multicast -- -- -- Available
    FTTC is currently not available on this cabinet due to following reasons:- Sorry your cabinet is temporarily unavailable, capacity will be restored as soon as possible.
    For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.
    Throughput/download speeds will be less than line rates and can be affected by a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.
    The Stop Sale date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2012; the Formal Retirement date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2014. The Stop Sale date for IPstream is from 31-Dec-2012; the Formal Retirement date for IPstream is from 30-Jun-2014.
    If you have already placed an order for Broadband and now wish to change to a new supplier, then you will need to cancel the existing order with your service provider or your new request will be rejected. If you do not know who the current Service Provider is, please contact your new Service Provider, who should be able to help you to resolve this issue.
    Note: Please note that postcode and address check results are indicative only. Most accurate results can be obtained from a telephone number check.
    Thank you for your interest.

  • BT Infinity for new build

    I've tried searching the forum but can't seem to find posts that are related to my situation.
    Basically I'm moving into a new build.  There isn't a phone line yet.  The postcode checker doesn't think BT Infinity is available, so I can't order.
    However, as advised by the FAQ at, I checked on the wholesale checker and it says it's all available.  Any advice please?
    Available ProductsDownstream Line Rate(Mbps)Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)Downstream Range(Mbps)Availability Date
    Featured Products
    WBC ADSL 2+
    Up to 17
    10 to 19.5
    ADSL Max
    Up to 7.5
    6.5 to 8
    WBC Fixed Rate
    Fixed Rate
    For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage. Throughput/download speeds will be less than line rates and can be affected by a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.
    The Stop Sale date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2012; the Formal Retirement date for Datastream is from 31-Jan-2014. The Stop Sale date for IPstream is from 31-Jan-2013; the Formal Retirement date for IPstream is from 31-Jan-2014.

    this is the correct email address for the forum mods the other address stopped several years ago
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

  • Can I or can't I get Infinity?

    I've read the stickys etc and I'm being told my exchange HIGHWAY is "accepting orders" but I can't seem to order online as I'm not given the option. I am on "cabinet 4" apparently.
    I have been to
    The only mention of FTTC is "For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage. Throughput/download speeds will be less than line rates and can be affected by a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises."
    So can I get it or not? Is there a number I can use to contact BT and find out for definite?

    when you enter your phone number in the checker unless it shows that you can get FTTC - available then even though your exchnage has been upgraded it would appear that your cabinet has not been upgraded.  not all cabinets on an exchange are upgraded in the first phase.
    send an email with your phone number,exchange and cabinet number and you will get a reply about your connection in about 14 days [email protected] 
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Too close to exchange for Infinity?

    I live about 100 yards from my exchange (Almondsbury) and see from the BT website that, as I'm connected direct to the exchange, I can't get Infinity. Why is this and will I ever be able to get it? According to a BT engineer there's only one joint between me and the exchange.
    Go to Solution.

    Thanks, results below
    Telephone Number on Exchange ALMONDSBURY
    Featured Products
    Downstream Line Rate(Mbps)
    Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)
    Downstream Range(Mbps)
    Availability Date
    WBC ADSL 2+ Up to 19.5 -- 15 to 22 Available
    WBC ADSL 2+ Annex M Up to 19.5 Up to 1.5 15 to 22 Available
    ADSL Max Up to 8 -- 7 to 8 Available
    WBC Fixed Rate 2 -- -- Available
    Fixed Rate 2 -- -- Available
    Other Offerings
    Copper Multicast -- -- -- Available
    For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.
    Throughput/download speeds will be less than line rates and can be affected by a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.
    The Stop Sale date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2012; the Formal Retirement date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2014. The Stop Sale date for IPstream is from 31-Oct-2013; the Formal Retirement date for IPstream is from 30-Jun-2014.
    If the End User wishes to migrate from their current Broadband supplier they will need to contact them in the first instance to obtain a MAC (Migrations Authorisation) Code, and then contact their new Broadband supplier to arrange for the service to be migrated.
    Note: Please note that postcode and address check results are indicative only. Most accurate results can be obtained from a telephone number check.
    Thank you for your interest.

  • Fibre broadband in my area

    My local area is fibre enabled. However the cabinet serving my telephone line is not yet enabled. I checked the status of my cabnet The following data was shown. Please can someone explain what this means? What do the numbers for uplift represent and what is phase 05b? Thank you
    probability 99% uplift 8.46 Phase 05b

    DigiCool wrote:
    Sorry for the late reply and thank you for your assistance. Here are the results obtained. I would also like to ask why I have got 2 cabinets with the same number on the street? I have heard that fibre cabinets are smaller than the normal ADSL cabinet but both of these seemed identical. Downstream Line Rate(Mbps)
    Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)
    Downstream Range(Mbps)
    Availability Date
    WBC ADSL 2+ Up to 6.5 -- 5.5 to 7.5 Capacity expected 30 June 2014
    WBC ADSL 2+ Annex M Up to 6.5 Up to 1 5.5 to 7.5 Capacity expected 30 June 2014
    ADSL Max Up to 5 -- 3.5 to 7.5 Available
    WBC Fixed Rate 2 -- -- Available
    Fixed Rate 2 -- -- Available
    Other Offerings
    Copper Multicast -- -- -- Available
    For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.
    Throughput/download speeds will be less than line rates and can be affected by a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.
    The Stop Sale date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2012; the Formal Retirement date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2014. The Stop Sale date for IPstream is from 30-Jun-2014; the Formal Retirement date for IPstream is from 30-Jun-2014.
    The BT Wholesale Checker only shows you information on FTTC when it becomes available to you so it's not as useful as it was back in the ADSL2+ roll-out when it told you an estimated ready for service date. It's a problem I had when pondering on about when FTTC will be available on my cabinet.
    It could be that your cabinet is still being initialised by BT (Tested for reliability and faults) which I believe every cabinet goes through once it is deployed.
    As for what FTTC Cabinets look like, most new ones look like either:
    OR (Large Cabinet):
    I think there is one or two other designs but they are the main ones I see about. Do the cabinets which have the same number look the same or match any of these? Can't say I've seen an FTTC cabinet which has been numbered in any case.
    One of the other methods is to talk to your neighbours - Is it available to them? If it is then either your line is routed differently, capacity is maxed or there is a database issue.
    Like this post? Give it a Star . If this post answers your question, please Mark it as the Accepted Solution.

  • Neighbour (BT Engineer) has Infinity despite check...

    I have read the stickys!
    My neighbour is a BT engineer and when I asked him about when Infinity would be available in our area, he was surprised as he already has it.
    I use the checker weekly to determine if I can get the service and no luck so far. I know the exchange (Fair Oak) has been enabled for a while. I put my neighbours address into the checker and it said it wasn't available - despite him having it!
    Is it possible that whatever mechanism the checker uses is wrong? Might I be eligible regardless of what the checker says?
    Is there anyone on here that can help me answer these questions?
    Sam R
    Go to Solution.

    This is the full output (I already posted this, I believe) form the checker you suggest:
    Available ProductsDownstream Line Rate(Mbps)Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)Downstream Range(Mbps)Availability Date
    Featured Products
    WBC ADSL 2+
    Up to 17
    10 to 19.5
    WBC ADSL 2+ Annex M
    Up to 17
    Up to 1.5
    10 to 19.5
    ADSL Max
    Up to 7.5
    6.5 to 8
    WBC Fixed Rate
    Fixed Rate
    For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage. Throughput/download speeds will be less than line rates and can be affected by a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.
    The Stop Sale date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2012; the Formal Retirement date for Datastream is from 31-Mar-2014. The Stop Sale date for IPstream is from 31-Oct-2013; the Formal Retirement date for IPstream is from 31-Mar-2014.
    Note: Please note that postcode and address check results are indicative only. Most accurate results can be obtained from a telephone number check.Thank you for your interest.
    I can't see a cabinet number.
    Here is the output from my neighbour oppiosite:
    Available ProductsDownstream Line Rate(Mbps)Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)Downstream Range(Mbps)Availability Date
    Featured Products
    WBC ADSL 2+
    Up to 17
    10 to 19.5
    WBC ADSL 2+ Annex M
    Up to 17
    Up to 1.5
    10 to 19.5
    ADSL Max
    Up to 7.5
    6.5 to 8
    WBC Fixed Rate
    Fixed Rate
    For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage. Throughput/download speeds will be less than line rates and can be affected by a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.
    The Stop Sale date for Datastream is from 30-Jun-2012; the Formal Retirement date for Datastream is from 31-Mar-2014. The Stop Sale date for IPstream is from 31-Oct-2013; the Formal Retirement date for IPstream is from 31-Mar-2014.
    Note: Please note that postcode and address check results are indicative only. Most accurate results can be obtained from a telephone number check.
    Looks the same to me - no mention of Infinity - but he has it....

  • BT Infinity BTHub5 Keeps Resetting causing YouView...

    Over the previous week my BT Infinity 2 service has restarted 20 times according to the error log (if I understand it correctly)
    As I was using my BT YouView, this of course, meant that any recordings I had planned from internet channels failed and I had to physically replug the UTP cable to get the box online again each time to get the channels back.
    I went through the diagnostic route that suggested a power-on/off and this improved the situation, and it only now restarts once or twice a day - but to me this is more than it should do.
    Who do I contact regarding this?
    If I can't get this resolved when my 12 months is up I am planning to cancel the BT Entertainment pack as well and just using the YouView box as a Freeview HD recorder.
    I'm also not that impressed with the data rate I am getting for Infinity 2 - I seem to be typically getting 6367 / 48615 (according to the HelpDesk Agent) which implies I could quite easily get a similar data rate via Infinity 1.
    BTW - there seems to be no noise on the phone line.
    Go to Solution.

    Telephone Number 01273xxxxxx on Exchange PORTSLADE is served by Cabinet 26 
    Featured ProductsDownstream Line Rate(Mbps)Upstream Line Rate(Mbps)Downstream Range(Mbps)Availability Date  High Low High Low    
    FTTC Range A (Clean)
    FTTC Range B (Impacted)
    WBC ADSL 2+
    Up to 7.5
    5.5 to 12
    WBC ADSL 2+ Annex M
    Up to 7.5
    Up to 1
    5.5 to 12
    ADSL Max
    Up to 5.5
    4 to 8
    WBC Fixed Rate
    Fixed Rate
    Other Offerings
    FTTP on Demand
    Fibre Multicast
    Copper Multicast
    For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.

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