Can no longer launch creative cloud application

Running Windows 8.1 64bit.
If I click on the creative cloud icon in the system tray, it opens the creative could application window, but with a tiny modal dialog in front of it with just the CC icon in it. I then can't close this window or do anything with the cc app except kill it from the task manager.
Running it again just creates the system tray icon again, and clicking on that has the same result.
Any ideas how to fix this?

Hi John M Reynolds,
Please uninstall CC Desktop from control panel. Run the Adobe cleaner tool and try installing again. If the issue still persists please try launching CC desktop in hidden admin account:
Adobe Cleaner tool:
OS compatibality:
Romit Sinha

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    Thank you for your response. The users in question are "standard" domain users. We do not reduce users permissions below the standard level.
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    The thing that makes this odd, is that up until recently they did this issue with cloud apps. The only way I can make it work for them now is to put them in the local administrator group on their pc's - which is not going to happen.
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    The Launch link in the Adobe Application Manager (AAM) is a convenience link that goes away after you quit AAM.
    On Mac OS X start you programs from the Application folder. On Windows start your programs from the Start Menu.
    Your software can only be activated one way - either by a serial number (as you did previously), or by your Adobe ID. To switch please open a product such as Photoshop and from the Help menu choose Deactivate. Restart the application and you can then sign in with your Adobe ID. Here is a link with more information

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    Subscriptions don't need a serial to be activated.
    Verify and clean your hosts file as explained on step 3.3 of this doc :
    Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CS5.5 and later

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    You need to align up to 2 computers for all your Adobe Cloud products.  3 computers violates your TOS.
    Nancy O.

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    Or it could be patially related to typical pains when a company makes an enormous transition like this. Ironcially, just as i said in my post, my issue resolved the next day.
    Listen, I undertstand the concern and certainly the frustration. I spend nothing short of 14 hours per day with Adobe apps open. primarily After Effects, Photoshop and Illustrator. I know the hassle and I know the frustration of constantly having to sign back in, which i did for a bit too. But it's just a little melodramatic when people make idle threats they aren't going to follow through with anyway, about using a product that does what this does, and is such an enormous productivity tool that people say silly things. that's what I'm referring to. If you're going to choose an entire platform different than Adobe becuase theyr'e having issues on a brand new method of service and delivery you're an idiot anyway. Wouldn't you agree that the statements of ' i don't have time to test something' are a litle ridiculous? name any product, or purchase in any part of your life that has never failed at anything? and then saying thigns like it's suddenly an unstable environment, when the problem they're complaining about (and the complaint of course it legitimate) has absolutely nothing to do with the stability of the product?
    it's the overblown, silly statements that make people look foolish, do nothing to help the issue, and offer nothing that crack me up. When I read someone saying things like that i pretty much ignore anything else they say because reason isn't something they are using at that point anyway.
    See what you said? that has nothing to do with anyone I'm talking about. You made a valid point, didn't make silly comments like what I'm referring to. you said something I don't agree with, but you dind't go overboard and get all dramatic about it. I don't agree that it's an ongoing degredation of their rep. there is nobody even remotely close a valid competitor out there for this in the first place (depending on what software yoiu're referring to, but since we're in the CC forum i assume that's what you mean). The fact is, their reputation is so strong, no other software company can even compete. But even so I still see progress and innovation. Intel had a cushion with no competitor at one point, then AMD came in, and if you notice, within a couple years of AMD getting very popular, Intel started releasing their upgraded technology in less than a third of the time. But I don't think I see that laziness from Adobe. I don't honestly know that the reason is they moved to a subscription based environment but I know that almost all big software companies are at leasdt considering it. heck Microsoft was talking about changing their licensing and doing it the same way. And it's not for greed I'd guess, it's to comabt theft. At least that's my guess, i have no idea, but i don't believethat it's done and they would change their entire business model for a reason lefss important.
    While we're on that topic I'd like to point out i bet this new process makes an enormous dent in the piracy, at least short term, so for me I applaud it. because when so many people steal the software, it means people like me, and i assume you, pay much higher prices for our legit licenses. So anything that can be done to thwart that has my full approval. But it also just happens to have some nice benefits, in that the pricing is pretty ridiculously low IMO for the entire suite of apps for 50 bucks per month. let' be honest, anyone using them for business which is primarily what this softwre is geared to, understands that while it might seem high, it's tiny compared to the montly cost of doing business, to keep an up to date, suite full of apps that would cost thousands were it not for the subscription. I'll admit, I bought the full suite on the montly just because it made sense. And it actually paid off. Recently I had a client that desperately needed ihs forms migrated to interactive. they were word docs, excel and plain pdfs, but because I happen to have a license for Acrobat, i was able to import those into pdf files and convert them to interactive forms. Then recommend he use the online service to manage them, and frankly it paid for 6 months of licensing for 10 hours work. were it not for the subscription based licensing i'd not have even been able to offer the service because I wouldn't have paid for acrobat.
    Complaining about a piece of software you buy that doesn't work in an area, regardless of where it is, makes perfect sense. But the statements I'm referring to equate to someone buying a house, finding out the key doesn't work, or the doorknob is broke, throwing their hands up and saying 'i'm finding anohter house'. it's silly, and everyone knows there's no merit to it. But i get frustrated seeing it over and over, frewquently by people that hven't even paid for the software. Sometimes I post thing I shouldn't but hey, don't we all?
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    Dealth Emitio are you on a managed network?  If so you may want to review Error downloading Creative Cloud applications -
    If not then please see Error "Failed to Install" Creative Cloud Desktop application - for possible solutions to resolve your current installation error.

  • Creative Cloud application won't launch

    Hi there
    I have re-installed your application 4 times now and have followed instructions to delete a file from my computer as well.  This is now my 5th attempt and it still won't work......really!!!  Can you please tell me what to do to fix this problem?
    Not funny when you are paying good money to access software and then it doesn't work.

    Hi fancypride,
    Please follow the steps
    Rename the opm.db file.
    Close the Creative Cloud application if it's running.
    Navigate to the OOBE folder.
    Windows: [System drive]:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE
    Mac OS: /User/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/OOBE folder
    Rename the opm.db file to opm_old.db
    Launch Creative Cloud
    Please let us know if this was helpful

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    Simonfals543 do you receive any specific error messages when you try to open Photoshop?

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    Thanks for looking into this Jeff!
    I work with an Inventory module software and is responsible for software detection across several computers. Once an updated version comes up, I update our database with latest software details to get it detected if installed on any machines.
    The problem tracking updates with Desktop Creative Cloud Software are;
    1)We have to have it installed with the CC applications in-order to get the notification of the latest updates and have to check everyday.
    2)Only relates to the latest updates, so in-between we may miss a prior update unknowingly.Hence, the remote machines having those updates may not get  detected with the software version update which would create problem in reporting.
    3)For all CC products, there is no base or previous updates available for installation if we miss one.
    I went through the Adobe Products Update pages [Product updates] which holds good when it comes to Acrobat and Reader software which I follow to track down any newer updates but this is inconsistent when it comes to CC products like in After Effects CC, Dreamweaver CC etc...
    So overall to be very specific, is there any one channel I can follow to get the notifications only for the updates on CC products and then may be I can rely on Desktop Creative Cloud for installation if not available anywhere like in product update pages of Adobe ?

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    using the adobe application manager; updates or new applications stop at "waiting to install". Dreamweaver stops downloading all together at 24%
    I have priviously downloaded and installed creative cloud applications with no problem... any ideas. Windows 7

    When did the expression "Clean" come to mean uninstall???
    It does what it says on the tin.
    "The tool can clean up install records for any pre-release (beta) installations of these Creative Suite products. The Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner Tool is designed to not interfere with existing installations of previous versions of Adobe Creative Suite products; it does, however, allow you to remove them as well, if you so choose to."
    The idea is that, prior to using the Cleaner, you first uninstall as best you can using the usual operating system tools.
    If you're still stuck with a non-functioning or mal-functioning product, the Cleaner will clean up whatever files or file fragments or corrupt database entries remain.
    Cleaning using the Cleaner tool can seem like uninstalling but it's not. It's just that if traditional uninstalling has not been done as a first step then the Cleaner will include those file in its cleanup process. You can be confident that, once the Cleaner has finished, your drive is 100% free of all traces of the Adobe product that you chose to cleanup. You can then reinstall from Ground Zero.

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    You are certainly welcome to try.  We have not tested this environment in anyway and you may face difficulties with Adobe Creative applications that require heavy use of the CPU.  I also would be surprised if Acrobat could be installed in this environment due to it's dependencies to system resources.

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    I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling.  I have tried reinstalling it from a different root account.
    nothing works.  The creative cloud app starts and then disappears from the menu bar.

    Peteruprecht I would recommend trying the suggestions offered in Re: Yosemite Creative Cloud crash.

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    Creative Cloud Help / Adjust the install language | Creative Cloud applications | CCM -

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