Captcha bug in Muse contact form

Hi there!
It is almost impossible not to enter the right captcha code the first time, but yes, I've received a message from my client there was no way to enter a new captcha after filling out the wrong code the first time. A refresh button is missing for the captcha code. The only way to solve this is to refresh the page in the browser. What happens then? You'll have to fill the form (including the carefully written message) again! Not too friendly for a visitor who wants to contact you :-)
Seems this is a bug. Will this be solved in the next update?

This form bug is much worse than I first thought.
In order to get to this new line I've just naturally hit the return key.
In Muse forms if you hit the return key in any field that isn't allocated as a multiple line field
like say the "Address Field" of a form then the form is submitted instead of you naturally going to the next line as you thought you would.
Every address in my 14,000 + contacts database has more than one line to their address so will hit return.
You can then not submit the form at all, even if you correct the mistake it stops you saying:
ERROR: An error occurred. Image verification failed. If you believe this is incorrect, please contact your system administrator or go back and re-submit the form.
This is an
unbelievable bug or a master lesson in how to upset your clients.
I'd deliberately taken out the Capatcha because that failed most of the time and would not let you re-enter, now this!

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    You can use the module {module_visitoripaddress} which displays the IP address of the visitor on pages ,with form you would need to insert an input field ( custom field )
    <input type="hidden" name="BCNAMECODE" value="{module_visitoripaddress}">
    In addition I would also suggest to enable harder captcha which will lower down the spam submission.

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    I posted a very similar issue into the bugs forum. "
    Email form submit not sending to GoDaddy and Yahoo hosted email accounts"
    I have tested the emails across various forms and it works but does not using the Muse form widget. I strongly believe this is an Adobe Muse issue and needs further support from Adobe. In the mean time I have begun using Jot Form on my sites (


    I'm getting pretty tired of the reasons why adobe can't provide captcha or some other form of security on forms created in muse and hosted outside bc. There are several cheap third party form building solutions out there that can provide the functionality to create secure forms, are you saying that they are better than you?
    Yes, I can build some pretty amazing sites with muse but I'm not interested in hosting with bc right now so what good are they and my monthly subscription to your service if my clients are only going to complain and threaten to fire me because their contact forms have been easily hacked by someone for god only knows what purpose. Every day now, I receive copies of hacked emails from client sites that I created in muse. Emails with strings of letters and numbers and two-way conversations some clowns seem to be having with each using these forms.
    I'm sick and tired of this crap. If you can't provide me with a viable fix... I will have to consider other options non-adobe.

    Zak Williamson (Adobe) wrote:
    1. Limiting spam
    What's the URL for a page with a form that's receiving spam? Have you verified SQL is installed and available on the server (by loading http://<>/scripts/form_check.php)? If SQL is available, the form code generated by Muse will limit the number of form submissions that will be accepted from a single IP address during a short period of time, which will deter some spammers.
    2. Form solutions with CAPTCHA
    As you've noted, there are many different form solutions available in the market that can, in general, very easily be integrated within a webpage on a Muse site via Object > Insert HTML (i.e. JotForms, WuFoo, Adobe Forms Central, CoffeeCup, Business Catalyst forms). Forms are a very deep area with entire large businesses devoted to providing rich forms solutions. Depending on your specific needs, the solutions available from these services will vary in cost from free to hundreds of dollars per month or more.
    3. Cost of Business Catalyst
    Hosting a website on Adobe Business Catalyst with support for forms created in Muse and 10 e-mail accounts requires a webBasics+ hosting plan. A webBasics+ plan costs $10.99/month with a one-year contract. If you would like to take advantage of the customer database and targeted e-mail marketing functionality within Business Catalyst that would require a webMarketing hosting plan, which is $16.99/month with a one-year contract. (One webBasics hosting plan is included with a Muse standalone subscription and 5 webBasics hosting plans are included with a Creative Cloud subscription. A webBasics plan includes support for Muse generated forms, but does not include any e-mail accounts.)
    As for "What's the URL for a page with a form that's receiving spam? Have you verified SQL is installed and available on the server (by loading http://<>/scripts/form_check.php)? If SQL is available, the form code generated by Muse will limit the number of form submissions that will be accepted from a single IP address during a short period of time, which will deter some spammers."  What exaclty is a "limit"?  I cleaned 150 spam messages out yesterday and 79 out so far today.  I have to do something soon because it's getting so bad that I can't stand to open the email for that course.  And yes, I have green checkmarks on everything when I load the above-mentioned check for my website.  I have forms central but began creating a form and realized that I cannot find an option to add captcha in the darned thing.  I got keys for Goggle's Recaptcha, but can't for the life of me figure out how I'd add it to said Forms Central form . . . .
    PHP version ok
    mail configuration ok
    SQL ok

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    Mail Preferences:
    It works with accounts; I've never tried it with aliases but you may be lucky. Presumably from what you say they already appear in the drop-down menu when composing.

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    Language Options
    Allow ASP-style <% %> tags.
    File Uploads
    Whether to allow HTTP file uploads.
    Paths and Directories
    Windows: "\path1;\path2"
    Resource Limits
    Resource Limits
    Resource Limits
    Data Handling
    You should do your best to write your scripts so that they do not require register_globals to be on; Using form variables as globals can easily lead to possible security problems, if the code is not very well thought of.
    Language Options
    File Uploads
    Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
    where N is an integer. Instead of storing all the session files in /path, what this will do is use subdirectories N-levels deep, and store the session data in those directories. This is useful if you or your OS have problems with lots of files in one directory, and is a more efficient layout for servers that handle lots of sessions. NOTE 1: PHP will not create this directory structure automatically. You can use the script in the ext/session dir for that purpose. NOTE 2: See the section on garbage collection below if you choose to use subdirectories for session storage
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Joe Parker

    My host kept on insisting that the problem was with the adobe code for the
    contact form, but it didn't sound right so after gaining access  to the
    admin panel for my site I discovered a default email account had been, I
    assume, set up by the system. I started to test submitting both the muse
    forms and some pdf forms that I generated using Acrobat XI Pro. The emails
    were not delivered to the address coded into the forms but were being
    trapped in this default email account. I tried to access the account by
    clicking on the webmail button that was shown, but the browser could not
    locate the webmail  server. After some more digging I found an
    https://mydomain:1111 address that allowed me to get in. All of my test
    forms were being trapped and returned to sender with the message that I did
    not exist. Obviously since the emails were generated by the php email
    function they went nowhere.
    At about 2am I sent my host an email with screen shots and have basically
    demanded that he find a way to kill the default email account. I have not
    heard back yet.
    It was a lengthy forum exchange on the Muse forum in 6/13 between someone
    in the UK and various forum members and finally adobe's staff that helped
    to get me on the right trail. My host is using linux with apache server
    software. If this is happeneing to me, it is probably happening to others
    and they are being frustrated by a host who either is incapable or
    unwilling to dig in to find a solution.
    If you want I will let you know how this all turns out.
    Thanks for your help, and I am going to post the contents of this email as
    part of the forum discussion.
    Joe Parker

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    Have you already contacted BC support for this issues, if yes then please provide me the ticket number , I will have a look.
    If not then please join live chat with BC support team.

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    This is what it looks like in the design mode in Muse. (Don't mind the Email/Password, I'm just designing, not for functionality.)
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  • Muse Contact form

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    Muse forms work with Adobe BusinessCatalyst hosting.
    Forms require back end server support, so it's difficult to create forms that work with arbitrary hosting.
    If you're familiar with some other form provider, and feel comfortable editing HTML, there's some information in this other forum thread about what you'd need to do to make Muse forms work with some other webhost:
    Hope this helps.

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    Thank you,
    Lain Kennedy    

    I just figured it out. I put a comma between the email addresses and it worked.

  • New Muse Contact Form Widget

    I was thrilled to discover that the Muse team has created a contact form widget. finaly!!!
    ( s-in-adobe-muse/)
    Now I have two questions, in order to get those new widget features I'll probably need to update my version of Muse. right? If so, where can I do it?
    Second thing, in the linked video the man mentioned that these options are only avilable for those who publish there websites through Business
    Catalyst. Is it the truth? if it is this is so upsetting!!!
    Although I am working on my first site with Muse so I'm able to publish it with BC for free, but it is an outrage! as a person who bought only Adobe Muse (and
    not Creative Cloud pack) I was going to publish all of my sites on third-party server!
    I am now wondering is there a way to do something about that? Is there a way to make the wonderful new widget work on any published site?
    Thanks in advance (-:

    Yes, this feature is coming in the new beta of Muse which will be released soon. I'll be posting instructions for participating in the Muse beta shortly.
    In regards to the functionality of the upcoming contact forms feature, Zak clarified this will only work with Business Catalyst in the following thread:
    Form widget
    ...the form functionality coming in 2.0 it targeted primarily at contact forms. If you have "quite a large form" then you will likely still want/need to use a different solution.
    The new form functionality uses standard HTML/CSS for the form, but form processing requires integration with server-side code. What will be part of Muse 2.0 works with Adobe Business Catalyst. In order to use the form with some other back-end server solution, the code output from Muse would have to be altered.
    Best regards,

  • Muse contact form widget

    I currently have a yearly subscription to Muse and a webbasics account at Business Catalyst and my site is actually hosted on a third party server until that subscription runs out. When I went to use the new contact form widget in Muse it does not work. I spoke with an Adobe represenative and they suggested I use the BC web form builder and style it myself with css/html/javascript to look like the one I designed in Muse or host the site through Business Catalyst as is required to use the widget. I asked the represenative if I had the option to host my site at Adobe with my webbasics plan and my Muse subscription and he said that I would need to purchase a separate hosting package for my site and move it to Adobe servers. However I just read at that an Adobe Muse one-year subscription plan includes hosting for one Business Catalyst webBasics site.*. Is there any way to get this contact form to work still utilizing my third party hosting for now without having to do the styling myself. I have seen some mention of pointing the dns to Adobe hosting but right now I do not want to pay for any additional Adobe hosting. Should I be getting one with my package already. I only have one other site that I created in Muse that is on yet another third party host and I used a business catalyst web form builder to create a contact form and that one works fine and syncs with business catalyst but it is limited in it's styling.

    I have found a solution that enables you to use the muse form widget when yor site is hosted on a third party server. You need to create your forms as seperate web pages and then use your free webbasics Business catalyst webspace to host the form, then insert an iframe on the page you want the form to appear on using the insert HTML option. The code for the iframe is:

  • Muse Contact Forms in GoDaddy

    This is a serious issue. Some of my clients have hosting accounts with GoDaddy. The simple contact form DOES NOT WORK. The message is sent and then just disappears. Please someone from Adobe Muse answer why this is happening and what can be done to fix this situation. It is extremely important that these forms work correctly in third party hosting. And please don't tell me that I have to go through some complicated HTML add-on solution.
    The forms are being sent to and email address with the same domain name, so that is not the issue.
    This is a very frustrating situation.

    Did you check this article
    Troubleshooting Muse Form Widgets Used on Third... | Adobe Community

  • Muse Contact form reply issues

    Can anyone help with this issue.
    Thank you for contacting Adobe.
    A representative will be with you shortly. 
    Thank you for your patience.
    While you wait, you can try our community forums where experts are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
    You are now chatting with Sonam.
    Vicky Quick: The contact form for Muse sites doesn't allow my clients to reply to the person who contacted them. It puts their address in the top requiring them to cut and paste the person requesting information. How can I change the reply to field in the contact form and is that even an option? If not do you offer a work around? I've put this question on the forum and no one has an answer. PLEASE HELP!
    Sonam: Hi, welcome to Adobe
    Sonam: Vicky, is your site hosted via BC, or a 3rd party hosting provider?
    Vicky Quick: I have one on BC and one on godaddy both do not work
    Vicky Quick: The contact form works, but the reply back doesn't
    Vicky Quick: hello?
    Sonam: Vicky, this feature is not available via Muse or BC. Kindly share the link to your forum post, I shall forward it to the product team and ask them to get back to you at the earliest.
    Sonam: If there is a work around, or if it is possible with any customization, the product team shall help you with it.
    Vicky Quick: I have put it on the forum as well as third party sites like and they don't have answer either
    Sonam: Kindly share the link to your forum post
    Vicky Quick: How do I share the link?
    Sonam: Copy and paste to this chat

    As Anshul has suggested , this needs a Customer Case Management system , where your client can reply directly to submitters email.
    With BC this is possible enabling CST( Customer Service Ticketing ) , you can define role responsible as which users should receive the submission emails and then reply to customers directly from email client used.
    Level responses can be used such as First level with escalation level. Enabling this , form submission will create a case which will then get converted into a web case and will be triggered into role responsible mailboxes. Site users(your client) can directly reply to the customer from any email client used using this method.
    In case you are using external server , you can use any third party ticketing system and setup on the email to which notifications are received.
    Currently , with Muse when form is setup with email . Submitters form submission notification is received from that email and submitters email is included in subject line , which you can use manually to send email replies.

Maybe you are looking for