Cisco SCE 8000 rebooting

Cisco SCE 8000 working normally while traffic through it not pass. When i connect optical links and start passing traffic throught cisco, i have a problem. SCE watchdog run software reboot with error:
2013-09-30 13:54:40 | FATAL | CPU #000 | A problem occurred in the  SCE8000 Service Control Module Extended (SCM-E) slot 1 ,Please report to Cisco's customer support.
2013-09-30 13:54:40 | ERROR | CPU #000 | SE Watchdog Module: An Error occurred. Please report to Cisco's customer support
2013-09-30 13:54:40 | ERROR | CPU #000 | SE Watchdog Module: An Error occurred. Please report to Cisco's customer support
2013-09-30 13:54:41 | WARN  | CPU #000 | SE Watchdog Module: A problem occurred. Please report to Cisco's customer support
2013-09-30 13:54:41 | INFO  | CPU #000 | Party data base was closed.
In debug file i found:
Interrupt Received from: SimbaDPT[0].Tx[0].CTX_ISR.ECCMultiErrorInt - description: RLDRAM ECC multi bit error interrupt.
What the problem could be?

I have tried 3.7.2, 3.8.5, 4.0.0.  Unfortunately, the result is the same. I think that hardware problem (RAM).

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  • Problem while applying configuration to SCE 8000 using SCE-API

    We are facing an issue while applying service  configuration to SCE 8000 device using SCE API supplied by CISCO.
    We have sample .pqb file  which we are using to upload to SCE 8000. We are using 3.5.5 version of  firmware on SCE.
    Attached is exception file which contains sample .pqb and trace  log that we see when we apply configuration. Please note, that we are  using RHEL5 platform, JDK 1.5.0_1 and standalone java program to apply  configuration on SCE using API  null ### java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException
             at  com.pcube.apps.engage.policy.ConfigurationRetriever.retrievePolicy(
             at  com.pcube.apps.engage.policy.Test.fetchPpUpgradeVersion(
             at  null ### java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException
    failed  to fetch current pp upgrade version  listjava.lang.NullPointerException0.0.0  PP0com.pcube.apps.engage.common.ApplyException: Client version 3.5.5  PP20 is different than SCE version 0.0.0 PP0, therefore apply is not  allowed
            at  com.pcube.apps.engage.policy.SEPolicyMediator.checkPpVersion(
             at  com.pcube.apps.engage.policy.SEPolicyMediator.applyPolicy(
             at  com.pcube.apps.engage.policy.SEPolicyMediator.applyPolicy(
             at  null ### java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException
             at  com.pcube.apps.engage.policy.ConfigurationRetriever.retrievePolicy(
             at  com.pcube.apps.engage.policy.Test.fetchPpUpgradeVersion(
    com.pcube.apps.engage.common.ApplyException:  Client version 3.5.5 PP20 is different than SCE version 0.0.0 PP0,  therefore apply is not allowed
            at  com.pcube.apps.engage.policy.SEPolicyMediator.checkPpVersion(
             at  com.pcube.apps.engage.policy.SEPolicyMediator.applyPolicy(
             at  com.pcube.apps.engage.policy.SEPolicyMediator.applyPolicy(

    You are likely hitting  CSCtb94072.
    The policy file should be manipulated by development engineer.
    Please open a case with TAC and ask the CSE to fix the policy (by getting development engineer assistance).
    Once you have the fixed policy PQB file perform the following CLI procedure on all SCEs on which the problem was observed:
    SCE2000#cd engage
    SCE2000#delete MYENGAGE.PQB
    Once done you should be able to apply the fixed policy without any issue.
    Note: after performing the above CLI procedure, you can also successfully retrieve the policy,
    however, you must avoid doing it since the retrieved poilcy would not be the last applied one, it would be the penultimate one which you probably don't want to use.
    After applying the fixed policy, you should be able to retrieve policy successfully with no fear.  
    This is more of a clarification regarding the workaround procedure:
    To get you better understand the issue.
    The last policy applied to the SCE successfully is kept under the SCE  "/engage" directory by the name MYENGAGE.PQB
    The penultimate applied policy is also kept there under the name  MYENGAG1.PQB
    When the SCA-BB GUI applies a policy it first verifies the matching SCA-BB and PP version by inspecting this MYENGAGE.PQB file.
    If the file has the corruption dealt in this defect, the apply will fail with the message of the kind:
    "Client version 3.5.5 PP18 is different than SCE version 0.0.0 PP0, therefore apply is not allowed"
    The MYENGAG1.PQB is the penultimate applied policy and it's not corrupted, renaming it MYENGAGE.PQB will assure us that the apply operation won't fail when verifying the versions are matched.
    Alternatively (for the renaming procedure) user may copy the fixed policy file into the SCE disk space under /engage directory and name it MYENGAGE.PQB, then the apply should also work fine.

  • Cisco Access Points Rebooting

    Has anyone experienced a Cisco Access Point reboot itself, on it's own?

    7 out of 17 are rebooting... but it's not isolated to one IDF it's different spots within the building.i will check the log in flash.
    Hmmmmm ... And if you do a "sh version" to everyone of them it comes up saying something like "by power-on"?
    If this is the case, you may also want to consider the copper cables between your Injector and your AP. 

  • SCE 8000 with High CPU running SCOS 3.6.5

    Hi Guys,
    We have 1 SCE 8000 out of 20 that suddenly started showing high CPU
    SCE_VINA02#>show processes cpu sorted
    CPU utilization for five seconds:  99%/  0%; one minute:  99%; five minutes:  99%
    PID   Runtime(ms)   Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
    6572  1743157450   2912773          0 41.79% 48.95% 42.00%   0 (scos-main)    
    6592   377205520   2822045          0 25.47% 22.96% 26.37%   0 (scos-main)    
    3773 -1131308800   2912909          0 22.09% 22.05% 22.19%   0 RucMain        
    20676   249912990   1895163          0 17.51% 15.86% 18.65%   0 (scos-main)    
    4058  1241380640   2839209          0  8.76%  9.06%  9.00%   0 PartyDBManager 
    4038    58347790   1778224          0  3.18%  3.40%  3.63%   0 controlRpcExtServer
    4042   199502330   2718111          0  1.99%  2.03%  2.06%   0 tFormatter     
    6594    80405570   2558527          0  1.99%  2.59%  2.80%   0 (scos-main)    
    20677    48485580   1405062          0  1.99%  2.28%  2.48%   0 (scos-main)    
    4595   309332240   2912876          0  1.39%  2.13%  2.12%   0 HwChk          
    4040   112684050   2736243          0  1.00%  1.12%  1.14%   0 qReaderExt     
    3639   264215460   2848244          0  1.00%  0.94%  0.91%   0 (scos-main)    
    4041    69509430   2868791          0  0.80%  0.74%  0.75%   0 qReaderInt     
    6573   235121090   2801654          0  0.80% 16.28%  5.13%   0 (scos-main)    
    6574    24244400    624919          0  0.60%  0.96%  3.70%   0 (scos-main)    
    3771    53398760   2912883          0  0.40%  0.38%  0.39%   0 CpuUtilMonitor 
    4037    32594910   2537807          0  0.40%  0.36%  0.38%   0 tLogger        
    3712    16686250   1627766          0  0.20%  0.11%  0.11%   0 fanControlTask 
    3778    46339600   2912908          0  0.20%  0.27%  0.28%   0 MsgQuMess-rcv  
    4028     8361600    734410          0  0.20%  0.07%  0.06%   0 tCCWatchdog    
    4059     5358870    353706          0  0.20%  0.04%  0.02%   0 SNMP agentx Task
    2971     2518240    166310          0  0.20%  0.05%  0.01%   0 (nfsd)         
    The CPU is STUCK at 99%, even when the traffic is minimal, we are seeing that the scos main process is hogging the CPU
    When i do the show interface line 0 counter cpu-utilization it shows me a different value than the first command, which is more reasonable according tho the quantity of traffic that is flowwing through the box at this moment.
    SCE_VINA02#>show interface LineCard 0 counters cpu-utilization
    Traffic Processor CPU Utilization:
    TP 1 CPU Utilization: 17%
    TP 2 CPU Utilization: 16%
    TP 3 CPU Utilization: 23%
    TP 4 CPU Utilization: 17%
    TP 5 CPU Utilization: 17%
    TP 6 CPU Utilization: 15%
    TP 7 CPU Utilization: 18%
    TP 8 CPU Utilization: 16%
    TP 9 CPU Utilization: 16%
    TP 10 CPU Utilization: 15%
    TP 11 CPU Utilization: 18%
    TP 12 CPU Utilization: 18%
    When i log under linux in the box, it shows me another value different than what the other first two commands showed me
    [root@SCE_VINA02 ~]#>top
    top - 14:26:47 up 169 days,  7:46,  1 user,  load average: 3.86, 3.68, 3.31
    Tasks:  64 total,   1 running,  63 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
    Cpu(s): 59.5%us,  2.2%sy,  0.0%ni, 36.4%id,  1.3%wa,  0.2%hi,  0.5%si,  0.0%st
    Mem:   2028668k total,  1914156k used,   114512k free,    47392k buffers
    Swap:        0k total,        0k used,        0k free,   320416k cached
      PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND                                                               
    3639 root      20   0 1353m 1.3g  44m S  134 65.9 355517:28 scos-main                                                             
       23 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0  24:59.23 scos-dump                                                             
    2973 root      20   0     0    0    0 S    0  0.0  39:56.53 nfsd                                                                  
    3455 root      20   0 16188 2620 1756 S    0  0.1 122:21.52 scos-sys-cmd-se                                                       
    26549 root      20   0  2476 1116  896 R    0  0.1   0:00.05 top                                                                   
        1 root      20   0  1776  616  540 S    0  0.0   3:17.32 init                                                                  
        2 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 kthreadd                                                              
        3 root      RT  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:58.98 migration/0                                                           
        4 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:42.82 ksoftirqd/0                                                           
        5 root      RT  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   2:25.35 watchdog/0                                                            
        6 root      RT  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:59.95 migration/1                                                           
        7 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:02.60 ksoftirqd/1                                                           
        8 root      RT  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:18.66 watchdog/1                                                            
        9 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0 161:33.60 events/0                                                              
       10 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0  46:47.38 events/1                                                              
       11 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 khelper                                                               
       12 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   9:55.55 kblockd/0                                                             
       13 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   3:26.99 kblockd/1                                                             
       16 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:03.08 kswapd0                                                               
       17 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 aio/0                                                                 
       18 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 aio/1                                                                 
       19 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 nfsiod                                                                
       20 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 mtdblockd                                                             
       21 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0  50:36.28 skynet                                                                
       22 root     -86  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0 280:11.75 hw-mon-regs                                                           
       24 root     -91  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0  22:36.48 wdog-kernel                                                           
       25 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 rpciod/0                                                              
       26 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 rpciod/1                                                              
       80 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.17 kjournald                                                             
       84 root      15  -5     0    0    0 D    0  0.0  17:05.31 kjournald                                                             
       92 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   1:36.60 kjournald                                                             
      246 root      15  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0  36:09.67 bond0                                                                 
      952 root      20   0     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.01 pdflush                                                               
    1032 root      20   0     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   3:12.76 pdflush                                                               
    1430 bin       20   0  2024  500  388 S    0  0.0   0:00.01 portmap                                                               
    1459 root      20   0  1884  644  536 S    0  0.0   0:22.97 syslogd                                                               
    1467 root      20   0  1772  408  336 S    0  0.0   0:00.04 klogd                                                                 
    1469 root      20   0  1764  512  448 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 getty                                                                 
    1710 root      20   0  3308 1048  488 S    0  0.1  73:02.73 scos                                                                  
    1711 root      20   0  2476  568  484 S    0  0.0   0:00.19 tee                                                                   
    1733 root      20   0  3308  980  420 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 scos                                                                  
    1735 root      20   0  2948 1280 1080 S    0  0.1   0:00.00 sh                                                                    
    [root@SCE_VINA02 ~]#>
    We have a TAC opened but is being more than a 2 weeks and the engineer hasnt being able to find the source of the issue, she even has a ticket open with the BU
    Please if anybody out there might be facing a similar issue

    here is the RDR statistics and debug summary log.
    SUBSCE8K01#>show RDR-formatter statistics
    RDR-formatter statistics:
    Category 1:
      sent:               1733914918
      in-queue:           0
      thrown:             0
      format-mismatch:    0
      unsupported-tags:   0
      rate:               404 RDRs per second
      max-rate:           1984 RDRs per second
    Category 2:
      sent:               919837769
      in-queue:           0
      thrown:             0
      format-mismatch:    0
      unsupported-tags:   0
      rate:               0 RDRs per second
      max-rate:           3657 RDRs per second
    Category 3:
      sent:               0
      in-queue:           0
      thrown:             0
      format-mismatch:    0
      unsupported-tags:   0
      rate:               0 RDRs per second
      max-rate:           0 RDRs per second
    Category 4:
      sent:               156867972
      in-queue:           0
      thrown:             0
      format-mismatch:    0
      unsupported-tags:   0
      rate:               105 RDRs per second
      max-rate:           163 RDRs per second
    Destination: Port: 33000 Status: up   Active: yes
      Sent: 1733915274
      Rate:   396  Max:  1984
      Last connection establishment: 3 weeks, 6 days, 20 hours, 45 minutes, 27 seconds
    Destination: Port: 33000 Status: up   Active: no
      Sent:          0
      Rate:     0  Max:     0
      Last connection establishment:  0 hours, 6 minutes, 14 seconds
    Destination: Port: 33001 Status: up   Active: no
    SUBSCE8K01#>sh proc cpu sorted
    CPU utilization for five seconds:  96%/  0%; one minute:  97%; five minutes:  99%
    PID   Runtime(ms)   Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
    4929   293498890    475542          0 99.00% 21.55% 16.40%   0 (scos-main)
    4555   573866000    478707          0 25.65% 25.89% 25.96%   0 RucMain
    4918   625477080    478701          0 25.45% 29.72% 33.67%   0 (scos-main)
    1810       88530       192          0  7.96% 14.82%  9.38%   0 (scos-main)
    4927   172451130    474889          0  7.56% 14.99%  9.97%   0 (scos-main)
    1809       97510       192          0  7.16% 17.72% 12.00%   0 (scos-main)
    5359   122862320    476098          0  6.96% 13.29%  6.39%   0 (scos-main)
    4817    83463610    476198          0  6.36%  6.31%  6.29%   0 controlRpcExtServer
    5358   137770620    476591          0  5.97%  5.68%  6.14%   0 (scos-main)
    5135   107450270    475407          0  4.38%  4.86%  6.47%   0 (scos-main)
    4840   584104440    476935          0  4.37% 11.73%  5.28%   0 PartyDBManager
    4821   152431380    478706          0  3.58%  3.40%  3.37%   0 tFormatter
    4919   249427970    331960          0  2.98%  0.92%  0.92%   0 (scos-main)
    4819    33178220    462486          0  1.59%  1.55%  1.39%   0 qReaderExt
    5516    51751940    478645          0  1.39%  2.17%  2.15%   0 HwChk
    4820    22420960    461376          0  0.99%  0.96%  0.96%   0 qReaderInt
    3345    42535190    476936          0  0.99%  0.87%  0.84%   0 (scos-main)
    4816    16505300    474586          0  0.80%  0.78%  0.72%   0 tLogger
    4560     9043340    478707          0  0.40%  0.34%  0.34%   0 MsgQuMess-rcv
    4521     7505470    476057          0  0.40%  0.36%  0.36%   0 nsm-to-sm-med-dispatcher
    4520     8472310    475729          0  0.40%  0.38%  0.37%   0 sm-to-nms-high-collector
    4551    10427120    478707          0  0.40%  0.45%  0.44%   0 CpuUtilMonitor
    Summary of debug file.
    ************** CURRENT APPLICATION INFORMATION ***************
    Application file: /apps/data/scos/release_.sli
    Application name: Engage SML Version 3.6.5 build 41 (Protocol Pack 26 build 15)
    Using Lib - PL_V3.6.5_B1
    Using Lib - Classifier_V3.6.5_B1
    Application help: Entry point of Engage
    Original source file: /auto/srbu-proj1-bgl/apps/users/aninatar/autoBuild/App/SML/Engage/V3.6.5/src/com/pcube/AppTemplate/Main/template_app_main.san
    Compilation date: Thu, October 20, 2011 at 23:30:08
    Compiler version: SANc v3.20 Build 14 built on: Tue 08/04/2009 06:58:22.;SME plugin v1.1
    Capacity option used: 'EngageDefaultSCE8000'.
    ************** DBG LOG FILE MESSAGES HISTOGRAM ***************
    Total number of different <> messages is 0
    Total number of different <> messages is 0
    [0x0502:0x000a] | | 0120529 | 0000001056 | Party DB: PartyDB::waitForState(pcid=%d) called, maxPCIDs=%d.
    [0x0102:0x0013] | | 0024763 | 0000000000 | Application Subscriber Context: Breach counter is negative for subscriber service counter=%d
    [0x0ce1:0x0010] | | 0000027 | 0000000000 | SnmpMibs: %s %s %d %d.
    [0x0505:0x0194] | | 0000005 | 0000000000 | Party DB Manager: (anonymous) createUnmappedParty - rcid = %lu, pid=%lu, ipAddress = 0x%x - came from ruc=%u, selected ruc=%u wrong ruc selected.
    [0x0300:0x004d] | | 0000013 | 0000000000 | Formatter: RdrVXConnection: Closed existing socket to port %d. (%s)
    [0x0910:0x002c] | | 0000002 | 0000000000 | RuC Interrupt Handler: %s.
    [0x0920:0x000a] | | 0000002 | 0000000000 | Logger: %s
    Total number of different messages is 7
    [0x0a10:0x0004] |     | 0000027 | 0000000000 | System Message: System Info message:
    [0x0aa2:0x001e] |     | 0000013 | 0000000000 | SNMP Agent: %s
    [0x0300:0x0059] |     | 0000013 | 0000000000 | Formatter: Formatter connection closed: address %s, port %d.
    [0x0aa2:0x001c] |     | 0000008 | 0000000000 | SNMP Agent: %s
    [0x0300:0x0056] |     | 0000008 | 0000000000 | Formatter: No Formatter connections is open on category %d.
    [0x0aa2:0x001d] |     | 0000013 | 0000000000 | SNMP Agent: %s
    [0x0300:0x005a] |     | 0000013 | 0000000000 | Formatter: Formatter connection opened: address %s, port %d.
    [0x0aa2:0x001b] |     | 0000008 | 0000000000 | SNMP Agent: %s
    [0x0300:0x0057] |     | 0000008 | 0000000000 | Formatter: Formatter active connection opened : address %s, port %d, category %d.
    [0x0505:0x029e] |     | 0000001 | 0000000000 | Party DB Manager: notifyPullRequestByPid() - %lu calls for notifySpawn() - failed in the last hour.
    [0x0920:0x0008] |     | 0000004 | 0000000000 | Logger: %s
    [0x0743:0x0000] |     | 0000001 | 0000000000 | TELNET_SSH_SERVER: A %s session from %s was established.
    [0x0730:0x0010] |     | 0000016 | 0000000000 | CLI: Executing CLI command: '%s'.
    [0x0309:0x002c] |     | 0000001 | 0000000000 | CmdlFFS: File system operation : del  %s
    Total number of different     messages is 14

  • SCE 8000 spam mitigation and subscriber notification

    Hello everyone,
    could you help me with misunderstanding of sce based subscriber spam notification?
    I'm trying to implement the scheme where subscriber should be notified for the spam activity only once. So I set options like on pictures below, but my test subscriber blocked permanently. I even tryed to wait about a day, but without success. Obviosly if I drop subscriber session manually it will help, but it's doesn't seems as proper solution.
    According to "Cisco Service Control Service Security: Outgoing Spam Mitigation Solution Guide", a subscriber doesn't considered as spamer after certain timeout of spam inactivity, I tryed to wait about a day, but without success.
    So whether feature don't work or I do it wrong, so could you explain me please, how I should implement notifying subscriber only once till next spam accident?

    Well, the answer was the following command:
    connection-mode inline on-failure external-bypass

  • Cisco catalyst 4500e rebooted unexpectedly

    Dear team,
    we are facing problem in cisco catalyst switch, actually we are using Cisco catalyst 4500e switch, Two month back we upgrade IOS from "cat4500e-ipbasek9-mz.150-2.SG" to cat4500e-ipbasek9-mz.152-2.E1.bin “since i upgrade new IOS that  was running perfectly,  but last two weeks back unexpectedly switch was rebooted and today also we faced the same problem. here i enclosed the tech support details. kindly check and suggest me the correct solution. 
      Is there in any bug is there?...... How can we clarify whether the switch is ok on that IOS.....
     please suggest me the right IOS image for my cisco catalyst 4500e switch

    Hi Ashok,
    Looks 15.2.2E2 has the fix. you could try upgrading to it.
    Hope this helps.
    Please do remeber to rate all useful posts.

  • Router Cisco Soho 91 rebooting

    Dear all,
    today I have upgraded rommon in Cisco Soho 91 image to version 820_RM_ALT.srec.122-11r.YV4. Since then I have following messages when booting/restarting router:
    System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(11r)YV4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support: »
    Copyright (c) 2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
    System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(11r)YV4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support: »
    Copyright (c) 2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
    System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(11r)YV4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support: »
    Copyright (c) 2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
    System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(11r)YV4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support: »
    Copyright (c) 2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
    The ATU Switch reset isn't yet completed!
    The PHY0 reset isn't yet completed!
    The PHY1 reset isn't yet completed!
    The PHY2 reset isn't yet completed!
    The PHY3 reset isn't yet completed!
    The PHY4 reset isn't yet completed!
    C800/SOHO series (Board ID: 28-130) platform with 32768 Kbytes of main memory
    Does somebody know what they mean and which command shoul I use to access rommon?
    Thank you and kind regards,

    Unfortunately I can not. Router is constantly rebooting and all I can see now is:
    System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(11r)YV4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support: »
    Copyright (c) 2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
    System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(11r)YV4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support: »
    Copyright (c) 2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
    System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(11r)YV4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    Technical Support: »
    Copyright (c) 2005 by cisco Systems, Inc.
    Is there any other way to enter rommon?

  • Cisco SCE 2020 and SNMP

    I am trying to figure out how to retrieve the output of the comannd "show party all-names" via SNMP.
    Does anybody have some suggested OID strings I could try?
    here is my sh ver:
    sce1#sh ver
    System version: Version 3.6.0 Build 716
    Build time: Mar 28 2010, 12:34:53 (Change-list 600192)
    Software version is: Version 3.6.0 Build 716
    Cryptography class: K9
    Hardware information is:
    rx            : 0x0079
    dp            : 0x1d08
    tx            : 0x1712
    ff            : 0x0077
    cls           : 0x1e05
    cpld          : 0x0025
    lic           : 0x0202
    lic-drv       : 0x02020000
    lic-prm       : 0x02020000
    rev           : G001
    Bootrom       : 2.1.0
    L2 cache      : Samsung 0.5
    lic type      : 4GBE
    optic mode    : MM
    Product S/N   : CAT1425G00V
    Product ID    : SCE2020-4XGBE-MM
    Version ID    : V04
    Deviation     : 
    Part number       : 800-26601-08
    Revision          : C1
    Software revision : G001
    LineCard S/N      : CAT1422G00Z
    Power Supply type : AC
    SML Application information is:
    Application file: /tffs0/release_.sli
    Application name: Engage SML Version 3.6.0 build 126 (Protocol Pack 21 build 24)
    Using Lib - PL_V3.6.0PP_B24
    Using Lib - Classifier_V3.6.0_B24
    Application help: Entry point of Engage
    Original source file: /auto/srbu-proj1/apps/users/obenreph/autoBuild/App/SML/Engage/V3.6.0/src/com/pcube/AppTemplate/Main/template_app_main.san
    Compilation date: Mon, April 26, 2010 at 09:04:40
    Compiler version: SANc v3.20 Build 14 built on: Tue 08/04/2009 06:58:22.;SME plugin v1.1
    Capacity option used: 'EngageDefaultSCE2000'.
    Logger status: Enabled
    Platform: SCE2000 - 4xGBE
    Management agent interface version: SCE Agent 3.6.0 Build 429
    Software package file: ftp://ftpserver/C:\Documents and Settings\btadlock\Desktop\scos-v360-b716-sce2000-k9.pkg

    Hi Olaf,
    The lwapp APs are not snmp-manageable but the controllers takes care of that. You can poll the WLC via SNMP and it will give you the radio status of all the APs.
    I suggest using the Cisco MIB browser tool to find out more about the AIRESPACE mib that the WLC is using.

  • Cisco SCE - RDR length

    We need to estimate the length (bytes) of RDRs generated by SCE.
    In particular we are interested in the following RDR types:
    - HTTP Transaction Usage RDR
    - Transaction Usage RDR
    - Subscriber Usage RDR
    Any suggestion is appreciated.
    Marco and Fabrizio

    The RDR lenghts would vary but you can take a look at this link to confirm the size of each field.
    You will see lengths as :
    INT32 : 32 bit integer
    INT16 : 16 bit integer
    STRING : Variable string length ( I believe it is 256 characters)
    Basically they are the same types as you would find in a database.
    Hope this helps.

  • SCE 8000 internal QM behaviour [SW 3.6.5]

    Dear All,
    We experiencing strange behaviour of our SCE8000 platform [SW 3.6.5]. We are trying to use Internal Quota Manager with daily replenished buckets. Quota is giving out normally, but then subscriber reconnect (logout and login) it starts counting from zero. Means that SCE do not store buckets information. Is it OK or we should do smt.? Because according to documentations SCE should keep buckets information for the subscriber thorught the aggregation period.

    Hi Tom,
    1. Subscriber after login:
    S132SCE8000T1#>sh int LineCard 0 subscriber name xxxxx bucket-state id 1
    Bucket type: Down Volume
    Bucket state: OK
    Bucket size: 200000
    Bucket usage: 0
    2. Subscriber is consuming quota:
    S132SCE8000T1#>sh int LineCard 0 subscriber name 9409970149 bucket-state id 1
    Bucket type: Down Volume
    Bucket state: OK
    Bucket size: 200000
    Bucket usage: 11
    3. Subscriber after reconnect (log out and log in again):
    S132SCE8000T1#>sh int LineCard 0 subscriber name xxxxx bucket-state id 1
    Bucket type: Down Volume
    Bucket state: OK
    Bucket size: 200000
    Bucket usage: 0
    How you may see - there is same amount of quota that subscriber should have after first login. To manage subscribers we use Cisco Subscriber Manager 3.6.5. Configuration attached. Screenshots with configuration are also attached. 
    Kind Regards,

  • Cisco 7206vxr randomly rebooting

    I have a cisco 7206vxr router that has been randomly rebooting.
    This is the error I am getting.
    System was restarted by bus error at PC 0x623F6FD0, address 0xB0D0B0D at 10:48:15 CST Fri Dec 17 2010
    Reading through some stuff on the cisco site I see that the address shown is not a vaild memory location.  Do any of you guys have any ideas?

    CVFTC_7206#sh ver
    Cisco IOS Software, 7200 Software (C7200-IS-M), Version 12.4(3), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
    Technical Support:
    Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
    Compiled Fri 22-Jul-05 09:13 by hqluong
    ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(8r)B, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    BOOTLDR: 7200 Software (C7200-KBOOT-M), Version 12.2(15)B, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
    CVFTC_7206 uptime is 2 days, 15 hours, 40 minutes
    System returned to ROM by bus error at PC 0x623F6FD0, address 0xB0D0B0D at 16:28:24 CST Fri Dec 17 2010
    System restarted at 16:31:04 CST Fri Dec 17 2010
    System image file is "disk2:c7200-is-mz.124-3.bin"
    Cisco 7206VXR (NPE-G1) processor (revision A) with 491520K/32768K bytes of memory.
    Processor board ID 20402731
    SB-1 CPU at 700MHz, Implementation 1025, Rev 0.2, 512KB L2 Cache
    6 slot VXR midplane, Version 2.0
    Last reset from power-on
    PCI bus mb1 (Slots 1, 3 and 5) has a capacity of 600 bandwidth points.
    Current configuration on bus mb1 has a total of 0 bandwidth points.
    This configuration is within the PCI bus capacity and is supported.
    PCI bus mb2 (Slots 2, 4 and 6) has a capacity of 600 bandwidth points.
    Current configuration on bus mb2 has a total of 0 bandwidth points.
    This configuration is within the PCI bus capacity and is supported.
    Please refer to the following document "Cisco 7200 Series Port
    Adaptor Hardware Configuration Guidelines" on CCO ,
    for c7200 bandwidth points oversubscription/usage guidelines.
    3 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
    509K bytes of NVRAM.
    62720K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 2 (Sector size 512 bytes).
    16384K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 256K).
    Configuration register is 0x2102

  • Cisco MPE server reboots all the time.

    We installed Cisco MPE two months ago:
    [root@mpe bin]# mpx_version
    List Cisco Unified Communications Product
    Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express "" ...
    Untill last week it worked fine.
    Suddenly it has started to reboot every 10-15 min. since last Friday.
    At the moment it looks like MPE software problem becauce after we stop MPE services through CLI using command:
    /opt/cisco/meetingplace_express/bin/mpx_sys stop
    server stops reboot also.
    I can't find any good MPE troubleshooting  guides.
    So people any ideas, please ?

    I think you've done all you can yourself.
    If you have an Apple store, can you make a Genius appointment and take it in - they may be able to test it.
    They might even have a little flexibility if the issue started just out of warranty - no harm trying.
    There was a rumour of a bad batch of AppleTVs but I've never seen official confrimation of this. See:
    Apple TV (3rd generation): Replacement program

  • CISCO IPS 4270 rebooting again and again

    Dear Experts,
    We are facing problem where Cisco IPS 4270 is keep rebooting, attached are the logs.
    after entering username and password it again goes into restart cycle
    Appreciate your help
    Muhammad Nasim

    You should try reimageing you sensor. If that doesn't;t fix this issue, you need to RMA the unit to Cisco.
    Cisco might just let you RMA the unit as is if you have a contract, but bringing it is faster.
    - Bob

  • Cisco 7920 constantly rebooting

    I have a Cisco 7920 IP Phone that is using LEAP. It Authenicates fine to the AP, but the weird thing is that it says it's configuring the IP network (it grabs a IP address), then it downloads the config, and then updates the firmware, and reboots. It has been doing this for the last 3 hours, it's a constant loop. I check CCM and it's like it's not registering the phone, but I see clearly that the CCM and the phone look like it's having some type of communication because the phone thinks it's downloading the config. Any Suggestions?

    What image is loaded on the 7920 currently?
    What is the name set for the default 7920 image?
    Is the 7920 configured as a 7920 or 7960?
    What's the CallManager revision?
    After it reboots, check the firmware rev then as well.
    Could possibly be using the os7920.txt file as well in tftp path. Ensure the contents of this file match what is listed as the 7920 device default image.

  • Cisco SCE - TA Adapter

    Hi All
    I have a question here, I'm now analyzing the subscriber hourly usage volume per hour. As I know, the data Top Subscriber Report in the BB Console is collected by Topper/Aggregator (TA) Adapter inside the Collection Manager (CM) server. Could anybody help me explain in detail on how is the TA Adapter works?
    Thanks very much
    Mohd Farhan Tajuid
    IPSC Implementation
    Core IP Development

    Hello Mohd,
    This question is a bit vague.  Have you read the following document?
    If yes, which part you think requires deeper explanation?

Maybe you are looking for



  • Can't access the Online Player, nobody can help

    I am at my wit's end. I am an Infinity customer, and all I want is access to the BT Sport Online Player.  This seems to baffle absolutely everybody at BT. I can't activate the player online, since it constantly gives me an error. Why you need everyon

  • Accordion widget -  Toggling the Panels Up & Down?

    What do I change in the Accordion widget to make the panels Open & Close? I want the Panel to Open by clicking on Panel A, and then have Panel A close if Panel A again. (Basically a Toggle effect)

  • Picture wont fit the screen

    All, i am using my macbook pro on my tv it a 32 in. sony LCD and i cant get the picture to fit right, with overscan it cuts off some of the screen (the whole menu bar) and with overscan off i have a smaller screen on the tv (black around all sides).

  • OBYC : Account 3510601 already used in transaction BSX

    Hi, When I enter an Account in OBYC (Transaction PRD) I get this error message : 'Account 3510601 already used in transaction BSX' The problem is I can't get the correct account if I don't put this account in PRD transaction, the FI document is gener