Connection shocking since 8th Nov

Hi wondering if i could get some help from here as since last tuesday my connection has been really terrible. Getting less then 1Mb most of the time. I'm stumped at what to do next as i've done the basics. Checked filters etc.
Heres some info,
ADSL Line Status
Connection Information
Line state:
Connection time:
0 days, 00:20:03
12.18 Mbps
1.094 Mbps
ADSL Settings
G.992.5 Annex A
Latency type:
Noise margin (Down/Up):
6.1 dB / 6.5 dB
Line attenuation (Down/Up):
19.0 dB / 6.5 dB
Output power (Down/Up):
20.4 dBm / 11.3 dBm
FEC Events (Down/Up):
0 / 0
CRC Events (Down/Up):
52696 / 0
Loss of Framing (Local/Remote):
0 / 0
Loss of Signal (Local/Remote):
0 / 0
Loss of Power (Local/Remote):
0 / 0
HEC Events (Down/Up):
57207 / 0
Error Seconds (Local/Remote):
1195 / 0
Test1 comprises of two tests
1. Best Effort Test: -provides background information.
Download  Speed
1002 Kbps
0 Kbps
21000 Kbps
Max Achievable Speed
 Download speedachieved during the test was - 1002 Kbps
 For your connection, the acceptable range of speeds is 4000-21000 Kbps.
 Additional Information:
 Your DSL Connection Rate :12471 Kbps(DOWN-STREAM), 1119 Kbps(UP-STREAM)
 IP Profile for your line is - 11002 Kbps
2. Upstream Test: -provides background information.
Upload Speed
842 Kbps
0 Kbps
1119 Kbps
Max Achievable Speed
>Upload speed achieved during the test was - 842 Kbps
 Additional Information:
 Upstream Rate IP profile on your line is - 1119 Kbps
Go to Solution.

Contact the mods, you can do that by following this link: in the morning once you have run a speedtest at an offpeak time, so we can see if it is congestion, highly probable.  And they should be able to get it sorted .
Regards Edd
Check your Line
BT Speedtester

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    Can anyone help please, btinternet have changed their servers on e mail since 21st Nov and I can no longer send or receive e mails. BT say set to the following but I cannot get it to work, any suggestions please.
    Go to your iPhone/iPad home screen and tap Settings.
    Scroll down to Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
    Tap Add Account.
    Scroll down and tap Other.
    Tap Add Mail Account.
    Put the name you want people to see when they get mail from you in the Name field.
    Enter your BT Business username in the Address field. For example, [email protected] or, where you have registered a custom domain, [email protected]
    Enter your BT Business password in the Password field.
    In the Description field enter the name you want to use to identify the account.
    Tap Next. If you get an error message at this point, tap OK.
    Make sure that POP is selected at the top of the screen.
    In the Incoming Mail Server section, change the Host Name to
    Scroll down to the Outgoing Mail Server section and change the Host Name to
    Tap Save.

    Hello Kitty Galore,
    It sounds like your your photos that you take on your phone are not showing in your iPad Photo Stream.
    I would check both devices to make sure that they both have Photo Stream turned on in the iCloud settings.
    iCloud: My Photo Stream FAQ
    How do I turn on My Photo Stream?
    After your devices are up-to-date and you have set up your iCloud account, it’s easy to turn on My Photo Stream on any of your devices:
    iOS devices: Go to Settings > iCloud > Photos (Photo Stream in iOS 6), then turn on My Photo Stream.
    Mac: Go to System Preferences > iCloud, then select the checkbox for Photo Stream. Click the Options button and verify that the My Photo Stream checkbox is selected. Open the application you want to use with Photo Stream (iPhoto or Aperture) and confirm that My Photo Stream is turned on in that application. You can also adjust your my Photo Stream settings in iPhoto or Aperture Preferences.
    If it is enabled, then I would check to make sure Automatic Upload is enabled with this article:
    iCloud: My Photo Stream troubleshooting
    I imported photos to iPhoto or Aperture from my camera, but I do not see them uploaded to the My Photo Stream album, though the service is enabled.
    In iPhoto or Aperture, navigate to Preferences > Photo Stream. Ensure that Automatic Upload is enabled under My Photo Stream and that you have an active Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection.
    If Automatic Upload is not enabled, you can either enable it and import again, or manually add the newly imported photos to My Photo Stream in iPhoto or Aperture by dragging them into the My Photo Stream album in your Library.

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    If you use Lion, boot into your recovery pressing Command and R buttons, press "Utilities" menu, open Terminal and write:
    If you have Snow Leopard, boot into your install DVD pressing C button, click "Utilities" and press Password Reset

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    You may have to force your iPad into recovery mode in order to restore the device since the update did not complete. This article explains how to do that.
    iPad: Unable to update or restore

  • Problem collecting mail since 8th/9th - almost a s...

    Is anyone having or aware of any general problems or issues collecting email since about Wednesday night 8th/9th June? -- I use OE.
    BT has been my ISP for several years, so I have BT addresses as well as some set up with a former ISP ( which are also of course handled via the BT Yahoo account. All are set up correctly (I've checked the settings are in place as they should be, and haven't been varied/altered for any reason), and they've always all worked without any problems at all since joining BT.
    But between switching off the system in the early hours of Thursday morning and booting up again later in the day, collecting mail has been a nightmare. At first it seemed as if clicking Send/Receive froze it up, but I realised later on it wasn't actually stalling altogether -- it's just very, VERY slow. For instance it takes the best part of an hour to download one small message of a line or two, maybe about 2kb.
    Outgoing SMTP mail for both lots of accounts via is no trouble at all and works completely normally at the usual speed and with no issues. Only incoming mail is affected, but I can't think it's anything to do with the Tesco POP3 address, because it's not only affecting mail on those accounts, but the BT ones as well ( again). They're all having the same problem.
    Of course I can check both sets of inboxes online for incoming messages, but it's a hassle as I use the various different accounts for different categories of mail, so it's less straightforward than the convenience of a desktop client which I'm so used to, where they come in to one place and I'm able to browse all my mail from there, as well as store it on the system and compose at leisure offline. Online means logging in and out of each one individually. I just hate webmail... call me old-fashioned!
    Internet browsing is unaffected, with Firefox (and IE). My BB package renewed at the beginning of the month and I changed from Option 3 to Option 2, but (a) this was about a week before the problem began, and (b) I'm not sure it would have any bearing anyway.
    So any general issues anyone's aware of which are going on at the moment, or any ideas?
    Many thanks.

    I still have this problem. Yesterday I thought it might have sorted itself out, but no such luck. As I have several different email accounts (and they all have the same trouble whether it's a BT address or others from another ISP), I've only been trying to download mail for one account at a time (in turn) with OE, instead of all accounts at once.
    Yesterday seemed no different to begin with, than it had been for the previous week -- clicked Receive for one of the accounts, the dialog box showed 3 messages to download, and as usual it was slow, slow, SLOW. The first message took all of about 50-55m to come in, and it was only 4kb! But then suddenly the other 2 following it came in at normal speed in a flash, as they should.
    Tried another account where I knew there was mail in (having seen it on the server). They came in normally too. And so did all the rest of the accounts. Brilliant! -- I thought FINALLY, whatever the cause had been, I was through it. And I was thrilled as I'd been able to get all my mail in up to date at one sitting instead of the laborious process of going through each account in turn and having to walk away from the machine between them to do something else.
    But a few hours later when I collected again, it was back to ultra-slow again. And today the same.
    I've been searching around for some answers without a lot of luck: quite a few seem to report an overall slowness problem, or they're having problems sending mail out, but not so much my situation which only affects incoming mail. As I posted before, I can send normally, and the browser's also unaffected (so it's not the connection) -- it only happens with incoming mail.
    Eventually I came across this 2009 page which seems to sum it up exactly: item.aspx?itemf=187&title=BT Internet POP Problems and Issues
    There's no solution given, but it seems to nail the problem I'm having, and suggests it's some unknown issue to do with BT's POP servers.
    Anyone come across this problem, or able to throw any more light on it? Or know what (if anything) can be done?
    The only slight difference between their description and me is I don't get a timeout or error message, just sometimes the prompt "Your server has not responded in xxx seconds" and asking if I want to Stop or Wait. If that appears I tell it to wait, as my experience over the last week is the mail does arrive eventually if I wait long enough. Unlike them I haven't been deleting mail off the server either (except any spam), for the same reason. I've done that very occasionally in the past if one particular message persistently seems to be causing a logjam, but this doesn't strike me as one of those scenarios, because it's doing it over and over and over again, even when all previous mail has been cleared (excrutiatingly slowly!) from the accounts a few hours earlier, and every inbox is starting from empty with a completely new batch of different messages.
    Any thoughts and possible solutions really appreciated.

  • Connectivity issues since upgrading to Snow Leopard

    Hello folks.  Sorry to dredge up bad memories, but I upgraded my old MacBook Pro (2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) from 10.5.8 to 10.6.3.  AirportX firmware update ran at the same time, now my network shows as connected, but I can't connect to mail or Internet.  It was supposed to be an interim step so I could go to a more current o/s via online download, but obviously that's not an option right now.
    The Airport is green, I show as having a connection to the network, but nothing works.  I've restarted both MacBook and Airport, reinstalled SL, still nothing.  There's no antivirus on board, and no sharing set up, which I gather were common issues back when the rest of you were encountering this issue back in 2009... Didn't occur to me it wouldn't have been patched long since.
    Any suggestions?

    Same problem here - the MobileMe sync never completes. I've checked syncing from my iPhone back to the web site, and that is fine. So the problem seems to be between my newly-upgraded 10.6 Mac and the MobileMe "cloud."
    Best I can tell, the hangup is with calendar sync. Here's what the Console log tells me:
    8/29/09 9:20:30 AM[2162] 2009-08-29 09:20:30.085 iCalExternalSync[2183:903] [ICalExternalSync ]The sync server failed to let client iCal pull changes
    And the mobilemesync.log says this:
    2009-08-29 09:25:20:858|35a2b00|Error|Sync cancelled for dataclass while merging changes in Sync Engine: Session <ISyncConcreteSession: 0x10274b8f0> cancelled. lost connection to SyncServer
    Could it just be traffic? That seems unlikely.
    I've already tried to "Reset Sync Data" under "Advanced" in the MobileMe Sync preferences - I told the sync to replace everything on my computer with info from MobileMe. That didn't fix the problem.
    My last successful sync was right before my upgrade from 10.5.8!

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    to give you guys a heads up, looking at all the problems the patterns seems to relate with the apple connections only, I use a mid 2009 macbookpro from Australia, and I bought the mountaion lion from an indonesian appstore, currently my feelings leads to the fact that my mountain lions that are not bought from chinese mac appstore is the reasons, since i read from some articles that the mountain lions that were released in china are different witht he rest of the world.
    any help or solution in order to make my mac working normal again is very much welcome, cheers guys

    What does Wireless Diagnostics show?
    Wireless Diagnostics
    Troubleshooting Wi-Fi issues in OS X
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix (2)
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix (3)
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix (4)
    Also try turning off Bluetooth.

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    Apple needs to own up to the problems that it caused with our devices.  AT LEAST, we should be able to take the updates off of our IPads and go back to 7.0.
    <Edited by Host>

    If you can’t use a Bluetooth accessory or car kit

  • Wi-Fi connection issues since securing network

    Hi all,
    Hoping to get some solutions as I have tried to troubleshoot this issue with other posts and google searches. Here is my scenario :
    I'm running OS Lion 10.7.5 on my MBP and have been connected to our home wi-fi for about 12 months on a connection that wasn't secured by password.
    Since having some download issues and fearing that someone is connecting outside our household, we have secured our wi-fi and added a password.
    Both mine and my sister's iPhones got prompted to select a network, selected the appropriate one, punched in the password and were connected with no issues. My iPad Mini, Dad's laptop and both my parents' phones all connected with no issue.
    When I booted my MBP, I was prompted with needing to join a new network and upon selecting our home network was met with an immediate 'Connection timeout' response.
    I try to connect manually through Network in the System Preferences and got the same 'Connection Timeout'. When I click 'Assist me' and try to connect that way, I am finally prompted to input the password, which I do correctly and I get 'Invalid Password' etc etc response ... then after about 5 seconds it connects me !!
    So even though the connection timed out and I wasn't able to put a password in, manually doing it told me the password was wrong etc then I get connection like normal. If I switch my laptop off/reboot/log out/turn wi-fi off then back on, I'm back to square one and can't connect unless I follow the same tedious steps.
    Fearing it was an issue with our router, we have since bought a new one, installed it and reconnected all the devices as mentioned above, however my MBP connection issue still exists.
    How can I get it to connect automatically like it used to and recognize our home network with a correct password, without continually having to go through all those steps ?
    I have tried to delete that entry in my preferred networks and tried to re-establish it etc. Keychain Access doesn't list my router and input password.
    I'd like to be able to solve the issue asap if possible and hopefully without having to delete all of my other known networks that I connect to as I travel all over the country for work and have about 6-8 routers I connect to, depending on what city/office I'm in.
    Any assistance would be appreciated !

    Some users with various Wi-Fi connection problems have reported that they were given the following instructions by Apple Support, sometimes with success. I can't vouch for this procedure myself. After completing the procedure, you'll have to recreate all your settings in the Network preference pane. Make sure you know how to do that before you begin. Taking screenshots of the preference pane may be helpful.
    Step 1
    Back up all data.
    Triple-click the line below on this page to select it:
    Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select
    Services ▹ Reveal
    from the contextual menu.* A folder should open with an item named "SystemConfiguration" selected. Move the selected item to the Trash. You may be prompted for your administrator password.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard (command-C). In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar, paste into the box that opens (command-V). You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.
    Step 2
    Reset the System Management Controller

  • Wifi connection bad since upgrade to 10.4.10

    I have been using my MacBook now for a month. Since I had it connected to my network without any problem. A WDS based wifi network with 4 nodes. Since I upgraded the macbook to 10.4.10 the connection gets unreliable.
    after some time I notice that Google Notifier shows an exclamation mark. The available SID's are not shown, than just the one shown as being connected to. Turning airport off and on again shows my list anymore. And trust me, there should be at least 5 available SID's in this location of use. The only way to resolve it is by restarting the system. Even once, the system crashed when turning the airport off.
    Does anyone have the same problems???
    My VAIO SZ2 does connect properly to the wireless network, just like phone and pda (E60 and 770). The network uses is a WPA personal with a preshared key. Based on linksys routers with DD-WRT and OpenWRT.

    Me too.
    -10.4.10 upgrade
    Kernel panics causing "shutdown required.." message.
    Two so far today. Panic log shows both from the Atheros (Airport) driver. I'm calling applecare tomorrow..
    Mon Jun 25 18:38:51 2007
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x001A4A55): Unresolved kernel trap (CPU 0, Type 14=page fault), registers:
    CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0x269aff14, CR3: 0x01eb7000, CR4: 0x000006e0
    EAX: 0x00000006, EBX: 0x13931107, ECX: 0x269aff14, EDX: 0x13642a5c
    CR2: 0x269aff14, EBP: 0x150f3bf8, ESI: 0x269aff1a, EDI: 0x136422c8
    EFL: 0x00010206, EIP: 0x00198d64, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x3f9a0010
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x150f39f8 : 0x128d08 (0x3cc0a4 0x150f3a1c 0x131de5 0x0)
    0x150f3a38 : 0x1a4a55 (0x3d24b8 0x0 0xe 0x3d1cdc)
    0x150f3b48 : 0x19aeb4 (0x150f3b60 0x1 0x1 0x1)
    0x150f3bf8 : 0x9a0e1e (0x269aff14 0x13931107 0x6 0x3f9a0900)
    0x150f3dd8 : 0x9a3059 (0x136422c8 0x0 0xeda7000 0x0)
    0x150f3f08 : 0x39b3c3 (0x13642000 0x3b79080 0x1 0x36e84c4)
    0x150f3f58 : 0x39a595 (0x3b79080 0x135eb4 0x0 0x36e84c4)
    0x150f3f88 : 0x39a2cb (0x3b788c0 0x0 0x8000 0xf0b)
    0x150f3fc8 : 0x19ad2c (0x3b788c0 0x0 0x10 0x0) Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0x0
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 8.10.1: Wed May 23 16:33:00 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.22.5~1/RELEASE_I386
    Mon Jun 25 21:19:20 2007
    panic(cpu 0 caller 0x001A4A55): Unresolved kernel trap (CPU 0, Type 14=page fault), registers:
    CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2: 0xa0000094, CR3: 0x01eb7000, CR4: 0x000006e0
    EAX: 0x00000006, EBX: 0x138d0107, ECX: 0xa0000094, EDX: 0x13642a5c
    CR2: 0xa0000094, EBP: 0x15133bf8, ESI: 0xa000009a, EDI: 0x136422c8
    EFL: 0x00010206, EIP: 0x00198d64, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x03c80010
    Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
    0x151339f8 : 0x128d08 (0x3cc0a4 0x15133a1c 0x131de5 0x0)
    0x15133a38 : 0x1a4a55 (0x3d24b8 0x0 0xe 0x3d1cdc)
    0x15133b48 : 0x19aeb4 (0x15133b60 0x4b8010 0x15133b88 0x19a319)
    0x15133bf8 : 0x9a0e1e (0xa0000094 0x138d0107 0x6 0x3f864e10)
    0x15133dd8 : 0x9a3059 (0x136422c8 0x1 0x4b285c 0x4bb070)
    0x15133f08 : 0x39b3c3 (0x13642000 0x3b78300 0x1 0x36e8160)
    0x15133f58 : 0x39a595 (0x3b78300 0x135eb4 0x0 0x36e8160)
    0x15133f88 : 0x39a2cb (0x3b85c80 0x0 0xee6ae98 0x13818b)
    0x15133fc8 : 0x19ad2c (0x3b85c80 0x0 0x19e0b5 0x382cd90) Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0x0
    Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 8.10.1: Wed May 23 16:33:00 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.22.5~1/RELEASE_I386
    Macbook Z0ES   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

  • Messages App| connectivity issues since upgrading to Mavericks

    is anyone having problems since upgrading to Mavericks with connectivity issues in the "Messages" app? Im on a 2011 MacBook Pro. I will start a desktop share session with my folks (IMAC) and within 2-3 minutes of having access to their desktop, I'm unable to control any longer and their system freezes.

    When iChat 3 came out someone tested whether it would work on the platform that was running iChat 2 and also tested whether iChat 2 would work on the later OS.
    This eventually led to the Reinstall procedure for iChat 3 up to the iChat 5 version.
    Since then the app has required either a Backup version from when it was working, a copy on another machine running the same OS and app version numbers (the two go hand in hand) or you have to Reinstall the whole OS which will always update you to the latest version of the OS (and in the case of Messages any updates it has had).
    8:01 pm      Saturday; December 21, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • Database connectivity issues since upgrading to 2011

    I have several reports that were created in CR 2008.  Since upgrading to 2011, none of them connect to the SQL server when I try to refresh the data.  The error message says invalid logon.  I can get the reports to refresh if I follow this process:
    1.     Close the report
    2.     Delete connections to the SQL server
    3.     Close CR
    4.     Open CR
    5.     Create a new blank report and connect to the same data source as the failed report
    6.     Open the report that was failing
    7.     Refresh the data
    Everything works at that point.  Once I close CR, next time I access the report I have to go through the entire process again.  Saving the reports after successfully establishing a connection does not fix the issue.  I have reset the data source location from the database menu as well as established new system and file DSNs.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,

    Hi Darren,
    What I meant for version of CR 2011 is to click on Help About... you'll see the version number there.
    Interesting, So if it fails in the ODBC Admin test then of course it's going to fail in CR Designer, CR simply uses what connection info you specify in the DSN or in the file. If you can get the DSN to work non-kerberose then adding that configuration to your File DSN should allow CR to work also.
    Couple of possibilities, Older versions of CR ignored the security configuration, or at least this one test, and it was fixed in CR 2011, or possibly the File DSN needs to have the security type enabled through the connection property. Check MS for help on what the info in the line is to enable it.
    Another possible solution is according to this MS Kbase they recommend that you use Kerberose...
    So the result is, Set Kerberose on the Server or find out how MS will support non-kerberose security client side and see if that works. But because MS recommends using it discuss with your DBA and recommend to all to enable it and use it.
    Thanks again

  • Major iPad 3 WiFi connection issues since 5.1.1 update

    Prior to the 5.1.1 update (which ironically was supposed to fix wifi issues), my iPad 3 worked great.  Since the update it has been a complete disaster. 
    Even though it always shows a strong wifi connection, certain apps seem to have no connection while others work fine.  Safari usually works ok, although sometimes pictures won't show up - just a small box in the corner.  Facebook app always seems to have issues as does Pandora.  The biggest problem is the App Store or iTunes which say it cannot connect even though Safari works fine at the same time.  Ive tried reconnecting, rebooting, and I even bought a new router since I thought maybe my old one was causing the problem.
    Is Apple fessing up to this issue?  I have to believe it is a software/firmware issue since before the update everthing worked fine.

    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting
    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
    Change the channel on your wireless router. Instructions at ork.html
    Another thing to try - Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

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  • Sharing pictures doesn't work anymore

    I used to be able to snap a picture, see the picture, and then on that screen, hit the picture and hit the sharing button to message it to someone (or do other things with it). Since the last two ios upgrades (6 and above), this feature doesn't work

  • 10.4.7 update ate my MacBook.  Any suggestions?

    I just tried to install the 10.4.7 update via "Software Update" and: 1) The update failed (it reported an "unknown error" and put the installer in the trash). 2) The system became unstable after that, in particular the Finder and Firefox wouldn't res

  • Select statement performance improvement.

    HI Guru's, I am new to ABAP. I have the below select stement 000304         SELECT mandt msgguid pid exetimest 000305           INTO TABLE lt_key 000306           UP TO lv_del_rows ROWS 000307           FROM (gv_master) 000308           WHERE 000309

  • NO printer driver works after reinstalling OSX, including pdf

    I can't get my computer to print to ANYTHING including to PDF ever since I reinstalled OSX. I have a canon printer and put the drivers in every library I could see (the user one and the non user one?) but it isn't showing up for setting up a printer,

  • CUPS 8.5 Third-party compliance server Options

    Can any one recommend a good Third-party compliance server that interacts with Cups 8.5?  I see that they are supported but cant seem to find a list of recommeded ones.