hi guys
All worked well,  Now I can't move any control in form designer.  I remember in past edition there was a controls lock. Also I drag controls on from data source. So these are bound to the datasource.
How do I change this setting.
Thx JereTheBear

I also found it under Format menu.  How dumb am I.
Thx for the response
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Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help, this will help others who are looking for solutions to the same or similar problem.

Similar Messages

  • Posting period locked in controlling area

    I am getting error while closing order ( posting period is locked in the controlling area xxxx for the period 11 in 2007)
    i am able to post periods up to 10
    how to rectify this

    See the tcode OB52 and OMSY

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    The requirements are listed here
    Install Microsoft
    Report Viewer 2012 Redistributable Package then it should work.

  • Error : profit center is locked for controlling area

    Hi Experts
    profit center is locked for controlling area. Like this error is comning while doing MIRO, excise invoice. Please let me know the solution. Profit center mentioned in material master is different.

    This profit center is locked in its master under Indicators tab. Use transaction KE52 to unlock it if you want.
    Your concern to Profit Center being picked up is different then Material Master then use transaction OBBH and notice the substitution assigned to your compay code for call up point 2. Then use transaction GGB1 and check any profit center derivation is done.
    Chintan Joshi

  • When using HDMI to HDMI cable the Master Sound Control is locked.

    master sound control is locked when using HDMI to HDMI using an HDTV for the display.
    Although itunes sound control works.  Why is the Master Control locked?

    cpfamilia wrote:
    I am new to OS X and i have tried to adjust the sound when plugged to the secondary monitor through HDMI which of course didn't work.
    I have been using windows and a linux for years now, and everything works seamless.
    I believe that this could be easily solved by Apple as long as their are willing to do it. Having a virtual device for sound control is not that difficult.
    All the bests
    There are two ways to 'solve' this.
    Alter the volume before sending the digital signal down the HDMI connection, this means the signal is no longer exactly as it was originally. Apple's current (apparent) view is that this should be done at the end i.e. playback device not at the originating (Mac) end so as to minimise the number of devices making changes to the signal. Basically 'volume' is the amplitude of a an analogue wave form. (Where else do you think the term 'amp' comes from.)
    Not to alter the volume of the signal at the Mac end but instead to send a signal down the HDMI cable to tell the end i.e. playback device to alter the volume, this uses a standard called CEC (Consumer Electronics Control), unfortunately at the moment no Macs support this standard - it has to be supported at a hardware level so a simple Apple software upgrade to implement this is not possible. I have previously logged an official enhancement request for this with Apple - the more people who do this the more likely it is to be added, since now all Macs include HDMI it might happen at some point.
    As an addendum to option 2 above, see this would however require software support in whatever application is being used. XBMC for Mac does support it.

  • Unable to remove a host from VMM - Error (2606) Unable to perform the job because one or more of the selected objects are locked by another job.

    I am unable to remove a host from my Virtual Machine Manager 2012 R2. I receive the following error:
    Error (2606)
    Unable to perform the job because one or more of the selected objects are locked by another job.
    Recommended Action
    To find out which job is locking the object, in the Jobs view, group by Status, and find the running or canceling job for the object. When the job is complete, try again.
    I have already tried running the following command in SQL Server Management Studio
    SELECT * FROM [VirtualManagerDB].[dbo].[tbl_VMM_Lock] where TaskID='Task_GUID'
    I received this error back:
    Msg 8169, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
    Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier.
    I have also tried rebooting both the host and the Virtual Machine Manager Server.  After rebooting them both, I still receive the same error when trying to remove the host.
    Here are my server details
    VMM Server OS = Windows 2012 Standard
    VMM Version = 2012 R2 3.2.7510.0
    Host OS = Windows 2012 R2 Datacenter
    Host Agent Version =
    SQL Server OS = Windows 2012 Datacenter
    SQL Version = 2012 SP 1 (11.0.3000.0)

    Hi there,
    How many hosts are you managing with your VMM server?
    The locking job might be the background host refresher job. Did you see any jobs in the jobs view, when the host removal job failed?
    If there is no active jobs in the jobs view when this host removal job fails, can you please turn on the VMM tracing, retry the host removal, and paste back the traces for the failed job (search for exception and paste the whole stack)?

  • COPA Assessment Cycle using KEU5 for multiple controlling areas

    Hello All,
    There is an organization with operations in several countries. There is a separate controlling area for each country. There is one controlling area, for instance, for Germany and another for Netherlands.
    A problem is encountered while executing transaction KEU5 for multiple controlling areas in parallel. For instance, when one user from Germany executes KEU5 for an assessment cycle for Germany controlling area and at the same time another user from Netherlands tries to execute KEU5 for a cycle for NL controlling area, the user from Netherlands encounters an error message u201C'Cycle XXXX 01.02.2008 cannot be started because run group 0000 is locked'.
    Apparently SAP allows assessment cycles for exactly one controlling area to be executed together. This poses a problem since the organization plans to implement SAP in several other countries (There will be one separate controlling area for each country as per the organization structure adopted by the company).
    Any ideas, views or suggestions on the aforesaid issue would be highly appreciated.

    Hi Soumya,
    Did you find any text in SAP Documentation saying that "SAP does not allow cycles belonging to different controlling areas to be executed at the same time"...?
    Pls find the following text from SAP Help...
    Parallel Processing of Cycles of an Allocation Type
    Parallel processing of cycles results in considerable time savings. To process cycles of one allocation type in parallel, they must be assigned to different cycle run groups.
    You define the cycle run groups in the cycle header data. You also assign cycles to the cycle run groups in the header data.
    To process the cycles of a cycle run group in parallel, start the cycles one after the other, if required, in different sessions.
    You are carrying out a cross-company code cost accounting and want to perform the actual assessment in the individual company codes in parallel. Create a cycle run group for each company code and assign the appropriate cycles to these groups. You can then carry out the actual assessment in the individual company codes in parallel.
    When you execute a cycle, you can start a consistency check. The system checks whether you are allowed to execute the selected cycles in parallel.
    Though I didn't come across such requirement, I feel, my earlier suggestion will work out...
    Srikanth Munnaluri

  • All files are locked, a new entry in permissions and more

    Following instructions from here on how to try to correct another issue, I was repair permissions and to boot in safe mode. Since then all kinds of things are messed up.
    I had to reset PRAM because the home and boot screens were were all stretched out of whack (this situation has occured once before shortly after getting this new machine)
    EVERY SINGLE DATA FILE created prior to this safe mode is now LOCKED. EVERY ONE!!!!!!  If I try to save any file so far I have tested, I am told the file is locked and I do not have permissions. My user mode didn't have administrative control before, but I changed that because unlocking everything to use it was more complicated having to enter the username and password. New files created are also locked. However, a new Pages file I have tested shows locked but it will save to the same file with a CMD-S.
    Having to unlock files to save work in them really slows work. Apple not allowing Save As on Apple apps is getting really tedious. I tried with a non-Apple app (PhotoShop) and its files are locked after creation. This means I have to unlock every stupid file before I can save it, then it relocks If I go into Get Info to unlock the file, as soon as i close that window, the file shows locked when I do a new Get Info. This is not a good user experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have hundreds of thousands of files used in publishing, graphics, photos, and music. I tried to save an existing Photoshop file back to the Desktop and was told I could not save because was locked - that I needed to unlock the file or enclosing folders. When Photoshop closes it says can't save Preferences because file is locked.
    If I unlock the Sartup drive it relocks as soon as the Get Info window closes.
    In Sharing and Permissions the user called Everyone has a custom settings and some files even have two Everyone entries. Newly created files have had the User with Read & Write and Staff and Everyone with Read Only. My user folder Get Info shows locked with the user, staff and everyone with Read & Write permmissions. If I unlock in Get Info it reverts to locked after I close the Info window.
    Safari opens to the same page on this forum where another problem was discussed. I have reset selected items in Safari that I thought might have caused this, but no change.
    Pages keeps opening a page that was thrown in the trash and is not even on the computer (at least doesn't show in the finder),
    Numbers keeps opening a file that was opened and saved days ago.
    iDVD will open the same project each time, even if something else has been worked on since.
    I have cleared recent entries in these programs and the field keeps coming back when I open again.
    I unchecked  the Restore windows when quitting option in General Sys Prefs and when I open it again it is checked. I know that Lion will reopen a page if I quit without closing the window first. Now, at least with Apple apps, the same file opens now whether it exists or not as well as the new file I am opening by clicking on it.
    I have run permissions check in Disk Utility several times.
    It seems that it is affecting Apple apps that remember where there were last and the visiting history.
    Autosave on apps other than Apple can't save because the files are locked and I get error messages.
    iPhoto files saved on a firewire drive are also show locked but testing on a duplicate file, I found I can edit with PhotoShop and it will save the changes.
    With Finale, it has saved the files, even though locked. The odd thing is that in the finder it shows the correct creation and modifided dates, but it shows an old last opened date. Pages documents show all three with correct dates/times.
    I suspect there is at least one if not more Pref plist files that needs to be fixed, but I have now idea where to start.

    Make sure you are logged in as the admin user.
    Right or control click the MacintoshHD icon then click: Get Info
    At the bottom of the Get Info window, click the gold padlock icon. You will be prompted for your admin password.
    Under Privilege where you see: Read & Write "toggle" the arrows to set your permissions for system / admin etc.
    Close the Get Info window.

  • Killing all sessions at once who are locking the objects

    Hello all,
    i am working in 9i Oracle RDBMS on AIX IBM OS
    most of the time we face locking issue and there comes more then different 50 sessions which locking different tables.
    here is my script to find out what sessions are locking what tables.
    set lines 200
    set pages 50000
    col SID for 99999
    col SERIAL# for 999999
    col username format a12
    col sql format a55
    col event format a50
    col program format a40
    col MINS for 9999
    col ID1 for 999999
    col object_name for a35
    col locktype for a8;
    select  /*+ ORDERED */ s.sid,s.serial#,s.status,round(s.last_call_et/60) MINS,s.program,l.ID1,d.object_name,d.object_type,l.type as locktype
    from v$lock l,v$session s, dba_objects d
    where l.sid = s.sid
    and l.ID1 = d.object_id
    and s.username = 'MULDMS'
    and last_call_et > 120 and l.type <> 'TX' order by s.status,MINS,l.ID1,l.type; and the out put it gives something like
      SID SERIAL# STATUS    MINS PROGRAM                                      ID1 OBJECT_NAME                         OBJECT_TYPE        LOCKTY
    8981    1069 ACTIVE       2 frmweb@Appsdms31 (TNS V1-V3)               30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
    1642     512 ACTIVE      15 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
      690    1057 ACTIVE      17 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    28846 AM_DOCS                             TABLE              TM
      699    1787 ACTIVE      17 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
      690    1057 ACTIVE      17 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
      690    1057 ACTIVE      17 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30643 VT_CHECK_INOUT                      TABLE              TM
    10877     895 ACTIVE      18 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)     28846 AM_DOCS                             TABLE              TM
    6654    1085 ACTIVE      18 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    28846 AM_DOCS                             TABLE              TM
    1912    1655 ACTIVE      18 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    28846 AM_DOCS                             TABLE              TM
    10877     895 ACTIVE      18 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)     30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
    6654    1085 ACTIVE      18 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
    1912    1655 ACTIVE      18 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
    1754    1582 ACTIVE      18 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
    10877     895 ACTIVE      18 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)     30643 VT_CHECK_INOUT                      TABLE              TM
    6654    1085 ACTIVE      18 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30643 VT_CHECK_INOUT                      TABLE              TM
    10708     982 ACTIVE      19 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    28846 AM_DOCS                             TABLE              TM
    5428     855 ACTIVE      19 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    28846 AM_DOCS                             TABLE              TM
    10708     982 ACTIVE      19 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
    5428     855 ACTIVE      19 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
    10278     897 ACTIVE      20 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)     28846 AM_DOCS                             TABLE              TM
    6261    1056 ACTIVE      20 frmweb@appsdms12 (TNS V1-V3)               28846 AM_DOCS                             TABLE              TM
    6598    1413 ACTIVE      20 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)     28846 AM_DOCS                             TABLE              TM
    1312    1000 ACTIVE      20 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    28846 AM_DOCS                             TABLE              TM
    10278     897 ACTIVE      20 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)     30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
    6261    1056 ACTIVE      20 frmweb@appsdms12 (TNS V1-V3)               30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
    1312    1000 ACTIVE      20 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
    3521     717 ACTIVE      20 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
    6598    1413 ACTIVE      20 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)     30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
    6598    1413 ACTIVE      20 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)     30643 VT_CHECK_INOUT                     TABLE              TM
    1312    1000 ACTIVE      20 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30643 VT_CHECK_INOUT                   TABLE              TM
    9131    1002 INACTIVE     2 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30455 VH_PSF                              TABLE              TM
    4887    1040 INACTIVE     2 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)     30455 VH_PSF                              TABLE              TM
      151    1982 INACTIVE     2 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)     80224 RD_ENQEXD                           TABLE              TM
      846     988 INACTIVE     3 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    29228 GM_VIN                              TABLE              TM
    5364    1149 INACTIVE     3 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30407 VH_BTN                              TABLE              TM
    9934     789 INACTIVE     3 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)     30455 VH_PSF                              TABLE              TM
    7511    1092 INACTIVE     3 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30455 VH_PSF                              TABLE              TM
    3595    1104 INACTIVE     3 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30455 VH_PSF                              TABLE              TM
      846     988 INACTIVE     3 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30455 VH_PSF                              TABLE              TM
      945     670 INACTIVE     3 [email protected] (TNS V1-V3)    30455 VH_PSF                              TABLE              TMand then i have to kill the session one by one . thaat is a tedious task to do.
    i want to modify this script which will give me all the kill statement and i just have to run it
    can someone help me in this regard as i am weak in sql/plsql
    thanks and many thanks

    i want to modify this script which will give me all the kill statement and i just have to run it
    Karthick's script will 'kill' the sessions but before you use that script you may want to read the docs about the KILL and DISCONNECT clauses.
    See the DISCONNECT SESSION and KILL SESSION clauses in the SQL Language doc
    Use the DISCONNECT SESSION clause to disconnect the current session by destroying the dedicated server process (or virtual circuit if the connection was made by way of a Shared Sever).
    The IMMEDIATE setting disconnects the session and recovers the entire session state immediately, without waiting for ongoing transactions to complete.
    The KILL SESSION clause lets you mark a session as terminated, roll back ongoing transactions, release all session locks, and partially recover session resources.
    IMMEDIATE Specify IMMEDIATE to instruct Oracle Database to roll back ongoing transactions, release all session locks, recover the entire session state, and return control to you immediately.
    For DISCONNECT the IMMEDIATE clause will recover the session state 'immediately'.
    Using KILL, even with the IMMEDIATE clause, you are telliing Oracle to roll back any ongoing transactions and that can take a lot of time.
    Make sure you are really doing the operation you want to do. If you want to get the locks released immediately you need to use 'DISCONNECT IMMEDIATE'.

  • How to extend cost element to controlling area?

    Hello all,
    I created a new cost element via FSP0 and then created cost element via KA01.
    Now whwen I am trying to do cost center assignment in OKB9, it throws me error that cost center in controlling are not exit for today's date with error message KI217
    I made sure the cose center's validity date cover's today, so why does it show me that error?
    Do I need to extend the cost center for perticular controlling area? if yes than how acan I do it?

    if you want to extend validity period for Cost centre - KS02  & for Cost element KA02 and select particular Cost centre & Cost element - go to edit in main menu - select Analysis Period - press F6 - and change valid period as per your requirement
    but we can't change one controlling area to another controlling area ,
    if you do not want use cost centre , cost element whatever already created - just go and Block/lock for posting
    Thanking you

  • Prcessing KEU5 transaction for multilple controlling areas in parallel

    I have executed KUE5 transaction with an assessment cycle for a controlling area and when i try to execute the same transaction with an assessment cycle for another controlling area in parallel, there is an error message 'Cycle YOCETEST2 01.02.2008 cannot be started because run group 0000 is locked'.
    Please provide me a solution to execute the assessment cycles for multiple controlling areas in parallel.

    Are you able to solve this? I am getting this error sometimes when the transaction KSV5 fails.
    Please let me know.

  • Spec Explorer issue in VS 2012 Professional

    Greetings fellow developers,
    This is my first post here. I had the following problem and I wanted to share this knowledge with you.
    I have a trial version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Professional. I installed the newest version of SpecExplorer (3.5.3146.0).
    The menu was in the visual studio toolbar, however none of the functions were working. I tried reinstalling, it did not help. Then I uninstalled the plugin, downloaded VS 2010 Professional, installed Service Pack 1 and suddenly it was working for both versions.
    Do you know the reason for this?
    Kind regards,
    Adrian Yankov

    Do you mean that you download it here?
    If you install the VS2012 update 4, how about the result?
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How can you tell if guides are locked?

    It sure would be nice if I could tell at a glance if my guides are locked. Is this something I've missed?
    (Please don't tell me to go to View > Guides > Lock Guides. I know that. I want to know if I can tell Illustrator to display the locking status of the guides in some control panel.)

    Selected guides should become light blue when they're selected. My guides are using the default color of cyan and the guide on the right is selected in the image below.
    If you have your guides set to the light blue selection inside the Guides Color drop down menu then you won't see a difference because that specific light blue is the color the guide changes to when it's selected. You can also click on the swatch in the Guides and Grids preferences to select any color you want from a color picker.

  • Timemachine recovery files are locked

    Hi there,
    after recovering my Time Machine Backup of my account from 10.7 to 10.8 all my files have small locked symbol and I'm not able to start iPhoto or iTunes. It says the files are locked and I'm not able to open them.
    Other accounts are not effected.
    What happend and how can I fix it? Every file unlock and change user rights would take days.
    Best regards,

    This procedure will unlock all your user files (not system files) and reset their ownership and access-control lists to the default. If you've set special values for those attributes on any of your files, they will be reverted. In that case, either stop here, or be prepared to recreate the settings if necessary. If none of this is meaningful to you, you don't need to worry about it.
    Step 1
    If you have more than one user account, and the one in question is not an administrator account, then temporarily promote it to administrator status in the Users & Groups preference pane. You can demote it back to standard status when this step has been completed.
    Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Drag or copy — do not type — the following line into the Terminal window, then press return:
    sudo chflags -R nouchg,nouappnd ~ $TMPDIR.. ; sudo chown -R $UID:20 ~ $_ ; chmod -R -N ~ $_ 2> /dev/null
    Be sure to select the whole line by triple-clicking anywhere in it. You'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning not to screw up. You don't need to post the warning. If you don’t have a login password, you’ll need to set one before you can run the command.
    The command will take a noticeable amount of time to run. Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign (“$”) to appear, then quit Terminal.
    Step 2
    Boot into Recovery by holding down the key combination command-R at startup. Release the keys when you see a gray screen with a spinning dial.
    When the OS X Utilities screen appears, select Utilities ▹ Terminal from the menu bar. A text window opens.
    In the Terminal window, type this:
    That's one word with no spaces. Then press return. A Reset Password window opens. You’re not going to reset a password.
    Select your boot volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name) if not already selected.
    Select your username from the menu labeled Select the user account if not already selected.
    Under Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs, click the Reset button.
    Select  ▹ Restart from the menu bar.


    Recently, the folders I create and place on our server are locked for everyone else accessing the server.
    The read and write access is denied for all else accept when using my iMac. It seems to be as a default and I can't turn it off. Even if I try to unlock them and change the read/write permissions, they still remain locked. I figure its a permissions issue? I have already used my *disk utility* to verify the drive and repair. Anyone know the answer to this?

    could be ACL (access control lists) permissions are incorrect. ACL's are turned on be default in Leopard and Leopard server. if you are using Leopard server, there is a gui interface you can use to change them, if not you will have to use command line techniques or a freeware program called sandbox.
    There is much acl permission info to be found in previous forum discussions.

Maybe you are looking for