Crackling on Audigy SE...Official Explanation is Bo

It appears this is a common problem with Creative's cards. I've read the "official" explanation of why it happens, and at this point I'd like to note that I'm not hopelessly retarded. This official explanation is about as bogus as it gets. It's like saying your car's brakes don't work because you're going slower than the speed limit.
As for my situation, I bought an Audigy SE to replace my motherboard's pitiful onboard sound (which had begun to malfunction). The comparison is night and day--the Audigy has much clearer sound...when it isn't deciding to randomly crackle.
It worked great for over a week. Within the last few days, it's decided to start crackling all the time though. At first I believed it to be faulty hardware, and I was planning on getting a replacement from Wal-Mart. After a bit of searching, I saw that it is a common problem. I read the official explanation and knew that something was definately wrong. I've come to believe it to be Creative's drivers for this card.
Conspicuous things I have noticed This crackling only happens in Windows using Creative's drivers.2) Nearly 00% of the time, the crackling only starts to happen when another application is loaded or closed.3) There are no drivers posted for this card on the site (at least where they should be) to try in place of the ones that come on the disc.
The first point is a big one. When Creative's drivers aren't being used to control the Audigy SE, the card works fine, always. I've run the development version of Ubuntu 6.06 with the 2.6.5-9 i386 kernel & the generic kernel module for this sound card's chip between /4 and /3 of the time during these days when the problem emerged. Never once has this happened when I'm running Linux.
The second point is interesting. When in Windows, the crackling will start when other processes are launched or terminated. If you start a movie or song and just sit there, there is never a problem. When the crackling is triggered, it is usually solvable by simply closing the media player program (I use Winamp and BSPlayer myself) and starting it again. The issue will be gone until triggered again as described above.
The third point is just odd. There is no product page for the Audigy SE, nor is there a downloads page for this elusi've Wal-Mart card. While this isn't necessarily important to my driver suspicions, it does hinder my ability to troubleshoot by using different drivers in Windows.
The Audigy is in my middle PCI slot and is assigned IRQ 8 with an I/O address range of 9800-98F. There are no other devices in my machine sharing these resources. I cannot move the card, as all other slots are occupied and positioned because the cards will not fit in other locations. For example, there is a capacitor that prevents any other card from using one of the slots, my VGA cooler blocks off the top slot, and my 3ware raid controller's connections block the bottom slot. The used slots are populated with the Audigy, a Silicon Image SATA controller, and a 3ware Escalade 7500-8.
I realize that this scenario is likely not true for all cases of crackling, but it does lead me to believe that the issue here is a bad driver...not a bad system configuration. It wouldn't be the first time that a sound driver has had to be reinstalled or upgraded for seemingly no reason. It's happened with my friend's Extigy many times and also with my last two motherboards' onboard audio solutions.
Message Edited by Tbird76 on <SPAN class=date_text>04-06-2006 <SPAN class=time_text>02:07 PM
Message Edited by Tbird76 on 04-06-2006 02:08 PM

The answer to your dilemma is PCI Latency. The problem is that today's video cards jack up the latency settings so that they will provide better benchmarking results. When a PCI device such as a soundboard or AGP graphics card (yes, AGP, which also travels on the PCI bus - remember AGP is a port, not a bus) grabs the PCI bus to send data, the PCI Latency Timer starts counting down. When it gets down to zero, it releases the bus and lets other devices use it. If there are no devices waiting, it keeps using it. It is important to note that the timer is set in cycles (not seconds), so this can affect any speed machine although it seems to crop up most often with AGP cards + fast sound boards (Audigy and above). The PCI Latency Timer can be set anywhere from 0 to 255, although it is usually set in blocks of 8. Most of the time for a grossly overset PCI device, you will see 248. That setting is ridiculous. It means every time a device has it, it counts down 248 cycles until it offers it up again. If another device is set much lower (say at 32), that device only counts down 32 cycles before it goes back to the PCI bus hog. Needless to say, the device at 32 gets the bus 8 times less than the device at 248 (in layman's terms).
The Audigy 2 is set to 32. That is a reasonable setting. Many video cards are set much higher than that, some as I said up to 248. What ends up happening is that you will notice this problem more and more as your soundboard gets better and better. Ironic, isn't it's A SB Li've card can only process a limited number of concurrent sounds, but an Audigy 2 or X-Fi can process considerably more. Therefore, it needs the PCI bus more than older cards in order to provide more sounds. But if you don't change the PCI Latency settings of your videocard, then a much newer sound board will get the bus exactly the same amount as an older one, despite the fact that a newer one wants to do more. See the problem? That is also why many people who find solutions to mitigate this problem often advise turning off EAX. That greatly reduces the number of concurrent sounds handled by your soundboard (and removes all the benefit of buying a good board!).
Now here is the rub. Regardless of what you set your PCI Latency settings to in your BIOS, every PCI device will OVERRIDE them and set whatever the driver authors want. Annoying, isn't it's The best way to see this is to either download the 00% free utility called Double Dawg (ses link below), or the shareware app Powerstrip. Both will show PCI latency settings while XP is running, and both allow you to reset them on-the-fly.
Try it out, it fixed my problem. I have an Athlon .4, Audigy 2, and Asus Radeon 9600XT. As soon as I fire up BF942, Doom3, or Far Cry, I would start to get annoying pops and hisses, crackling, and interference. No more! I have set both my vidcard and Audigy 2 to 32, and I have no problems any longer. You may have to experiement with the settings a bit, I have heard that 80 for vidcard and 64 for soundboard work pretty well for other people. But you must change it if it is set at 248 because that means your vidcard is hogging the PCI bus.
For more info, you can find some excellent tips on this site :
It's the site of the guy who wrote Double Dawg.

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    DyNaMiX wrote:
    OpenAL hardly means much to Audigy users.Message Edited by DyNaMiX on 05-2-20072:46 AM
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    Thanks in advance.
    PhilMessage Edited by PhilM on 06-09-2006 04:42 PM

    what chipset/motherboard are you using?
    this could be the like the problem with the x-fi crackling on nforce4 chipsets.
    i have the same card as you and its running fine on an nforce2 gigabyte mobo

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    I boot the machine from a powered off state. At this point, using Windows Media player 0, it plays my MP3s perfectly, but when I play MIDIs, it crackles. Going back to MP3s is just fine.
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    i have the same setup, klipsch 5. promedia and Audigy 2 Zs. My suggestion is do not turn treble all the way up, i usually leave it around 75-80%. I have bass around 30-40% as well, and just use the dials on klipsch to adjust to your personal preference.
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    Hardware / High
    MSI P35 Neo2 FR
    2x2048MB DDR840RAM
    Windows Vista x64
    [email protected]
    Nvidia 7600GT
    Soundblaster Audigy (latest official driver)

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    ---- server-1
    ---- server-2
    ---- Proxy Server (HttpClusterServlet)
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    ####<Jan 23, 2013 4:45:29 PM BRST> <Debug> <ReplicationDetails> <de25503> <server-1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: > 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<ano
    nymous>> <> <> <1358966729958> <BEA-000000> *<Has secondary servers? false>*
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    nymous>> <> <> <1358966729959> <BEA-000000> *<Current secondary server? null>*
    ####<Jan 23, 2013 4:45:29 PM BRST> <Debug> <Replication> <de25503> <server-1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '5' for queue: >'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <<anonymous>
    <> <> <1358966729959> <BEA-000000> <[roid:-1772481434088297851] Unable to create secondary on null>
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    Can someone help me understand this behavior?
    Many thanks.

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    exec ck-launch-session startfluxbox
    you need run Openbox with ck-launch-session:
    exec ck-launch-session openbox-session

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    "You don't need to, ever. It does it automatically."
    "But it's running really slowly..."
    "Repair permissions or something. Defragging is not necessary on a mac."
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    The truth is, Apple's defragmenting system ***** BALLS. It has two massive, massive flaws which I feel people urgently need to be made aware of.
    #1: It only defragments files up to 20mb. If you're a movie producer, a songwriter, a photographer, or anything which involves working with many massive files, the built in defragmenting program WILL NOT HELP YOU IN THE SLIGHTEST.
    #2: It only defragments FILES. Free space is ignored, which eventually causes absolutely hrrendous problems.
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    Space fragmentation is when there are gaps all over the bookcase, instead of all the books being pushed to one side so there's a long gap elsewhere.
    Apple's built in defragmenting program will only fix the first problem - and even then, it will ignore any book bigger than 20 pages long, if you have bigger books which are broken up, you're screwed.
    Why is space fragmentation a problem? It's a problem because it directly LEADS TO file fragmentation. If there is a large block of free space all in one part of the disk, then an entire file can be written to it. However, if there is no single free block big enough for the file, it HAS NO CHOICE but to fragment it.
    So basically you might have 5 GB free and want to save a 2GB imovie project. That's cool. But what you may not realize is, the biggest single area of free space is only say 600MB. Others are around 300 and 400. Therefore the file MUST be fragmented into all these different areas, which wouldn't be necessary if all the free space was in one area of the disk.
    But apple's built in tools don't do anything about this, at least not in Tiger. PErhaps this has been fixed in later installations but I'm almost certain the same issues exist in leopard.
    Your only option is to buy a defragmenting program. I know this ***** but believe me, this IS something you NEED to do if your activity on your laptop involves disk space - intensive projects. I'm using TechTool Pro which has been recommended to me as hands down the best. It has a number of other functions as well, right now I'm only using the defragmenting tools but it has others for repairing damages disk sectors and other mantainence tools. There are other programs such as iDefrag out there as well.
    Why am I telling you this? I'm telling you because I experienced mind numbing frustration trying to get answers from the Apple community. Google it or ask the question yourself and you will most likely be whacked in the face with the intro to my post here - "You don't need to, it's not necessary, macs do it themselves, blah blah blah"
    Even worse, Apple's own webpage on the subject is nothing short of a disaster. It basically says "You PROBABLY don't need to defragment, unless you work with large files." That's it. You'd expect it to have an extra section saying "If you DO happen to work with large files, here's what you do" but no such section exists. It basically says "You don't need to defrag most of the time, and on the rare occasions when you do, well, too bad, you're screwed."
    I urge everyone to heed this or they will be tearing their hair out at how slow their mac has become and the fact that no one will offer any meaningful advice other than the standard, generic, "Repair permissions" - the Mac equivelant of "have you tried turning it off and on again".
    My disk is at 99% fragmented free space. NINTEY NINE PERCENT. In other words, although I have 25GB of free space, there was not a single contiguous block on the entire machine. I had almost 5,000 fragmented files as well, mostly imovies. Defragmenting got this down to about 300.
    The defrag job is taking more than 4 hours and will probably go on to take a lot longer than that. This machine has been slowly grinding to a halt over the last 3 years and now I know why.
    Please don't listen to anyone. Get yourself a defragmenting folder, and email Apple to tell them it's just not good enough to give their customers half assed answers and inadequate basic maintainence tools. Mac OS X must literally be the only operating system out there where something as basic as defragmenting is not only almost impossible to get answers on, but actually costs money to fix once you DO get answers.
    As customers, we should not accept this any longer. I intend to spread the above message far and wide.
    I LOVE Apple. I've always been "a mac" and I always will be. This in no way a mac bashing post or a windows endorsing one. I wouldn't switch back to windows if you gave me a million euro.
    But sometimes even the best developers can royally f*ck up. This is one of them.
    There is no readon people should be forced to put up with this crap. Absolutely no reason at all. I've had 3 months of crappy performance with no official explanation whatsoever.
    Apple if you're reading this: I love your products. I'm a loyal customer. People are more forgiving than you think, speak up, admit you dropped the ball, and DO something about it in your next updates to Lion and whichever versions of Leopard you are still actively maintaining.
    There's no shame in admitting when you're wrong. The shame is in hiding behind false promises and walls of silence.
    --Loyal customer, but feeling rather betrayed by all this.

    The old rule of thumb was to keep 10-12 GB free. Any lower than that and you will start to have trouble. I was very close to that for a long time and never had any complaints. Now, Lion "encourages" 20% free space (on my newer 250 GB drive) so I try to keep it with more than 50 GB free.
    Do you still have the original memory in that machine too? The metal plate you have to remove in the battery compartment also provides access to the RAM. Your machine will take 2 GB of RAM, possibly 3. You definitely want to max that out too.
    Regardless, you definitely need a new hard drive. When Apple switched to PC components, they had to take a quality hit. These 2.5" notebook hard drives are not very reliable. I'm surprised your hard drive hasn't died by now. I usually get a new hard drive with every major OS upgrade. A $ 50 investment every couple of years is no big deal.
    Unfortunately, you (and I) suffer from being an early adopter in 2006. Those 32-bit machines only accept 2 GB RAM (maybe 3) and are only 32-bit so they can't be upgraded to Lion. Because of this limitation, you won't see as dramatic an improvement as you would with a 2007 machine. If you run more than a couple of applications, your hard drive is always going to have to be doing some VM work. My 2006 machine has even lost its bluetooth. I gave it to my brother. My very similar 2007 Macbook is still running great.
    So, you must get a new hard drive because your old one is likely on death's door. If you don't have at least 2 GB - get it. If you can't afford a new machine, you might want to consider an SSD. That might help mitigate your RAM limitations. You can spend from $ 100 to $ 350 and get a dramatic speed improvement.

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    It's needless to say HOW annoying it is to spare PRECIOUS time to review an app, (whether for positive, negative, neutral), and find out that it just went to waste. I never had this problem till about 1 year ago, where I noticed that no matter where I wrote a review, (from my macbook, within the store, from my iPad mini, from my ipod touch), it just NEVER showed up even after days or even weeks when I checked back.
    Before I start wrting the review it asks for my Apple store password, (so far so good), after I'm done with the rating and Review, I press submit and .....nada....I don't get a confirmation or something that will say it's under Review from the App store. When I try to repeat the process, get out of the app I'm trying to review, and go back to write my Review, what I wrote is just simply sitting there, together with my Rating as if nothing happened.
      I am aware that others have written before about this issue to no avail, now can SOMEONE please put an end to this MADNESS and answer one and for ALL the very, lately, disappointed, Apple fans that keep accumulating....? Can Apple give us an OFFICIAL explanation/solution to this very annoying issue? Or does it prefer to conveniently leave it as is for some "obscure" reason...?
    Any replies will be more than appreciated...

    Ok everyone...
      So, after going through a hundred steps to manage and contact Apple Support via e mail, I sent them an e mail and got a reply saying that they will get in touch with me within 48hrs. Today, (24hrs), I received a reply telling me that they understand my frustration and has been an "on going issue". He wanted alse to verify what my nickname was for my the Reviews I had given. 
       After revisiting for the millionth time my iTunes store Account, to go to settings, and manage Reviews, (which is what I always did to check and see if they show up), to find out if my nickname had changed for some reason, I pressed on some older reviews, (like from 2010, which I remember had shown up), to check out my nickname.
      I verified my nickname being the same as I remember. The 2nd app I checked which I knew I had reviewed, but from last year, was not showing. So, it dawned on me to press the “All Versions” options on the reviewing section of the app…and…voila….there it was. So, I took it further and looked at other even more recent reviews I had written and I also found out that they showed under the “All Versions” option.
       Then I checked my last 3-4 that I did within the last few months that I knew did not show up and the apps also had no Upgrades that I knew of. Then, I discovered the sorting options , (on the right side), for showing Reviews. It seems like that it automatically sorts them out by “Most Helpful”, (which is odd), so I chose “Most Recent”…and….voila again, my review was beautifully sitting there with my nickname and everything…I couldn’t believe it.
      Now I’m going to try and find if there is a way to have the “Most Recent” always as default…is there…? But it makes me wonder if all of you guys have the same problem and if the solution is indeed the same, (sorting out by most Recent or whatever other option will make your review show up). Give it a try and see how it works out for you. Please take the time to post your findings here. It would be helpful for everyone else as well. I wonder why Apple has not picked up on this?
    I have to give it to them for the quick reply though..(mind you my e mail was quite.."angry"..).
    Thanks again for reading..

  • WiFi loss & battery drain a software issue, not hardware

    I wrote the commentary below after installing IOS 7 on a 4S and resultantly losing WiFi entirely and enduring major battery drain issues. After two trips to the Apple store and meeting with their techs at the "genius" bar, I was emphatically told that the issues were entirely hardware related and the only solution was to purchase a new phone. I was told there was nothing more to be done because the hardware was defective... either just use the not-so-smart phone as it is or buy a new smart one.
    Well, here's an update on that story. I installed 7.0.4 last night and instantly my WiFi was back on and working. So far today, the battery seems to be back to normal as well, not draining like a giant hole in the levee. I don't know if this will be the same story for anyone else with similar problems. But I can say that the hardware-caused-storyline was bogus. Entirely time coincident with a software update (IOS 7), I lost WiFi and battery. And equally relative to the 7.0.4 update I immediately regained WiFi and battery.
    I'm curious if others have experienced this same thing? And if Apple has an official explanation?
    Oct 14, 2013 12:37 PM
    I  had a perfectly functioning iPhone 4S (64 GB) that I have been very   happy with and has always been glitch-free, good battery time, no   complaints. Until installing IOS 7.
    Among other things, immediately upon "upgrading" to IOS 7 I have lost WiFi entirely (button greyed out).
    Next, I found the battery drains to the point where I have to keep it   charging 2-3 times per day with extremely small phone usage. In a  normal  day, with 2-3 text messages, checking email 3-4 times and no  phone  calls, I am down to 30% battery by 3pm. Two days ago I turned  airplane  mode on at 9am with 98% battery and by 4pm batter was at 45%  with  airplane mode still on.
    There are other problems, but those are the two primary issues.
    I   went to the Apple store two times. The first time the technician   verified my problem, said there was nothing that could be done because   it's a hardware problem now and I would have to buy a new phone at full   price (my current cell contract isn't up until March 2014). He  suggested  a complete phone reset to "new phone" which I did and which  solved  nothing whatsoever. Same issues exist.
    On  my second  trip to Apple just yesterday the technician looked it over,  checked the  battery function, etc. and I was told that the battery is  fine but that  the processor or something in the phone is working  overtime and draining  the battery. And again, I was told there is  nothing Apple can do other  than swap out the phone, though, this time  they would replace it for  $199.
    I  was tempted to pay the $199 for a new 4S  that the technician said  would come with IOS 6. But so far I have  refused that offer without  some assurance that future IOS upgrades  wouldn't harm that phone as  well. Also, if I paid this now, then I  wouldn't upgrade when my  contract ended with Verizon and I was looking  forward to perhaps  getting a 5S then. I know that it's impossible to  assure that these  upgrade issues won't happen again to the next phone,  which finally  leads me to my questions...
    Considering   the options I've been given thus far, what would someone more in the   know suggest I do? Is there any possibility of a software fix or did  the  "upgraded" software probably ruin the hardware?
    As   a longtime Apple fan and someone who has owned the first Mac laptop  and  early desktops, I don't understand why Apple doesn't have better   customer service policies regarding their own software directly   affecting their own hardware adversely.

     I have the same problem with WiFi and off, the issue was Google Play services, this is what I did settings > apps > all > google play services > clear data > uninstall updates > restart the phone > update the app > check again . 

  • IPod Nano won't stay mounted

    Hi this is my first post and hope someone can help. My problem is that when I attach my nano to my computer it will mount on the desktop, open iTunes check and see that it is update, which it is and then it umounts from the desktop within a few seconds. It remains in the iTunes window so I can access the nano preferences but then when I hit apply it searches for the nano and since it is not on the desktop says it can not find it. The iPod is not in the finder window but shows up in the system profiler as being attached to the USB. I am up to date on iTunes and the nano updater says it is up to date running 2006-06-28. I have tried everything such as restarting, using different USB ports, etc... to no avail. When I run the updater it stays mounted on the desktop but I can not acces the preferences. I really need to change my nano preferences as it will not update my new playlists because prefs, are set to update only the checked ones and I can not changes this and apply it if the nano won't stay mounted. Can anyone help? Much thanks

    This happened to me when using iTunes 6. Is that the version you are using? I was never able to find a complete answer to the "Preferences not saved" error or any knowledge base articles with an official explanation. I did however find a workaround in a previous discussion. Connect your iPod and in the short time that it is still visible on the desktop just as iTunes is opening, go to Preferences>iPod and tick "enable disk use". You have to be quick but it can be done. Once it is enabled you will be able to go back and update the preferences such as manual update etc. and and you'll not get the error.
    If you are using iTunes 7 try the same technique only tick "enable disk use" in the Summary tab before your iPod unmounts.

  • A page that lists what was changed in Firefox 10.0.1 over 10.0

    Copy pasted from
    Despite its title, the entire point of the thread is really not to see at some distant point in the future (for historical purposes) what the difference b/w incremental versions was.
    The point is: You've just deployed version X.0 when all of a sudden X.0.1 is officially released without a word of official explanation at to why. You can spend hours of time reading misinformation about it because the people spreading the misinformation have no clue.
    This is because there is no official permanent source for brief descriptions of why an official non-Beta single incremental versions have just been released.
    What is the procedure to establish '''one single official page for explanations''' regarding incremental official releases since I take it we all agree that there isn't one now.

    A what's new page 10.0.1 will be put up once 10.0.01 is released, which might be on Fri 02-10. When it is released the what's new page will be here: <br /> <br />
    After considering the top issues, the release drivers have decided to ship a Firefox 10.0.1 to fix two issues:
    1) A top startup crash (bug is security locked because it's a crash)
    2) Java applets cause text areas to hang (bug 718939)

  • Can't enable iPod hard disk

    I am trying to enable my 30GB iPod to be used as a hard disk to save documents. When I initially plug my iPod into my Mac, the iPod icon appears briefly on the desktop, then disappears.
    Then, when I try to select "Enable Disk Use" on the iPod Summary page, I get the message "Waiting for iPod..." for about a minute, followed by "The settings were not saved for the iPod because it could not be found."
    The funny thing is, when I used my iPod as a hard disk in the past it worked fine. But ever since I upgraded to iTunes version 7.0.2, it started giving me this error message and I have been unable to use my iPod as a hard disk ever since.

    I haven't seen this problem since iTunes 6 and even then I was never able to find a complete answer to the "Preferences not saved" error as it was called then or any knowledge base articles with an official explanation. I did however find a workaround in a previous discussion but I don't know how if you could get it to work with iTunes 7. It involved connecting your iPod and in the short time that it was still visible on the desktop just as iTunes is opening, going to Preferences>iPod and ticking "enable disk use". You had to be quick but it could be done. In iTunes 7 it would mean quickly clicking on the iPod icon in the source list to bring up the Summary tab so you could enable disk use while the iPod was still showing on the desk top.
    The only other suggestion I would have is to try restoring your iPod. restoring will erase the iPod's hard drive, reload the software and put it back to default settings, so if you have songs on your iPod that aren't on iTunes you will lose them if you have no back up. Once the restore is complete follow the on screen instructions and it should connect to iTunes and give you a prompt to automatically update your library onto the fresh installation. If you choose no it will default to manual mode which will default "enable disk use" and from there you can choose whatever setting you like: Restoring iPod to factory settings with iTunes 7

  • N97 Bugs ant problems...

    Dear forum members...
    I have been used N97 RM505 for couple of months.
    I bought it brand new with 3 generations old fw.
    My problems with the phone started then! Very disappointing and embarrassing for Nokia, to be honest.
    Since I consider myself  "power user", I have never had smartphone  or  pocket PC so I could use it as phone or music player. I have always wanted to use phone as mobile computer so I aimed hi-tech products (7-8 years ago)  from manufacturers like HTC, HP...half year ago I fell in love with Nokia E71 smartphone, and that was my first Symbian powered gadget. I was very interested in how  "symbians" do it. And I was surprised how it worked. But, I wanted more. I gave E71 as present and decided to go for N97, flagship Nokia device.
    And then, problems started to show up...
    3 FW updates from that moment, and problems I have with not disappear!
    Same things happen all over again!
    I read about particular issues and there are many of them, that's for sure.
    My problem is simple: I have all of them!
    Main camera works from time to time, after I answer the call I cant unlock the phone, freezes during boot sequence, left side of display in landscape mode dissapears, phone "kind of soft-restarts" every day or two and after that I have to reconfigure my email settings all over again, speed dial and favorite contacts lose pictures, contacts or group assigned ringtones mess up...
    Phone has to be rebooted using "battery-pulled-out" method at least 3 times a day!
    Tried everything: formatting, reinstalling device's FW, hard-resetting, FW upgrading...
    Every time I format memory or hard-reset the phone i hope that will be last time!
    But, nothing happens. Phone works well for a couple of hours. Phone call and it gets stuck, and i start all over again...when I come home.
    I work as industrial automation software developer and, believe me, i know what "faulty device" means.
    I know Nokia's origins, and I know that Finland is cradle of mobile communications, I have visited couple of companies in Finland that produce very reliable digital radio devices and I am familiar how professional they are up there...Every bug I have found in devices produced and developed in Finland was reported and problems were solved in couple of weeks or so! This does not fit in my experience with Nokia. E71 is outstanding device. I am sorry because I switched it for this "flagship phone" or, even worse, "mobile computer".
    Bottom line:
    Phone is not reliable, especially if you want to use it as multipurpose device!
    Calling this device  "Nokia flagship phone" is very wrong.
    I am gonna wait for couple of weeks for new FW since it is not still available for rm505 officially, and after that I'll do something bad with this phone.
    Technical support in my country is more than "unprofessional" and problem solving does not consist of turning off and turning on the phone or continuous reinstalling FW, as they do it.
    My Question: Anything similar happened to anybody, and what I should do?
    Thanks for advices. Forget technical support or local repair centre.

    Thanks for the tips, carman58. I have already managed to try all different combinations and procedures for getting my phone to work including your recommendations.
    As I told you before...after formatting E-drive, reinstalling phone software and hard resetting things went pretty well...until something happens. Week or or two of heavy usage and I can't unlock device after phone call...Or main camera fails. Or, sometimes I just can't turn it on. White screen and stuff like that. 3-4 days before I decided to post on this forum I conducted procedure similar to the one recommended by carman58. I tried to conclude "critical amount of free space on C drive" that affects phone's stability. Phone works well (but I want it to work better than that) with 40-50 MB of free space on C drive. Anything below that level does not guarantee your phone will work well. Memory allocation may be the key...Not my job, just trying to conclude something logical.
    I am not fan of third party software that watches RAM or CPU usage...Bad experience with Windows mobile devices, but I'll try to see somehow  if there's not enough memory when s**t happen.
    And, yes...There are some apps that definitely do not free allocated memory after program is closed or even crashed. I am not going to name these apps, just want to know forum members experience with remote desktop management software compatible with N97. Hahaha!...In ths very moment I found out that my phone is not charging although it is connected to  the charger! Never mind...Maybe notification does not work.
    Is there Nokia's official explanation for problems with N97? They can't deny problems. I mean, if you are not heavy user, or power-user....whatever....maybe you won't have problems we are dealing with?
    And then, what's the point of 400MHz cpu clock, and great amount of RAM? It is there so we can watch video clips, take pictures, or surf the web? Yes but not all of that at the same time...
    Multitasking is what devices like N97 should eat for lunch, if you know what I mean. Memory management should not be like this...3rd party apps for monitoring and flushing RAM. No way.
    I know how hard it is to develop device that has all of these functions N97 has. So many hardware modules in such small housing, powered by such small power source...That's hell of a job!
    If it is true, then my device should still have "beta" somewhere around "N97". I am not going to mention how much money N97 costs...
    Bugs antS problems...

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