Date Different in PLD

Hi Expert,
How can i display the Days different between two dates for ex Posting & Due Date in Dunning Wizard?
Thanks & Regards,
Tushar Nathwani

In PLD there is no date function for difference.
What you can do is create a UDF and get the date difference.
You can now call the newly created UDF in your PLD.

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    The Clearing Date in F-03 is actually the Posting date, so in this case the posting date will be same as clearing date. But a clearing document can also be created when you reverse a FI document, in this case the Reversal document will have a clearing date different than posting date. Let me know if this info helps you

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    1) what is the parameter used in MRP run, Basic scheduling or lead time scheduling
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    Hello Experts,
    i want PO Date in GRPO PLD how i can get it on PLD??

    hello Bhavan
    U want PO No & PO date In GRPO PLD right i have done many plds on this k try with this steps what i have given k there is no doubt it will come absolutely if there there is base document for GRPO as PO k
    it is easy to get PO NO & PO Date
    PO NO: Take One database field : table name -
    >PDN1(Goods recipt PO-rows)
                                                           Column name -
    >Base Document No
    PO Date : Take One database field : table name -
    >PDN1(Goods recipt PO-rows)
                                                               Column name -
    > posting date
    PO Date date will appear in ur layout i think this will solve ur problem
    GRPO NO: Take One database field : table name -
    >OPDN(Goods recipt PO)
                                                           Column name -
    > Document Number
    GRPO Date : Take One database field : table name -
    >PDN1(Goods recipt PO-rows)
                                                               Column name -
    > posting date
    this will definitelly come k try and tell me if u got it then close the thread

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    Hi Siva
    Can you give more details about what you are trying when you see this message? What is the apps version? Are you creating contract from OM or from service contract module? At which stage are you getting this message / error?

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    Thanks for your Help !!!

    Hi Senthil,
    I completly understand, that APO Material Availability date is GR end Date while in R/3 its a Process Order end date.
    But Problem is not that.
    Problem is not all operation of Process order are in APO, so assume u have 5 operations in Process order out of which only first 3 are relevant for schedulilng in APO. So APO schedules these 3 Operation and adds the GR time to Show the avaiablity date.
    While in R/3 GR Time is added after end of Operation 5 which is right, so GR end date in R/3 and APO dont match.
    Let me know if you think some more on this...!!!
    Thanks and Appreciated !!!

  • How To UPLOAD a DATA (.DAT) fiel from PC to internal table and then split it into the data different columns

    Hi all,
    I am new to ABAP Development. I need to upload a .DAT file (the file doesn#t have any proper structure-- Please find the .DAT file in the attachment). After uploading the DATA (.DAT) fiel I need to split in into different columns. Refering the attached .DAT fiel the fields in bracets like:
    [Arbeitstag],  [Pecunia], [Mita], [Kunde], [Auftrag] and  [Position] are different fields that need to be arranged in columns in an internal table. this .DAT fiel which I want to upload and then SPLIT it into various fields will will treated as MASTER DATA table for further programming. The program that I had written is as below. Also please refer the attached .DAT table.
    Please if any one could help me. i searched a lot in different forums but couldn't find me  a solution. Also note that the attached fiel is in text (.txt) format here but in real situation the same fiel is in DATA (.DAT) format.
    Types: Begin of ttab,
            Rec(1000) type c,
           End of ttab.
    DATA: itab  type table of ttab.
    DATA: wa_tab type ttab.
    DATA: file_str type string.
    Parameters: p_file type localfile.
    At selection-screen on value-request for p_file.
                                           CALL FUNCTION 'KD_GET_FILENAME_ON_F4'
    *                                          PROGRAM_NAME        = SYST-REPID
    *                                          DYNPRO_NUMBER       = SYST-DYNNR
    *                                          FIELD_NAME          = ' '
                                               STATIC              = 'X'
    *                                          MASK                = ' '
                                               file_name           = p_file.
    *                                        EXCEPTIONS
    *                                          MASK_TOO_LONG       = 1
    *                                          OTHERS              = 2
      file_str = P_file.
          filename                      = '\\\Volume_1\_projekte\Zeiterfassung-SAP\BUP_ZEIT.DAT'   " This the file  source address
          FILETYPE                      = 'DAT'
          HAS_FIELD_SEPARATOR           = ';'
    *     HEADER_LENGTH                 = 0
    *     READ_BY_LINE                  = 'X'
    *     DAT_MODE                      = ' '
    *     CODEPAGE                      = ' '
    *     IGNORE_CERR                   = ABAP_TRUE
    *     REPLACEMENT                   = '#'
    *     CHECK_BOM                     = ' '
    *     VIRUS_SCAN_PROFILE            =
    *     NO_AUTH_CHECK                 = ' '
    *     FILELENGTH                    =
    *     HEADER                        =
          data_tab                      = itab
         FILE_OPEN_ERROR               = 1
         FILE_READ_ERROR               = 2
         NO_BATCH                      = 3
         GUI_REFUSE_FILETRANSFER       = 4
         INVALID_TYPE                  = 5
         NO_AUTHORITY                  = 6
         UNKNOWN_ERROR                 = 7
         BAD_DATA_FORMAT               = 8
         HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED            = 9
         SEPARATOR_NOT_ALLOWED         = 10
         HEADER_TOO_LONG               = 11
         UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR              = 12
         ACCESS_DENIED                 = 13
         DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY              = 14
         DISK_FULL                     = 15
         DP_TIMEOUT                    = 16
         OTHERS                        = 17
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      LOOP at itab into wa_tab.
            WRITE: / wa_tab.
    I will be grateful to all you experts for ur inputs
    Chandan Singh

    For every Auftrag, there are multiple Position entries.
    Rest of the blocks don't seems to have any relation.
    So you can check this code to see how internal table lt_str is built whose first 3 fields have data contained in Auftrag, and next 3 fields have Position data. The structure is flat, assuming that every Position record is related to preceding Auftrag.
    Try out this snippet.
    DATA lt_data TYPE TABLE OF string.
    DATA lv_data TYPE string.
    CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload
        filename = 'C:\temp\test.txt'
        data_tab = lt_data
        OTHERS   = 19.
    CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    BEGIN OF ty_str,
      a1 TYPE string,
      a2 TYPE string,
      a3 TYPE string,
      p1 TYPE string,
      p2 TYPE string,
      p3 TYPE string,
    END OF ty_str.
    DATA: lt_str TYPE TABLE OF ty_str,
          ls_str TYPE ty_str,
          lv_block TYPE string,
          lv_flag TYPE boolean.
    LOOP AT lt_data INTO lv_data.
      CASE lv_data.
        WHEN '[Version]' OR '[StdSatz]' OR '[Arbeitstag]' OR '[Pecunia]'
             OR '[Mita]' OR '[Kunde]' OR '[Auftrag]' OR '[Position]'.
          lv_block = lv_data.
          lv_flag = abap_false.
        WHEN OTHERS.
          lv_flag = abap_true.
      CHECK lv_flag EQ abap_true.
      CASE lv_block.
        WHEN '[Auftrag]'.
          SPLIT lv_data AT ';' INTO ls_str-a1 ls_str-a2 ls_str-a3.
        WHEN '[Position]'.
          SPLIT lv_data AT ';' INTO ls_str-p1 ls_str-p2 ls_str-p3.
          APPEND ls_str TO lt_str.

  • How to check  which column data differs from master table and archive table

    Hi All,
    i have two tables, table a (a1 number,a2 varchar2,a3 varchar2) and table b (b1 number,b2 varchar2,b3 varchar2).
    how to check the data in both the table are same( including all columns).
    data in a.a1 is same as b.b1 and a.a2 is same as b.b2 like that.
    if they not same , i need to know which field differs.
    Kindly Share ur ideas.

    887268 wrote:
    thanks Sven W. ,
    above reply clearly shows what my question is.
    one column must be primary key, based on that key i need to find out which are the fields having different data..
    im strugling with this, i tried the following already, but not able to get.
    select the columns from a MINUS select the columns from b.
    -- from this i can find whether the difference occurred or not.
    but i cant able to get which are the fields value changed.Good. Then you would match the rows using the PK column and need to compare the columns
    Instead of a MINUS + UNION ALL + MINUS we can now use a FULL OUTER JOIN
    It is a little task to write out all column names, but 40 columns can be handled.
    This statement would show you both tables with matching rows on the same line.
    select a.*, b.*
    from a
    FULL OUTER JOIN b on = b.idNow filter/check for mismatches
    select case when a.col1 != b.col1 then 'COL1 value changed'
                    when a.col2 != b.col2 then 'COL2 value changed'
                    when a.col3 != b.col3 then 'COL3 value changed'
             end as compare_result
            ,a.*, b.*
    from a
    FULL OUTER JOIN b on =
    /* return only non matching columns */
    where (a.col1,a.col2,a.col3) != (b.col1,b.col2,b.col3) You might need to add nvls to take care of null values. Test this!
    Another way could be to group upon the primary key
    select *
    from (
      select id 
               ,count(distinct col1)-1 cnt_col1
               ,count(distinct col2)-1 cnt_col2
               ,count(distinct col3)-1 cnt_col3
         select 'A' source, a.*
         from a
         UNION ALL
         select 'B' source, b.*
         from b)
       group by ID
    /* only records with differences */
    where 1 in (cnt_col1, cnt_col2, cnt_col3)
    ;The count columns will hold either 1 or 0. If it is 1 then this column has a difference.

  • Net Due date differs in  FBLl5N  and print statement used

    HI all,
    we are using customer statement of accounts, which shows the document due date. Using payment terms 30 days and  Due date is calculated  from document date, but our statement differs in calculation of due date.
    eg/:        DocDue date 
    31.07.2006      29.08.2006
    23.08.2006      14.08.2006 and in the standard report FBL5n which shows as below
    31.07.08        30.08.2006
    23.08.2006      15.08.2006
    Looking for ealier reply
    Best Regards
    stefen & raj

    30.08.06 is correct - compare fm DETERMINE_DUE_DATE
    and link:  Re: FI-ABAP : how to calculate payment date using a module function ?
    Message was edited by: Andreas Mann

  • Why is the INVOICE date different than the ORDER date?

    Something odd is happening... I'm receiving workflow notifications from Business Catalyst for Invoices, but sometimes the date of the order is the day before I receive the invoice. This is causing havoc on the shipping side because when I print out the invoice packing slips and export the order files, they don't match up and sometimes customers get missed.
    Any idea why the invoice date would be different than the order date and how do I fix it to make them the same?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hey there,
    An invoice is not an order. That is an important thing to know.
    An order is generated through a few means but mainly as soon as one product is added to a cart - that order exists and the date marked. An invoice is a purchase and comes from an order.
    Create an order in the admin yourself and save it but add no invoice number. You can see you just made an order and you will see the button to generate invoice.
    API can make an order and no invoice, a person can add items to cart and finish it the next day if they have their session open that long... Lots of reasons why these dates may differ.

  • Loading date different in SBOM Header and Child Material.

    Hi All,
    We are implementing the SBOM Functionality for our Client. We are facing unusual issue while going through a Testing Phase. We are using the same SBOM Master data for all our testing purpose. I have created 4 Sales Orders for same SBOM Material.  In some Sales Orders I am getting same Loading Date for SBOM Header and Chil Materail in Shipping Tab Page in Overview Screen. In some Sales Orders we are getting different Loading date for SBOM header and Child Item.. I have enclosed the details in the attached document with screen shot
    I have check all configurations of Availabilty Check. Why the system is giving dates inspite of using same SBOM Master data in other Sales Order.
    Please could you help in fixing this Issue where I need to make the changes. so I could get same dates for both. I am uable to attach the document in which I have given the screenshots.

  • AP Document Tax Date in Check PLD

    The A/P Document TaxDate is not available in the Check PLD.
    This is to request the creation of a system variable to make available this date.

    Hello Dong Lee,
    thank you for your comment. I would like to know what you mean by "Check PLD" and which version and localization do you refer to.
    Thank you.
    Best Regards,
    Martin Slavik
    SAP Business One Solution Manager

  • Invoice date different from GL date

    I have several invoices where the GL Date is different from the Invoice Date. For example, the Invoice Date is 10-JUN-2002 and the GL Date is 01-JUL-2002. In all the invoices from another month, the Invoice Date is equal to GL Date. Anyone knows how can I fix this problem? Thanks

    I think this problem is not a problem.
    The date must be changed by the preparer

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    Hi Rajni,
    Clear the cache memory and run the web report agian.
    Hope it helps,
    Thanks ,

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