Dragon Age: Inquisitio​n - PC - No Preorder Code

Hi Best Buy,
I pre-ordered 3x separate copies of Dragon Age: Inquisition, 1x for me, 1x for my friend, and another 1x for another friend.
I've picked up the after work and just finished installing, that was 4 hours ago and I still don't have my pre-order code for the Arsenal Weapons Pack, nor did my friends who input their email too.
So I checked the orders pages for all orders and they all say "Ready to download", but we have no codes in our email inboxes! Please help!!!
Dragon Age Inquisition Weapons Arsenal Pre-Order Bonus - PC [Digital Download Add-On]
SKU: 1000004636
Order Status:: 1 item(s) - Ready to download.

Hi ndwolfwood09,
Please refer to the Game Codes - Read Me First thread floated in our Gaming Support board for information.
Thanks for reserving and purchasing your copies of Dragon Age: Inquisition with us!
Aaron|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
 Private Message

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    I've checked my email and there's no code emailed to me. I later found out that I was supposed to pre-order online but how am I supposed to know that? Back when I pre-ordered at the counter, your staff didn't inform me that I was supposed to pre-order online...
    Please advice.

    Hi there,
    Please refer to the Game Codes - Read Me First thread floated in our Gaming Support board for information.
    Thanks for purchasing your copy of Dragon Age: Inquisition with us!
    Aaron|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Dragon Age Inquisition no store pickup all of a sudden?

    I hope this is an error, but I had to cancel my PS4 preorder of Dragon Age Inquisition to opt for the Xbox 360 version so I could play with my friend. I just went to preorder 2 copies of the 360 version and it says Shipping Only, not allowing me to choose In Store Pickup. It seems to be that way for all platform copies.
    Is this a glitch in the system? I need to pick these up in store. It let me choose that before.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi there IonaShepard-
    I have to say, what I’ve seen of Dragon Age: Inquisition so far has been amazing!  The ability to switch up between your followers and plan different combat strategies by doing so has me really intrigued.  Plus…DRAGONS!
    Ordinarily, I would be inclined to say that yes, it is possible that a Deluxe edition of a game could show that it is only available for shipping if the stores in your area had hit their thresholds for pre-orders.  However, in doing some testing on my own, it appears that every SKU for this title (regular and deluxe) is only offering shipping, so I’m going to look into this further and see what I can find out.
    Once I have more information, I’ll update this post to let you know what I find out!
    Bill|Senior Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Dragon Age Inquisition Pre Order Bonus never emailed

    I pre ordered Dragon Age Inquisition and never got an email with the Pre Order Bonus.
    When I check the order status, it says ready to download and that it would be sent to my email.
    I checked all my email folders and it's no where to be found.
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    I tried calling 1-888-Best-Buy and it will only give me my order status through automated system.
    It seems like no one knows what went wrong and can't help. Can't Best Buy just re-send the email that supposedly has been sent or send another code?

    Hi there,
    We aren't able to provide information on upcoming program changes, offers, or sales events, so the best advice we can give would be to keep an eye on our Get $10 offer page for updates. New titles are added on a regular basis, so make sure to check back often.
    Thanks for reserving your copies of Destiny, Shadow of Mordor, Assassin's Creed: Unity, and the Halo Master Chief Collection with us, as well as for your interest in reserving Dragon Age: Inquisition!
    Aaron|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Dragon Age Inquisition, Pre-Order

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    Hi there,
    We aren't able to provide information on upcoming program changes, offers, or sales events, so the best advice we can give would be to keep an eye on our Get $10 offer page for updates. New titles are added on a regular basis, so make sure to check back often.
    Thanks for reserving your copies of Destiny, Shadow of Mordor, Assassin's Creed: Unity, and the Halo Master Chief Collection with us, as well as for your interest in reserving Dragon Age: Inquisition!
    Aaron|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

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    Does the Deluxe Edition have a banner like in the photo, or does it look like the regular edition? It is impossible to tell and I do not want to open it. If you guys messed up, you have wasted my time and gas money and I can't play until I get back to Best Buy this weekend.

    Hello there retrogamer76-
    Isn’t it against your street cred as a retro gamer to be playing the latest games?  All kidding aside, it’s definitely disappointing to hear that your girlfriend was given the wrong version of Dragon Age: Inquisition when she went to pick it up for you. 
    Given the packaging differences between the regular and deluxe editions, it would seem that they would be easy to differentiate.  I absolutely apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused you up to this point and hopefully you can get back to the store soon to get the correct version so you can start playing what looks to be an outstanding game.
    Regarding your Halo map book, I located your order and it appears that the map book will be shipping out today.  As I understand it, there were some shipping issues around these map books that caused some delays in shipping.  However, I’ve got some tracking information, though the UPS website has not yet been fully updated.  I’ll send you that tracking information in a private message so that you can track the shipment.  You can check your private messages by logging into the forum and clicking on the envelope in the upper right hand corner.
    Look for that message soon!
    Bill|Senior Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Dragon Age Pre-Order Change / Cancallation

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    Also, in my haste, I ordered the Standard edition using some Reward Certificates, then cancelled that order completely (which was successful, strangely), but never got my Reward Certs back.

    Hello omatsei,
    It is always helpful to choose store pickup for pre-ordered games! Not only may you be able to enjoy an exciting midnight release and play your new game all night, but you may not need to wait until business hours to receive your game.
    Using the information you registered with the forum, I was able to locate your orders for Dragon Age: Inquisition. After reviewing the orders, I was able to cancel your original order that was set for shipping. Furthermore, after reviewing your My Best Buy™ membership, I see the $10 certificate used on the standard edition of the game was returned to your account after you successfully canceled that order. Typically, certificates may take 3-6 days to be returned to you.
    If you should have any questions or other concerns, please let me know!
    Tasha|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Dragon Age: Inquisition

    Is this game on the $10 Rewards for Pre-order list? I'll buy it if it is, if not, I'll wait for a sale. Does anyone know?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi batmanshady,
    Good question! Dragon Age: Inquisition isn't currently part of our "Get $10" offer, but there's always a possibility this may change the closer we get to the release date. The best advice we can give would be to keep an eye on our official offer page.
    I hope this helps.
    Aaron|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Qosmio w NVIDIA 460M can run Dragon Age 2 at Max Settings!

    Hi there!
    As a Qosmio laptop owner with an NVIDIA GTX 460M GPU, I can confirm that you can now run Dragon Age 2 with all graphics settings to the MAX!
    As at 31st March 2011, I managed to get smooth average FPS of at least 30 with AA set to 8X and AF set to 16x.
    All DX11 graphic settings were ticked and maxed out. VSync, which is useless unless you are using an SLI GPU, was turned off.
    The game is smooth and stutter free. And more importantly, it is very stable and does not crash.
    Yes, to do that, you need the following:-
    1. NVIDIA Drivers
    Just go to the NVIDIA website and download the latest Beta drivers v270.51
    This can be installed onto Qosmio laptops without any hacking whatsoever.
    2. MSI Afterburner
    You can google and download this.
    The 460m GPU can be overclocked safely to 780Mhz Core clock and 1350Mhz Memoory Clock.
    Now, proceed to enjoy your Dragon Age 2 game.
    The visuals are really stunning with everything cranked up to the max!
    I'm glad to have purchased a Toshiba Qosmio X505 laptop.
    Very few laptops can run Crysis 1, Crysis 2 and Dragon Age 2 with maximum graphics and cost less than US$2k (or US$1.5 k for those with slightly less features).
    All hail the mighty Toshiba Qosmio laptop!!!
    Now I'll be getting back to my Dragon Age 2 game.
    Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q898 8GB Ram Win 7 x64 Ultimate (w USB 3.0)

    I can also confirm that Crysis 2 (and 1) both run very smoothly at the maximum graphics settings on my Qosmio.
    DA2 runs with DX11 and is a more GPU demanding game than Crysis 2 (and 1).
    So you can definitely run both Crysis games with the maximum settings.
    Crysis 2 is worth purchasins as it is set in an urban "jungle" and has a different feel to the whole game. The cinematics are also very good. There are times when I feel like I am watching a Japanese Anime movie.
    Toshiba Qosmio X505-Q898 8GB Ram Win 7 x64 Ultimate (w USB 3.0)

  • N570GTX Twin Frozr II OC and Dragon Age 2 (driver has been recovered).

    Just got the beauty about a week ago and while the card runs quiet and cold I'm having problems while playing Dragon Age 2.
    Once every so often, the image will freeze and I can see "Drivers has been recovered" message popping from system tray. The first thought that crossed my mind is that core voltage might be insufficient for factory OC (786/2100), so I dropped to 760/2000 using Afterburner and it went fine for couple of days without any issues through several long play sessions 5-6 hours each. I decided to play it safe from this point on and dropped to default GTX570 frequencies of 732/2000 (just in case) and played it like this for 2 more days without a single issue, but last night it happened again on stock frequencies now... It only happens in DX11 mode, DX9 mode is very stable, but doesn't look too good. It will still lock in DX11 with any combination of following High/Very High settings, with/without HQ textures, with/without any SSAO, HQ Blur.
    I don't have any issues with factory OC in any other game (Dragon Age 2 is the only DX11 game I have so far though), played plenty of Crisis and stressed the card for several hours in 3d mark 11 loop mode on extreme settings, that provided close to 100% GPU load and had no problems whatsoever.
    Is it the common issue or it's just me being unlucky? I weren't much into MSI products before, but the first image of cooling system of Twin Frozr cooling system made want to try it. Now I'm questioning MSI quality control as result...
    I know Dragon Age 2 is quite buggy still and a lot of people having difficulties running it, but the fact that the core frequency affects my stability make me think I should ramp up core voltage a bit. So the question is, is it worth putting core voltage to something like 1.0v, will it void my guarantee, can it lead to VRM damage (a lot of 570 are dying because of it, but mostly when going over 1.1v). Any other options I might consider?
    Running Forceware 267.24 beta drivers that promise better compatibility with Dragon Age 2.
    Thank you in advance.
    OS: Windows 7 x64 Pro
    CPU: AMD Phenom II x945 3000
    RAM: 4x2Gb Kingston KVR1333D3N9/2G
    MB: ASUS M4A77TD
    PSU: OCZ StealthXStream 600W (+3.3V 36A | +5V 30A | +12V1 18A | +12V2 18A | +12V3 18A | +12V4 18A | -12V 0.5A | +5Vsb 3.0A).

    This sounds like a driver problem for the GPU, Are you using the supplied driver from the install disk? or are you using the driver from windows update? I would try the latest beta driver from nvidia and see if that resolves your problem. Use driver sweeper in safe mode to uninstall the bits of the old driver before installing the new one.
    267.24 BETA
    Release Date:
    Operating System:
    Windows Vista, Windows 7
    English (U.S.)
    File Size:
    96.9 MB
    New in Release 267.24
        * Adds 3D Vision support for Bulletstorm.
        * Adds SLI support for Homefront.
        * Improves compatibility with Dragon Age II.
        * Fixes an issue where the NVIDIA control panel may not be accessible via the Windows desktop.

  • Dragon Age Inquisition Preorder Bonus Digital Download Code

    I preordered the PC standard edition of DA:I, and should have received a preorder bonus code in my email, but I have received nothing. I've pm'd the BBY inbox with all information requested, it was read last week and still not even the courtesy of a response. I have called the digital download dept 4 times, each time I am told my code is being "requested" and I should have it within 24 hours, yet still nothing. This is frankly ridiculous, can Best Buy not handle a simple preorder bonus correctly? I (and many others, judging by these forums) am being ignored because you already have my money. This is the last time I preorder anything with this company.

    Hi malcore1976,
    My apologies for the delay in response here!
    While I certainly hope you’ve received your code by now considering how much time has passed, there is definitely an option for assistance if you have not. If you still haven’t received it, you’ll want to send us the following information as a private message to our Gaming-BBY inbox (clicking the hyperlink will open a new window with a private message addressed to the inbox):
    Message Subject: Game Title & Platform
    Message Body: Include...
    • Proof of purchase (Customer Service PIN from in-store receipt or BestBuy.com order #)
    • Email address (the one you provided for the code)
    Once we receive this information, we can research further and help out as necessary.
    Brian|Senior Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Aging report - detailed needs invoice project code

    Dear All,
    Would it be possible for us to have project code (on A/R invoice header) on Aging report - detailed print layout? I found all fields in Aging report - detailed PLD are sys var. Is there a way for us to figure out which sys var is for project code of the invoice? Thanks a lot.

    Unfortunately you can't, you have to recreate it using crystal. In all SAP std reports you only able to show/print what it already shows.

  • Garden Warfare Preorder Code invalidate​d by store.

    I am not sure if i am posting this in the right spot because I thought there use to be a specific form to fill out for this kind of situation, but here I go.
    I preordered PvZ Garden Warfare PS4 in store about a week before it came out. The associate who rang up my transaction looked me up in the system by my phone number, I paid the $5, and went on my way. The day the game was released, I went to go pick it up. When the associate redeemed my preorder with my reciept and asked me to pay, i noticed that I was not getting my GCU discount on the game. Turns out, when the original associate who rung out my preorder looked me up, the register for some reason did not attach my Rewards Elite number, thus it did not attach my GCU membership either.
    The store's solution was to cancel my preorder to give me my refund and then just ring the transaction as normal so I would get the GCU discount, BUT the problem with doing it this way was that I didnt recieve my preorder DLC code... I did get an email for one but because the preorder was canceled, the code was invalidated in the system.
    Could you please issue me a new DLC code and let me know what information I need to provide to you?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi timesplitter88,
    Thanks for reserving and purchasing your copy of Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare with us! I hope you're enjoying the game so far.
    I was able to locate your account using the e-mail address you used to register for the forum and have sent you some information. Please make sure to check your private messages when you can by signing into the forum and then clicking on the letter icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
    Aaron|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Dragon Age Inquisition Flames of the Inquisition DLC

    I pre-ordered and picked up the deluxe edition of DAI for PC. I never got the pre-order bonus code for flames of the inquisition in my e-mail. Is this still coming or is it unnecessary because its already in the deluxe edition?

    Please refer to the Game Codes - Read Me First thread floated in our Gaming Support board for information.
    Aaron|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Preorder Codes

    I preordered my copy of Project Cars for my PS4 system and never got a email for the added extras that were given out for preorders ... so I thought it would be inside the packing and when I just opened it up all there was the actal game disk inside ... What the deal with Best Buy sending the code via email late ... I had the same thing happen with Driveclub and I also preordered Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 on the day it was announced for the Beta Code and never got anything ... What's the deal Best Buy

    Hello EfraMunoz5,
    Thanks for pre-ordering your games from Best Buy.  I'm very sorry to hear that you've not had the best luck with bonus codes recently.  It appears your account was applied to the recent purchase and I don't see any restrictions on your account, so I am not sure why you didn't receive them.  
    Typically for pre-order bonuses such as the Project Cars title, we would ask you to send a private message to our Gaming-BBY team.  As I am personally taking point on the Call of Duty Black Ops 3 beta codes, though, I'll review both with you.  Please watch for a private message from me shortly.
    Mike|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

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