Duplicate Copies in printing

Dear all
I need to print every page 2 times not reprint the report again .. each page print 2 times after each other then the secound and so on
Can you help me ??
Thank you

Ok, i´m not sure how it is done in your driver program, tho i guess your smartform will be called twice if you tell him to make 2 copies.
You should find something like:
DO nast-anzal times.
  "some stuff there
  "call of smartform
if you have the requrement to ALWAYS print 2 copies and completeley ignore what user puts in the accodring field, then just change that to:
DO 2 times.
If it is done in your smartforms, then you should find a loop there on header level which refers to variable OUTPUT_OPTIONS-TDCOPIES.
Edited by: Florian Kemmer on Aug 30, 2011 11:00 AM

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    Welcome to the forum , I would be delighted to help you with changing your copy settings on your 8600 printer.  I actually found this information in the User Guide for your model; You can customize copy jobs using the various settings available from the printer's control panel, including the following: Number of copies, Copy paper size, Copy paper type, Copy speed or quality, Lighter/Darker settings, Resizing originals to fit on different paper sizes.  You can use these settings for single copy jobs, or you can save settings to be used as defaults for future jobs. To change copy settings for a single job 1. Touch Copy.2. Select the copy function settings you want to change.3. Touch Start Black or Start Color. To save the current settings as defaults for future jobs1. Touch Copy.2. Make any changes to the copy function settings, and then touch Settings.3. Touch the down arrow, and then select Set As New Defaults.4. Touch Yes, change defaults, and then select Done.  Please let me know if these steps resolved your issue, or if there is anything else I can do to help.  I look forward to hearing from you!  Thanks, 

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    Have a look at Teridon's iTunes Scripts, Robert has a script in there for dealing with duplicates which might be of some help: Teridon's iTunes for Windows Scripts
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    but might be handy sometimes - Don't know of any Video-editing program that has such a feature.
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    2- second processing in printer B
    How is it possible to do this without creating 2 differents  outputs types ?

    By using VF31 Transaction you cant change the Printer for the OUTPUT
    Goto the tranaction code SE38 and with the Program RSNAST00 execute all the Billing document which require the second Print and enter the  OUTPUT TYPE and processing medium
    now execute the program in Background which will prompt you to enter the Printer device name, maintain it and execute.
    Then all the prints will sent to the Another printer which is B as per you .
    checkk this and let me know if you need any frther details

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    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Several months ago there was some Xerox users with a similar problem. However, regardless of the number of copies they entered, they always got multiples. I cannot remember if it was resolved.
    Anyway, this sounds like a driver issue. You could test this theory by opening the Terminal application and submitting a text file via lp. For example, create a simple text file using TextEdit. Then save it with a filename of test in your documents folder. Then open Terminal (located in Applications > Utilities). Change the directory to your Documents folder (cd Documents). Then type lp test (or test.rtf if it was saved with the extension) and press the Enter key. If the Mita is the default printer the machine should start up and you should only get one copy. If this does happen, then you know it's a driver issue so you can contact your Mita support and see if they have a fix.

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    Dear Experts,
    I have copied the standard smartform of the Invoice into YLB_BIL_INVOICE and i did the modification according to the client's requirement.
    In YLB_BIL_INVOICE, i have taken one window type as Copies Window and i have chosen the radio button Original and Copies. In the window I wrote the code for Copies like Original, Factory Copy, Buyer Copy, Triplicate and Marketing Copy based on SFSY-COPYCOUNT checking. I haven't changed the standard program(RLB_INVOICE).
    And I have assigned the smartform YLB_BIL_INVOICE and RLB_INVOICE in NACE settings. When I am viewing the print using VF02/VF03 with output type which configured by SD Consultant it is not showing the Copies means if I mention Number of Copies as 4 in print preview it is showing only single Page and when I gave the print with number of copies as 4 Pages are printing 4 copies but the name of the copies is same for all 4 pages like 1st page as Original and 2nd page as Original etc..
    I debugged the code and i am getting NAST-ANZAL = 1. in program, I think it should be 4. Please give me some input to resolve this issue?
    Thanks n Regards,
    Edited by: muraliabap on Feb 14, 2011 6:35 AM

    I am not clear about the following context.
    muraliabap wrote:
    if I mention Number of Copies as 4 in print preview it is showing only single Page and when I gave the print with number of copies as 4 Pages are printing 4 copies
    Where did you give the no of copies as 4? In the message or Print Dialog?
    NAST-ANZAL is from message and OUTPUT_OPTIONS-TDCOPIES is from the Print Dialog. For copies window, no of copies is fetched through OUTPUT_OPTIONS-TDCOPIES (or the Print Dialog), thus SFSY-COPYCOUNT is changed accordingly .
    Check the this [link|http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/ABAP/Copies(duplicate,etc.)]

  • Different titles for different copies while printing an invoice

    hi guys !!
    I want to print different titles on copies as follows...
    1st copy - "Original"
    2nd copy - "Duplicate"
    3nd copy - "Triplicate"...
    i have used system vairable SFSY-COPYCOUNT....
    in my 'Copies Window'..i have the following program lines..
    WHEN 1.
    TEXT = 'Original'.
    WHEN 2.
    TEXT = 'Duplicate'.
    WHEN 3.
    TEXT = 'Triplicate'.
    but the problem is this variable is always 001.....
    i guess all the variables are initialised when ever the next copy is printed....
    any idea why????
    thnx ....

    Instead of that you just add a window and in that widows text editor hardcode it as
    Now in the driver program do it as below
    DATA: ls_ctrl_params   LIKE ssfctrlop,   "Control Parameters
            ls_outp_opts     TYPE ssfcompop.   "Output Options
    To print 3 copies
      MOVE '3' TO ls_outp_opts-tdcopies. 
    In the function  module
    CALL FUNCTION v_fnam
          control_parameters = ls_ctrl_params
          output_options     = ls_outp_opts

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