DW-CS3 Version of Word Word-Art

I mocked-up a web-page layour in Word XP that I now want to
re-produce in DW-CS3. The Design includes left and right columns
that contain a vertical stacking of individuals' names rendered
using Word's Word-Art. Is there a similar capability to Word-Art in
DW-CS3? Any text "rotation" capabilities in DW-CS3? I know of the
Flash Text feature but I'm hoping there is a more efficient way to
treat a large number of names. Eventually, I want the
columns/stacks of names to scroll vertically, stopping when a
visitor highlights a name when in turn generates a pop-up window
with limited information on that person.

>I mocked-up a web-page layour in Word XP that I now want
to re-produce in
> DW-CS3. The Design includes left and right columns that
contain a
> vertical
> stacking of individuals' names rendered using Word's
Word-Art. Is there a
> similar capability to Word-Art in DW-CS3?
Thankfully. ;o)
You'll have to create all of those names in a graphics
editing application
like Fireworks and then export them as images, or, as you
said, use Flash.
But data like this really should be left as raw text IMHO and
just styled
nicely with CSS.

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    I have search over the forums and can find a script the can change WORD styles (with a diskette sign) to Indesign paragraph styles (without the sign). Can any one help me on this?

    Here I translated the script from Russian into English for you. BTW, it is based on a script written by Dave Saunders (thanks Dave for it) — I totally reworked it to my needs. You should replace paragraph style names, font names, find-search strings, etc. with your own stuff.
    // Description: Script for InDesign CS3
    // Version 4
    // Removes local formatting of the text after importing it from Word transforming it into characters styles
    // Removes non CMYK colors
    // Removes imported styles
    // Adds non-breaking space before some abbreviations in text. For example: В, У, гг., млрд.
    // Removes superfluous. Finds-replaces some sequences of characters:  For example:"--" to "—"
    // Removes hyperlinks
    // Copyright © 2008 Kasyan Servetsky
    #target indesign
    if (app.documents.length == 0) {
         alert("Open a document and try again.", "Error", true);
    else {
         var myDoc = app.activeDocument;
         if (myDoc.selection.length == 1) {
              if (myDoc.selection[0].constructor.name ==  "TextFrame") {
              var myTextFrame = myDoc.selection[0];
              else {
                   alert("Select a TEXT BOX.", "Error", true);
         else {
              alert("Select a single text block.", "Error", true);
         if (!myDoc.saved) {
              alert("This document has never been saved. Save it and try again.", "Error", true);
    //--------------------------------- Progressbar ---------------------------------
         var stop = 11;
         var w = new Window ( 'window', 'Preparing the file', undefined, {closeButton:false, maximizeButton:false, minimizeButton:false} );
         var pb = w.add ('progressbar', [0, 0, 350, 20], 0, stop);
         var txt = w.add('statictext', undefined, 'Starting the process');
         txt.alignment = "fill";
         pb.value = 1;
         var myTxtReplace;
         var myGrpReplace;
         txt.text = "Finding-replacing text";
         myProblems = 0;
         pb.value = 2;
         txt.text = "Removing non CMYK colors";
         if (app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles.item("Body Text") == null) {
              pb.value = 3;
              txt.text = "Creating paragraph style \"Body Text\"";
              var paraStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.add( {     basedOn:"[No Paragraph Style]",
                                                                                                        name:"Body Text",
                                                                                                        fillColor:"Black"} );
         else {
              var paraStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("Body Text");
              pb.value = 3;
         pb.value = 4;
         txt.text = "Removing imported styles";
         pb.value = 5;
         txt.text = "Saving local formatting";
         myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().applyParagraphStyle(paraStyle, true);
         pb.value = 6;
         txt.text = "Applying paragraph style \"Body Text\"";
         pb.value = 7;
         txt.text = "Processing tables";
         myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().clearOverrides(OverrideType.all); // ***
         pb.value = 8;
         txt.text = "Removing local formatting";
         pb.value = 9;
         txt.text = "Replacing text";
         pb.value = 10;
         pb.value = 11;
         txt.text = "Removing hyperlinks";
         if (myProblems == 0) {
              alert ("No problems were found.", "All done");
         else {
              alert ("Problems were found and corrected.", "All done");
    //************************************** Functions *******************************************************
    function protectLocalStyling() {
        var myStyles = ["Italic","Bold", "Bold Italic"];
        var myPosns = ["superscript","subscript"];
        var myPosnEnums = [Position.superscript, Position.subscript];
         var noCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles[0];
        for (var j = myStyles.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
          var myCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.item(myStyles[j]);
          if (myCharStyle == null) {
            var myCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.add({name:myStyles[j], fontStyle:myStyles[j]});
              app.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = noCharStyle;
              app.findTextPreferences.fontStyle = myStyles[j];
              app.changeTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = myStyles[j];
        for (var j = myPosns.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
          var myPosCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.item(myPosns[j]);
          if (myPosCharStyle == null) {
            var myPosCharStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.add({name:myPosns[j], position:myPosnEnums[j]});
              app.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = noCharStyle;
              app.findTextPreferences.position = Position[myPosns[j]];
              app.changeTextPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = myPosns[j];
         app.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    //  Removing non CMYK colors
    function myReplaceNonCMYK(){
         for(var myCounter = myDoc.colors.length; myCounter > 0; myCounter--){
              if (myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Registration" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Paper" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Cyan" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Magenta" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Yellow" && myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].name != "Black") {
                   if ((myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].space != ColorSpace.cmyk)  || (myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].model != ColorModel.process)){
                        myProblems = myProblems + 1;
                        myDoc.colors[myCounter-1].remove ("Black")
    // Removing imported styles
    function removeImportedStyles(){
         var paraStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("Body Text");
         var noneCharaStyle = myDoc.characterStyles.item("[None]");
         for(var myCounter = myDoc.paragraphStyles.length-1; myCounter >= 2; myCounter--){
              if (myDoc.paragraphStyles[myCounter].imported == true ) {
         for(var myCounter = myDoc.characterStyles.length-1; myCounter >= 2; myCounter--){
              if (myDoc.characterStyles[myCounter].imported == true) {
    // Processing tables
    function removeInTables(){
         if (myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().tables.length > 0) {
              if (myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("05. TABL_BODY") == null) {
                   myTableStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.add({name:"05. TABL_BODY", appliedFont:"HeliosKas\tCondensed Regular", pointSize:8, leading:8});
              else {myTableStyle = myDoc.paragraphStyles.item("05. TABL_BODY")}
         myTextFrame.parentStory.texts.everyItem().tables.everyItem().cells.everyItem().paragraphs.everyItem().applyParagraphStyle(myTableStyle, true);
    // Find-replace pairs
    function myReplaceStuff() {
         myTxtReplace =     [ // TEXT
                                            [" А ", " А^S"],
                                            [" В ", " В^S"],
                                            [" С ", " С^S"],
                                            [" К ", " К^S"],
                                            [" О ", " О^S"],
                                            [" У ", " У^S"],
                                            [" На ", " На^S"],
                                            [" По ", " По^S"],
                                            [" Из ", " Из^S"],
                                            ["г-н ", "г-н^S"],
                                            ["г-на ", "г-на^S"],
                                            ["г-ну ", "г-ну^S"],
                                            [" т", " ^Sт"],
                                            [" г.", " ^Sг."],
                                            [" гг.", " ^Sгг."],
                                            [" грн.", " ^Sгрн."],
                                            [" коп.", " ^Sкоп."],
                                            [" тыс", " ^Sтыс"],
                                            [" млн", " ^Sмлн"],
                                            [" млрд", " ^Sмлрд"],
                                            [" т.п.", " ^Sт.п."],
                                            [" т.д.", " ^Sт.д."],
                                            [" др.", " ^Sдр."],
                                            [" км", " ^Sкм"],
                                            ["см. стр.", "см.^Sстр."],
                                            [" ^p", "^p"],
                                            [" —", "^S—"],
                                            [" —", "^S—"],
                                            ["№ ", "№"],
                                            ["$ ", "$"],
                                            ["EUR ", "EUR"],
         myGrpReplace =     [ // GREP
                                            ["[~m~>~f~|~S~s~<~/~.~3~4~% ]{2,}", " "], // Multiple Space to Single Space
                                            ["--", "~_"] // Dash Dash to Em-dash
                                            // ["~b~b+", "\\r"], Multiple Return to Single Return
    function replaceTxt() {
         app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         app.findChangeTextOptions.wholeWord = false;
         app.findChangeTextOptions.caseSensitive = true;
         app.findChangeTextOptions.includeMasterPages = false;
         for (i = 0; i <  myTxtReplace.length; i++) {
              var myCurArray = myTxtReplace[i];
              app.findTextPreferences.findWhat = myCurArray[0];
              app.changeTextPreferences.changeTo = myCurArray[1];
         app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function replaceGrep() {
         app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         for (i = 0; i <  myGrpReplace.length; i++) {
              var myCurArray = myGrpReplace[i];
              app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = myCurArray[0];
              app.changeGrepPreferences.changeTo = myCurArray[1];
         app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
         app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myRemoveHyperLinks(){
         if (myDoc.hyperlinks.length > 0){
              for(var myCounter = myDoc.hyperlinks.length; myCounter > 0 ; myCounter--){
                   myDoc.hyperlinks[myCounter - 1].remove();

  • I have a title on my site I did in MS Word Art. It displays fine in IE on an XP system, but the same system with firefox 3.6.17 it shows a rectangle box. The same on my windows 7 laptop with FF4.

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    Bob 805-552-7634

    The '''bgsound''' tag isn't compatible with much except for Internet Explorer. <br />
    Also, FrontPage isn't the best tool for creating webpages, it tends to code for older versions of Internet Explorer instead of "standards compatibility" mode.

  • HT1338 I have Microsoft for Mac 2011 on my OSX Lion. I want to take advantage of Word Art and be able to flip text to print on fabric. Can't seem to find how to do this... Help, please!

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    Is anyone familiar with Microsoft for Mac 2011?  I also have an HP Photosmart printer that should be able to reverse print but that too is defeating me but I don't give up...
    Thanks for any suggestions!

    For any object (photo, WordArt, etc.), right click on the object and choose Format Shape. Choose 3-D Rotation in the left column. In the X field, type 180 and press tab. Click OK to accept the change. Here, I reversed some WordArt text.

  • Saving report generation word file to a previous version of word

    hello everybody,
    well, the problem is quite simple.
    on the computer of my bench I have office 2007, when I save a report generation word file it saves it from the template to a word 2007 file. file which is unreadable from a word 2003.
    Is there any option on the report generation toolkit that allow me to save this file to a previous version of word like we do when we do save As on Word 2007 ?
    thanks for your answer...

    I don't really know the exactly answer to your question about an option to save to a previous versions of word. But you can program it because the Save Report to a File.vi accept both ".doc" and ".docx" extensions. If you use the ".docx" extension or just the file name without extension (in the File Dialog express vi, for example), you will open the document only with Microsoft Office 2007. If you use the ".doc" extension, you will open the document with Microsoft Office 2003 and with Microsoft Office 2007 (in compatibility mode).
    Let me know it this tip helped you.

  • Does anyone know what is the best version of word I can have on my older mac mini 10.5.8 PPC? I am running Leopard. Does anyone have it or know where I can get it please?

    Does anyone know what is the best version of word I can have on my older mac mini 10.5.8 PPC? I am running Leopard. Does anyone have it or know where I can get it please?

    I agree with Grant. But to answer your question, that would be Word 2008. A quick search turns it up on sale at Amazon. You'll need to find it somewhere other than Microsoft itself, since MS stopped selling it when they released Word 2011.

  • Import Error: The document was created with an unsupported version of Word.

    This is the message I get when opening up a Word doc from a cross-country client:
    *Import Error*
    The document was created with an unsupported version of Word.
    Unfortunately, he's out of touch for the next week so I have no idea which version he is using...although a look using BBEdit reveals this in the footer of the doc: Microsoft Word for Windows.
    Is there a list of supported and unsupported versions of Word, so I can be prepared for my next encounter with this message?
    Message was edited by: Alan Bucknam

    If you can open it up, is the formatting of great importance, or is it just the information you need? If its info, copy from BBEdit and paste into your Pages doc. Sometimes you can open it in text edit and then save as a different format. (I think its text edit, one of the OSX word processors opens word docs ok.)
    Sorry, this also appears as a problem in Numbers (believe it or not, its also a problem with Office 2007 for windows too). The explanation gets a bit complicated, but there are so many variations of how a M$ document is created. (not all docs are made by M$ products remember, but exported from other programs on different systems, even if it says "Word for windows").
    Because of the varied amount of things that can be wrong (that M$ products seem to overlook, or fill in the gaps that would normally cause an error), there is no hard list of non-compatible versions.
    This is just as we ( a bunch of nerds here and around the web), have found out from experimenting with different versions and such.
    hope this helps and hope the copy paste or save as works for you.

  • "Word Art" in appleworks 6

    Im running Appleworks 6 on an emac...doing some Hw for a Computer class that requires to do tasks in Word on windows. Yet up to this point Ive been able to do everything I need within my Document but cant seem to find the word art feature? Does appleorks have one? where can it be found? Thanks in advance to anyone who answers it, time is of the essence.

    AppleWorks does not include a "Word Art" function similar to the one in MS Word.

  • What is mac's version of word ?

    what is mac's version of word ?

    If you are looking for the apple word processing/ desktop publishing it's Pages which it typically a part of the iWork suite which includes Keynote (presentation) and Numbers (spreadsheet). They can all export into Office.

  • Anyone know "what version" of Word that Pages exports to?

    I have a business need to know what version of Word Pages exports as? It doesn't state anywhere and I am assuming if it is not a .docx it must be an older version. Any clue or ideas?

    Pages 4.1 (latest version) exports Word documents with a .doc file extension.
    The Finder's Get Info window reports the Word document to be a "Microsoft Word 97 - 2004 document".
    When I open the exported Wod document with Word 2011 it also says it's a "type" of "Microsoft Word 97 - 2004 document". Running Word's Compatibility Check says it's compatible with Word 97-2011 (though this document is very simple)
    NB Earlier versions of Pages might export to a different Word format.

  • To Run a Word Macro recorded in 2000 in latest versions of Word

    Hello All,
    I have recorded a macro in word 2000 and calling that macro through Jacob 1.11 in my Java Swing application. That works fine for word 2000. I just want to use that same macro in Word Xp and for latest versions of Word. The problem is it is not invoking the macro in Word XP. But internally it is functionaning. I want to open it whenever the Word is opened.
    I have placed the macro other than in Normal.dot file and trying to open it. It opens in word 2000 as i said but not in XP and latest versions. Please refer the following code and help me....
    thanks in advance
    import java.io.File;
    import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;
    import com.jacob.com.Dispatch;
    import com.jacob.com.Variant;
    public class WordEventTest
         public WordEventTest()
                        File wordFileName = new File("C:"+File.separator+"example5.rtf");
                   String strWordFile = wordFileName.toString();
                        String secondFile = "C:" + File.separator+"example1.rtf";
                        ActiveXComponent wordDocuments = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");
                        wordDocuments.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(true));
                        Dispatch documents = Dispatch.get(wordDocuments, "Documents").toDispatch();
                        Dispatch openDocuments = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", new Variant(strWordFile)).toDispatch();
                        Dispatch.call(openDocuments, "SaveAs", new Variant(secondFile), new Variant(6));
                        wordDocuments.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(false));
                        Dispatch copiedDocument = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", new Variant(secondFile)).toDispatch();
                        Dispatch.call(wordDocuments, "Run", new Variant("iMedXGrading.NewMacros.Grading"));
                        Dispatch oldDocuments = Dispatch.call(documents, "Open", new Variant(secondFile)).toDispatch();
                   }catch(Exception e)
         public static void main(String args[])
              WordEventTest wordTest = new WordEventTest();

    Hi All,
    While doing the same I am facing an issue.
    Actually I am getting the exception
    com.jacob.com.ComFailException: A COM exception has been encountered:
    At Invoke of: Documents
    Description: An unknown COM error has occured.
         at com.jacob.com.Dispatch.invokev(Native Method)
         at com.jacob.com.Dispatch.get(Dispatch.java)
         at WordEventTest.<init>(WordEventTest.java:24)
         at WordEventTest.main(WordEventTest.java:47)
    where line 24 marked as"Dispatch documents = Dispatch.get(wordDocuments, "Documents").toDispatch();"
    and the line 47 is as"WordEventTest wordTest = new WordEventTest();"
    any suggestion to remove the exception.

  • RH HTML v9.0.2: Supported Version of Word Does Not Exist Error

    I am running RoboHelp HTML v on a Windows 7 64-bit machine, with Microsoft Office 2013 32-bit installed.
    When I try to generate printed output, I get a message box stating that "A supported version of Microsoft Word does not exist.  Please install Microsoft Word 2000 or newer."  I have tried different projects, including the sample RoboHelp projects, and get the same message.
    I have read other similar questions, but for many of the people the problem was due to running a 64-bit version of Word.
    1) Is there somewhere in the RH interface that I can "select" the version of Word I am running or set the path to my Word install folder?
    2) Is there a fix available?
    3) Will upgrading to RH 11 fix the problem?
    Thank you for your input....

    Well, it's not supported and it's a hack... But you may want to try: Re: Importing Word 2013 files into existing projects in RH10
    Yes. Office 2013 is fully supported in RoboHelp 11. Upgrading will also solve browser compatibility options as well give you lots of new features. See Peter's RoboHelp Tour.
    Kind regards,

  • Is there something comparable to Microsoft word on my Mac or should I just download the Mac version of Word? Is there a FREE download?

    Is there a similar program comparable to Microsoft word or should I down load the Mac version of word? Is There a free down load? When I down load the free version it tells me there is no place to down load it to? I am new at this, Thanks.

    Tried using Pages? you already have that and it is a word processor and can export to Word as well as open, but it does not use or save in Word format by default - you have to export each time you want or need the file in .docx

  • Word Art crashing microsoft office

    I recently became a MAC user, I am very excited, however have one large problem. A lot of my PC microsoft files have either word art or just regular boxes and things in them. Whenever I open one of these files, or even try to add word art to a new file it crashes the program running. This is in word, excel and powerpoint.
    Any suggestions would be great! Thank you in advance,
    Mac Book Pro   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    It appears Office X didn't have the same problems: http://www.microsoft.com/mac/otherproducts/officex/using.aspx?pid=usingofficex&t ype=howto&article=/mac/LIBRARY/howto_articles/officex/ofclipgal.xml
    The general support page is here (in case you can dig up with something better) : http://www.microsoft.com/mac/support.aspx
    One more thing, rather two: a) Does saving as .RTF help?, b) Did you try opening them with OpenOffice or NeoOffice? Both are originated from Sun's Star Office but they might do the work. Both are freeware and can be found at MacUpdate, Versiontracker etc.

  • Does Pages have something equivalent to MS Word's "Word Art"?

    Does Pages have something equivalent to MS Word's "Word Art?"

    Thanks but I mean stylized lettering like those below, not clip art.

Maybe you are looking for

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