Edit to Tape offset by 3s problem / solution

I've been having some strange edit to tape issues.
After entering all mastering settings and start point my deck PVW2800 would start 3 seconds later resulting in incorrect timecodes. This was happening randomly
Should start at 58:30:00 but started at 58:33:00
Make sure your deck is in remote before opening the edit to tape window.
Why? Not really sure. But it now works perfectly.
This may be helpfull for someone in the future (until the post expires and is wiped)

+ Thanks for posting this Bryan, it should help someone.

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    System Configuration: Final Cut Pro v5.0.3, AJA KonaSD, Keyspan USA-28x USB-->Serial Adapter, ATTO UL3D SCSI card
    Summary: A Playback Offset of -3 frames is needed to have a slate (.mov export from Adobe After Effects) inserted into a Digital Betacam tape at the same timecode address as where it is located on the Final Cut Pro timeline. Material captured by the KonaSD card requires an additional -3 frame offset in order to be inserted into a Digital Betacam tape at the same timecode address as where it is located on the Final Cut Pro timeline. If I go to Audio/Video Settings-->Device Control-->Device Control Preset Editor-->Playback Offset and set the offset to -3 frames, the slate will be inserted at the proper timecode address on a Digital Betacam tape. When that same sequence has KonaSD captured material that needs to be inserted as well, the KonaSD captured material must be moved 3 frames closer to the start of the sequence in order to have it inserted into the Digital Betacam tape at the proper timecode address.
    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Load a .mov export from Adobe After Effects into a Final Cut Pro sequence, and spot it at 00:59:50:00.
    2. Load KonaSD captured material into the same Final Cut Pro sequence, and spot it at 01:00:00:00.
    3. Go to Audio/Video Settings-->Device Control-->Device Control Preset Editor-->Playback Offset and set a playback offset of -3 frames.
    4. Perform an edit to tape (insert edit) with a DVW-A500.
    Expected Results: The slate should appear at 00:59:50:00 on the Digital Betacam tape, and the KonaSD captured material should appear at 01:00:00:00 on the Digital Betacam tape.
    Actual Results: The KonaSD captured material appears at 01:00:00:03 on the Digital Betacam tape. It is edited to tape three (3) frames late.
    Regression: This problem did not exist with Final Cut Pro HD with Mac OS X v10.3.9.
    Notes: The only workaround is to manually shift the KonaSD captured material three (3) frames earlier in the timeline.
    Does anyone have any insight as to what is going on here?
    Thanks for reading!

    It has been my experience that FW control never results in perfectly frame accurate edits.
    Since you have the BR-DV3000U deck, you have the option of serial control. I believe you might be able to get frame accurate edits with that, but I cannot say for sure.

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    To hide/disable controls based on user group in an InfoPath form, a solution is that we can call User Profile Service to check the group of current user, then hide/disable
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    Here is a demo with steps in details would be helpful to you:
    More information about checking if a user is a member in a SharePoint group within web InfoPath 2010 forms:
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
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  • Editing to Tape problems

    Hi all,
    I am trying to edit to tape going form FCP 504 to a Sony DSR 45 DVCam deck. There seems to be no problems going to the SP Deck, however if I enter the in-point (as per manual) in the master mode edit to tape window, and then drag the sequence over, nothing seems to happen. I thought this may have somethign to do with the "insert timecode" button, which seems to remain yellow all the time... is this switched on or off? Either way I couldn't get it to change state.
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    Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
    G5 dual 2Gb   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   AJA card, 3GB RAM, DVCam & SP Decks

    Once again hmmmm.....
    I set all my setting for the DVCAM deck to use firewire and all the FCp settings for firewire. Even this ws not working! So I then repatched the video using the components in and hey presto its all works.
    It seems I am using the firewire to control the deck but the AJA Kona to output the actual video signal, eventhough no setting should be using the Kona - only direct firewire to firewire! Is this the opposite to what you said patrick? It all just seems so random really, but I guess it has something to do with the Kona and how thats controlling output... not sure.
    Just glad to be back up and running, although I have heard that the problem you suggest re frame accuracy may become an issue, but I read that it only usually has an effect on long programs.
    Thanks for your help, however please do suggest any reasons behind why only this set up works for me. I'd love to know whats going on for future problem solving.
    Regards, Nick
    G5 dual 2.7 Gb   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   AJA card, 3.5GB RAM, DVCam & SP Decks

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    2. Switching to FireWire control for output involves diving into the menus to change some settings and then switching back again when I want to capture.
    3. If there is a problem during the edit to tape, I would like to be able to use insert editing which (if I'm correct), is not possible under FireWire control. The deck is edit capable BTW.
    Has anybody got this deck to work for output from FCP using RS422?

    Try trashing or moving your FCP prefs. here's a dandy utility: http://fcprescue.andersholck.com/
    It will reset to all standard settings, and I'd experiment with LTC+VITC and VITC alone in/with the machine's device settings, if a preset doesn't work.
    Post the exact versions of FCP, OS, and QuickTime you are running too. You're doing this on which mac?

  • Timecode problem on edit to tape

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    Thanks in advance

    Sounds like someone has been striping tapes and forgot to set the machine back to normal.
    Press the "TC" menu button (should be right below the home button) and make sure the settings are INT-L and REGEN. Sorry I can't be more precise, I'm not at work now and this is from memory. Most of our HDW-F500s are in the garbage and we're using SRW5500s, but the TC menu isn't going to change that much between models.

  • Edit to tape confusing drop frame and non drop frame

    This is a re-creation of a dead thread I found from June 6, 2006. This is the exact problem this other user was having.
    OS 10.4.7
    FCP 5.0.4
    Dual G5 2.5
    4.5 GB RAM
    Trying to edit to a Sony DVW-A500 (Digibeta) in Drop Frame mode.
    Read Below for deets.
    Problem: When working with a drop-frame sequence, and editing to tape, the program is edited to the tape with an offset of 3 seconds and 18 frames at the end of one hour.
    Reproducible: Yes.
    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Create a drop-frame sequence.
    2. Edit the sequence in step 1.
    3. Perform an edit to tape with the sequence edited in step 2.
    What should happen: The sequence should be edited to tape at the time it occurs in the timeline.
    What does happen: The sequence is edited to the tape 3 seconds and 18 frames after it should be!
    Other observations: 3 seconds and 18 frames is exactly how much time is not in an hour of drop-frame time when compared to non-drop frame time. If you drop two (2) frames in every minute that does not end in zero, the math works out to 2*54=108 dropped frames in an hour. For the sake of simple mathematics, lets say there are 30 frames in a second. So 108/30= 3 with a remainder of 18, or 3 seconds and 18 frames.
    It's as if FCP is getting confused about drop and non-drop timecode when the sequence is drop-frame. If anyone can offer any insights, confirmation, or resolutions for what I am seeing, it would be appreciated.
    Thanks for reading!

    So is the timeline a drop frame timeline, starting at 1:00:00:00?
    And then is the DBeta tape prestriped (at least enough to do an assemble edit) to start the program at 01:00:00:00?
    In other words, is the FCP timeline timecode matching the Dbeta tape timecode in a 1:1 relationship before you attempt to Edit to Tape?
    Thinking further: FCP can't really confuse the two timecodes, it's dependent on the operator to tell it what to do. When it outputs it's not outputing timecode or looking even really looking for timecode. It's looking for your IN point in the Edit to Tape tool.
    Message was edited by: loyed256

  • Drop-Frame v. Non-Drop Frame and Edit to Tape

    System Configuration: G5 Dual 2.0, QT v7.0.4, FCP v5.0.4, OS X v10.4.6, KonaLH, Keyspan USA-28x USB-->Serial Adapter
    Problem: When working with a drop-frame sequence, and editing to tape, the program is edited to the tape with an offset of 3 seconds and 18 frames.
    Reproducible: Yes.
    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Create a drop-frame sequence.
    2. Edit the sequence in step 1.
    3. Perform an edit to tape with the sequence edited in step 2.
    What should happen: The sequence should be edited to tape at the time it occurs in the timeline.
    What does happen: The sequence is edited to the tape 3 seconds and 18 frames after it should be!
    Other observations: 3 seconds and 18 frames is exactly how much time is not in an hour of drop-frame time when compared to non-drop frame time. If you drop two (2) frames in every minute that does not end in zero, the math works out to 2*54=108 dropped frames in an hour. For the sake of simple mathematics, lets say there are 30 frames in a second. So 108/30= 3 with a remainder of 18, or 3 seconds and 18 frames.
    It's as if FCP is getting confused about drop and non-drop timecode when the sequence is drop-frame. If anyone can offer any insights, confirmation, or resolutions for what I am seeing, it would be appreciated.
    Thanks for reading!

    This may be related to a "bug" or issue that has been around since FCP1. When FCP is using deck control over firewire, The timecode display will default to DF, even if the tape is NDF. Look closely at the timecode dispays in the edit to tape window. If you see a semicolon before the frames place, FCP is seeing the tape TC as DF. Play the tape until you see the TC display change to NDF, then re-set your in point. This has worked for me in the past.
    Hope this helps.

  • Edit to tape - timecode mismatch between timeline & output tape (Digi Beta)

    I'm trying to edit to tape (insert) a programme. The clock drops in on exactly the right frame but by the time I get to the end of part there's a 2 frame difference between my timeline TC and the master tape's TC. In other words my timeline ends at 11.30.00 but when I play back the recorded tape the same frame is now 11.30.02. Is there a) an explanation for this and b) a solution? I need frame accuracy as I'm exporting my audio to OMF for the dub. Any advice hugely appreciated. Thanks. J
    Digi Beta - Uncompressed 8 Bit - PAL.
    Dual 2.7 G5   Mac OS X (10.4)   Blackmagic HD Link
    Dual 2.7 G5   Mac OS X (10.4)  

    Wish I could offer more help other than to say Blackmagic is usually pretty quick with a fix once they identify there is a problem. We're in Sydney, and had some problems with dropped frames a couple of years ago, and they did some very quick testing and realised that they hadn't tested there new drivers with Batch digitise - point is, they issued a fix (updated driver) extremely quickly.
    Go through your supplier and see if you can get their ear, especially if you can identify the problem happening consistently.

  • Diff one frame when outputing via edit to tape.

    So.... my problem is simply that the video I am outputing via edit to tape is diffing one frame in maybe 50% of the times. This makes my job a little more stressful in deadline situations.
    How do I solve this problem?

    Thank you Shane,
    This is my specs:
    codec: AJA VUY
    tape: digibeta
    capture card: aja cona LH
    FCP: 6.0.4
    QT: 7.5
    Yes exactly, my movie starts at 10:00:00:01 if Im not so lucky, but that happens randomly, maybe 50% of the times. In bigger timelines this can cause big delays.
    I have tried changing frame offset in playback control and changed the playback offset in the Device control Preset, back and forward, without any result.
    This man, Marcus, seems to have the same problem.
    Any clues?
    Thank you so much for your help!

  • Edit to tape audio promlem - sounds like "chorus" effect

    I have tried to Edit to Tape an HDV Sequence, down converted to SD, to a Digibeta deck.
    When I monitor (headphone out of digibeta deck) while recording it sounds normal. When I rewind and check tape it sounds like the audio is "doubled up", almost like a very short chorus effect is on the audio. as well as this I can hear what sounds like tape crackle now and again.
    However - when I do a straight crash record from the timeline - the audio plays back fine, no crackle.
    So thinking it was an edit to tape settings problem i clicked on the audio button in the edit to tape window and notice audio was set to ALL ON. I changed this to A1 and A2 on, thinking that my extra audio tracks (which I had disabled, these where the original audio, not the OMF exported stereo mix) were somehow going down the SDI anyway...
    No luck - did the edit to tape again and still sounded the same.
    My heart rate has returned to normal now as the network kindly will accept the crash record with non standard timecode - but I of course still want to find out the problem so this doesn't happen again next week....
    The Sequence was HDV 1080i, via a Decklink HD Extreme Capture Card, set to down convert to anamorphic 16:9. Sony Digibeta DVW-A500P deck.
    Anyone know what the problem could be?

    for the benefit of anyone who searches for forum for a similar problem - it appears to have been a sync issue. changing "out ref" to "input video" appears to have fixed it.

  • Having trouble with audio edit to tape, print to video ok

    Hi all, please go easy on me, this is my first post.
    I am having difficulty getting audio on to tape via 'edit to tape'.
    The hardware is blackmagic decklink extreme, feeding component video and analoge audio to a UVW-1800P.
    I can do a print to video on a crash record and the audio works that way, but edit to tape does not.
    I have tried both deck link and built in audio in the audio settings and the FCP a/v settings, seperate and ganged output settings, I have set the insert settings to 2 channel Sony, reloaded the decklink drivers.
    The irritating thing is the audio is there whilst cutting, but as soon as I try edit to tape there is complete silence. The important thing is that it worked a few weeks back but does not now, it must be a setting?
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    This machine I am working with this week is an Intel MacPro running FCP 5.1.2 and Mac OS 10.4.8
    G5 Dual 2GHz-Blackmagic Decklink Pro, G3 with Sonnet G4 upgrade   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
    G5 Dual 2GHz-Blackmagic Decklink Pro, G3 with Sonnet G4 upgrade   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    I had this same problem and this resolved it for me:
    -Go to your "Settings" icon and click on the "General" tab.
    -About 2/3 way down the page you will see "Use side switch to:" - make sure "mute" is checked rather than "lock rotation."
    -Then make sure the side switch, located next to the volume toggle switch on the side of your ipad, is moved to the right (no red dot showing).
    My audio worked fine in embedded videos after I did those two things.  Hope it works for you.

  • Edit to tape in Final Cut Studio 2 question

    This entire week we've been dividing time and shoots using one camera, a Panasonic DVX100A. As a result I think the settings on our camera and computer have changed a bit between shoots. That being said I'm having a problem doing an 'Edit to Tape' from the file menu in Final Cut Pro 6.0.3. When the Edit to Tape window comes up, we set the in point there after pulling over the Sequence we want to edit to tape on the camera monitor for the recorder it says it's recording. However, all I see it a blue screen with the 'REC' notice at the top. Since we've done this using this camera a few times I'm not sure what settings may have changed. To sum up, I need to know what has to change in order for me to effectively edit a sequence to tape in FCP 6. Thanks (most definitely) in advance for your help!

    Alex, thanks for your help. I didn't notice one of the FCP settings for my camera had been changed. Funny how working at 2:45 a.m. can sneak up on your brain.
    Thanks again & take care!

  • Edit to Tape not working for me!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!

    Hey everyone,
    I've researched this in many forums and have found what could be the answer, only to try and still get NOTHING!!!
    When I drag seq. to ETT window I get the pop-up but 'insert', 'assemble', and 'preview' are kind of greyed out, and don't let me drop anything in, i.e sequence from browser, from viewer, clips, etc.
    To Output Final Sequence from FCP6 to DVCPRO HD Tape, (Panasonic 1200a Deck). WITH TIMECODE for Broadcast at 29.97/59.94!!
    *MAC PRO-*
    Quad Core Intel Xeon Processor
    3 Ghz
    2 Processors
    8 cores
    L2 Cache per proc. 8MB
    Bus Speed 1.33 Ghz
    Boot Rom Ver. MP21.007F.B06
    SMC Ver. 1.15f3
    *FCP Ver. 6.0.2*
    *AJA KONA 3 Ver. 5.1*
    Digital out – 720p 59.94
    Control – Playback timing /Genlock - Freerun
    Codec – Pattern 2:3:3:2
    Timecode - Input ---RP188 LTC
    - Output--- Use QT Timecode is UNCHECKED
    - 30 FPS DF
    *Panasonic DVCPRO HD AJ-HD1200A*
    Timecode Settings –
    Footage was shot 720P 24PN on Panasonic HVX200. Ingested via P2 Cards/P2 Store, (W/ REMOVE ADVANCED PULLDOWN FRAMES checked).
    Project was edited in a 23.98 timeline.
    Have tried: Exporting to QT at both 29.97 and 59.94—then re-importing into FCP with a new timeline w/ matching settings.
    I have been told that FCP doesn’t produce TC ‘going out’ and that essentially we are looking to 'MATCH-EDIT' to timecode on tape.
    I have Black and coded tape to 00:58:50;00
    Project In point is 00:59:00;02 --for all intents/purposes this is a test seq. so OUT point is 01:01:00;07
    I have complete Deck Control in FCP but, the problem I’m having is not being able to use the “Edit to Tape” func. In FCP. I can Black and Code the beginning of the tape, and the “ETT” window shows the corresponding timecode on the deck, but when I go to drop the sequence in the ‘Insert’ or ‘Assemble’ drop box, I get nothing? I don’t know if it’s the settings in the DECK, KONA CARD or FCP??

    That deck cannot do insert editing or assemble editing with proper show time to the 1200 deck. That is that decks big weakness. Only the 1400 deck has this ability. You'll have to crash record and then get the tape dubbed at a dub facility with the proper show code.
    TRUST ME...I have been down this path.

  • Urgent Help Edit to tape!!!

    I have a edit of 44 mins long , show that I have edit to tape a million times before and all the sudden it gets to a certain point on playout and stops everytime.
    I have open a new project , exported the show to a QT file all the same problem!!!
    When the QT file works in one place it bombs out on another place , I have turned off the unimited RT, deleted all un-used tracks , My drives speed are more than capable been working just fine for a longtime....and I have rebooted and changed tape ....
    So what is it?

    Just to see whether you possibly have a corrupt project, try copy & paste to a new project.

Maybe you are looking for