Error Event ID 2004

Why this error occurs?
I created Windows server2008R2 image with SQL server 2008 installed with database i had, then sysprep and when i deployed the image on another server it, i saw this error on event viewer.

From the problem description, I understand that you received the error code as followed:
Event ID 2004: Unable to open the Server service performance object. The first four bytes
(DWORD) of the Data section contains the status code.
Network Performance Counters are collected and used by services and applications. If they are installed incorrectly or with improper permissions,
those services or applications cannot collect or interpret the data.
Base on my research, please follow the procedures included in the article below to verify and resolve the issue:
Title: Event ID 2004 — Network Performance Counter Availability
I hope the information provided above is helpful to you.
JamesPlease remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

Similar Messages

  • Event ID 2004, error, source PerfNet

    I'm running Exchange Server 2013 on Windows Server 2012 R2, and I'm getting this error event every time I start the server: ID 2004, source PerfNet, text "Unable
    to open the Server service performance object. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the status code (0000: c0000034 or 0000: 34 00 00 c0)."
     I have not noticed any problems with the Exchange Server's operation, but I'm checking into all the warnings and errors logged on the system.  I haven't been able to find anything helpful about this one online, so I figured I'd throw it up here
    and see if anyone has any insight into it.  Thanks in advance if you do.

    Hi DBVW Architects,
    This issue may cause by 3rd party processes are loading performace dll's.
    The service is loading perfnet.dll and querying the server service before it starts.
    The 3rd party service starts before the server service.
    Please try to find following processes and changed all the services below to automatic delayed start and rebooted the server.
    HP Insight NIC Agents
    HP Insight Server Agents
    HP Insight Storage Agents
    BladeLogic RSCD Agent
    HP Insight Foundation Agents
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Windows 7 rc error event id 6008

    Hey ppl, I've notice people on this forum with similar problems but not exactly the same as mine... I've been using win 7 RC x86 for the past month and it worked great. About 4 days ago it started randomly crashing but with no blue screen of death. It crashed like someone pulled the plug on the machine so my monitor shows a black screen getting no video input however my power light on my pc stays on... After it happened 3 times in one day i did a clean install... It worked great for a day and then happened again... It happens at random time intervals and except for one time, while i am not using the pc... It is getting really annoying now, I will prob try another clean install but it may just happen the same way again... I tried the memory test and it returned with no problems... And I did not install much applications since the last time i re installed... just office, photoshop and nero 8... I have my power setting set to never turn the monitor off nor the hard drive and i don't use a screen saver...normally when i leave the machine i just turn my monitor off...
    Here is the error i got in event viewer...
    Event xmlns="">
    - <System>
      <Provider Name="EventLog" />
      <EventID Qualifiers="32768">6008</EventID>
      <TimeCreated SystemTime="2009-08-31T05:10:39.000000000Z" />
      <Security />
    - <EventData>
      <Data>9:08:59 PM</Data>
      <Data />
      <Data />
      <Data />
      <Data />
    I use an amd athlon 64 dual core 5000+ (2.6GHz) with 4GB ram...
    Thanks for the future help....

    there is no %systemroot%\minidump folder...
    this is what i get in the event logs for the crashes
    firstly under critical
    - <Event xmlns="">
    - <System>
      <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power" Guid="{331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}" />
      <TimeCreated SystemTime="2009-09-02T04:02:20.300000000Z" />
      <Correlation />
      <Execution ProcessID="4" ThreadID="8" />
      <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />
    - <EventData>
      <Data Name="BugcheckCode">0</Data>
      <Data Name="BugcheckParameter1">0x0</Data>
      <Data Name="BugcheckParameter2">0x0</Data>
      <Data Name="BugcheckParameter3">0x0</Data>
      <Data Name="BugcheckParameter4">0x0</Data>
      <Data Name="SleepInProgress">false</Data>
      <Data Name="PowerButtonTimestamp">0</Data>
    and under error
    - <Event xmlns="">
    - <System>
      <Provider Name="EventLog" />
      <EventID Qualifiers="32768">6008</EventID>
      <TimeCreated SystemTime="2009-09-02T04:02:34.000000000Z" />
      <Security />
    - <EventData>
      <Data>8:00:33 PM</Data>
      <Data />
      <Data />
      <Data />
      <Data />
    that's all i find....

  • Error event id 2 - Kernel Event Tracing - Session "" failed to start with the following error: 0xC000000D

    I keep getting this strange error logged as Error event id 2. Note session string is blank "". Any ideas?
    Log Name:      Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing/Admin
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing
    Date:          24/12/2009 09:08:20
    Event ID:      2
    Task Category: Session
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Session
    User:          SYSTEM
    Computer:      George-XXL
    Session "" failed to start with the following error: 0xC000000D
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing" Guid="{B675EC37-BDB6-4648-BC92-F3FDC74D3CA2}" />
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2009-12-24T09:08:20.835299100Z" />
        <Correlation />
        <Execution ProcessID="1944" ThreadID="1948" />
        <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />
        <Data Name="SessionName">
        <Data Name="FileName">
        <Data Name="ErrorCode">3221225485</Data>
        <Data Name="LoggingMode">5</Data>

    Can you let us know if you get any Blue Screen crush error while using your comptuer?
    Generally we can safely ignore the errors in the Event log. Aas we don't if you have get other issues in your computer, you can test your computer in the Clean Boot mode. This method will help us determine if this issue is caused by a loading program or service.
    You can try the the following steps:
    1. Click the Start Button type "msconfig" (without quotation marks) in the Start Search box, and then press Enter.
    2. Click the "Services" tab, check the "Hide All Microsoft Services" box and click "Disable All" (if it is not gray).
    3. Click the "Startup" tab, click "Disable All" and click "OK".
    Then, restart the computer. When the "System Configuration Utility" window appears, please check the "Don't show this message or launch the System Configuration Utility when Windows starts" box and click OK.
    Please test this issue in this Clean Boot environment, if the issue disappears in the Clean Boot environment, you can use the dichtomy to quickly narrow down which entry is causing the issue. You can refer to the
    Good luck!
    This is a very poor answer.  This guy doesn't know what he's talking about because if you tell someone its ok to  "safely ignore the errors in the event log"  as a blanket instruction ESPECIALLY because as he stated so himself
    he didn't know if there were other issues with the OP's pc then he's giving really bad advice. If you ignore errors in the event log then over time your system will degrade and you will have other issues.. Every error on your pc should NOT be ignored.
    It should be decided on a case by case situation.
    Furthermore this is an error involving the Windows Session which it states has failed. Definitely should NOT be ignored.
    I've got the same error which has suddenly just showed up. No BSOD, Do not have WHS installed and all my media center connectors have NEVER been connected. I don't believe this is a service issue. I think it has something
    to do with kernel event tracing.
    Of course, it's just my opinion....I could be wrong!

  • Error Event ID 54 iSCSI

    One of our server's client is receiving Event ID 5 iScsi, we solved this issue by removing targets and disabling iscsi service. Now we are receiving this error:
    Log Name:      System
    Source:        iScsiPrt
    Date:          7/25/2014 3:41:27 PM
    Event ID:      5
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Failed to setup initiator portal. Error status is given in the dump data.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="iScsiPrt" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="49152">5</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-07-25T19:41:27.616672100Z" />
        <Security />

    Would you please let me confirm edition information of the server where this issue occurred? Was SBS 2011,
    SBS 2008 or any other?
    On current situation, please refer to following KB and check if can help you.
    Error event ID 5 is logged in the System log on a computer
    that uses the iSCSI Software Initiator to connect to an iSCSI target device
    If any update, please feel free to let me know.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu

  • CrystalReportViewer: "Missing parameter values with implemented error event

    I'm using the CrystalReportViewer in (C#), and try to display a report in it.
    I've implemented the error event of the viewer to show the user a different error message than the viewer itself does.
             this.CrystalReportViewer.Error += new CrystalDecisions.Web.ErrorEventHandler(CrystalReportViewer_Error);
          protected void CrystalReportViewer_Error(object source, CrystalDecisions.Web.ErrorEventArgs e)
             var msg = "Error in CrystalReportViewer\r\n{0}".FormatInvariant(e.ErrorMessage);
             throw new InvalidOperationException(msg);
    But.... Now if I want to show a report that has parameters in it, the parameter page does not appear before the report itself. How can I make my code work (without removing the implementation of the error event), so the viewer first shows the parameter page, before showing the actual report?

    And in the Page_Load method:
    this.CrystalReportViewer.Error += new CrystalDecisions.Web.ErrorEventHandler(CrystalReportViewer_Error);
    I've done this so i can show my own error page to the user of the website. Otherwise the CRViewer shows his own error, and I do not want the user of the website to see this 'technical' error.
    So i've implemented the CrystalReportViewer.Error method:
    protected void CrystalReportViewer_Error(object source, CrystalDecisions.Web.ErrorEventArgs e)
       // Missing parameter values.
       var discardToShowParameterPrompt = (e.ErrorMessage.ToUpperInvariant() == "Missing parameter values.".ToUpperInvariant())
         || (e.ErrorMessage.ToUpperInvariant() == "Ontbrekende parameterwaarden.".ToUpperInvariant());
       if (discardToShowParameterPrompt)
          _Log.Debug("The parameter screen should be displayed now.");
          var msg = "Error in CrystalReportViewer: {0}".FormatInvariant(e.ErrorMessage);
          throw new InvalidOperationException(msg);
    If I load a report with no params in the report, the page shows immediately the report.
    If I load a report with params in the report, the params page is shown, the user can enter the param values, and after pressing OK, the report is shown.
    If an error occurs (for example the report cannot connect to the database), the viewer does NOT show the error (because i've implemented the _error event) but my code throws an InvalidOperationException, and this is handled by code so the error is logged to a file, and the user gets a user friendly message on the website.
    If i do not implement the _error event, the user will see the technical error in the crystal reports viewer.
    If I comment out the code where I'm looking for the string "Missing parameter values." (or "Ontbrekende parameterwaarden") the parameter page will not be shown, and an error will be thrown by the Crystal Reports viewer.
    If I put e.handled = true in the _error event, and there is an error (for example the database cannot be found), no error will be thrown, and there is nothing to see in the viewer.
    So for now the only way to get the params page is to implement the _error event the way i've done in the above code, checking the error message on a string value.

  • Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro Application Error Event ID 1000

    Version: Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro (Updated)
    Operating System: Windows XP (Sp2)
    Launch Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro
    Select File and open a PDF file
    Popup appears: Reading Untagged Document
    Then and error appears ... Adobe Acrobat 8.1 has encountered a problem and needs to close
    Also receive same error when I select Edit\Preferences
    Application Event log contains the following:
    Application Error Event ID 1000
    Faulting application acrobat.exe, version, faulting module admplugin.apl, version, fault address 0x000a7bf1.
    Have uninstalled and reinstalled change
    Any help would be apprciated

    No, I have not.
    Had another laptop and used it. 
    Re-imaged laptop exhibiting the issue and moved on
    Edward Bailey  |  Network Administrator  |  Pizza Inn, Inc
    t. 469.384.5231   [email protected]

  • Quorum/Witness Disk Offline every 15 minutes error - Event ID 1069 - Event ID 1558

    2 node active passive, 2008 failover cluster.  I keep getting the following error events:
    The cluster service detected a problem with the witness resource. The witness resource will be failed over to another node within the cluster in an attempt to reestablish access to cluster configuration data. Event ID 1558
    Cluster resource 'Cluster Disk 1' in clustered service or application 'Cluster Group' failed. Event ID 1069
    However my quorum disk is online from what I can see.   One thing I did notice is, the Quorum disk no longer has any files in it. It is just a empty drive.
    I also noticed these errors are being entered every 15 minutes exactly.
    I monitored the Quorum disk and it is going offline momentarily every 15 minutes.
    Experts Exchange Posts indicate this is known issue and waiting for microsoft to deliver SP2?  Really?
    Any thoughts - This does not resolved your issue because it applies only to the Quorum model Node and File share majority.
    The issue is because of the cluster configuration corruption and cluster I checking after every 15 minute and is seeing the cluster quorum disk in failed state (actually it is not failed) but is not able to update the current state of the quorum disk.
    Check for below logs in the cluster logs:
    00000d84.00000f58::2014/11/18-19:04:06.805 INFO  [QUORUM] Node 1: Witness Failed Gum Handler [QUORUM] Node 1
    00000d84.00000f58::2014/11/18-19:04:06.805 INFO  [QUORUM] Node 1: witness attach failed. next restart will happen at 2014/11/18-13:19:06.797
    00000d84.00000ef8::2014/11/18-19:04:06.805 INFO  [QUORUM] Node 1: quorum is not owned by anyone
    Try reforming the cluster, it will resolve the issue.
    Change the quorum model to Node majority and back to node and disk majority.
    Stop cluster service on all the nodes and then start them back when it is stopped on all the nodes.
    Himanshu Swarnkar (MSFT)

  • Event Source: Application Error Event ID: 1000 (F1Server.exe)

    We regulary have an Application Error with "faulting module ntdll.dll" (see below).
    And we can't find what is the problem.
    Can you help us? 
    Windows Server 2003 R2 Eneterprise Edition Service Pack 2
    [boot loader]
    [operating systems]
    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows Server 2003, Enterprise" /noexecute=AlwaysOff /fastdetect /PAE /3Gb
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: Application Error
    Event Category: (100)
    Event ID: 1000
    Date: 1/11/2014
    Time: 10:33:47 PM
    User: N/A
    Computer: MS-GARANT001
    Faulting application F1Server.exe, version, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.2.3790.4937, fault address 0x00060c17.
    0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74   Applicat
    0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c   ion Fail
    0010: 75 72 65 20 20 46 31 53   ure  F1S
    0018: 65 72 76 65 72 2e 65 78   erver.ex
    0020: 65 20 37 2e 39 2e 30 2e   e 7.9.0.
    0028: 30 20 69 6e 20 6e 74 64   0 in ntd
    0030: 6c 6c 2e 64 6c 6c 20 35   ll.dll 5
    0038: 2e 32 2e 33 37 39 30 2e   .2.3790.
    0040: 34 39 33 37 20 61 74 20   4937 at 
    0048: 6f 66 66 73 65 74 20 30   offset 0
    0050: 30 30 36 30 63 31 37      0060c17 

    This issue may be caused by corrupted files or application conflicts. I recommend you to run "sfc /scannow" at the command prompt to check the system files. In addition, you can perform a clean boot to see if any service is causing the issue.
    If the above cannot solve it, maybe you can find if there is any hotfix for the application or uninstall the application.
    Best regards,

  • Error "Event Queue Overflowed​" with the "Write file to Citadel Server"

    I can import data from a file and I can see the data
    in the historical database without troubling.
    But I always have this error "Event Queue Overflowed", that don't perturb my data and my application (I have just this boring message).
    I have tried many things :
    - increasing the size of my input buffer (-> 1.000.000, no change) : I don't think so that it's important because I've tried with a value of 100 and anyway sometimes my application works with this small value of 100.
    - increasing the File_location tag size (-> 260). No change.
    - My write to Citadel.cfg is in the LabVIEW folder.
    Can you help me ?
    Thank you.

    What version of LabVIEW DSC are you using? if it is 6.1, have you applied fixes linked below.​A0BB60D10086256B48006D44B5?opendocument
    I have seen a similar issue at the link below.​EID=101&RNAME=ViewQuestion&HOID=506500000008000000​8C640000&ECategory=LabVIEW.Datalogging+and+Supervi​sory+Control
    Please let me know if you have read it through?
    Best Regards,
    Remzi A.


    When Customer is Created / Updated using Receivables or TCA APIs in Oracle Apps 11.5.10, all registered Business Events are firing and subscription code (PL/SQL Rule Function) is executing successfully.
    In Administrator Workflow window, Notifications tab showing System Error: Warning Message for all the events which are subscribed.
    "System: Error Event WARNING : / " Warning Message.
    Please advice.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Whenever there is a requirement of raising a Business Event due to some custom activity, you should call wf_event.raise to do this.
    Just google to see the parameters you need to pass it while calling it.

  • Disk Error event ID 153

    Receiving disk error event ID 153 in Server 2012 - The IO operation at logical block address 0x0 for Disk 1 was retried. Does this error mean something is wrong with the hard drives?

    Possibly.  Run chkdisk to see if it turns up something.
    . : | : . : | : . tim

  • Error events 31551 and31552 only during the night

    events error 31551 and 31552 started show up for some time every night 00:00 to 08:00 “SQL exception timeout expired... timeout period elapsed prior to completion... “
    Also 16 events warning 2115 showed up in between the 31551-315522.
    At all time we have many warnings 29202,
    If not closely monitored our rms health service stops working ... "Staled" state
    No backup runs on SQL db. DBs are backed up by sql on another lun that is backed up by Tivoli tsm.
    No antivirus on Db.
    The SCOM db have been moved 3 weeks ago on from SQL 2k5 to SQL 2008 r2 sp1.
    My SQL admin found out that the SQL is generating lots of i/o (not all on disk, some in memory...) over 1 Tb of data  every night for some time... During the day DW db size is 74062,56 MB
    We moved SQL data and log folders on different  luns, DW on its own lun. We moved the Datawarehouse on another lun, it made no difference.
    The datawarehouse lun has long latency during the night, up to 15 sec.
    No new MP installed in the past 8 months, only few overrides and disables recently
    Our scom setup is 2007r2 cu7, rms on 2k3sp2, ms (acs) 2k3sp2 and ms 2k8sp2, 1 gateway in a dmz on 2k8 sp1 . Setup dated 2008 and 2011, all virtual Esx and approx. 150 agents.
    From what we have read it seems to be related to performance, however we are unable to find root cause of issue.
    Can you please help us determine what causes these error events to show up at night only...
    Summary of error events follows:
    Event Source: Health Service Modules
    Event Category: Data Warehouse
    Event ID: 31551
    Date:  04/06/2014
    Time:  08:00:31
    User:  N/A
    Computer: MMTRLPALPINF033
    Failed to store data in the Data Warehouse. The operation will be retried. Exception 'SqlException': Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
    One or more workflows were affected by this. 
    Workflow name: Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.Synchronization.Relationship
    Instance name: MMTRLPALPINF033.Prod.MJQ.Local
    Instance ID: {0F390614-0505-F7C2-49A3-128862BF520E
    Workflow name can also be  "Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.Synchronization.ManagedEntity "
    One 31551 with following description
    Failed to store data in the Data Warehouse.
    The operation will be retried. Exception 'SqlException':
    A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server.
     (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The semaphore timeout period has expired.)
    Event 31552
    vent Type: Error
    Event Source: Health Service Modules
    Event Category: Data Warehouse
    Event ID: 31552
    Date:  04/06/2014
    Time:  07:08:45
    User:  N/A
    Computer: MMTRLPALPINF033
    Failed to store data in the Data Warehouse. Exception 'SqlException': Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
    One or more workflows were affected by this. 
    Workflow name: Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.StandardDataSetMaintenance
    Instance name: Performance data set
    Instance ID: {3EC423BE-5714-81B5-AA64-29A3E158A7B6}
    Management group: OPSMGR_P
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: Health Service Modules
    Event Category: Data Warehouse
    Management group: OPSMG
    The 31552 was mostly with Instance name: Performance data set
    Some with Instance name: event  data set or state data set and some with the RMS server.

    You have moved the database to a new SQL server. What is the collation on the new server? Only SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS is supported. Please check free space in the SCOM DB's and transaction log DB.
    Same issue here, please refer to this one:
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Amfphp - flex remote object error event handler

    I'm using amfphp and I want it to return an error that the flex remote object error event handler will pick up. At the moment I can get only the result handler to do anything in flex.

    Try throwing an exception in the remote method. For example,
    function inverse($x) {
        if (!$x) {
            throw new Exception('Division by zero.');
        else return 1/$x;

  • Error Event ID 103 on publishing server

    Hello everyone
    I started migrating my environment from App-V 4.x to App-V 5.0
    I installed one App-V Management Server and one App-V Publishing server, I created a new group called App-V Admins  which includes all the App-V administrators and the machine accounts of both servers and I added it to the local
    administrator group on both of the servers so they will have full permission on each other
    the management server seems to work fine but the publishing server get
    AuthenticationFailed when I navigate to http://localhost:82.
    on the event viewer of the publishing server I see the Error Event ID 103.
    as a workaround I tired to install the Publishing role on the Management server and there - everything works fine and I can publish packages to clients without any issues.
    firewall is disabled on both servers so there's shouldn't be any block
    I re-installed the publishing server, changed ports... everything I could think of... I still get that annoying error 
    my environment is a bit restrict in general because it's a finance organization, so permissions on DC are not widely open but still, I even tried to add permissions on my DC's root  for App-V Admins and it makes no difference.
    anyway, following TechNet, there's no special permission request so I don't even know if that's the problem
    anyone with ideas?
    Tamir Levy

    Hi Sayareddy,
    What operations did you do when you met this issue?
    Whether you created some event receviers in your SharePoint.
    Please provid access to nt authority\authenticated users group in  the master page gallery as read.
    Repairing SharePoint installation, compare the result.
    If this issue still exists, I suggest you install the latest CU to check if it works.
    Here are some similar posts for your references:
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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