Extra content on HD

Hey !
I want to know how to put my extra logic's pro X content on my external HD.

A simple search of Google would have shown you many ways of doing this....
Here's one...
http://computers.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-move-logic-pros-instrument-librar y-to-an-external-hdd--mac-52571
As always, when moving files.. make sure you have fully backed up your system drive using a HD clone app such as Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper! so if anything goes wrong you can quickly restore things back to the way they were prior to any moving and deleting.... and of course, any such changes are done at your own risk...

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  • Extra content not showing up in fcp

    hello, when i installed my final cut i installed the 50+ gigs of extra content (sounds, templates, etc) on my second internal hard drive while the final cut apps are on my main hard drive. in final cut, under the veiwer generator pop-up menu there is a options for text, color bars, etc. there is also an option for master templates with an arrow by it. when i scroll to it nothing appears. does the extra content need to be on the same hard drive as the apps or do i have to tell final cut where the extra content is?

    hello rgd22,
    yes you are correct, there should be master templates in the FCP menu where you are looking ... the implementation of these is a bit, um, inconsistent, and while i can't find a place to set their location (to tell FCP where to find them), a search in the manual turns up some information on page 503 about where they should be ...
    have a look see if that helps.

  • [Solved] Openbox's rc.xml error "Extra content at the end of document"

    I have a rather silly problem with Openbox.
    I'm not a programming genius so, for me, dealing with XML is a pain but I usually manage to get OB's menus and other docs to work. Ive been banging my head into a wall of xml trying to add my own entry to OpenBox's rc.xml file.  All I want to add is an Xfce terminal centred on my Twinview desktop.  I've done it in the past but right now I can't get the rc.xml file to work.  Whenever I re-configure OpenBox I get the following message spit out at me:
    Extra content at the end of document on line ###
    So far, this is what I've attempted to get this to work:
    - I have tried recopying a new rc.xml from /etc/xdg/openbox to my home directory's ~/.config/openbox.  I was assuming I'd botched it entirely and started over from the beginning.
    - I have cut/copy/pasted the commented paragraph, above my entry, with the same co-ordinates and with the "force position" set to "yes."
    -I've googled this error but I only found one or two semi-relevant hits (from this forum no less!)  Unfortunately I did not find a fix to the issue or a reason as to why this error crops up
    I know that it's probably something that is easily missed but I honestly can't see it.  I'm hoping someone on the forum will have run across this issue before and had it fixed.  Below is a copy of my current rc.xml.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- Do not edit this file, it will be overwritten on install.
    Copy the file to $HOME/.config/openbox/ instead. -->
    <openbox_config xmlns="http://openbox.org/3.4/rc">
    <!-- always try to focus new windows when they appear. other rules do
    apply -->
    <!-- move focus to a window when you move the mouse into it -->
    <!-- focus the last used window when changing desktops, instead of the one
    under the mouse pointer. when followMouse is enabled -->
    <!-- move focus under the mouse, even when the mouse is not moving -->
    <!-- when followMouse is enabled, the mouse must be inside the window for
    this many milliseconds (1000 = 1 sec) before moving focus to it -->
    <!-- when followMouse is enabled, and a window is given focus by moving the
    mouse into it, also raise the window -->
    <!-- 'Smart' or 'UnderMouse' -->
    <!-- whether to place windows in the center of the free area found or
    the top left corner -->
    <!-- with Smart placement on a multi-monitor system, try to place new windows
    on: 'Any' - any monitor, 'Mouse' - where the mouse is, 'Active' - where
    the active window is -->
    <!-- The monitor where Openbox should place popup dialogs such as the
    focus cycling popup, or the desktop switch popup. It can be an index
    from 1, specifying a particular monitor. Or it can be one of the
    following: 'Mouse' - where the mouse is, or
    'Active' - where the active window is -->
    available characters are NDSLIMC, each can occur at most once.
    N: window icon
    L: window label (AKA title).
    I: iconify
    M: maximize
    C: close
    S: shade (roll up/down)
    D: omnipresent (on all desktops).
    <font place="ActiveWindow">
    <!-- font size in points -->
    <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
    <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
    <font place="InactiveWindow">
    <!-- font size in points -->
    <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
    <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
    <font place="MenuHeader">
    <!-- font size in points -->
    <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
    <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
    <font place="MenuItem">
    <!-- font size in points -->
    <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
    <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
    <font place="OnScreenDisplay">
    <!-- font size in points -->
    <!-- 'bold' or 'normal' -->
    <!-- 'italic' or 'normal' -->
    <!-- this stuff is only used at startup, pagers allow you to change them
    during a session
    these are default values to use when other ones are not already set
    by other applications, or saved in your session
    use obconf if you want to change these without having to log out
    and back in -->
    <!-- set names up here if you want to, like this:
    <name>desktop 1</name>
    <name>desktop 2</name>
    <!-- The number of milliseconds to show the popup for when switching
    desktops. Set this to 0 to disable the popup. -->
    <!-- 'Always', 'Never', or 'Nonpixel' (xterms and such) -->
    <!-- 'Center', 'Top', or 'Fixed' -->
    <!-- these are used if popupPosition is set to 'Fixed' -->
    <!-- positive number for distance from left edge, negative number for
    distance from right edge, or 'Center' -->
    <!-- positive number for distance from top edge, negative number for
    distance from bottom edge, or 'Center' -->
    <!-- You can reserve a portion of your screen where windows will not cover when
    they are maximized, or when they are initially placed.
    Many programs reserve space automatically, but you can use this in other
    cases. -->
    <!-- (Top|Bottom)(Left|Right|)|Top|Bottom|Left|Right|Floating -->
    <!-- 'Above', 'Normal', or 'Below' -->
    <!-- 'Vertical' or 'Horizontal' -->
    <!-- in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) -->
    <!-- in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) -->
    <!-- 'Left', 'Middle', 'Right' -->
    <!-- Keybindings for desktop switching -->
    <keybind key="C-A-Left">
    <action name="DesktopLeft">
    <keybind key="C-A-Right">
    <action name="DesktopRight">
    <keybind key="C-A-Up">
    <action name="DesktopUp">
    <keybind key="C-A-Down">
    <action name="DesktopDown">
    <keybind key="S-A-Left">
    <action name="SendToDesktopLeft">
    <keybind key="S-A-Right">
    <action name="SendToDesktopRight">
    <keybind key="S-A-Up">
    <action name="SendToDesktopUp">
    <keybind key="S-A-Down">
    <action name="SendToDesktopDown">
    <keybind key="W-F1">
    <action name="Desktop">
    <keybind key="W-F2">
    <action name="Desktop">
    <keybind key="W-F3">
    <action name="Desktop">
    <keybind key="W-F4">
    <action name="Desktop">
    <keybind key="W-d">
    <action name="ToggleShowDesktop"/>
    <!-- Keybindings for windows -->
    <keybind key="A-F4">
    <action name="Close"/>
    <keybind key="A-Escape">
    <action name="Lower"/>
    <action name="FocusToBottom"/>
    <action name="Unfocus"/>
    <keybind key="A-space">
    <action name="ShowMenu">
    <!-- Keybindings for window switching -->
    <keybind key="A-Tab">
    <action name="NextWindow"/>
    <keybind key="A-S-Tab">
    <action name="PreviousWindow"/>
    <keybind key="C-A-Tab">
    <action name="NextWindow">
    <!-- Keybindings for running applications -->
    <keybind key="W-e">
    <action name="Execute">
    <command>kfmclient openProfile filemanagement</command>
    <!-- number of pixels the mouse must move before a drag begins -->
    <!-- in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second) -->
    <!-- Time before changing desktops when the pointer touches the edge of the
    screen while moving a window, in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second).
    Set this to 0 to disable warping -->
    <context name="Frame">
    <mousebind button="A-Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <mousebind button="A-Left" action="Click">
    <action name="Unshade"/>
    <mousebind button="A-Left" action="Drag">
    <action name="Move"/>
    <mousebind button="A-Right" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <action name="Unshade"/>
    <mousebind button="A-Right" action="Drag">
    <action name="Resize"/>
    <mousebind button="A-Middle" action="Press">
    <action name="Lower"/>
    <action name="FocusToBottom"/>
    <action name="Unfocus"/>
    <mousebind button="A-Up" action="Click">
    <action name="DesktopPrevious"/>
    <mousebind button="A-Down" action="Click">
    <action name="DesktopNext"/>
    <mousebind button="C-A-Up" action="Click">
    <action name="DesktopPrevious"/>
    <mousebind button="C-A-Down" action="Click">
    <action name="DesktopNext"/>
    <mousebind button="A-S-Up" action="Click">
    <action name="SendToDesktopPrevious"/>
    <mousebind button="A-S-Down" action="Click">
    <action name="SendToDesktopNext"/>
    <context name="Titlebar">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
    <action name="Move"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="DoubleClick">
    <action name="ToggleMaximizeFull"/>
    <mousebind button="Middle" action="Press">
    <action name="Lower"/>
    <action name="FocusToBottom"/>
    <action name="Unfocus"/>
    <mousebind button="Up" action="Click">
    <action name="Shade"/>
    <action name="FocusToBottom"/>
    <action name="Unfocus"/>
    <action name="Lower"/>
    <mousebind button="Down" action="Click">
    <action name="Unshade"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <action name="ShowMenu">
    <context name="Top">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <action name="Unshade"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
    <action name="Resize">
    <context name="Left">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
    <action name="Resize">
    <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <action name="ShowMenu">
    <context name="Right">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
    <action name="Resize">
    <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <action name="ShowMenu">
    <context name="Bottom">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
    <action name="Resize">
    <mousebind button="Middle" action="Press">
    <action name="Lower"/>
    <action name="FocusToBottom"/>
    <action name="Unfocus"/>
    <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <action name="ShowMenu">
    <context name="BLCorner">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
    <action name="Resize"/>
    <context name="BRCorner">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
    <action name="Resize"/>
    <context name="TLCorner">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <action name="Unshade"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
    <action name="Resize"/>
    <context name="TRCorner">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <action name="Unshade"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Drag">
    <action name="Resize"/>
    <context name="Client">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <mousebind button="Middle" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <context name="Icon">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <action name="Unshade"/>
    <action name="ShowMenu">
    <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <action name="ShowMenu">
    <context name="AllDesktops">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <action name="Unshade"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Click">
    <action name="ToggleOmnipresent"/>
    <context name="Shade">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Click">
    <action name="ToggleShade"/>
    <context name="Iconify">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Click">
    <action name="Iconify"/>
    <context name="Maximize">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <action name="Unshade"/>
    <mousebind button="Middle" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <action name="Unshade"/>
    <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <action name="Unshade"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Click">
    <action name="ToggleMaximizeFull"/>
    <mousebind button="Middle" action="Click">
    <action name="ToggleMaximizeVert"/>
    <mousebind button="Right" action="Click">
    <action name="ToggleMaximizeHorz"/>
    <context name="Close">
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <action name="Unshade"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Click">
    <action name="Close"/>
    <context name="Desktop">
    <mousebind button="Up" action="Click">
    <action name="DesktopPrevious"/>
    <mousebind button="Down" action="Click">
    <action name="DesktopNext"/>
    <mousebind button="A-Up" action="Click">
    <action name="DesktopPrevious"/>
    <mousebind button="A-Down" action="Click">
    <action name="DesktopNext"/>
    <mousebind button="C-A-Up" action="Click">
    <action name="DesktopPrevious"/>
    <mousebind button="C-A-Down" action="Click">
    <action name="DesktopNext"/>
    <mousebind button="Left" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
    <action name="Focus"/>
    <action name="Raise"/>
    <context name="Root">
    <!-- Menus -->
    <mousebind button="Middle" action="Press">
    <action name="ShowMenu">
    <mousebind button="Right" action="Press">
    <action name="ShowMenu">
    <context name="MoveResize">
    <mousebind button="Up" action="Click">
    <action name="DesktopPrevious"/>
    <mousebind button="Down" action="Click">
    <action name="DesktopNext"/>
    <mousebind button="A-Up" action="Click">
    <action name="DesktopPrevious"/>
    <mousebind button="A-Down" action="Click">
    <action name="DesktopNext"/>
    <menu><!-- You can specify more than one menu file in here and they are all loaded,
    just don't make menu ids clash or, well, it'll be kind of pointless --><!-- default menu file (or custom one in $HOME/.config/openbox/) --><file>menu.xml</file><hideDelay>200</hideDelay><!-- if a press-release lasts longer than this setting (in milliseconds), the
    menu is hidden again --><middle>no</middle><!-- center submenus vertically about the parent entry --><submenuShowDelay>100</submenuShowDelay><!-- time to delay before showing a submenu after hovering over the parent
    if this is a negative value, then the delay is infinite and the
    submenu will not be shown until it is clicked on --><submenuHideDelay>400</submenuHideDelay><!-- time to delay before hiding a submenu when selecting another
    entry in parent menu -->
    if this is a negative value, then the delay is infinite and the
    submenu will not be hidden until a different submenu is opened --&gt;
    <!-- controls if icons appear in the client-list-(combined-)menu -->
    <!-- show the manage desktops section in the client-list-(combined-)menu -->
    # this is an example with comments through out. use these to make your
    # own rules, but without the comments of course.
    <application name="the window's _OB_APP_NAME property (see obxprop)"
    class="the window's _OB_APP_CLASS property (see obxprop)"
    role="the window's _OB_APP_ROLE property (see obxprop)"
    type="the window's _OB_APP_TYPE property (see obxprob)..
    (if unspecified, then it is 'dialog' for child windows)">
    # you may set only one of name/class/role/type, or you may use more than one
    # together to restrict your matches.
    # the name, class, and role use simple wildcard matching such as those
    # used by a shell. you can use * to match any characters and ? to match
    # any single character.
    # the type is one of: normal, dialog, splash, utility, menu, toolbar, dock,
    # or desktop
    # when multiple rules match a window, they will all be applied, in the
    # order that they appear in this list
    # each rule element can be left out or set to 'default' to specify to not
    # change that attribute of the window
    # enable or disable window decorations
    # make the window shaded when it appears, or not
    <position force="no">
    # the position is only used if both an x and y coordinate are provided
    # (and not set to 'default')
    # when force is "yes", then the window will be placed here even if it
    # says you want it placed elsewhere. this is to override buggy
    # applications who refuse to behave
    # a number like 50, or 'center' to center on screen. use a negative number
    # to start from the right (or bottom for <y>), ie -50 is 50 pixels from the
    # right edge (or bottom).
    # specifies the monitor in a xinerama setup.
    # 1 is the first head, or 'mouse' for wherever the mouse is
    # if the window should try be given focus when it appears. if this is set
    # to yes it doesn't guarantee the window will be given focus. some
    # restrictions may apply, but Openbox will try to
    # 1 is the first desktop, 'all' for all desktops
    # 'above', 'normal', or 'below'
    # make the window iconified when it appears, or not
    # asks to not be shown in pagers
    # asks to not be shown in taskbars. window cycling actions will also
    # skip past such windows
    # make the window in fullscreen mode when it appears
    # 'Horizontal', 'Vertical' or boolean (yes/no)
    # end of the example
    <!-- begin custom entries -->
    <position force="yes">
    Thanks in advance to anyone who responds.
    Last edited by MoonSwan (2011-07-26 06:22:37)

    MoonSwan wrote:I've never heard of a validating editor but I was recently wondering what exists that could help me.  Aside from emacs, what should I search for to find one of these validating editors?
    You can use whatever tool you prefer - for someone already using emacs, emacs is a natural choice. Simple, easy to use online tools exist e.g. http://schneegans.de/sv/
    Just upload the file in question ('Validate by file upload' option) and click 'Validate':
    The '=' character cannot be included in a name. (723:10)
    Googling 'xml validation' should give you some more tools / services if this one is not good enough.

  • Getting BAM Error: BAM-06008: The XML payload is invalid; extra contents we

    Hi All,
    We are getting the BAM Error: "BAM-06008: The XML payload is invalid; extra contents were found" after I added a another field to a BAM Object. I can see the new field in BAM and I can also see it when I pull up and map to a BAM adapter in my SOA composite. However, when I have the process send a payload with the newly added field it fails with the above error. However, if I add a new data object in BAM with the field it works fine. What would be causing BAM to think that the newly added field should be in payload?
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    If the layout of the data object changes then you need to restart BAM server for changes to take effect. Also make sure, your mapper file isn't adding extra elements than expected.
    Jahangir Pasha

  • BAM-06008: The XML payload is invalid; extra contents were found.

    Hi All,
    We are getting the BAM Error: "BAM-06008: The XML payload is invalid; extra contents were found" after I added a another field to a BAM Object.I have added that extra field to corresponding data objects .wsdl file as well as in the .xsd. I can see the new field in the BAM DO. However, when I used to send a payload with the newly added field it fails with the above error. However, if I add a new data object in BAM with the field it works fine.
    Why  am  I getting this error?

    I have followed the following steps:-
    1.Make entry of new field in ".wsdl" file which is in the BAM folder.
    2.Make entry of new filed in ".xsd" file.
    3.Make appropriate mappings in ".xsl" file corresponding to the sensor's action.
    Initially i was only restarting BAM and was facing above mentioned error. After restarting SOA as well as BAM server, it started working.

  • I downloaded Motion 5 extra content several times, but where is it? Motion 5 doesn't seem to recognize and I'd like to confirm its on my disk somewhere. Any ideas?

    I downloaded Motion 5 extra content several times, but where is it? Motion 5 doesn't seem to recognize it and I'd like to confirm its on my disk somewhere. Any ideas?

    Applications you download from the Mac App Store store any extra content within the application package itself.
    To see if you have the content, right-click, or control-click the Motion 5 icon, and choose "Show Package Contents" - in the new window that appears, open the Contents folder. If you have downloaded the extra content you'll see a folder named Library Content, which should be around 1 GB in size.

  • Problems w/downloads(Only letting me download Extra Content, and the Serial #s don't work on trials)

    I just bought Adobe Creative Suite 4 a couple months ago, and since the beginning, I haven't been able to download any of the programs from "licensing.adobe.com".
    It gives me the download option for CS4 (Mac, which I'm on, AND PC). I click on the Macintosh option for the Production Premium, and it gives me a long list of things I can download. Of course, I just realized its only "Extra Content", which is why its only letting me download fonts, and "goodies".
    I called Adobe, and they told me it would be OK if I downloaded a trial of CS4 and put in my serial number.... Didn't work. Three times in a row, it gave me a red X. So I did the trial version, and now I'm up.
    I'm now in the middle of a major animation project without an animating software... Please help me....
    All of this pain shouldn't cost more than $1,500.......
    How do I fix it?
    Cal Slater

    We used to have a virus and we have since gotten rid of it and we had a friend who is a PC guy fix it and clean up everything on the PC (for free). That one freebie is now gone, and we've been quoted $75 to $115 or something like that by another trusted PC guy.....but you know what, that money would better be spent being saved toward a Mac that can end this ****. So I am back to wanting to do it myself. I am so frustrated I could scream.
    To answer your question, it's just with the iTunes....no other programs give us trouble. I tried downloading another program (I didn't know there WERE other ones till last night) for podcasts (it used to be called iPodder and is now called Juice) but I had no luck. I downloaded a podcast using Juice but couldn't get it into iTunes. I may see if there is another program out there.
    And I don't mind running that netsh winsock reset command, but I don't yet know how to get to the command prompt...I'm assuming it's found in what we used to call "DOS mode" back in the old days before WYSIWYG. But I don't know how to get that prompt up. My problem is that I have such limited time to work on this stuff, and by the time my kid gets to sleep at night I am so exhausted and have better things to do....but it's worth it. iTunes and my little iPod Touch have been such a blessing to me. I must march onward....

  • PRE 9- installed extra content from DVD, but still getting prompt?

    I just installed Premiere Elements 9 from DVD.
    I also installed the second DVD of extra content.
    When I start up the PRE 9 program, I get a prompt warning me to "Install Full Content- a reduced set of content... has been installed. You can install the full content by inserting your content DVD or downloading it."
    Even though I had already installed the second DVD of content (which was a LOT of content!), I put in the DVD again. This time, the installer wanted to REMOVE the content, so I took the disc out before going any further.
    I am not sure if the additional content was successfully installed or not. If so, how do I get rid of that popup prompt?
    When I have a project open in PRE9 and open the Disc Menus tab, there is a dropdown box of menus by filter, including Entertainment, General, Happy Birthday, etc.
    If I click on Entertainment, for example, I have a choice of Art in Motion, Music video, Performance Star, Broadway, Popcorn, or Stage. There is a Main Menu and Scene Menu for each of them. Happy Birthday has Balloons, Birthday Party and Kids Party. Etc.
    Do I have the additional content properly installed, or is there supposed to be more than this? If there is, how do I get the PRE 9 program to recognize what I already installed from that second disc?
    My system:
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
    16.0 GB RAM
    AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Processor 3.20 GHz
    ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series graphics card
    Thanks for all of your help.

    From the FAQs to the right of this forum.
    Happy moviemaking!

  • Don't have access to extra content

    hello, when i installed fcs2 i placed the extra content for motion,dsp, and livetype on my second internal hd. fcs2 is installed on my main hd. do i have to link the apps to the second hd w/ the extra content for the apps to be able to acces them?

    hello again. i figured it out. it turned out to be easy. under the apps preferences you just re-link them. but, i still cant get the dsp to connect. ill check that forum.

  • Encore cs6 extra content wont download

    I have done the encore work-around for cc and installed premiere/encore cs6. I however cannot get the extra content extraction to download. Any ideas?

    We can't know. You have not provided any technical  details like system info, what browser and so on. Just saying that it deosn't work is not useful in any way.

  • How do I play iTunes extra content on Apple TV?

    How do I access the iTunes extra content on some movies on Appletv? It doesn't show up on Appletv?

    I did find that I could "push" the extras to my appletv from the computer?

  • My Baby Einstein extra content recovery

    My son accidentally deleted the My Baby Einstein app from my phone. I was able to restore the app itself to my phone by syncing, but the extra content we had purchased (the Baby Mozart and Lullaby Time video packs) needed to be downloaded again. Unfortunately, the My Baby Einstein app has been removed from the app store, and I can no longer download this content that we paid for. This is really upsetting, because my son LOVES this app, and those were two of his favorite video packs. Is there any way at all to get this stuff back?
    Also, as a side note for anyone else who has had similar issues, there IS an option to disable being able to delete apps from the phone. I didn't know about it before, even though I swear I looked through all the Restrictions section, but that's where the option is and I highly recommend disabling the feature before letting little ones play with your iPhone/iPad/whatever.

    Unfortunately, the My Baby Einstein app has been removed from the app store, and I can no longer download this content that we paid for."
    "Previous purchases may be unavailable if they have been refunded or are no longer on the iTunes Store."
    From here >  Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

  • Using the extra content from FCP7 on FCPx?

    I have Final Cut Studio 3 (Final Cut 7) and Final Cut X on different startup disks just as Apple recommended back last year.  Easy for me to do since I have a Mac Pro, so I followed Apple's recommendation, but how do I use the Apple Audio Loops for Soundtrack Pro from Final Cut Studio 3?  I have the audio loops on a "data" HDD.
    Can I use the templates and LiveFonts from Motion 4 on the new Motion 5?
    Final Cut Studio 3 also came with 9GB of templates etc for DVD Studio Pro, is that in any way useful with FCPx?  Could the DVD Studio Pro content be used with Toast or some other DVD/Blu-ray authoring/menu software?
    By the way, I think I found all the extra content that came with Final Cut Studio 3, but to be sure I have them all, where are they all located?
    Thanks for all your help!

    I am not sure whether FCP X can use the .caf music but try them by navigating to them in the Effects browser or dropping them in the FCP X browser.
    You can't use Live Fonts templates  .  .  .  except in LiveType and Motion 4.
    The DVDSP content can only be used in DVDSP but that is no problem.
    Simply export your video from FCP X in the correct format and use DVDSP as usual.
    DVDSP content  .  .  .  /Library/Application Support/Final Cut Studio/DVDSP
    Soundtrack content  .  .  .  /Library/Audio/Apple Loops/Apple
    Motion content  .  .  .  /Library/Application Support/Final Cut Studio/Motion
    LiveFonts  .  .  .  .   /Library/Application Support/Final Cut Studio/LiveType/LiveFonts

  • HT201272 I downloaded funtasticface app and then purchased extra content. I had to reboot my phone(yes I backed it up first) I re downloaded the app but it says I have to repurchase the extras.. help!.

    I downloaded funtasticface app and then purchased extra content. I had to reboot my phone(yes I backed it up first) I re downloaded the app but it says I have to repurchase the extras.. help!.

    - Is the app compatible with model iPod and iOS?
    - Have you tried downloading the app directly to your iPod?  If y are logged into the same itunes account that purchased the app the first time you will not be charged again.

  • Putting DVD SP extra content on seperate hdd

    I would like to place the extra content installed too: home/library/application support/dvd studio pro onto a backup drive and have it accessible by DVD SP like normal. I tried it once making the folder an alias too the original content on the 2nd harddrive but it won't recognize the alias I guess. Is there anyway around this? I really don't want 8gb's of extras cloggin up my main drive.

    Hi guys,
    Many, many thanks for both replies.
    *Nikhil - I followed your steps but the HDD showed up the same info: 430gb used, 70gb free*
    *eww - More success here I'm pleased to report. I downloaded and ran DIX and the main 2 culprits are folders called 'Volumes' (199gb) and 'Users' (183gb)*
    I've traced my steps from yesterday and I have a theory. After booting up the new HDD yesterday and installing OSX and Applications from the DVDs I think I may have done 2 things: Copied my files from the external HD using the supplied software, then restored the system using Time Machine. My guess is than by doing this I inadvertently doubled-up all of my stuff in different locations.
    I'm still not sue why the additional copies aren't showing in Finder, but at least I've identified them and can resolve the issue. Thanks again,
    P.S. Nikhil - as a side note, the WD Scorpio Blue seems to be working well so far: no additional noise or heat to report and installation was straightforward...I'm happy to admit that the above issue was probably me, not the HDD

  • I'm trying to purchase extra content on some of my apps and it says "contact iTunes support to complete this transaction." how can I fix this? My credit card is valid and I've made extra content purchases before and it's worked.

    I'm trying to purchase extra content on some of my apps and it says "contact iTunes support to complete this transaction." how can I fix this? My credit card is valid and I've made extra content purchases before and it's worked.

    As I replied in your duplicate thread, these are user-to-user forums, you are not talking to Apple here.
    You can contact iTunes support via this page :http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact/ - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then probably Purchases, Billing & Redemption

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