Following error and contact

I am currently using a motion system which has been neglected for a while due to some shortcomings for the original application.
I'm trying to revive it by making use of the following error to detect when contact is made between two objects.  The main Problem I have is reducing the contact pressure in such an arrangement.  I have implemented a basic version where the axis moves until the following error goes above a certain value (say 30 = 30um) upon which the axis then stops.
The problem is that I'd like to choose a much smaller value, but the jitter is too large to allow this.  I get values anywhere between 0 and 20 while the axis is moving.  Of course the following error increases dramatically once contact is made, but the problem is detecting this contact point quickly enough so that the pressure created is as low as possible.
I've tried limiting the torque of the servo motors, but I'm not sure this has had an effect.
Does anyone have an idea what I can change to improve this apart from using a different algorithm to detect smaller changes of the following error (slope over the last 10 measurements or something)?  Do I need to modify the coupling between the motor and the axis?
PS, I have already got some micrometer switches hooked up to the hardware, and they work nicely, but the ACTUAL contact points between two non-micrometer switches is what I'm after.
Using LV 6.1 and 8.2.1 on W2k (SP4) and WXP (SP2)

Thanks for the answer.
I've tried testing it with a 1mm glass substrate between the axis head (flat steel surface) and the stage (also flat steel surface) so that the two steel surfaces are slightly tilted to each other (representing what I hope is a real-world scenario).
I can drive the axis with 5 RPM (enough for my application) and a permitted following error of up to 2000 without breaking the glass.  I think this already gives me enough information to continue.  Incidentally, the rising flank of the following error curve versus position allows me to work out the exact point of contact afterwards, thus giving me the required accuracy.
I think the clue to all this is the way the axis is coupled to the motor.  I reckon this is absorbing a certain amount of tracking error and as long as I don't drive the axes together with great speed os allow a huge following error, things should be fine.  I think I'll use 60 or 100 as my limit, then things should be OK.
A lot depends also on HOW the surfaces come into contact.  Edge on edge will break most things, but as long as they're more or less parallel to each other, the tolerance seems to be quite a bit higher than I originally thought.
Thanks again.
Using LV 6.1 and 8.2.1 on W2k (SP4) and WXP (SP2)

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    Have you configured your encoders in MAX?
    "It’s the questions that drive us.”

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    First you should make sure your system is capable of running CS6. Then try to run the CS cleaner tool to remove anything around from trials, beta versions, or failed installations.
    Then try to re-install.

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    Message was edited by derekchan at Aug 4, 2004 8:41 PM
    Message was edited by derekchan at Aug 4, 2004 8:42 PM

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    Thank you.

    It may be that the 7344 is missing encoder values, or that the motor isn't tuned correctly. The first thing I'd like for you to check is that the Encoder Counts per Revolution input to the Axis Settings menu in MAX is set correctly (I believe it defaults to 2000 counts). To check this, you can rotate the motor by hand one revolution to see how many counts have accumulated. Most encoders are either 2000 counts per rev or 4000 counts per rev.
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    hen your're missing counts. If it is negative, then the encoder phases may be backward. If there is no following error, or the count stays constant, then try increasing the speed. It could just be that your encoder sends pulses too fast for the 7344 to read.
    Let me know how it goes.
    Kyle V

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    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Hey, wanted to get back to you on something I'd mentioned earlier regarding the halt command. I'd stated that the only way to get past the killed state of the motors was to reinitialize the controllers. This isn't correct and I'm sorry for any misunderstanding on that. I had failed to clarify that the halt command will indeed reenergize the motors.
    The halt basically will, first, move the set point or target destination to the current position of the motor and, second, reenergize the coils (because they'd been previously de-energized by the inhibit line going active due to your having exceeded the maximum following error). So, in the situation where you're continually moving the shaft of the motor and pressing halt on the controller, the command is resetting the set point to the current position of the motor. But because of your continual motion, the motor has moved more than your maximum following error by the time the coils are energized. The controller then finds itself in a state of having exceeded the maximum following error and the inhibits are fired again, hence the unresponsive nature of the halt.
    In considering your situation and bouncing some ideas past R&D, we think that your best solution is to implement some sort of a brake on your axis. The whole idea behind monitoring the following error is for safety purposes. With a brake you'll be able to continue monitoring the following error and see the exact behavior you desire. What you'd need to do is wire the inhibit line to the brake such that when the following error trips the motor and the inhibits are fired, they will activate the brake and you'll hold position. You can then call halt to reenergize the coils and the brake will release at the same time.
    Another way you could accomplish this would be to use an axis or stage with more friction. If the friction were sufficient to hold the load of the stage, then when the motors are de-energized when exceeding the following error, the slippage would be none to minimal.
    The brake seems to be the best approach for you. I hope this is helpful to you and again apologize for being unclear on the halt command's characteristics in my previous post. Please let me know if you have any further questions and we'll get you the help you need.
    Best of luck,
    Jim Laudie
    Applications Engineer, National Instruments

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    I am trying to interface a sure servo servo motor to Labview and it has been a royal pain. I have finally got it to sorta work. I can control the drive but if I try to go above about 700 RPM the drive drops out and I get a following error. This happens in MAX and it Labview programs. It also happens on two different machines one with Labview 7.1 and the other with Labview 2009. I am using a PCI-7344 card with a UMI-7764 breakout box. The encoder resolution on the servo drive is set to 10,000 pulses per rev or 2500 lines. I am thinking that MAX can't keep track at that resolution and I am going to try to reduce the resolution and see if that helps. This does not seem to be related to acceleration but velocity. Above 700 RPM is seems that MAX can't read the encoder and it drops out of closed loop control which could be very bad. I am trying to do this is velocity mode. I read another post where someone was having following errors and there was something wrong with his UMI-7774 interface. I may have to go to torque mode but I have not tried that yet. I have done all this with Pacific Scientific Servos and have never had these issues. I have another UMI-7764 box I can try if all else fails.

    Perry I know you and I also have a service request open regarding this issue.
    Anyone else who is having a trouble with following errors, take a look at this article:
    Greg H. 
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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