Fox Chase Condos in Palm Harbor, FL

We have been calling Verizon for a while. There are quite a few of us that want Verizon and none of us are getting answers. What will it take to get Verizon in our Condos? All around us in all the other neighborhoods, but not ours. We need help!!!!

Sorry, but the iPhone alone does not keep AT&T in business. AT&T was running neck and neck with Verizon in regards to the number of subscribers prior to the iPhone being released. Although the iPhone certainly helped AT&T get plenty of new subscribers, all iPhone owners were not new AT&T subscribers. I wasn't. I switched from Verizon to AT&T before the iPhone was released due to poor reception with Verizon where I live and at some of the places I frequent most. Verizon let me out of my contract early with no early contract termination fee due to the reception problems I was having.
And Verizon nickels and dimes their subscribers. Verizon provides visual voicemail access for a couple of phones that support visual voicemail - not made available until Apple and AT&T did so with the iPhone, but Verizon charges an additional monthly fee for visual voicemail access - it isn't included with the data plan for the phone.
And if Verizon or T-Mobile had the same amount of iPhones on their network at once, I venture to say they would have some problems also especially in more populated areas. Internet access via the cellular network is way up with the iPhone - much more so than with any other phone on AT&T's network. The first phone in the smart phone category that wasn't primarily targeted at the enterprise or business market.

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    I am asking for advice as to correct sequence of events/task on how to do this.
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    Thanks very much,
    John in Palm Harbor.

    You can upgrade to 10.8 directly from 10.6. To get 10.8 you can purchase it here:   Mountain Lion
    Use the combo update, if required, to get to 10.8.5      10.8.5 Combo Update
    Do any other software updates required.
    Mavericks is no longer available as you posted.
    You can have more than one computer authorized in iTunes, just use the same Apple ID. You can have more than one computer use the AppStore, just use the same Apple ID.
    In the Target Disk Mode, just copy your iTunes library from one computer to the other.
    I would get the newer Mac Pro updated to 10.8, then use the Target Disk Mode to copy the desired data over, and then do the clean installation of Office 2011 and other programs.

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    Thanks, R.W. Simms

    dartagnan64 wrote:
    Will this work if you live out of the US. Just supply a US address (my parent's condo in Palm Desert for instance) then update to my Canadian Billing address later. Or does the Billing address always have to be American? Kind of pointless if you consider the iPad the ultimate travel device as was envisioned by Apple.
    1. Most credit cards do not allow you to change your address to one outside of your country. Again, most, but not all. (The reason isn't nefarious or anything, it's just that it's credit laws vary by country, and your Canadian Bank might not be able to sue you in the US if you decide to quit paying your bills.)
    2. AT&T Wireless is a US company (thought it probably has businesses in some other countries). Again, for credit reasons and probably Apple restricting markets as they should, it's probably not going to work.
    3. The iPad is the ultimate travel device. It's a US product for US users, so not being able to get a data plan from a US company because you're Canadian, does not lessen it's usefulness. I'm sure it will be launched in Canada soon, and you'll be able to use it with Rogers or whatever network you have up there. Maybe it will be cheaper.
    Go watch some hockey for 3 or 4 weeks, and I'm sure it will be in Canada officially! And I'm not being snarky, because I'm loving the Canadiens right now.

  • Premiere CS6 install problem

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    Update - I uninstalled Premiere CS6 and tried again - still getting the following errors:
    Exit Code: 6
    Please see specific errors below for troubleshooting. For example, ERROR: DF024, DF059,D ...
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 5 error(s)
    ----------- Payload: Adobe Player for Embedding x64 3.3 {9254D539-549A-41DD-A7DA-251766F2B76F} -----------
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\APE\3.3\adbeapecore.dll" Error 32 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.(Seq 2)
    ----------- Payload: DynamiclinkSupport {DE88AA40-6766-43D3-A755-8FC374B3D2C3} -----------
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\dynamiclink\CS6\boost_date_time.dll" Error 32 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.(Seq 1)
    ----------- Payload: Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0 {CFA46C39-C539-4BE9-9364-495003C714AD} -----------
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\SwitchBoard\adobe_caps.dll" Error 32 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.(Seq 13)
    ERROR: DW063: Command ARKDeleteFileCommand failed.(Seq 13)
    ERROR: DF059: ARKServiceControl::StartService failed to start service SwitchBoard. Error: 1053(Seq 1)
    However, the Manager indicates these are optional components - still can't locate Premiere CS6 - it simply isn't on my system!

    Palm-harbor please make sure you don't have any Adobe Creative Applications running when you are installing.  Also the DW063 and DF024 errors can be indications of file permission issues.  If you have closed all Adobe Creative applications but continue to receive the same errors then please follow the steps listed in Error "Exit 6" or "Exit 7" | Install log | Read, write, system file errors | CS5, CS5.5 - to adjust your file permissions.
    Also you will want to review the install log in it's entirety to determine the locations where you are receiving the DF024/DW063 errors.  Please see Troubleshoot with install logs | CS5, CS5.5, CS6 - for information on how to locate and interpret the installation log files.

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    Ambient Air
    CPU A Heatsink
    CPU A Proximity
    CPU B Heatsink
    Expansion Slots
    Hard Drive Bay 1
    Hard Drive Bay 2
    Hard Drive Bay 3
    Hard Drive Bay 4
    Memory Bank A Point 1
    Memory Bank A Point 2
    Memory Bank A Point 3
    Memory Bank B Point 1
    Memory Bank B Point 2
    Memory Bank B Point 3
    Memory Module A1
    Memory Module A2
    Memory Module A3
    Memory Module A4
    Memory Module B1
    Memory Module B2
    Memory Module B3
    Memory Module B4
    Northbridge Heat Sink
    Power Supply Location 1
    Power Supply Location 2
    SMART Disk Hitachi HDS725050KLA360 (KRVN27ZAKE8LNH)
    SMART Disk OWC Mercury Electra 3G SSD (EX3G2012E22K7159)
    CPU Core 1
    CPU Core 2
    CPU Core 3
    CPU Core 4

    john from palm harbor wrote:
    ...However, I'm wondering if running the fans at 1500 rpm default poses a potential risk of significantly shortened fan life?... ...This whole thing about heat is new to me. Have never dealt with it, even back in the day (1984) with my Mac 512 ($2800!).
    Back in the day (1985), I couldn't deal with heat in my Mac 512 except to ensure that nobody put a book on top, which would block most of the vents (back then a friend, for whom I'd installed a video card and an external monitor on an SE/30 covered the SE/30 with a plastic bag to keep the dust out since she wasn't using the internal monitor any more).
    What I've done with smcFanControl is to set up 6 different combinations of fans speeds for different usage scenarios and then periodically glance at the temperature in the menu bar. If it's going up, I'll just enable a faster fan combination. That way, if the room is cool and the Mac is loafing, I can keep the fans at a low speed, but if I'm processing a series of RAW image files using software which will assign as many images to process at once as there are cores to process them (the 2010 6 core will show 1100+% CPU usage when that's happening), I'll start with a higher fan speed set and go even higher if there's need to.

  • My Chase Bank statements will not open, but with fox 3.6.17 the statements will open

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    One option might be to change the way PDFs are opened from opening in a tab to launching outside the browser in Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat. To change this setting:
    Tools menu > Options > Applications<br>
    (''If necessary, tap the Alt key to display the classic menu bar so you can access the Tools menu'')
    In the search box, type '''pdf''' and pause while Firefox filters the list. Use the drop-down on the right to change the action, for example, to Always Ask which presents the Open/Save/Cancel dialog.

  • Chase Bank download difficulties resulting in a blank screen

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    Thank you for contacting Chase.
    We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have
    We have been receiving calls and e-mails regarding a blank
    screen while trying to access statements online. This is
    currently a known issue and our technical department is
    working on a solution. We appreciate your patience and
    If you have any questions or require further assistance,
    please e-mail us via the Secure Message Center or contact
    our Internet Service Center at 1-877-242-7372.
    Thank you,
    Erika R Miciano
    Internet Service Center
    This was my reply from Chase. I have not received any other communication. At least they appear to have received word from others re the problem. Thanks for your recommendation to contact them directly. Bob

  • Palm Desktop freezes when I do New Memo or Edit Memo

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    I'd suggest a complete uninstall/reinstall of Palm Desktop.
    Make sure you save a copy of your user directory.  
    Normally, user data does not get deleted, but one can't be too careful!
    These instructions are for Vista but should work for Win7.
    You should first make a copy of your data to have just in case something happens. You can find your data files by going to Start --> Documents --> Palm OS Desktop. Highlight your Palm Desktop username and right click and copy. Then go to your PC desktop right click on a blank spot and select paste.
    If this is the first time you are installing Palm desktop and encountering a problem, skip the previous step. If you are not concerned about your data at this point, skip the next step.
    Now you want to uninstall Palm Desktop and remove everything that has to do with Palm Desktop from your computer. Go to the following locations on the PC and delete the folders listed below. C:\Program Files\Palm or Palm One C:\Users\[Vista Login Name]\appdata\local\virtualstore\Program Files\Palm or PalmOne C:\Users\[Vista Login Name]\appdata *Note you may need to view hidden folders to get to appdata. To do that go into your control panel and open folder options. Go to view tab and uncheck hide hidden files.
    When using Palm desktop 6.2, look in my documents or documents and delete the PalmOS desktop folder. This is the location of the PD 6.2 data files.
    Once this is done you will need to delete some registry keys from your PC Operating System.
    Word of warning, going here and deleting the wrong thing can cause your PC from starting up, crashing and deletion of programs and data. If you feel you are unsure of yourself, see if you have a friend that can help you or a PC technician that you can pay to help you. This procedure will show them everything they need to delete. To make sure we have a good copy of the current registry, we need to do a backup of the Registry.
    Go to start on the PC, in the search field type "regedit.exe" without quotes.
    Highlight COMPUTER, go to File --> Export. Should pop up with a Save As box. Current location is fine, should be in My Documents or save to a location you will remember. In the file name on the bottom type "backup[todaysdate]" i.e. backup07072008. Next, the hard part.
    The easiest way to make sure your working with the correct key, highlight the key i.e. palm quick install, and press delete on your keyboard. It will ask you, are you sure. Say yes. Do the same thing for all keys below.
    If you make a mistake, stop what you are doing. And call a PC technician. BUT do not turn off your computer.
    The reg keys are as follows (Note: some of theses reg keys will not be here but if they are delete them)
    * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Palm Quick Install * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\PalmOne File Transfer * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palm * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Palm, Inc. * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PalmDesktopAutorun * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\palmOne * HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PalmSource * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\PalmSource or anything else that says palm
    Next reboot your computer.
    Then reinstall your Palm desktop from the CD and do a hotsync. If it asks you for a username, enter the name that is on your device in the upper right corner of the hotsync screen.
    I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
    You too can become an HP Expert! Details HERE!
    If my post has helped you, click the Kudos Thumbs up!
    If it solved your issue, Click the "Accept as Solution" button so others can benefit from the question you asked!

  • Help - Macbook plastic chasis failure/split

    Hoping someone can help me out here.
    I purchased a MacBook in January and have been delighted with it thus far. Only problem is yesterday part of the chasis of the laptop split as I was typing.
    Usuall I'd just take it back to where I purchased it but I'm going travelling in 5 days and just dont have the time to take it in for them to just send it off (I need my laptop with me).
    I was hoping to try and contact apple direct to bring this issue to their attention and to try and get some agreement that they will fix it when I get back in December. But it seems getting hold of an email address for apple customer service is next to impossible.
    The laptop has had no bangs or scratches but has been used quite a lot so I suspect other users must of encountered this problem.
    I have taken pictures of the chasis split that I can email to anyone who is interested or can help.
    Keen to get advice on how I can best resolve this issue with my limitations (not being able to send off the laptop till December).
    Kind Regards

    If the split is along the edge of the palm rest where the magnet bar hits the case, Apple will replace the case free of charge because it's a known defect/problem. Mine was replaced in 10 minutes while I waited - it wasn't sent anywhere.
    Also, unless you are going to Antarctica, the chances are good there will be an Apple Store or Authorized Service Center that can order the case and replace it for you.
    Can you describe where the split is?

  • Xul runner platform version is not compatible and fire fox will not open - this is after upgrading to v 5

    After trying to updat from 4.0 RC2 to 5.0.1 Error message appears
    error: Platform version '2.0.1' is not compatible with min version >=5.0 <=5.0.
    Have uninstalled and tried to re install earlier version but now get same error message but now get is not compatible with version >=2.0 <=2.0
    currently not able to run or load fire fox at all

    The updater wasn't able to update all the files and some were left as older versions.
    You need to do a clean reinstall.
    Download a fresh Firefox copy and save the file to the desktop.
    * Firefox 5.0.x:
    * Uninstall your current Firefox version.
    * Do not remove personal data when you uninstall the current version.
    Remove the Firefox program folder before installing that newly downloaded copy of the Firefox installer.
    * It is important to delete the Firefox program folder to remove all the files and make sure that there are no problems with files that were leftover after uninstalling.
    Your bookmarks and other profile data are stored elsewhere in the Firefox Profile Folder and won't be affected by a reinstall, but make sure that you do not select to remove personal data if you uninstall Firefox.

  • I have a new Palm Pre Plus - can I have more than one Google G-Mail Account on the phone?

    I have a general G-Mail account and it has started getting too busy with advertisements etc.  I'm thinking about changing to a different e-mail address but don't know what yet.
    I have an old Palm Centro I used to Synch with my laptop.  Now I need to do this with G-Mail.  So I created a unique g-mail account that would only contain my calendar and contact information - i called it "palm.last name" - made sense to me.
    When I try to add it to my Palm Pre Plus I am unable to sign in.  I'm wondering if you are limited to the number of Gmail e-mail accounts you can have on the phone.  If i can only have 1 then I don't want my e-mail to be "palm.last name" and give that out to people - that would not make sense to them. 
    I already have a Yahoo Account and I'm thinking about another Yahoo Account to keep some e-mails and instant messages separate from my personal Yahoo.  If I cannot add more than 1 account, this is going to be a problem.
    Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

    Hi, and welcome to the Palm Support Community.
    You should be able to add your second Gmail account without any problem...I have two Gmail accounts on my Pre and have no difficulties.
    When you say you are unable to "sign in", I assume you mean you are unable to sync the email and calendar on your new account?  Double-checking your user name and password are the only things that come to mind.
    I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
    Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

  • Multiple Google calendars on one account no longer sync with Palm Pre

    Since the WebOS update in early Sept., the multiple Google Calendars that I own and which appeared on my Pre have disappeared.  I'm left only with the default account calendar.  The calendars which had appeared on the phone are still there in the pull-down menu on the upper right, so if I CREATE an event in a calendar on the phone, it's pushed to Google and then to my desktop calendar (iCal).  However, events which I create in different Google calendars are NOT pushed to my Pre.  This makes the Pre more than useless.  The best feature was Synergy and now it's broken.
    I can work around by copying each event (I teach college and each subject's course calendar is listed publicly so that students can subscribe, and I can keep track of multiple subject due dates) to my default account.  That means that I have duplicate events listed in different calendars on Google, but only one event gets pushed to the Pre.  The other workaround is to use the browser to check my Google calendar, but it's not as convenient as using the calendar function of the phone.  And, where's the Synergy???
    I really need a solution.  Before the update, the multiple Google calendar events all appeared on my phone and desktop and Google and I was very happy.  I hate this new situation.
    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)

    Hello Sdswmr and welcome to the Palm forums.
    I'm not seeing this issue on my Pre with webOS 1.4.5 installed.  If I create a calendar event, and select one of my other Google Calendars, that event is pushed to the correct calendar and I see it in Apple's iCal.  Similarly, if I create a new event in iCal, it shows up correctly on my Pre.
    Have you tried removing all of your Google accounts and readding them?  What other troubleshooting have you done?
    Alan G

  • Palm desktop calendar - in month view, event times are in wrong order!

    I use Palm Desktop 4.1.4 on my Windows XP machine (I don't own a PDA). I enter my appointments in Week view and they look fine, but when I go to Month view (I want to print this view), the events for a given day show up in the wrong order!
    For example, on one day I see:
    9a Event
    10:30a Event
    2p Event
    12p Event
    and on the next day I see:
    9a Event
    2p Event
    10a Event
    I tried changing things in Options and Preferences - no luck. I have messed around with it and can't figure out any weird pattern it might be sorting by (I've tried re-entering appointments to see whether it sorts by the last time they were entered/edited, and looked into whether it was sorting by category, length of event name, first digit of the time, length of time, alphabetically by event name, by whether it repeats/has a location/has a note/has an alarm/was entered by clicking once and typing or by right-clicking). It just seems baffling, and it definitely seems like a bug, since of course you'd want your events sorted by time.
    Does anyone know what's going on or have this problem?
    Post relates to: None

    I had looked at this in response to another post, and didn't notice the same problem. But then I went back further and noticed it sure's only occasional.
    I haven't done any kind of analysis as you have apparently done, mostly because I don't really use the desktop application except occasionally.
    Thought maybe it sorts repeating events differently than single events, but I've seen it both ways, so that doesn't seem to be it.
    It doesn't bother me enough, but it certainly seems like it would warrant an email support request to Palm, to see if they have an answer.
    I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
    Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

  • Palm Desk Top 6.2, a step backwards?

    I use the Palm desktop considerably for my work schedule. I just got a new laptop which came with Vista. I downloaded the latest Palm desktop (6.2.2) and while the program works I am very disappointed that some of the features of the old version are no longer there. It is definitely a down grade. What I am specifically missing is the ability to change color for different categories so I can see at a glance the type of appointment in my schedule. This was very useful to me and was available in the older version I was using on my XP laptop. Does any one know if the latest version will be upgraded back to the level of customization of the old version?
    Post relates to:

    This version of Palm Desktop (and Hotsync) are from Access (the company that acquired PalmSource). Palm does not own these applications and may not have legal rights to modiify them any longer.
    Access provided the absolute minimum and did not include any enhancements that Palm made to prior versions of these applications when Palm and PalmSource had better working relations.
    Access is currently primarily interested in getting their competing operating system to market.

  • Calendar - looking for Palm Calendar ease of use

    Has anyone found an iPhone Calendar Application that is as functional as the Palm phone Calendar standard (which is at least 12 years old & requires 1/3 the number of steps.)
    I have been using a Palm phone for the past 10 + years - just bought a new iPhone, & hoping I won't need to also carry the Palm for my calendar...

    Welcome to iMovie Discussions.
    For a bit of info on the Sony, see camcorderinfo here, and on the Canon, see here.
    Hard-disc hi-def camcorders record video in AVCHD format, which has to be converted into a slightly different 'Apple Intermediate Codec' format during importing into iMovie, for editing. This works OK with fast, Intel-based Macs (..all the most recent models..) but will NOT work with older PowerPC-based Macs (two or three years old) unless you download a separate program called VoltaicHD (click here).
    On slower Macs you may find that the import lags slightly behind the 'real time' movie, as the video is converted during the import.
    Video from hi-def camcorders which record onto miniDV tape (instead of a hard disc or memory chips or miniDVDs) using the HDV mode (instead of AVCHD) can be imported straight into any older PowerPC-based Mac or a newer Intel-based Mac ..but, again, there may be a lag during import if using an older PowerPC-based Mac, but not on any current fast Macs.

Maybe you are looking for

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