Freeze/Hanging/Slow Backups

I noticed since having the iPhone 3G, Backups in iTunes takes 5 mins, contacts freeze and if you make a call then text someone when ended, it runs slowly.
Found the fix is to restore the firmware in iTunes. It downloads a copy of the firmware, and although not perfect, does make it perform better.

Mike72677 wrote:
My Time Machine backups are slow
look for pointers here:

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    Thank you for your posting.
    As for this system freezing issue, we generally need to analyze the performance monitor logs and memory dump files to locate the root cause. Unfortunately, debugging is beyond what we can do in the forum because of the nature of forum support. A support call to our product service team is needed for the debugging service. I'd like to recommend that you contact Microsoft Customer Support Service (CSS) for assistance so that this problem can be resolved efficiently. To obtain the phone numbers for specific technology request please take a look at the web site listed below:;EN-US;PHONENUMBERS
    If you are outside the US please see for regional support phone numbers.
    Having said that, I'd still like to provide the following general troubleshooting steps to see if we can eliminate this problem:
    Note: Please perform a complete system backup first. If any unexpected issue occurs, we can quickly restore the system to the current status.
    1.    Scan your system to make sure that the system is virus free. Temporarily disable your anti-virus software to see if this problem is gone.
    2.    If you have recently installed any software, hardware or drivers, please remove them.
    3.    Run Process Explorer to check which processes are using a lot of memories or cause high CPU utilization:
    Process Explorer
    4.    If the process is a service, you can use these steps to find out what applications are using most of the CPU: Open Task Manager, click on the Processes tab, look for the process that is using the CPU and note its PID (Process ID). Note that you may need to go to the View/Select Columns menu and make sure that PID (Process Identifier) is checked.
    Once you have the PID run the following from a command prompt:
    tasklist /svc
    This should give you the application associated with the PID you identified in the previous step.
    However, if the issue still persists, please contact Microsoft Customer Support Service (CSS) for further troubleshooting. I hope the problem will be resolved soon. Thanks!
    Nicholas Li - MSFT

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    The OS is still @ 10.4.8?
    FBDIMMs tend to fail over time due to heat stress and more so if not kept cooler than 70*C
    Helps to run SmcFanControl @ 900 rpm - esp in warmer weather
    Monitor the system with Hardware Monitor, it is more accurate and thorough though not as "cute" as some.
    Both have OEM 7300GT or X1900, which requires constant cleaning of dust.
    We aren't mind readers so if you want, then add more details, the System Profile but w/o the serial number.
    Maybe you install the same updates and programs and that is why.
    Yes you could do a clean install on a fresh drive.
    Maybe your drives are years old - and it never hurt to clone the system regularly for backup and maintenance, run Disk Warrior instead or in addition to Disk Utility. And take advantage of new faster drives.
    No it may not be Flash based malware but then Apple isn't supporting pre-Snow Leopard as much if at all. They did offer a limited fix for recent malware.

  • Photoshop CC and Photoshop 6 Freezing/Hanging

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    2. Ample scratch disk space on second internal Sata drive (500Gb)
    3. GPU settings changed to Basic
    4. I don't have a third button on my pen to turn off
    5. Wiped and re-installed OS X 10.8.4, reinstalled photoshop
    6. Made history states greater and less
    7. Turned Autosave off and save in background
    8. Regenerated new Preferences
    I have looked into Activity viewer when this happens and nothing seems obviously wrong. Please help as I thought is was a bug in CS6 so upgrading to CC was looking very attractive until the same problem happens here too.

    Curt, I have a ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB in the Mac Pro, the iMac have NVIDIA GeForce GTS 680MX 2048Mb.
    Why would it happen on all of these machines though if they have different video cards?
    Very Puzzled!

  • Freezing and Slow

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    The system freezes under two conditions I can repeat (sometimes). By freezing I mean nothing from the trackpad or keyboard impact anything (i.e., cursor will not move and things like cmd-opt-esc do not yield Force Quit window). No response from a plugged in external mouse either. Must press and hold power button to reboot. Any windows that had something moving (i.e., entourage progress bars) stop moving. First case is when I plug in an external display. Only plugging in external VGA, not DVI, so using apple adaptor cable. Sometimes the machine immediately freezes; other times it freezes exactly when I press the Detect Displays in the Displays System Preferences pane. The second case is after I change network setting Location from within the Network System Preferences Pane (i.e., from supporting Verizon USB EVDO to Ethernet). The computer freezes when I press Apply Now after changing Location. Note that in both conditions, the computer does not always freeze. If I reboot and try again (changing locations or driving external display) the computer does not freeze and expected actions work.
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    I have AppleCare on the macbook pro, but was hoping not to have to send it in. If I do this I have to wipe my documents folder first due to data sensitivity. Could go to Apple store for Genius to look at.
    I have tried reseting PRAM, HD permissions fix in Disk Utility, and allowing FileVault fix the unused space issue (Apple, put in a time indicator on this!). No help.
    Any suggestions?

    Could it be indexing your files by Spotlight?
    Or TimeMachine on a slow external disk?
    Try with WhatSize, this app will tell you if you have enormous log files that might slow some operations.
    I have some slow issue from time to time. Most are related to having too many operations at the same time (5-8 running softwares) with big database and huge download while Time Machine is backing up. Usually, quitting some apps and rebooting works for me. If not, I run Cocktail.

  • LabVIEW 6.1 Freeze / Hang – Related to User Interactio​n / Potentiall​y File I/O

    Hi Everyone
    As you can see by the title, we are using an archaic version of LabVIEW. This will not change, as the system has been running since 6.1 was new, and it is our philosophy not to touch a running system.
    The thing is that it isn’t a running system anymore. Or should I say it’s never been perfect, only that we didn’t notice. Anyhow… Here comes what this is about:
    We use LV in a jet engine test environment. Now, a normal engine test would take something like an hour or maybe a maximum of two, depending on the applicable test procedures. This time frame used to cover the majority of tests and we had no problems whatsoever. Recently though, we had an accumulation of engines that caused problems and therefore the tests started taking longer and longer, up to four or even five hours. And that is when the problems started…
    LabVIEW would run just like it should, until after a long time it would suddenly freeze / hang upon user interaction. It looks like this could be related to some file i/o, like writing test results to an excel file or alike (“Save”), but I cannot rule out 100% that this impression is wrong. The data, however, will never be saved to the file in cases of a freeze / hang.
    To test it and see what happens, we had let the application run over night and write some data and a time stamp to a text file, so we could see if and when it would hang. Nothing happened, obviously because there was no user interaction.
    It may be handy to know that we are running LV on a Windows XP SP3, 32Bit system. The O/S doesn’t hang / freeze and everything else carries on working just like it should, it’s only the LabVIEW application as such that hangs (all of it, not individual *.vi’s or loops). Normally, after several minutes the application is back, but TCP and *.xls ActiveX references (refnum, in a global variable) are closed, and need to be re-established manually.
    I know this information is very vague and you may need more input to be able to help. Yet it is a starting point.
    Thanks for feedback!

    Really hard to even begin to diagnose the problem with this data. You mentioned that your wrote to a text file with a time stamp, so I'm assuming from this that the program can be modified (just not upgraded to a newer version)? If so there is a diagnostice utility in the Windows kernel32.dll that might help, if used properly it shows "stuff" going on in your code and in the Windows environment. What we do here is create a little sub-vi that will write a string to the Windows debug "file", and salt these throughout our code, showing when commands are issued, threads are shut-down, etc. Using a free download utility from MicroSoft called dbgVIEW we open a monitoring window behind our code and watch what is happening. It is particularly useful if you are running your application as a exe as it can give you a view into the inner workings without the overhead of writing to a file, etc.
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    Senior Test Engineer
    Currently using LV 6.1-LabVIEW 2012, RT8.5
    LabVIEW Champion

  • System freezes(Hangs) if I use Print Button

    I created few dashboards using SAP xMII.Once I logon to the application, if I press Print button to take the print of the Dashboard screen, System Freezes(Hangs).
    Than I have to use Task Manager and kill SAP xMII session thread to close the application.
    Did any body came across similar kind of experience or knows about the problem?
    Help will be highly appreciated.

    R using window.print() function for this or wat?
    One important thing to remember
    <b>A printer friendly page is really just a page with text, no images, graphics, navigation or advertising.

  • IMac freezes during TC backup

    Since a few days my iMac (newest version running Mountain Lion) freezes during TC backups. Since TC is set to backup every hour my computer freezes every hour - the MAC wheel pops up and keeps spinning.
    Once I abort the TC backup it takes about half a minute for iMac to become responsive again.
    Is there a solution for this problem - of course besides turning off TC and TM.

    The episode below started at 06.20.32 (it began when TC started backingup). I tried closing an application and launching Console - without success.
    At 06.23.11 I tried stopping the backup and shutting down TC (I think it shows first at 06.23.15).
    At 06.23.41 my iMac was responsive again.
    The info below only covers 06.23.04 till 06.23.45 (it seems way too much data and I don't know what's useful and what isn't).
    10/21/12 6:23:04.000 PM kernel[0]: [2808|0] backupd          async. scan: #'/Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/Willem’s iMac/2012-10-21-104600/Macintosh HD/.DocumentRevisions-V100/PerUID/501/66/ E8-4D4B-88EC-78FF16069F44.iba' act=0x02000000 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:07.000 PM kernel[0]: [2776|501] mdworker         async. scan: #'/Users/Willem/Library/Saved Application State/' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:08.940 PM esets_daemon[178]: warning[00b201c3]: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/HelpData.framework/Versions/A/Resources/helpd - OPEN - Long scan time:15sec [ts:Sun Oct 21 18:22:53 2012 te:Sun Oct 21 18:23:08 2012] for /Users/Willem/Library/Caches/ /English.helpindex
    10/21/12 6:23:08.941 PM esets_daemon[178]: warning[00b2023e]: /usr/sbin/cfprefsd - OPEN - Long scan time:15sec [ts:Sun Oct 21 18:22:53 2012 te:Sun Oct 21 18:23:08 2012] for /Users/Willem/Library/Preferences/ByHost/.GlobalPreferences.74CC5827-4267-55FD- A361-8AD537F43775.plist
    10/21/12 6:23:08.000 PM kernel[0]: /SourceCache/AppleFSCompression_kexts/AppleFSCompression-49/Compressors/Datales s/compressorType5Kext.c:532: Error: post_request error for /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/Willem’s iMac/2012-10-21-104600/Macintosh HD/.DocumentRevisions-V100/PerUID/501/66/ A7-496A-96E4-5F7C255C8F28.iba: 35
    10/21/12 6:23:08.000 PM kernel[0]: decmpfs.c:1339:decmpfs_read_compressed: decmpfs_fetch_uncompressed_data err -35
    10/21/12 6:23:09.000 PM kernel[0]: /SourceCache/AppleFSCompression_kexts/AppleFSCompression-49/Compressors/Datales s/compressorType5Kext.c:532: Error: post_request error for /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/Willem’s iMac/2012-10-21-104600/Macintosh HD/.DocumentRevisions-V100/PerUID/501/66/ 43-4DF5-9363-E3DE770EF032.iba: 35
    10/21/12 6:23:09.000 PM kernel[0]: decmpfs.c:1339:decmpfs_read_compressed: decmpfs_fetch_uncompressed_data err -35
    10/21/12 6:23:11.000 PM kernel[0]: [2888|501] Console          async. scan: #'/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.f ramework/Versions/A/Resources/Info.plist' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:11.000 PM kernel[0]: [2886|501] mdworker         async. scan: #'/usr/share/icu/icudt49l.dat' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:11.000 PM kernel[0]: [2885|89] mdworker         async. scan: #'/Library/Spotlight/iBooksAuthor.mdimporter/Contents/MacOS/iBooksAuthor' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:12.000 PM kernel[0]: [248|501] Finder           async. scan: #'/System/Library/CoreServices/ esStrings.strings' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:14.000 PM kernel[0]: [2775|501] helpd            async. scan: #'/Users/Willem/Library/Caches/ nglish.helpindex' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:15.647 PM[2808]: Error: (-8084) SrcErr:YES Copying /Applications/ESET to (null)
    10/21/12 6:23:15.000 PM kernel[0]: [2808|0] backupd          async. scan: #'/Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/Willem’s iMac/2012-10-21-104600/Macintosh HD/.DocumentRevisions-V100/PerUID/501/66/ 63-459A-8A88-DCD20A3DBCB0.iba' act=0x02000000 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:15.649 PM[2808]: Copied 108 files (Zero KB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    10/21/12 6:23:15.991 PM[2808]: Backup canceled.
    10/21/12 6:23:21.000 PM kernel[0]: [203|501] cfprefsd         async. scan: #'/Users/Willem/Library/Preferences/ByHost/ 55FD-A361-8AD537F43775.plist' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:23.000 PM kernel[0]: [2888|501] Console          async. scan: #'/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/Resources/Info.plist' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:23.000 PM kernel[0]: [2886|501] mdworker         async. scan: #'/Users/Willem/Library/Spotlight/EndNote.mdimporter/Contents/Info.plist' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:23.000 PM kernel[0]: [2885|89] mdworker         async. scan: #'/Library/Spotlight/iBooksAuthor.mdimporter/Contents/MacOS/iBooksAuthor' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:23.941 PM esets_daemon[178]: warning[00b202bd]: /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd - OPEN - Long scan time:15sec [ts:Sun Oct 21 18:23:08 2012 te:Sun Oct 21 18:23:23 2012] for /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/Willem’s iMac/2012-10-21-104600/Macintosh HD/.DocumentRevisions-V100/PerUID/501/66/ E8-4D4B-88EC-78FF16069F44.iba
    10/21/12 6:23:23.000 PM kernel[0]: [248|501] Finder           async. scan: #'/System/Library/CoreServices/ mnNameField.nib' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:23.000 PM kernel[0]: /SourceCache/AppleFSCompression_kexts/AppleFSCompression-49/Compressors/Datales s/compressorType5Kext.c:532: Error: post_request error for /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/Willem’s iMac/2012-10-21-104600/Macintosh HD/.DocumentRevisions-V100/PerUID/501/66/ E8-4D4B-88EC-78FF16069F44.iba: 35
    10/21/12 6:23:23.000 PM kernel[0]: decmpfs.c:1339:decmpfs_read_compressed: decmpfs_fetch_uncompressed_data err -35
    10/21/12 6:23:23.942 PM esets_daemon[178]: warning[00b201be]: mdworker - OPEN - Long scan time:15sec [ts:Sun Oct 21 18:23:08 2012 te:Sun Oct 21 18:23:23 2012] for /Users/Willem/Library/Saved Application State/
    10/21/12 6:23:27.006 PM diskarbitrationd[21]: Finder [248]:27955 not responding.
    10/21/12 6:23:27.000 PM kernel[0]: [2776|501] mdworker         async. scan: #'/Users/Willem/Library/Saved Application State/' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='747'
    10/21/12 6:23:27.000 PM kernel[0]: [247|501] SystemUIServer   async. scan: #'/private/var/folders/jc/8vfqhfbd0_14108dqmkkvrqm0000gn/C/mds/mdsObject.db' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:27.000 PM kernel[0]: [2775|501] helpd            async. scan: #'/Users/Willem/Library/Caches/ p/English.helpindex' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:28.000 PM kernel[0]: [2892|0] launchd          async. scan: #'/usr/libexec/launchdadd' act=0x00000008 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:28.000 PM kernel[0]: [200|501] UserEventAgent   async. scan: #'/private/var/db/launchd.db/' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:35.000 PM kernel[0]: [2888|501] Console          async. scan: #'/Applications/Utilities/ nib' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:35.000 PM kernel[0]: [2886|501] mdworker         async. scan: #'/Users/Willem/Library/Spotlight/EndNote.mdimporter/Contents/MacOS/EndNote' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:35.000 PM kernel[0]: [2885|89] mdworker         async. scan: #'/Library/Spotlight/iBooksAuthor.mdimporter/Contents/MacOS/iBooksAuthor' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:36.000 PM kernel[0]: [248|501] Finder           async. scan: #'/System/Library/CoreServices/ pNameField.nib' act=0x00000002 rsn='ETYP1' ln='1591'
    10/21/12 6:23:38.943 PM esets_daemon[178]: warning[00b20144]: Unknown - OPEN - Long scan time:15sec [ts:Sun Oct 21 18:23:23 2012 te:Sun Oct 21 18:23:38 2012] for /Users/Willem/Library/Saved Application State/
    10/21/12 6:23:38.000 PM kernel[0]: /SourceCache/AppleFSCompression_kexts/AppleFSCompression-49/Compressors/Datales s/compressorType5Kext.c:532: Error: post_request error for /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/Willem’s iMac/2012-10-21-104600/Macintosh HD/.DocumentRevisions-V100/PerUID/501/66/ 63-459A-8A88-DCD20A3DBCB0.iba: 35
    10/21/12 6:23:38.000 PM kernel[0]: decmpfs.c:1339:decmpfs_read_compressed: decmpfs_fetch_uncompressed_data err -35
    10/21/12 6:23:38.943 PM esets_daemon[178]: warning[00b20240]: /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd - OPEN - Long scan time:15sec [ts:Sun Oct 21 18:23:23 2012 te:Sun Oct 21 18:23:38 2012] for /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/Willem’s iMac/2012-10-21-104600/Macintosh HD/.DocumentRevisions-V100/PerUID/501/66/ 63-459A-8A88-DCD20A3DBCB0.iba
    10/21/12 6:23:39.439 PM Finder[248]: ISGetIconFamilyFromStorage: seed mismatch for 26b90043, actual seed is 7c6e151c
              1   OSServices                          0x00007fff84e58950 _ZL26ISGetIconFamilyFromStoragejPP17CIconStorageArrayPj + 140
              2   OSServices                          0x00007fff84e8708b _ISIsStorageOnTheVolume + 23
              3   OSServices                          0x00007fff84eb15ce _ISIsAnyOfImageStoragesOnTheVolume + 47
              4   LaunchServices                      0x00007fff8ec38313 _ZN13CIconRefEntry23DataChangedAfterUnmountEs + 13
              5   LaunchServices                      0x00007fff8ec374a8 _ZN13CIconRefArray13UnmountVolumeEs + 82
              6   LaunchServices                      0x00007fff8ec382fc _ZL21MountNotificationHookP15VolumeNoticeBlk + 39
              7   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8a2ed8db _Z29_FSVolumeNotificationCallbacksPK10__CFStringPKvPv + 282
              8   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8a2b9e4e _FSVolumeObserverCallback + 165
              9   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff88007410 __CFMachPortPerform + 288
              10  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff880072d9 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 41
              11  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff88007019 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 153
              12  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff8803a19f __CFRunLoopRun + 1775
              13  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff880396b2 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 290
              14  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff8419c0a4 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 209
              15  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff8419bd84 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 166
              16  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff8419bcd3 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 62
              17  AppKit                              0x00007fff8fb42613 _DPSNextEvent + 685
              18  AppKit                              0x00007fff8fb41ed2 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 128
              19  AppKit                              0x00007fff8fb39283 -[NSApplication run] + 517
              20  AppKit                              0x00007fff8faddcb6 NSApplicationMain + 869
              21  Finder                              0x0000000100f91b46 Finder + 23366
              22  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff879347e1 start + 0
    10/21/12 6:23:39.564 PM[2808]: Ejected Time Machine disk image: /Volumes/Data-1/Willem’s iMac.sparsebundle
    10/21/12 6:23:39.922 PM Finder[248]: ISGetIconFamilyFromStorage: seed mismatch for 26b90043, actual seed is 7c6e151c
              1   OSServices                          0x00007fff84e58950 _ZL26ISGetIconFamilyFromStoragejPP17CIconStorageArrayPj + 140
              2   OSServices                          0x00007fff84e8708b _ISIsStorageOnTheVolume + 23
              3   OSServices                          0x00007fff84eb15ce _ISIsAnyOfImageStoragesOnTheVolume + 47
              4   LaunchServices                      0x00007fff8ec38313 _ZN13CIconRefEntry23DataChangedAfterUnmountEs + 13
              5   LaunchServices                      0x00007fff8ec374a8 _ZN13CIconRefArray13UnmountVolumeEs + 82
              6   LaunchServices                      0x00007fff8ec382fc _ZL21MountNotificationHookP15VolumeNoticeBlk + 39
              7   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8a2ed8db _Z29_FSVolumeNotificationCallbacksPK10__CFStringPKvPv + 282
              8   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8a2b9e4e _FSVolumeObserverCallback + 165
              9   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff88007410 __CFMachPortPerform + 288
              10  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff880072d9 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 41
              11  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff88007019 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 153
              12  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff8803a19f __CFRunLoopRun + 1775
              13  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff880396b2 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 290
              14  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff8419c0a4 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 209
              15  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff8419be42 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 356
              16  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff8419bcd3 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 62
              17  AppKit                              0x00007fff8fb42613 _DPSNextEvent + 685
              18  AppKit                              0x00007fff8fb41ed2 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 128
              19  AppKit                              0x00007fff8fb39283 -[NSApplication run] + 517
              20  AppKit                              0x00007fff8faddcb6 NSApplicationMain + 869
              21  Finder                              0x0000000100f91b46 Finder + 23366
              22  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff879347e1 start + 0
    10/21/12 6:23:39.923 PM[2808]: Ejected Time Machine network volume.
    10/21/12 6:23:40.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount: /Volumes/Data-1, flags 0, pid 2898
    10/21/12 6:23:40.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount : We are the last mnt/sbmnt using volume /Volumes/Data-1 0xffffff8146e99008
    10/21/12 6:23:40.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount : We are the last volume using socket /Volumes/Data-1 0xffffff8146e99008
    10/21/12 6:23:40.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount : afpfs_DoReconnect sent signal for unmount to proceed
    10/21/12 6:23:39.564 PM[2808]: Ejected Time Machine disk image: /Volumes/Data-1/Willem’s iMac.sparsebundle
    10/21/12 6:23:39.922 PM Finder[248]: ISGetIconFamilyFromStorage: seed mismatch for 26b90043, actual seed is 7c6e151c
              1   OSServices                          0x00007fff84e58950 _ZL26ISGetIconFamilyFromStoragejPP17CIconStorageArrayPj + 140
              2   OSServices                          0x00007fff84e8708b _ISIsStorageOnTheVolume + 23
              3   OSServices                          0x00007fff84eb15ce _ISIsAnyOfImageStoragesOnTheVolume + 47
              4   LaunchServices                      0x00007fff8ec38313 _ZN13CIconRefEntry23DataChangedAfterUnmountEs + 13
              5   LaunchServices                      0x00007fff8ec374a8 _ZN13CIconRefArray13UnmountVolumeEs + 82
              6   LaunchServices                      0x00007fff8ec382fc _ZL21MountNotificationHookP15VolumeNoticeBlk + 39
              7   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8a2ed8db _Z29_FSVolumeNotificationCallbacksPK10__CFStringPKvPv + 282
              8   CarbonCore                          0x00007fff8a2b9e4e _FSVolumeObserverCallback + 165
              9   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff88007410 __CFMachPortPerform + 288
              10  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff880072d9 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 41
              11  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff88007019 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 153
              12  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff8803a19f __CFRunLoopRun + 1775
              13  CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff880396b2 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 290
              14  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff8419c0a4 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 209
              15  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff8419be42 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 356
              16  HIToolbox                           0x00007fff8419bcd3 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 62
              17  AppKit                              0x00007fff8fb42613 _DPSNextEvent + 685
              18  AppKit                              0x00007fff8fb41ed2 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 128
              19  AppKit                              0x00007fff8fb39283 -[NSApplication run] + 517
              20  AppKit                              0x00007fff8faddcb6 NSApplicationMain + 869
              21  Finder                              0x0000000100f91b46 Finder + 23366
              22  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff879347e1 start + 0
    10/21/12 6:23:39.923 PM[2808]: Ejected Time Machine network volume.
    10/21/12 6:23:40.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount: /Volumes/Data-1, flags 0, pid 2898
    10/21/12 6:23:40.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount : We are the last mnt/sbmnt using volume /Volumes/Data-1 0xffffff8146e99008
    10/21/12 6:23:40.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount : We are the last volume using socket /Volumes/Data-1 0xffffff8146e99008
    10/21/12 6:23:40.000 PM kernel[0]: AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount : afpfs_DoReconnect sent signal for unmount to proceed
    10/21/12 6:23:45.482 PM mdworker[2885]: Unable to talk to lsboxd
    10/21/12 6:23:45.665 PM mdworker[2886]: Unable to talk to lsboxd

  • Fixed my SL freezes, hanging, beachball

    After migrating from Leopard to Snow Leopard (10.6.2) about a month ago, I experienced a constant issue with hanging applications, sporadic freezes with a variety of applications.
    I have gone through all the suggestions posted wrt to this issue and for me the following fix worked (so far...) rather perfect. My systems now runs as stable as it did using Leopard. Reinstalling, PRAMMING, VRAMMING, CleanUps, DiskUtility check, S.M.A.R.T. status checks & eventually just using TimeMachine restore did not solve my freeze/hanging/beachball issue
    _My solution_: go to ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/
    and put all the plugins you see there into a custom folder (I named mine SwitchedOff). Now move all the plugins to that folder and reboot. Well: now your browsers are decapitated, so I moved
    Flash Player.plugin
    flashplayer.xpt &
    back into ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/
    and restarted the browsers. (now enabling flash & silverlight video options)
    Result: no more sporadic freezes, hangs, 30-60 secs. beachball phenomena and basically a stable steady OS I was used too.
    FYI: I have not tested moving back the other Plugins into my ~/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/SwitchedOff folder. They now contain:
    Flip4Mac WMV Plugin.plugin
    Flip4Mac WMV Plugin.webplugin
    JavaPluginCocoa.bundle (an alias)
    Quartz Composer.webplugin
    QuickTime Plugin.plugin
    I will do some testing if re-adding these plugins recreate the freezes etc. but for now this solution works for me and will enjoy a freeze-less OS for now.

    You're correct. BTW, these are installed on my SL machines and have never caused any issues for a year and a half (beta-tested SL):
    DRM Plugin.bundle
    Flash Player.plugin
    Flip4Mac WMV Plugin.plugin
    Flip4Mac WMV Plugin.webplugin
    Google Earth Web Plug-in.plugin
    Installer Log File
    Quartz Composer.webplugin
    QuickTime Plugin.plugin
    RealPlayer Plugin.plugin
    SpeedDownload Browser Plugin.plugin

  • Excel 2013 freezes,hangs

    One of our Accounts team member's Excel freezes,hangs ( freezes suddenly when he is in middle of something) and has to close excel and reopen it. Cursor moves but few areas of the excel freezes and cannot click anything on the excel sheet.
    Did anyone face this type of issue. Please suggest.
    Is there a way to put performance counters on excel and see what is going on ?

    I am having the same problem:
    let me share my answers to your questions:
    Where did the member use the Excel file? Local disk, SharePoint, File server, or network shared disk?
    Does the issue occur in the special file or every file?
    Which Office version is the file created? Excel 2013 or early? If it is XLS format, please try to convert to XLSX to test.
    Does the file have some macros?
    Does the issue occur recently? If it is, have you installed some programs or update before you encountered it?
    Do you get some error message when Excel crashed?

  • Freezing/hanging when taking pictures and videos  in i phone 4

    freezing/hanging when taking pictures and videos  in i phone 4 with flash on.

    Hi Mister.
    Let's try to answer your questions.
    - The E5 does not have a red light when you take pictures.
    - I don't know about battery life comparing with E6 and E72, just can say on the E5 is quite good. It has a 1200 mAh battery, you should check the others, but also the features of each one, i.e. the E6 is a touchscreen one, so it consumes more power.
    - It has a notification white light, around the navigation button.

  • ITunes 10.4.1 freeze (hang) when webradio stream drop out for any reason.

    My iTunes freeze (hang) when any webradio stream drop out for any reason; e.g. when ISP renews the IP, the radio station has limited the stream duration (as some do) per connection or wireless is cut off e.g. by closing the lid of the MacBook.
    I've to force Quit then iTunes. If I wait (up to an hour for testing) no hung or crash report get generated, iTunes still stay unresponsive.
    System: MacBook Pro 2011
    OS: OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard)
    iTunes version: 10.4.1 (10)
    iTunes 3rd Party add-on's: None
    Any ideas out there?
    Cheers - Lupunus

    I will commiserate. I have this same issue. In some cases, the stream will stop and restart after 15-30 seconds; repeat. In other cases, the stream will stop, and iTunes will switch to the last radio station in that playlist. Then that station will play for a few minutes, and stop, and sometimes restart. But usually iTunes will hang (spinning beach ball) and must be force-quit.

  • Who do I stop the freezing hang-up or crashing,it happens daily while playing in FB.

    In the last few weeks firefox keeps freezing, hanging up or crashing on me mostly while playing on FB. It will not let me close the page or get out of firefox. After I get it to close & I try to restart it ,it can take anywhere from 2-10 min. before it will reload. Ever at times; when I start up the computer, it can take 10/15min after I try to open firefox, for it to show up. I got a message the other day saying," skype was a malware & creating the problem" should I uninstall skype & reinstall it ? frankly I'm getting pretty much ticked off with this problem, & the meassage from firefox saying"well, this is embarassing" is not helping

    This forum is for Firefox support. Since you say that Firefox is working but you are are having problems with installing or using other browsers (e.g. Chrome and Opera) your question is off-topic for this forum.
    If you haven't had any success on those browser help forums, you could try a Windows forum, for example,
    * (Microsoft Community forums)
    * (Windows 7 Forums)
    You could also try one of the Adobe forums at if you think your issue with other browsers is related to an Adobe product.

  • Windows Premier pro CS5 Program monitor freezes/hangs when video on sequence bar is playing

    Hi all,
    I have been experiencing program monitor freezes/hang while the audio and the video on sequence bar is still playing. This happens on both HD and SD projects. I have tried many ways but at time it works but at times does not work. i have updated CS5 to 5.02, updated the driver and also quicktime.
    Hope someone can help me on this ! Appreciate it.!
    This is a complete new system.
    The specification as follows: INTEL(R) CORE(TM) i7CPU950@ 3.07GHz 3.56GHz
    installed 12.0GB RAM
    System at 64bit
    Display driver using NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470.

    Hi Dennis,
    Thanks for the reply. I have updated the graphics driver on Nvidia website as well.It still does not work.
    Under project settings: Video rendering and playback, i have both mercury playback engine GPU accelerator and mercury playback engine softway only. it is currently set as mercury playback engine GPU accelerator.
    Thanks in advance

  • Firefox 3.6 freezing / hanging most of the time. All add-ons disabled. Cache and cookies cleared. Help!

    Firefox 3.6 freezing / hanging most of the time. All add-ons disabled. Cache and cookies cleared. Help!
    Examples: Freezes for about 20 seconds every launch. Freezes quiting. Freezes switching tabs. Freezes clicking links.

    Note that such issues can be caused by security software that blocks Firefox and possibly isn't initialized when you get (got) this issue.
    So if it happens again then try to remove all rules for Firefox and the plugin-container from the permissions list in the firewall and let your firewall ask again for permission to get full, unrestricted, access to internet for Firefox and the plugin-container process and the updater process.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Can't import TV show from Itunes to 4th gen nano-running OSX 10.5 with Imac

    This message has also been posted to the general use forum of the 4th gen nano forum. Bought my daughter a 4th gen nano for Christmas. Also purchased a TV show from Itunes some time back. This TV show has been in Itunes for months, and is on my 5th g

  • How can I delete my apple ID and/or iCloud from a device I no longer have?

    I sold an iPhone to a guy but my apple ID is still logged in.  He cannot transfer his contacts to the phone.  He said I have to call the carrier.  I don't see why he cannnot go into settings on the phone, click iCloud and delete account.  He says he

  • How to supress a UI popup at the time of Service start up in solaris-10

    Hi, I have written a service script( for my application which will add my application(BTINM) as service and start the service. Internally inside the script i will call the sh script which will start my application server. When my applicati

  • How to define the right encoding ???

    Hello! How do I define the encoding for a custom document over generic exchange? I get a valid file over FTP into the out-queue (ISO-8859-1). I take it and send it to a vendor. Snooping the HTTP stream, I get utf-8 characters, which I send to my vend

  • 5.1 Speaker Setup not stick

    I just recently got a set of Logitech X-530 speakers. My sound card is the Soundblaster Li've! 5. card. I have verified that I've got the speakers plugged in correctly. I went to the speaker setup in the Creative software and set it to 5. (without di