General Crashing/freezing problem

I am having a lot of problems with my computer freezing. I have taken it to a local "specialist" who simply thought I should avoid running old applications that open in OS 9. (as sods law would have it it didn't crash once in his workshop) This hasn't made any difference. He thought it may be some electrical USB port problem and suggested removing all connections except the mouse and keyboard. I have also tried the usual reinstalling of software but it's made no difference.
It doesn't seem to crash on any one particular application, it just happens spontaneously quite often when I am moving a window to one side- first everything on the desktop freezes except the cursor and then after about 10 seconds the cursor also freezes. It's not a question of having too many applications open at once, it often freezes for example when I ONLY have safari open.
I have tried the disk utility to repair "permissions" but I get an error message saying "disk utility has lost it's connection with the disk management tool and cannot continue".???
I am currently restarting my mac about 6 times a day.
This sound familiar to anyone??
Thanks in advance

Hello Ali,
Does that mean you did an Erase & Install, or an Archive & Install?
If you did an Archive & Install, do you still have the Previous System folder, on the HD?
ANSWER:I didn't Erase & install, That would completely wipe out all my documents wouldn't it?? I don't remember the exact terminology but it must have been Archive install... The Previous System folder is there on the HD dated 11 Oct.
Have you added, removed, or manipulated any Fonts?
ANSWER:Not to my knowledge.
Do you have a backup of your system?
ANSWER:No, Should I try and drag a copy of the Previous System folder to my external HD, or are you talking about a backup of all my personal stuff?
First, have you backed up all your important files? If not, please do so right away. Concentrate on the files in your Home folder to begin with.
ANSWER:Hello Donna, I've been trying all morning to backup but as luck would have it there are many problems: My iomega external HD is not accepting lots of files saying "the titles are too long" it asks if I want to carry on transferring the other files I click OK but then rather than continuing it just stops... Tried to burn data to a CD instead but during the burning process I get an error message saying "there was an error during burning, this cd cannot be used "... I tried with two CLEAN CD's and one DVD. but I got the same messages. I have a lot of data already backed up but not a very recent one unfortunately.
Second, are you hearing any odd noises that may indicate an impending hard drive failure? Any clicking, tapping, or scratching sounds happening at about the time when the freezes are happening? Sometimes software can't detect hardware failures until it's too late.
ANSWER: Nothing really, no noises...It's always pretty much the same, it just freezes spontaneously quite often when I'm moving a window to one side- first everything on the desktop freezes except the cursor and then after about 10 seconds the cursor also freezes. It happens quite often also with those pop up messages that slide out of a window (like a letter coming through a letterbox) when-for example- you close a text window and it asks if you want to save the changes etc. It freezes quite often at that moment.
When you took it to the shop, it worked fine, right?
Did they use your keyboard & mouse, or theirs?
ANSWER:Hello Bee,
It's interesting you should ask that. I called the shop the other day and they put 2 and 2 together as you have done. yes they used a different keyboard & mouse to mine and suggested I use a different one (I was using the old keyboard & mouse from my old Mac which I prefer) Tried the new one that was packed away from my new Mac but the problems still persisted.
Ali I am now going to look into the 10.3.9 Combo Update. that you suggested in your last message.
Thanks everyone,
eMac   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

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    Welcome to apple forum,
    Try this :
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    I assume that your macbook is built to order, and the built to order (not standard specs) is not eligible for return and replacement, but they will try to fix it until it work, maybe if it is unrepairable then you will get a new one.
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    Thanks for quick response.
    Haven't even used the ipod yet (It's under the xmas tree - I know 'cos I had a sneaky peek!!!!)
    Want to avoid potential problems - it took me a while to figure out how to create mp3 CDs.
    So, no windows doesn't crash/freeze etc.
    Will check out the link though, just to be on the safe side before the ipod gets its first fire up.
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    I came across some that had your issue in  support toshiba

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    Assuming you are reading that CPU temperature with Temperature Monitor software, the specified upper limit for your CPU is 62 degrees C. Therefore, 58.3 degrees shouldn't be causing your freeze problems. Look for other possibilities.
    Not that this is your problem, but a friend's upgraded Sawtooth G4 started having freeze problems in Tiger after running several months without any problems. Turns out he had his old DVD-ROM in a Firewire box connected via Firewire to his G4 and the unit started crapping out. Still not sure if the core problem is the DVD-ROM drive or the Firewire case or the Firewire connection, but disconnecting the unit ended his suddenly arising freeze problems.
    Try using your MDD G4 with all Firewire and USB (except the keyboard and mouse of course) stuff disconnected from the tower case. If that ends your freezes, it will be a simple process of elimination to find the offending USB or Firewire item.
    Good luck,
    Carl B.

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    I have 10.5.3 on an external, and a 410 that I use as a backup device. After reading this post I thought I'd check it for myself. Installed the 1.8.3-6BETA, and fired it up. Everything worked, I had inputs and outputs, even recorded a little something just to test. Started playing some itunes, and about 10 minutes in, the 410 dropped out. I've tried restarting the computer and device several times, and even though the 410 shows up in my sys prefs and Logic prefs, I can't get any ins or outs out of it, and the 410 interface shows now activity on any of the channels.
    Bee Jay -
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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    Apple is apparently no longer accepting crash reports for 'Leopard' OS X 10.5.8.
    Typical disk-maintenance activities when crashes occur include using Verify, and Repair Permissions on your hard drive (probably labeled Macintosh HD), using Disk Utility.
    10% to 15% of hard-drive capacity is generally acknowledged as the minimum amount of free space needed for adequate performance.

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    with thanks

    I do not have this problem, then again my 5800 has not been working in anyway except perfect ever since I bought it, except for the crashing browser on v30.
    Yes you can keep a lot of notes on the phone, Although you may want to find a "note app" like express note to save the notes onto memory card if you plan to use it all too often. 
    If you find my post helpful please click the green star on the left under the avatar. Thanks.

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    Because my new Thinkpad T410s 2912WA6 (Optimus) and it's Bugs Features are quite time-consuming while i would need a reliable system to get things done, (that is why i spent over 1800 Euros on dock+thinkpad), i have to make it short.
    1) optimus driver (nvidia/intel) crashing freezing bluescreening while docked and full hd displays over dvi attached, even still in or whatever C:/SWTOOLS contains and what was installed on delivery works fine. plz fix.
    2) want to see boot screen of my t410s optimus while docked on dvi display attached to dock. not possible for now. plz fix.
    3) i guess docking station is designed to free some space on my desk --> dock + thinkpad far away from desk --> want to wake thinkpad up by pressing a key on my usb wireless keyboard attached to dock --> does not work --> pain in my back, pain in my mind.
    plz fix.
    okay...maybe too short, here some more detailed information:
    1) Most annoying bug is the new always everything crashing nvidia optimus driver. As discussed in many other threads, there are rough problems with high DPC, freezes, blue screens. For me, i could identify nvlddmkm.sys as source of high DPC, while i had no time or not the knowledge to investigate on freezes or bluescreens.
    In Fact: My T410s, bought in november 2010 was working fine, and i had no problems aswell as i started using a mini dock plus series 3 in combination with 2 Full HD 24'' Displays on the 2 DVI Ports on the Minidock.
    In March 2011, Lenovo Update Software installed an update on the Graphics Driver (this may not mean the Driver Update was released at this date, i just ran the Update Software for the first time) was installed, the corresponding line in the Installation Protocol is:
    "Thinkpad Video Features[NVIDIA NVS 3100M Optimus] for Windows 7 64bit |"
    Interestingly i think the Nvidia driver version-nr didnt change, while the intel hd driver-nr was before.
    From that day on, with increasing frequency, win7 started to freeze, in random situations but almost always while using it docked with 1 or 2 24" displays attached on DVI, nearly never when undocked. Aswell i just saw a black screen when switching youtube videos to full screen, same issue described by other users. The Flash-fullscreen issue was fixed after installing, inoffically posted by Jamez in another thread. However, the freezing continued and i got a blue screen everytime i sent my T410s to Standby Mode while docked, no problem undocked.
    After that, i luckily found out that under C:\SWTOOLS all drivers thet were installed on delivery can be found. I installed the "old" nvidia and intel hd drivers, since that, THANK THE LORD, no freezing anymore, everything works fine.
    What i want to tell here: For me its ok to use these old drivers for the rest of my life and i dont have any motivation to give any grahpics driver update another chance, but i guess there are other users out there, struggling with this issues so you might better send them working drivers for optimus/nvidia systems.
    2) an annoying fact aswell, and after searching google and this forum for "t410(s) optimus boot display" i dont believe that this is an individual error for me that can be resolved by recovery or similiar suicide attempts. Short and crisp: it is impossible to see the boot screen on my external Displays when Thinkpad is docked and Optimus is activated.
    Of course, there is a BIOS setting, allowing me to select the Boot Display, and it proudly tells me i can selected "Digital 1/Digital 2" for the Dock-DVI Ports, but when selecting this Option, i only have the choice between VGA, Internal, and HDMI (Digital on Thinkpad). No Digital 1, no Digital 2. As others told me, Digital 1/2 can be selected as soon as you switch from "optimus" to "descrete". But guess what, i bought a optimus system so i want to use it. I hope this can be fixed by a new BIOS-Version or any other kind of update.
    3) obviously, it is not possible to wake up a sleeping and docked t410s remotely, especially by wireless keyboard. First thing is, of course, i DONT want to attach the usb keyboard receiver directly to the thinkpad/yellow usb port. If i do so, i dont need a docking station anymore because i have this docking station for fast undocking without removing extra cables. Second interesting thing: Despite of my wish to have no cables directly attached to my thinkpad, i tried it on the yellow usb slot. my usb receiver was working (blinking) while thinkpad was in standby mode, but nevertheless, it didnt wake up on pressing keyboard/mouse. i have set the right settings in device manager.
    So, excuse my bad english, im from germany so it is quite hard for me to write down all this in english. I would appreciate comments from other users, experiencing the same problems/bugs, aswell as what lenovo staff has to say about it. thanks for your attention.

    ThinkMIke/Lenovo staff:
    Did you ever solve the problem?  I am experiencing something similar.  Somewhat similar hardware setup: T410 w/ optimus + Minidock 3 + two external monitors (using DVI and VGA ports); laptop closed.  Long ago, I "bit the bullet" and plugged wireless keyboard/mouse dongle into laptop USB port to enable waking from sleep via keybaord/mouse...painful, but used to suffice; would not work with dongle plugged into Minidock.   More recently, I have been fighting Optimus bugs that cause my system to freeze every ten minutes or so.  Recently tried switching off Optimus in BIOS. This eliminates the freezes, but now my system cannot be woken from sleep at all, and once "sleeping" eventually shuts down. (In fact, the system doesn't seem to really sleep...the fan seems to continue to run.)  This problem now persists even if I turn Optimus back on in BIOS...I seem to have moved the system to a new and different unstable state.  Any insights?
    Moderator edit: Removed unneccesary quote of previous post.

  • MBP 2011 Crash/Freeze/Restart

    Recently, my 15-inch, Early 2011 MacBook Pro has started crashing/freezing/restarting/whatever-the-right-terminology-is. It's a 2GHz Intel Core i7,  8GB 1333MHz DDR3 RAM (I upgraded it). Graphics card is AMD Radeon HD 6490M 256MB, or the Intel 3000 that comes integrated. 500GB HDD. I'm running OS X 10.9.4.
    What happens is one of several things: it stops whatever it was doing and shows me a screen that has thin, vertical green and black stripes on it. It stays like this until I shut down the computer by hitting the power button. No keys or moving the mouse does anything. Sometimes, it will show graphical glitches that change for about 5 seconds before freezing on one and forcing me to shut down the computer. The last two times it has frozen, the screen just went black. The screen was still on, it just showed all black. Again, nothing I can do will unfreeze it, I have to shut it down.
    It has shut down under several circumstances: I am playing a videogame, such as Hearthstone or Civ V (always with lowest graphics settings and not in fullscreen), watching Netflix/YouTube, or recently, just browsing the internet or typing on Skype. The problem started occurring only when I had been using the laptop for a few hours. Now, it will do this even if I have only used it for 15-30 minutes. It doesn't occur all of the time, so I've been having trouble determining the cause.
    I called AppleCare, and they had me do some sort of re-route where I shut down the computer and held down a few keys before restarting it. This did not fix the problem.
    If anyone can provide me with some help, that would be great. I can provide more details and answer any questions.

    If there is nothing else shown on the page other than your verified purchase date and that your limited warranty has expired, then I would guess that it is not covered. Your best bet, just to be sure would be to contact Apple and have them check manually.
    The serial number of each machine is unique and can identify when the MacBook Pro was manufactured, which is how Apple decide whether or not your machine is eligible for cover within the extension program as it only covers machines manufactured from and to a certain date.
    The symptoms on the repair extension page are as follows:
    Distorted or scrambled video on the computer screen
    No video on the computer screen (or external display) even though the computer is on
    Computer restarts unexpectedly
    The fact that you've described that your MacBook Pro restarts with GPU Panic errors would imply that it is actually experiencing the issue covered by the extension program, so I would contact Apple and find out whether or not it is covered by the extension program.
    Apple Certified Mac Technician
    Apple Certified Associate - Mac Integration 10.9

  • Logic pro crashes / freezes after running about a hour after updating

    Hope anyone can help me.
    I use G5 powermac.
    Had 10.3.x running with Pro6 with no problems (because of that I'm a big mac fan
    I updated to Pro7.2.x and also to OSX 10.4.8 when the problem started
    It's a strange problem, it seems something happens in my computer after a period of time.
    Logic is always crashing / freezes after working with it for about 1 hour (not sure exact time). When I just leave my mac on for the same period of time not running logic and start up Logic later it also freezes imidiately. But only logicpro seems to have this problem. All other programs working well.
    I need to restart my computer to start working again and then again after a period logic crashes again. I also installed logic express but express works well.
    I already reinstalled everything a few times and also working with just the basic (no plugs, interal audio, no hardware, no extra memory ect.) didn't help. I did changed discdrives, internal memory ect.
    Hope anyone has an idea what it can be
    Thanks for helping
    Powermac G5 SP 1.8   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   2GB int. mem

    look here:
    hier you will find the right downloads for the firmware update for the late 2004 g5 1.8. choose the right updater for your system.
    it should also appear if you use the software update.
    after that it should work like before.
    hope that helps
    all the best

  • Computer is crashing (freeze) when connecting my iPod Nano

    my computer is crashing (freeze) when connecting my iPod Nano. I have a Pentium IV with windows XP Pro. Can anybody help me please.

    This came from another thread, but worked for me.  Problem is with newest iTunes 4.62.  Unistall iTunes, as well as its helper programs (Apple Application Support, Apple Mobile Divice Support, and Apple Software Update).  Reboot, and reinstall iTunes.  It will reinstall all the other ones and you should be able to connect your nano.  Good luck.

  • Mac Pro freeze problems

    I have had numerous discussios with Apple Support, the last one concluding I needed to send my computer in for a complete diagnosis and repair. The repair was to replace the logic board upgrading it to a newer version (2.3 GH INTEL CORE I7). On its return occasional crashing continued. I am running OS X 6.7.2. An  firmware upgrade was installed and one crash/freeze occurred at 2:AM Friday Nov 11, which was exaclly to time Time Machine was to update. I found this by going to Applications/Utilities/Console and this indicated my problem might be related to either a software or hardware issue with Time Machine. It has been unplugged since and the computer has run flawlessly. Although Disc utilities gave the external drive a clean bill of health, I am skeptical, since the pocket drive has twice fallen to the floor.
    I will ypdate in a week.

    Get a new system SSD boot drive. Do a clean install. Be careful what you import. SSD will give your system some juice.
    Clone your system with Carbon Copy Cloner and enable the hidden advanced preference option - custom clone feature - to do a checksum on all files copied.
    From your description, you should be doing both a SAFE BOOT and Recovery Mode to Repair Disk to fix the disk directory. Zap the PRAM from cold start and reset the STARTUP DISK setting.
    I would not trust or rely on that drive and system as is for now.
    Another, never use an unstable drive to install, or write to, should be using a backup spare system at this point.
    Co clone it to SSD with CCC - after using DU and Safe Boot, and uninstalling any "non-essential" 3rd party app or background process and utilities. Lean, mean, stable and faster performance without the extras.
    CS6: I would go for more RAM . FBDIMMs are downright affordable, look for NEMIX on Amazon while looking for Samsung 850 or Samsung XP941. Two: one for system, one for scratch, would be ideal. An EVGA 960 GTX to provide CUDA to CS6 maybe later or 970, more VRAM  the better.

Maybe you are looking for

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