Globalization translation in APEX part II

Hi Joel and everyone.
Since we can build a GLOBAL multilingual with APEX.
What is the best way to handle CURRENCY ?
I have APPs translated into several different language. What I have trouble with is the CURRENCY.
If I use FML999G999G999G999G990D00 format mask.
APEX simply just change the the dollar sign into whatever currency sing for the different language, the value remain unchanged. And that will present the wrong data
Please help me some ideal of handling this currency issue
Best Regards

Yes, APEX will not convert currencies for you (and that would be an extremely risky thing to do, since how should Oracle decide what the most appropriate exchange rate was?).
There are a couple of solutions to this -
1) Just display in one currency but make it clear which currency it is (e.g. "$400 USD").
2) Maintain your own exchange rate ratios, perhaps in a table where you store the exchange rate relative to your 'base currency'. Then when the user selects a particular currency you simple factor your original base amount against the exchange rate, to produce your localised amount.
There are lots of webservices (and other methods) out there which will provide frequent exchange rates, so you could schedule a job to call the webservice at predefined intervals (say every 30 mins) to update your local exchange rate table with the latest values (if you wanted latest values).
Note in some cases large companies also have a 'fixed exchange rate' to protect against small hourly/daily/weekly exchange rate fluctuations (so this is even easier if it fits your requirements).
Hope this helps,

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    Hi All,
    I must be doing something wrong.
    I tried to follow the Apex user guide to do the translation, I encountered some problems.
    1. After I Map, Seed, Translate, Export. I look at my XLF file, I found, NOT everything got translated, especially those TITLEs, REGIONs, ITEMs... that I defined in the application.
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    Best Regards

    Hi Joel,
    Let me phrase it a little better.
    It seems the language my application displaying is base on the set up in "Application Primary Language",
    I had a hard time to get it display base on the browser set up.
    The browser set up will affect the APEX user interface, but not my application.
    I want my application to act like APEX user interface, I don't know how can I do it.
    or if it is reasonable thing to expect from APEX.

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    Hello Patrick,
    >> I tried what you suggested but that did not work.
    Yes, and I’m sorry about that. That’s what happen when you try to answer from memory, without checking first.
    >> <trans-unit id="S-2-101724717460540986-100">
    >> The 100 at the end of the trans-unit id probably refers to application 100 and not to application 200.
    The problem is not with the application id - that can be easily fixed. The real problem is with the internal components id (the large number) which has been changed. When I first answered you, I thought these would not be changed, as you are using the same workspace (which is indeed the case when you are importing the application into a new workspace, with the same ID number, but on a different APEX instance). However, as you are using the same (physical) workspace, and these IDs must be unique within this workspace, they must be changed upon installation. The result is a very different XLIFF file.
    I don’t see an easy solution to this situation. It’s all depends on the complexity and size of your XLIFF file. If it’s relatively small and simple, you can just create a new one. If it’s a large file, it’s probably don’t worth the efforts.

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    PS This is HTML DB 1.6 :-( I'm hoping there are no major differences in this area...

    Hello Paul,
    >> I've made a change to my application, by a process of taking a copy of the application, and making the changes to it
    By “taking a copy” I’m assuming you exported the original application, and then imported it under different ID. This is your basic mistake. As Scott pointed out, in order to maintain translations, you must import the application using the same ID.
    >> when I import the updated application back over the existing application ID, I find that the language translations no longer work.
    Your copy didn’t include any translation information in the first place, so importing it back, didn’t make any difference.
    >> if the translations are separate applications
    They are not exactly separate applications. You’ll not see the translated applications, and their application id, in the Application Builder application list.
    >> what does that mean for my new pages?
    As Scott mentioned in his post, if you are editing an existing pages, and don’t change any translated items, the changes will be reflected, in the primary language, in all the translated application.
    However, if you are adding new pages, they will be available only in the primary language application. If a translated application will try to call them, you’ll receive an error message, similar to the one you encountered - Error ERR-1016 Application "103" Page "1" not found (requested language="fr") .
    In order to fix that you’ll have to seed the primary language application and export the XLIFF file. As you are saying you don’t need to translate the new pages, just import back the XLIFF file – untouched – apply it and publish the translated application. The new pages, in the primary language, will be added to the translated application.
    Hope this helps,

  • Script for translating internal APEX messages now on the Wiki

    Hi, <br>
    APEX is translated to 10 languages. If you use another language you have to manually translate a number of standard texts. I have created a script for doing this on the Wiki.<br>
    Regards Pete

    Hello Pete,
    Your script can be very useful, as the builder itself doesn't support copy of translatable strings form one application to another, and this script can make this tedious task more easy.
    Users should take into consideration that some of the strings, like the WWV_FLOW_UTILITIES (pertaining to the date picker) would only work on version 3 and above.

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    I am from Argentina, sorry for my english.

    1. You need to translate by hand unless you have some tool that will do it for you.
    2. If you add some translatable text, you need to re-seed (that populates the tables that handle translation) and then export again. If you have already imported your translations, when you export again you will see the translations. You can also just export translations for a specific page (if that makes sense for what you need), if you simply added a new item to a page.
    3. Not sure what you mean by this one.
    -- Sharon

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    Any help would be appreciated!
    (Apex version 4.0)
    Thanks in advance!

    Hello (please tell us your first name),
    >> We applied a translation for an app, and then we exported and imported the app.
    We tried to map, ..., publish the translation again.
    Are you talking about deploying the application into a second development instance, or into production?
    First, you shouldremember that you must not change the application ID of the translated application.
    Secondly, if you are deploying into a production instance, you need to export both the primary language application and the translated one (this is the only case where you are actually treat the translated application as an independent unit). On the production instance, first import the primary language application and then the translated one.
    You only need to re-map, re-apply and re-publish the translated application (using the XLIFF file) if you are going to use the Application Builder to make some changes into your application in the new instance. In this case, and to retain the viability of the XLIFF file, you must use the original translated application ID (as I mentioned before).
    >> But when we change the language, nothing happens.
    Assuming you installed the translated application correctly (i.e. used its original application ID) the APEX engine derived the application language based on the Application Language Derived From field (Shared Components ==> Edit Globalization Attributes).
    If you suspect the problem might emanate from this parameter, please give us more details regarding your settings.
    &diams; Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
    &diams; Author of Oracle Application Express 3.2 – The Essentials and More

  • Translation problem

    I am trying to translate an application from English to French and have been following the normal Translate Application process.
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    and process' without a problem. I then went to Edit Attributes in Globalization and have tried various settings in 'Application
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    Any idea what I may be doing wrong?

    Hello Simon,
    Reading your list of steps, it seems that you are taking the correct steps. However,
    >> f46517_1919191919_en_gb_fr.xlf.xml
    The ‘xml’ extension – is it a typo, or is it the real extension of your XLIFF file? All my APEX generated XLIFF files has the extension of ‘xlf’.
    >> as it doesn't get listed in the list of applications I have on this workspace
    That’s OK. The translated application is not exactly an independent application, and as such it is not being listed by the Application Builder (although it will be appeared in the list of possible applications you can export).
    Basically you should continue calling your original application – 46517 – and not the translated application. The APEX engine derived the application language, according to what you set in the “Application Language Derived From” field.
    Simon Gadd suggestion, is one option to test your translated application, provided that your “Application Language Derived From” field is set to “Browser (use browser language preference)”. The “Application Primary Language” should be set to the primary language of your 46517 application – English (en) in your case.
    Another option, if you don’t want to continuously change the primary language of your browser, is to use the “Item Preference (use item containing preference)” option. I’m using this option, where the item is a select list item, contains all the translated languages, as part of the login page. For more details read the following (especially item 6) - .

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    What I don't understand is that our translated application works perfectly!
    Any idea what could cause that error?

    >> Our problem is that we got a javascript error saying : $ is not defined
    This type of error usually means that the application doesn’t have access to the APEX provided JavaScript library. First, you should check if the alias for the images directory is defined the same on your dev and test instance.
    >> What I don't understand is that our translated application works perfectly
    A translated application can have its own alias to an images directory. Are you using this option? (go to shared components, Globalization, translate application and choose the first option of mapping your primary language. In the mapping wizard screen you have a field called Image Directory).
    &diams; Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
    &diams; Forthcoming book about APEX: Oracle Application Express 3.2 – The Essentials and More

  • Workflow localization, translation, multi-language WF-dialogs

    Hi Workflow Gurus,
    Question is about workflow localization / translation / globalization / internationalization…
    Suppose, I have a complex workflow, which consists of a number of sub-workflows. This WF has been initially developed in English (including all dialogs), but now I want to offer this WF in other languages. Of course, I can begin to pass over each WF/sub-workflow element and to begin to type localized dialog via built-in translation tool of SAP where it is possible, but it may take a lot of time, especially if there are a lot steps in WF.
    Is there any best practice for workflow localization, what is the best approach to supply the same workflow in English, German and French to your customers? Is there any way to get/build a dictionary of all dialog, used in all steps in WF and its subworkflows and after that to translate it to the desired language?

    I also would be very interested of hearing if someone has found a way to easily translate a workflow or has a tool for it. Many times the translation can become an own sub-project (this applies also some other SAP functionality which do not offer proper translation tools).
    Basically it is not that hard - you probably just want to translate the "visible parts", and this includes just the dialog tasks: maintain the work item text and description in PFTC (this is a bit annoying since you need to log in with the destination language to maintain the work item text). Many times this is enough. But then if you have user decision in the workflow, these you need to go to translate the step to WF builder SWDD.
    If you want to make things perfect, you must maintain all the texts in the workflow itself too (in WF builder in the translation menu): all the step names, outcomes, etc. These texts are visible e.g. in the logs etc. so users will most probably have access to these although they are not in the daily use. Luckily the translation tool in the WF builder is quite good, because it lists nicely all the texts of the workflow, and offers a input field to maintain the translation. And if you are after perfection, you need to go back to translating the tasks - the background tasks which will be visible in the logs...
    Then, if the developers haven't translated the possible applications that are called inside the workflow, it really can become a project. For example it can be a huge task to translate a big web dynpro ABAP application (some translations come from data elements, some from OTRs, then you will have the messages, etc.)
    Kind regards,

  • Apex 3.0 in spanish

    Hello team,
    i was working with the Apex 3.0 sandbox and i was looking at the spanish translation of certain on-line help items, in search of inspiration as i am checking out a translation for one of my sites.
    I find the spanish translation of Apex very good in general, as far as my mexican spanish goes, and even too "accurate" in the case of the following page item:
    page 4316 of application 4000, "Expresión de Validación 1".
    The translator translated even the PL/SQL code :-)
    For instance, example number 3:
    v('ITEM_1') no es nulo
    should have been left
    v('ITEM_1') is not null
    and further on with example 4:
    (v('ITEM_1') no es nulo y v('ITEM_2') es nulo) o bien
    (v('ITEM_1') es nulo y v('ITEM_2') no es nulo)
    Esta validación garantiza que sólo un elemento (ITEM_1, ITEM_2) tiene un valor.
    from the original:
    (v('ITEM_1') is not null and v('ITEM_2') is null) or
    (v('ITEM_1') is null and v('ITEM_2') is not null)
    I didn't check if this applies to other translations too.
    Byte64's Annals of Oracle Improbable Errors

    If I get your point you are referring to item help text that happens to contain an example in PL/SQL and the translator translated some of the PL/SQL into Spanish when it should have been left alone. Thanks for pointing that out.

  • Intaractive report  translation

    Do somebody know how to translate name of options in Action Menu? I know how to translate most of elements in aplication using 'Shered components ->Globalization-->Translate Application'.
    But there are some elements which are untranslatable .
    Let's say that Action Menu got options like: Highlight column , save report and ..., but I want to atchieve instead 'Highlight column' --->'Coloured column'.
    Do somebody know how to do it the most simple way?

    Nobody is here around :) but
    Let say ... we've got procedure which create interactive report
    Can I use some string from here to substitute to another string?
    p_id => 2345718981013634+wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset,
    p_flow_id=> wwv_flow.g_flow_id,
    p_page_id => 4,
    p_region_id => 2345603187013634+wwv_flow_api.g_id_offset,
    p_name => 'Shopping Cart',
    p_folder_id => null,
    p_alias => '',
    p_report_id_item => '',
    p_max_row_count => '10000',
    p_max_row_count_message => 'This query returns more than 10,000 rows, please filter your data to ensure complete results.',
    p_no_data_found_message => 'No data found.',
    p_max_rows_per_page => '',
    p_search_button_label => '',
    p_page_items_to_submit => '',
    p_sort_asc_image => '',
    p_sort_asc_image_attr => '',
    p_sort_desc_image => '',
    p_sort_desc_image_attr => '',
    p_sql_query => a1,
    p_status =>'AVAILABLE_FOR_OWNER',
    p_allow_report_saving =>'Y',
    p_allow_report_categories =>'N',
    p_show_nulls_as =>'-',
    p_pagination_type =>'ROWS_X_TO_Y',
    p_pagination_display_pos =>'BOTTOM_RIGHT',
    p_show_finder_drop_down =>'Y',
    p_show_display_row_count =>'Y',
    p_show_search_bar =>'Y',
    p_show_search_textbox =>'Y',
    p_show_actions_menu =>'Y',
    p_report_list_mode =>'TABS',
    p_show_detail_link =>'N',
    p_show_select_columns =>'Y',
    p_show_filter =>'Y',
    p_show_sort =>'Y',
    p_show_control_break =>'Y',
    p_show_highlight =>'Y',
    p_show_computation =>'Y',
    p_show_aggregate =>'Y',
    p_show_chart =>'Y',
    p_show_calendar =>'N',
    p_show_flashback =>'Y',
    p_show_reset =>'Y',
    p_show_download =>'Y',
    p_show_help =>'Y',
    p_download_formats =>'CSV',
    p_allow_exclude_null_values =>'N',
    p_allow_hide_extra_columns =>'N',
    p_owner =>'ADMIN');

  • List manager translation

    Hello all,
    I have a small but annoying problem.
    I have to review an application that has been developed in german and should be rendered in both german and english.
    So the previous developper has defined the application texts in german and has defined a translated application in english.
    The problem is : there is a List Manager in a page that contains two buttons (Add / Remove). They are still defined with english text in the main application (german) and I cannot find any properties to change this.
    The list manager also opens a popup with two other buttons. And the problem is the same.
    Do you any other solution than renaming every elements from the main application in english and then translate it in german?
    I guess I can use a dynamic action to redefine the two visible buttons text. But it will not solve the problem for the popup buttons
    Any Idea?
    Thank you very much.

    Arie Geller is an expert on this, and if I recall there is a pertinent chapter in this book regarding globalization & translation.
    But no doubt there are a few blog posts on this topic - look for keywords found under Shared Components -> Translate Application
    blog: [url]
    twitter: [url]@swesley_perth
    -- please mark any useful posts as helpful or correct, in the end it helps us all

  • Currency Translation - Rolling Forecast

    Scenario is: We're doing 13 months rolling forecast which goes beyond one year. When currency translation happens, as part of default logic, it converts the records only for the year of forecast (selected in current view) and not beyond the current view year.
    For instance, if selected forecast period 2011.JAN, we expect user to input numbers from 2011.JAN through to 2012.JAN. System run the currency conversion package and translate records for periods 2011.JAN - 2011.DEC, and doesn't convert 2012.JAN because it is the next year (not selected in current view).
    Following is the code I'm using in the FX Conversion package:
          CATEGORY     = %VERSION_SET% 
          CURRENCY = USD
          TID_RA = %TIME_SET%
    Can you please suggest any resolution, i.e. how I can enhance the code to convert records whatever I get from runtime (template) and not just restricted to CV Year?
    Many thanks,

    Hi Shabbar,
    While executing Currency translation, if you can select 13 months (say,from 2011.Jan to 2012.Jan ) in data manager parameter, Conversion executes for all 13 months as %TIME_SET% take value from your data manager prompt.
    If you are identify %TIME_SET% based on Year in Category dimension, you can try below code.
    //standard currency translation code.
    If you are working on BPC NW 7.5, you can consider using TMVL(OFFSET,Time member) to define the scope.You can refer to for more details on TMVL.
    Pls post here if you require further clarification.

  • APEX images and scripts through relay

    At the moment I'm using APEX from inside a java (weblogic) environment using a URLConnection.
    I have removed most of the content from the templates so that my application now spits out straight HTML without the headers, etc.
    eg. it will just output a table with a report in it, minus the html, head and body tags.
    The problem I've run into is that I've forgotten how to access APEX files externally.
    eg. say if I upload an image, what is the URL I should use to access this image from the outside world?
    And likewise, how can I access a CSS or JS file stored inside APEX?
    APEX is greatly reducing development time for reports :)
    Muchly appreciated!!

    Thank you Jes :)
    I was leaving the /pls/apex part on the URL, and then shoving the /i/... part after it - fixed now!!
    Also, another question... I'm testing using a report at the moment, and it outputs a script after the table that looks something like this:
    rowActive[5]='N';and does that all the way down to 500...
    Then there's another script below it, etc.
    And I was looking through the templates, and can't seem to find where this script is located - and I need to remove it.
    Do you know where it is hiding?
    Oh and sorry to be a pain, but do you know how to pass parameters into APEX?
    eg. If I run a report and want to send it a start date and end date, how can I do this?
    This is what I currently use to access the report page:
    Is there any way to make it take a few parameters, like:
    It seems to currently give me a page not found error when I try this...
    It seems to only load the page when I give it the application and the page, but nothing else.
    It then assigns me a session id in the URL.

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