GOOD NEWS!!  My installation Acrobat Pro X using CS6 installation disk finally succeeded!

I asked the customer support hotline 30714922 finally and were led to work out the following steps:-
control panel --> clock language region --> region and language --> change location --> administrative --> change system locale --> choose "Englisth (UK)"
and the installation done!!
Thanks for the support staff (David?) answering my call!
And thanks for Nikhil and Jeff provide me the advice previously. I think the acrobat cleaner link that is provided by Jeff has helped to set my computer for the final installation.
Anyway, I am happy to go and enjoy my lunch now!

Excellent Hkjhht very happy to hear you were able to get your difficulties sorted!

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    If you already registered, then there is no point to trying to do so again. Simply dismiss the dialog.

  • Editing text in Acrobat Pro doc using Reader

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    Is there any way round this, other than my client buying Acrobat Pro?

    ~graffiti wrote:
    PjonesCET wrote:
    I'm not talking about pages of edits. For major Updates you simply create a new one.
    I'm talking about after you read it you discover the word "read" is spelled "reed" in one instances.
    I'm not talking about "major" edits either. If you have the original document, you always want to edit it first. It's just silliness to do anything else. Editing the PDF is asking for problems in many different forms.
    That's the ideal but what if you do not have an original. Suppose the pdf was sent to you to correct.
    I've been there.  Also if a PDF is not been setup for Reader User Rights, by an individual, if you have a Pdf that has small defect, there is a tendency to to use touch up text.  I've done that myself.
    But if I find more than one or two items , I do as you. I just go back to riginal if I have it, and create a new one.
    The above was to caution that if you hvae minor defects , you've either got to create a new version or create a copy with usage rights disabled, then work on that. You methos is the best.

  • Acrobat Pro 8.0  Windows - No Disk  Using Organizer

    I am running 2 desktop systems a GTW 840GM with XP Pro SP2 and a HP a6245n with Vista SP1, both have drive bay mounted Multimedia Card Readers with 4 devices. I store my PDFs on CF and SD cards.
    GTW 840GM( base load with system drivers and Acrobat Pro 8.0 with updates )
    After I launch Acrobat then click file - Organizer - Open Organizer I get an error with 3 buttons
    Windows - No Disk error
    Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf9c 4 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c
    (Cancel) (Try Again) (Continue)
    If I click continue 8 times 2 for each physical device the error clears and
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    re: George Johnson
    Thank you for the response. This process that we are looking to do is necessary. We have 400+ OLD PDF forms that currently are printed by our print shop and then manually filled out and scanned into our system. The current process requires a clinician to log into our scanning system, identify a patient chart, and then identify the type of report they are scanning in. This process is time consuming with possibility of errors (wrong chart selected, wrong form, etc.). Plus, we have to stock up to 400 forms at each location.
    We don’t have the funds to convert 400+ complex forms into electronic submissions where the form fields are discrete and file accordingly. So, what we have come up with to save costs of a new system and reduce potential errors is to add a barcode to each existing form.
    Basically, each form will get a barcode and a javascript function in the onload event to process and parse passed in link parameters.
    So when a clinician clicks on a form link in our EMR system the form will load passing in the patient acct. number and form name into the link parameters (all on our local intranet) so it will get embedded into the barcode on the form. They will then print the form fill out the data (or have the patient fill it out) and then drop it in the scanner. Our scanning system will automatically see the barcode and file the form under the correct patient and form folder based on the barcode info. (A scanned image of the form will save to the patient profile).
    Ultimately we would like to convert all of these forms to electronic signature/submission but we do not have the funds or the time to do this.

  • How do you Make an Interactive Drop Down Menu in Adobe Acrobat Pro That Uses Hyperlinks?

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    I have actually done it once before using Javascript and a combo box and I think basically you buried the links to documents in a series of bookmarks, the Javascript code then was basically a shortcut to activate those bookmarks.
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    Please ask me to clarify anything to help you understand what it is I'm asking.
    Thank you in advance for all your help.

    Hey I think I found a solution to my own problem I made an "OK Button" right click>properties>actions>select action>run a javascript>add - and executed this code:
    function searchBookmarks(bkm, nLevel, bkmName)
      if ( == bkmName ) return bkm;
      if (bkm.children != null) {
      for (var i = 0; i < bkm.children.length; i++)
      var bkMark = searchBookmarks(
      bkm.children[i], nLevel + 1, bkmName);
      if ( bkMark != null ) break;
      return bkMark;
      return null;
    function bookmarksAsPopUp(bookmarks)
       if(bookmarks && bookmarks.children)
         for(var i=0;i<bookmarks.children.length;i++)
      bookmarkName = bookmarks.children[i].name.replace(/\s{2,}/g,' ');
      while (bookmarkName.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(11)) > 0)
      bookmarkName = bookmarkName.substring(0,bookmarkName.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(11))) +" "+ bookmarkName.substring(bookmarkName.indexOf(String.fromCharCode(11))+1)
      popUp = popUp+"{cName: '"+bookmarkName+"', cReturn: '"+bookmarkName+"'" ;
              popUp = popUp + ", oSubMenu: [";
       popUp = popUp + "]";
      popUp = popUp+"}";
      if (i != bookmarks.children.length-1)
      popUp = popUp+", "
       return popUp;
    var popUp = "";
    var cChoice = eval("app.popUpMenuEx(" + popUp + ")" ) ;
    bkm = searchBookmarks(this.bookmarkRoot, 0, cChoice );
    if ( bkm != null ) bkm.execute();
    Then you can just add your own bookmarks and they populate the pop-up menu automatically (including the hierarchy sub menu structure, you nest bookmarks within a main book mark.) which is a more efficient way than the one I used before.
    I take no credit for this by the way my source is here PDF Bookmarks as a PopUp Menu | The Practical:PDF Blog
    I hope this helps anybody looking to do the same.

  • Cannot Edit a Form in Adobe Acrobat Pro Xi - use Livecycle

    Hi all,
    I was advised to buy Adobe Pro XI yesterday by the Direct Sales Adobe team because it includes "everything I need" to create and EDIT PDF forms.  I actually rang up to buy X but was told it was now XI.
    I tried to edit a form today and got this message:
    "this form cannot be edited in Acrobat. Please use Adobe Livecycle Designer to edit this form"
    I was told this was included in Pro but can't get past this message.  I previously had a trial of Adobe Pro X and WAS able to edit this very form.
    It is very frustrating.  I cannot edit anything I have been working on.
    FormsCentral seems too basic as I need to be able to edit the field name in the properties of the field.
    Can anyone help?

    We created forms in acrobat 9 pro and now with XI pro cannot edit them.  Error message states that livecycle designer is required to edit forms previously created in acrobat.  Called tech support and waited for over an hour before being told that another product needed to be purchased for $300 more than the upgrade cost for acrobat pro XI!!!  From the XI FAQ - The web site states:
    The following customers are eligible for a free upgrade:
    Customers who purchased a prior license to Acrobat and have purchased an upgrade to Acrobat XI Pro
    Customers who have an Adobe Maintenance and Support contract or purchased Upgrade Plan eligible for an Acrobat XI Pro upgrade
    Active Creative Cloud Complete members whose memberships started before October 15, 2012
    The one-time LiveCycle Designer upgrade is available in English, French, German, or Japanese. Eligible customers can choose which language they would like to receive. Visit the Customer Support Portal to request an upgrade.
    After entering in the needed info on the support portal was told that adobe will Not honor the sales rep & web site which both said we are eligible for the free upgrade.  We asked for a full refund and will not longer be using any new adobe products.  We went back to 9 pro forms work fine and adobe lost $.  Nice work adobe - lie to customers and then act surprised that the customers want their $ back!  They told us to just toss their software DVD in the trash where IT belongs, so we did!

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    Is there any way to make document windows always open in the same place?
    Thank you for your help.

    Hi Dryck,
    This is done by design to allow you to see other open files more easily. There's no way to change this functionality at this time. To your question of 'is there any way to make document windows always open in the same place, the only workaround is to click the 'Maximize' button on the title bar. 
    If you'd like to suggest an alternative to the way multiple PDF files open, our engineering team would love to hear some feedback!  You can fill out our Feature Request form here:
    Please let me know if you have any questions.

  • Acrobat Pro 9 using 100% CPU

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    Have you tried manually updating it?  Help>Check for updates.  The only thing I can think of is it sounds similar to a problem Reader 8 had a while ago.

  • Acrobat Pro 9 Used To Work on my 64bit Windows 7 machine

    I recently replaced my 32bit XP platform which was running with Acrobat Pro 9 for a few years with a 64bit Windows 7 earlier this year. It worked just fine. For some reason, I am now finding that trying to 'actuate' the program fails. As does clicking on  a PDF file name. Acrobat Reader works OK but not "Pro". I uninstalled it and reinstalled it. I went to their website and painstakingly installed upgrade on upgrade from the earlier to the 9.5.5 current one. Still no cigar. Anyone have a clue? 

    run the cleaner,
    restart your computer.
    right click the setup file and click "run as administrator".

  • Scanning with Adobe Acrobat Pro X using a Espon Workforce 630

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    I have a Mac Pro with Lion OS and a epson workforce 630 both working fine. But Adobe CS6 -Acrobat Pro X does not see the scanner. I can print without problems, just can't see scanner. I've downloaded the latest epson drivers. Adobe doesn't show anything.

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    Is there a support number I can call at Adobe to get help? or are user forums their answer to customer support?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Acrobat Pro Installer will not run from my disk. Original purchase CS 4. Updated in past to CS7. Running Mac Mavericks OS on new mini. I have docs serial #s etc.  Tried unsuccessfully to install AcrobatUpd11009 will not run installer on that or the original disk.
    Is there a support number I can call at Adobe to get help? or are user forums their answer to customer support?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • Serial Number problem Adobe Acrobat Pro XI - Illustrator CS6

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    Est ce que quelqu'un a déjà une solution ?
    Les deux programemes vont être installe sur un Macbook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5 avec une version du OsX 10.8.5.

    Tout est là : Contacter l’assistance clientèle
    Je cite :
    Appelez le :
    France: 01 71 23 01 96
    Belgique: 027119960
    Suisse: 044 800 9581
    Du lundi au vendredi, 9am - 5pm CET

  • Un-install Acrobat Pro 7.0 - No Install disk

    I need to uninstall Acrobat Pro 7.0 from my computer
    I do not have the installation disk
    It is not listed in control panel - add/remove programs
    I've tried downloading the latest version (Acrobat XI) to install the trial version...
    Installing Acrobat XI results in a message that it has detected Acrobat 7.0 on my system and that this needs to be uninstalled before it can proceed.
    When I clik the box to proceed with the uninstall it asks for the installation disk for version 7.0 - which I do not have.
    Extensive discussion with online chat resulted in no answers, no solutions, and no joy.
    I just want to uninstall Acrobat Pro 7.0 - everything I try keeps asking for the install disk - which I no longer have.
    I'm told that Acrobat 7.0 is no longer supported - but surely somewhere in the archives there's a copy of the installation disk as an .iso file... I need this to get rid of acrobat 7.0
    Or perhaps there's another answer?
    Can anyone provide assistance?
    Thank you.

    Try this:

  • Installing new icc profiles on an Imac using CS6

    Can someone help, please, I am using CS6 on an Imac (new to mac) and I need to install some more icc profiles. I have tried unhiding the library/col sync/profiles folder and have installed them but cs6 print setup is still not showing them. I have also tried to drag them in to /library/Application Support/Adobe/ Colour/Profiles/recommended as well but still not showing up. Your assistance will be highly appreciated.

    I should have said I am using Epson 3800 printer using mac OS X10.9.5 operating system.

  • Cannot update new install of Acrobat Pro 9

    After installing a trial version of CS5.5 Master collection (which included Acrobat 10), my purchased Acrobat 9 Pro was removed (or otherwise hidden) from my machine. After evaluating the different software choices in the master collection, I uninstalled the entire suite and installed my newly purchased production pro suite. Since production pro does not include Acrobat, I re-installed my purchased copy of Acrobat 9 Pro. Since it was installed from the installation DVD, updates are necessary. Everytime I try to update Acrobat 9 pro, I get the following error: "Adobe Updater Install Manager has stopped working". Also, everytime I open my outlook 2010 client, it crashes and recommends that I disable the pdf plug in from Adobe (which I have now disabled). I've looked over the internet and could not find a solution to the problem. I am using Windows 7 Home Premium. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Good day Patrick,
    I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble.  Please give the following steps a try after a fresh restart of your system:
    Repair your current Acrobat 9 installation via Help > Repair Acrobat Installation
    Try to update Acrobat via Help > Check for Updates.
    If the update fails, try to manually apply the Acrobat 9.1 update via direct download here:
    Assuming the Acrobat 9.1 update successfully installs, please try continuing to update Acrobat all the way to 9.5 via Help > Check for Updates. 
    Please let me know how it goes and if the issue with Outlook clears up too.
    Kind regards,
    Adobe Systems

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