Google desktop shortcut

I have mistakenly deleted the nice google desktop shortcut & cannot see where to add this back from.
I can make a normal internet shortcut but I want the desktop size icon shortcut back.
Any ideas please.
Go to Solution.

double tap your desktop,  then a little gear will show up on the top right.  tap it.
desktop menu/add widget/google
and this will pit it back on your desktop

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    Hi Ali,
    I am also facing the same issue. After installing NWBC 3.0 when I try to run it, it just display the SAP splash screen and then get closed automatically and I am not getting any screen to select the backend system to connect.
    I saw your reply:
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    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems
    See [[Basic Troubleshooting|#Make_a_new_profile|Basic Troubleshooting: Make a new profile]]
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    Message was edited by: Oh, I'm running in separateMode=false, btw.

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    A couple of quick things to try. Have you re-started your computer?
    Have you tried on the desktop shortcuts - right click>open?
    And a couple of questions. Is Firefox working properly via the URL Bar and the Search Bar?
    Do bookmarks open normally?

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    Delete the shortcut and make a new one. The 'real' application will probably be fine if you launch it from the Start/Programs menu.

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    I suggest you test the issue with no add-on first.
    Check Internet Explorer Add-Ons
    1. Click Tools, and then click Internet Options. 
    2. Click the "Programs" tab, and then click Manage Add-ons. 
    3. Select an add-on in the Name list, and then click Disable. 
    4. Restart IE with Add-ons and check the issue again.
    Also refer to this:
    Hope this helps.
    Vincent Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • To create a desktop shortcut icon for the application for a jar file

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    What i want is--
    Instead of user clicking on the jar file, my application also has to create a desktop shortcut icon.
    If the user clicks on the icon which is on the desktop the application should open.
    Please suggest me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Please suggest me.>Launch the application using java webstart. A webstart launch offers things like a splash screen, automatic updates, and desktop integration in the form of desktop shortcuts and program menu items. If the launch file specifies icons, they are used for the shortcuts, otherwise a generic icon is used.
    For a comparison between a sandboxed webstart launch and a plain app., try the [Text Width Checker|].
    While the TWC can run OK within the security sandbox, many applications need to be digitally signed and request extended permissions, to do what they need to do.
    STBC is an all-permissions webstart launch.
    Edit 1:
    And for one that definitely suggests desktop shortcuts (I usually avoid them, in favor of a menu item only), try the sandboxed [demo of the PrintService|], which prompts the user to choose.
    Edited by: AndrewThompson64 on Sep 2, 2008 10:49 PM

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    I don't know that program. Go to its Mozilla Add-ons web page and find the support link. Then ask them about this. It may be a bug.
    Do the other add-ons I sent you work okay? Then you should be about done, until you hear from the Tor support people.
    Once you get an answer, please post it here. Good Luck, Happy Holidays !

  • Files and Desktop Shortcut gone??

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    Did you resolve this or do you still not see your shortcut and PDFs?  FormsCentral doesn't have any control over those PDFs you saved after you save them and could not remove them, the desktop shortcut could have been deleted on accident and could be restored easily.
    Are you still able to launch the FormsCentral desktop application?

  • Every time I click on a desktop shortcut, I get an error dialog in FF 4.

    Every time I click on a desktop shortcut, I get a Windows (XP) error dialog in FF 4. I click OK, and the browser then opens to the shortcut page.
    When no browser window/tab is open, this happens EVERY time.
    However, if the browser is open, it will open another tab, WITHOUT the error dialog.

    Your above posted system details list shows two Flash plugins, one a very old Flash 9 version that you should uninstall.
    # Shockwave Flash 11.6 r602
    # Shockwave Flash 9.0 r45
    You can set the plugin.expose_full_path pref to true on the about:config page to see the full path of enabled installed plugins on the about:plugins page.
    It is best not to leave that pref set to true as it exposes that full path to web servers via the navigator.plugins object, so reset that pref to false after you are done with the about:plugins page.
    See "Manually uninstalling a plugin":

  • Custom icon for desktop shortcut

    Hi All,
    I have a link in the portal which when the end users click should create a desktop shortcut to the portal.
    I used this to create the desktop shortcut
    var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
    strDesktop = WshShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop");
    var oShellLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(strDesktop + "
    oShellLink.TargetPath = "URL to the portal";
    By default we get the IE icon for this shortcut. I want a custom icon to be associated with this shortcut.
    I can use oShellLink.IconLocation but the icon needs to be in every users c:\windows folder.
    Does somebody know how can I add this custom icon?
    Many Thanks,

    Google for Favicon
    "TonyEB" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fb57gl$ea4$[email protected]..
    > Hi,
    > How do you incorporate an Icon in to your website so
    that when someone
    > puts a
    > web short cut on their desktop it changes from the
    default to your
    > customized
    > one. Where in DW CS3 do you put this file?
    > Thanks
    > Tony

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