Greedy corporation making it difficult for poor collage students.

I thought I had signed up for only one month of Photoshop so I could finish up community collage class.  I though I had read all the terms so to avoid an automatic renewal.  To my surprise I get dinged for another month.  I am not happy with this and it will affect my future purchases.  Adobe is just another greedy corporation making it difficult for poor collage students.

This is a user to user Forum, so you are not really addressing Adobe here, even though some Adobe employees thankfully have been dropping by.
If you are hoping for a refund you may have to go through other channels, maybe try
but if the error is indeed on your side it seems unclear if anything can be done about it.

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    I feel like this is intentional. Could it be that Lightroom users are only to be found in English speaking countries like USA, UK, New Zealand and Australia? I don't think so.
    Swedish user:
    Swiss user:
    German user:
    How about the ability to change keyboard shortcut bindings, i.e. custom shortcuts? I just found that this is not even possible in Lightroom! That explains why people take these strange measures and kludgy ways of making custom shortcuts in Lightroom. Changing shortcuts is often times tricky business because you have to change them in respect to other shortcuts. It's likely that one will have to change several keyboard shortcuts to avoid conflicts, etc. Lightroom needs a shortcut editor!
    One should really not even have to change the default shortcuts, Adobe should choose some intelligent key combinations that make sense, and they should just work on any keyboard. I've tried changing the language from English to Swedish in Lightroom settings. The result of this is that nearly all shortcuts are changed to something else, so I would have to re-learn some of the shortcuts I have already learned using Lightroom in English, and of course this also changes the language of the interface which is not something I want. I will have to change my keyboard layout to English to make this work, or get a secondary keyboard, one with English layout. This is something I will only have to do when I work in Lightroom, because many of the professional programs that I use are working just fine with my keyboard. Perhaps Adobe can make the keyboard localization (shortcut maps) as an option, separate from the interface language setting? And for God sake integrate a keyboard shortcut editor for once!

    Another Swiss user on Lightroom forums: ith-a-non-english-keyboard-layout
    I ended up removing the Keyboard Tamer plugin and then manually adding following strings to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources\en\TranslatedStrings.txt. This is by the way something that the Keyboard Tamer plugin does as well, because when I removed it I found two files named TranslatedStrings.txt in the Recycle Bin. The Keyboard Tamer is just supposed to save you the time and effort of manually manipulating these strings.
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/View/ZoomIn=Zoom In"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/View/ZoomInMinor=Slow Zoom In"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/View/ZoomOut=Zoom Out"
    "$$$/AgLibrary/Menu/View/ZoomOutMinor=Slow Zoom Out"
    I found this thread helpful:
    I just replaced AgDevelop with AgLibrary. This of course only changes the key binding for Zoom In and Zoom Out in the Library module. Is there perhaps a document somewhere that explains the structure of the TranslatedStrings.txt file? There seems to be one of these files in each of the language specific folders under the Resources folder.
    This file is known to be found in:
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources>dir /b /s TranslatedStrings.txt
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources\de\TranslatedStrings.txt
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources\en\TranslatedStrings.txt
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources\es\TranslatedStrings.txt
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources\fr\TranslatedStrings.txt
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources\it\TranslatedStrings.txt
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources\ja\TranslatedStrings.txt
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources\ko\TranslatedStrings.txt
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources\nl\TranslatedStrings.txt
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources\pt\TranslatedStrings.txt
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources\sv\TranslatedStrings.txt
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources\zh_cn\TranslatedStrings.txt
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources\zh_tw\TranslatedStrings.txt
    I will study the structure of this file in Resources\sv\ and try to understand it. And as I find new "flaws" in the shortcut key bindings I will make new edits to the file I saved in Resources\en\ accordingly.
    Here's an idea: those of you who don't mind re-learning all the shortcuts - the localized shortcuts for Swedish keyboards - simply copy the TranslatedStrings.txt file from C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources\sv\ and paste it in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4\Resources\en\. What this does it allows you to keep English as your interface language, but it changes the shortcut map to something that's more adopted for the Swedish keyboard layout. You get the same shortcut key bindings as the ones you see when you change the language to Swedish in the settings. But this way you are preventing Lightroom from changing the interface language.
    Either that, or add new strings to an empty Resources\en\TranslatedStrings.txt file for each key binding you find to be broken and not compatible with your keyboard. This way you are only making changes to the key bindings that don't work very well for your keyboard, you are not chaning all of the shortcut key bindings. The other key bindings stay the same, the default key bindings found in the English version of Lightroom (or with English as language settings).
    This is a way to adapt Lightroom for your own environment. But this is still too complicated and unncessary. A simple shortcut editor built into Lightroom would have solved this. But what are we going to do?... this is up to Adobe... Lightrooms have been complaining about the lack of a shortcut editor since at least Lightroom 2 and Adobe has not listened. So I don't expect to see this feature in the following years to come. It might just come along in maybe Lightroom version seven or something... but who cares?... At that time I might even ditch Lightroom altogether.
    Ligthroom 5 upgrade...
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    I guess they can do whatever they want. They are Adobe.
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    Why is the app changing my selected home city  to Southwood, SC?
    How to I stop it from changing?
    Also, the top city on the weather app will not allow you to delete it. Why is this? The other additions can be deleted.

    Hi Jean4438,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    I made the changes below to my iPhone and have personally been delighted with how much easier everything is to read.  Hopefully they will help you as well.
    Large and bold text - iPhone User Guide
    Here is the information for making changes to the Weather app:
    In most situations, you will swipe from right to left to see the Delete button.
    Weather - iPhone User Guide
    Although this isn't your specific iPhone model, the tips and tricks in this new document may help you get started with iOS 7:
    Apple - iPhone - iPhone 4s Tips and Tricks
    I hope this information helps ....
    Have a great day!
    - Judy

  • Premium subscribers beware! Spotify make it very difficult for you to cancel!

    hpguru wrote:
    I canceled my subscription easily month ago. Deleted my credit card details from Spotify. I still love service.
    This is because you have an old login without Facebook. Users that are required to log in with Facebook are having trouble canceling. Spotify has required a Facebook account for almost 6 months now and nothing has been done about these cancellation problems faced by Facebook-required users.

    I write this as someone who has had the unfortunate experience of trying to cancel my subscription after getting Spotify premium. Spotify themselves make it very, very difficult for you to cancel. It is an absolute nightmare. Some words of advice would be to not leave it to the last day or so before it runs out to try and cancel your subscription. You need to leave plenty of time to get it sorted before they take another £9.99 from your bank account. I really wish I had read this forum BEFORE I had subscribed and seen the vast numbers of dissatisfied users unable to cancel....I would never have done it in the first place! Don't be fooled into thinking you are inputting an incorrect password at the final hurdle when you are cancelling - you are not - they deliberately do this to make things awkward. You have to then fill in a contact form (which incidentally says could take 3 days to respond to - hence my earlier mention that you shouldn't leave it too late to start to cancel.) Because it's not a direct debit, it can't be cancelled easily by your bank either. After speaking to my bank, the only way they could do it for me was to cancel my account and open a new one! In the end, what worked for me was having to download a new internet browser and go through that. Luckily for me that worked, but I see from on here that that doesn't work for everyone. I loved Spotify and was a big fan, and my cancellation was only going to be a temporary thing untill I had a bit more money. But now that's it. I'm done with Spotify for good. It's absolutely disgusting and to my mind is almost corporate theft what they are doing in making it virtually impossible to cancel. Disgusting.    

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    We need it to be acceptable to all devices.
    Thank you!

    You can tell Apple directly at the link below.

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    Next time you accidentally use 3 fingers it will zoom again. Unless you need the feature you're better to turn it off

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    was making the update for my iphone 4s . then he stops. My phone in this time is in the recovery mode and do not take the firmware to open my phone, please can u help me to recover my phone. My current  ios 6.0.1. plese send me some thing that is useful

    Thanks for that 'sberman' - because my iPhone is backed-up to my work computer (only at this stage) I have had to call our IT Department in Adleaide. (4 times this morning). The last guy managed to get the phone into 'DFU Mode' - no more recovery mode screen - (kind of 'asleep' perhaps) from my understanding of same. I am awaiting a call again from IT so they can get my computer to actually recognise my iPhone on the C Drive. This also happened to  one of my colleagues in Newman (WA). She got so frustrated with the whole process that she bought another phone the next time she was in 'civilisation.' She hasn't had any problems since. (Cross fingers).
    Thanks again, Sandra2474.

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    Apple is great!
    Why is iMessage taking my incoming emails and then not making them available for my PC to get?  Why can I not send a text msg with photos when iMessage is turned off (but MMS is still on).
    I compose an iMessage with the destination as my email address and I attach 2 photos I want on my PC.  I send them several times from my iPhone 5C but they never arrive. I look at my ipad later and realize that it's iMessage app is getting ( and swallowing) these emails. I then turn the ipad off.  Still can't get the photos through because iphone is now getting them on it's iMessage.  I turn off the iMessage feature and try to send photos from text msging.  Phone tells me it can't send photos unless iMessage it turned on.  What happened to regular MMS text messaging?  I go and try to send photos as an email attachment and see that there is no option to attach from the stupid email program.  I look up online to learn about the brave new world of apple attachments and send them.
    Why is iMessage taking my incoming emails and then not making them available for my PC to get?
    The email program on my iphone is not configured to remove messages from the server.
    If iMessage is turned off I don't have the issue.
    Why can I not send a text msg with photos when iMessage is turned off (but MMS is still on).

    Did not work. I've selected iMessage to ON and left it. After a few hours I recieved a message "activation unsuccessful. Turn on iMessage to try again". This has been going on for the past 3 days.

  • With my new version of numbers it is not possible to print the celnumbers. That is difficult for my bookkeeping.

    with my new version of numbers it is not possible to print the celnumbers. That is difficult for my bookkeeping.
    How to solve this problem?

    Hi Jaspers,
    A Header Row and a Header Column might work for you
    Or two extra Tables to show the Row and Column labels

  • I used to use the free version of Adobe Reader to convert my publisher files to pdf files. When I was making a booklet for our hockey team, it said I had to buy it. Now I bought it and it won't convert the files. I am ready to throw this computer out the

    I used to use the free version of Adobe Reader to convert my publisher files to pdf files. When I was making a booklet for our hockey team, it said I had to buy it. Now I bought it and it won't convert the files. I am ready to throw this computer out the window!! Can you tell me what is the problem? No it does not exceed 100 M. either.

    Adobe Reader never converted Publisher files to PDF, for free, never. I suspect you use to have the (paid for) Adobe Acrobat. Sometimes people have Acrobat (more than $300 worth) and install Adobe Reader over the top, losing that valuable software.
    That said, if you subscribed to PDF Pack it should do this conversion. What exactly happens now.

  • Dynamically making read only for a field in get_data(CL_EHHSS_INC_BINFA_UI_FRM)

    Hi Experts,
    I am making read only for a field based on condition in get_data method of class CL_EHHSS_INC_BINFA_UI_FRM.
    But it is not working. Pls find the code for the same.
       lw_field-read_only = ABAP_TRUE.
       MODIFY ct_field_usage FROM lw_field TRANSPORTING read_only.
       ev_field_usage_changed = 'X'.
    Pls help me what is wrong in this coding.
    Reny Richard

    Hi Richard,
    Please check if   this loop is executing for the correct desired event(say on click or from the start ). & the field name specified is correct or not through debugging. And check by placing the parameter ev_field_usage_changed = 'X'. after the loop statement.
    Below is a sample code for making the field read only.
    field-SYMBOLS: <fs_field> like line of CT_FIELD_USAGE.
         case <FS_FIELD>-NAME.
         when 'OC_INC_TYPE'. " name of the field
             <FS_FIELD>-READ_ONLY = 'X'.                " ' ' for editable
    CV_FIELD_USAGE_CHANGED = abap_true.

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