This is a version of Handbrake that enables the "Baseline" profile instead of the "Main" profile. That was the whole problem with the videos not being able to transfer to the iPod when using the H.264 codec. Now, I tried it & it works great!
Here you go: http://s8.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0RVTS3ESHZ1Z535XQLI2Z25GHD
P.S. Thanks to Azdude for getting get me file.

yes, I looked at the source for ffmpeg, couldn't see anything that really stood out. But without documentation its not a fun program to debug.
Makes me glad I have both macs and pcs.
Really I mostly use my powerbook for everything, even when I need to do something in visual studio, I just connect to the desktop pc in my spare room via wi-fi using microsoft remote client for macs.
For java development I perfer the mac, and I'm really starting to like xcode.
Not sure how much time I want to spend on trying to make h264 work on windows, its just that the h.264 encoding I did with 42dvdvxplus on the mac look better than the mp4 with nerorecode on windows, But the xp machines are faster.

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    hii i am using iphone 3g mobile i have some problem in downloading free apps    here is asking an credit card details    so i want to download with out entering credit cards details      and here i have there is not havening an option "NON"

    How did you create the account ? Unless you followed, exactly, the instructions on the HT2534 page that you posted from when creating an account then credit card details will need to be entered before the account can be used to download any item from the store.

  • Re: Problem providing download link for BLOB data in apex report

    Hi Don,
    Your solution below worked but in the download option i only see save but not open for PDf file in the blob. Please let me know if you have any suggestion to achieve it
    Problem providing download link for BLOB data in apex report 
    591953 Nov 19, 2008 1:55 PM (in response to 660436)
    Currently Being Moderated
    Good morning,
    Here is how I have solved this problem.
    1. The select statement in the sql for the report should not include the BLOB column. I decided to select only 2 columns, the column that has the key and the column with the filename.
    2. On the first column ( the primary key ) I put in the format statement that was simply DOWNLOAD:TABLENAME:BLOB_COLUMN:PRIMARY_KEY
    This works. I believe that the Oracle error I was getting was because I was trying to apply this format statement to the actual BLOB column.
    So, it appears that you can use any of the columns in the report to hold the DOWNLOAD format statement since in the format statement, you are defining the BLOB table, BLOB column and the primary key into that column.
    Hope this helps,

    Branched out from a years old thread.
    user3003326 Don't post to old threads, please.

  • Bug fix for Mac book wireless - problem solved!

    Aparantly there is a rather large number of folks out there who've discovered this dillema with wireless not working very well at this point on the Macbook.
    Well, I can attest there is one very good solution out there for this issue. This application called Sonar Theater from www.sunray.tv includes a bug fix for the wireless connection issues with Macbook in their latest 1.5 release of Sonar Theater.
    I downloaded it, put it into my start up folder and waalaa! problem solved. I've haven't any more issues with dropped wireless since - it's been running constantly for over 2 weeks now.
    I haven't even attempted to touch my router configuration - don't need to.

    Welcome to the better life of Macs. I am using Sonar Theater too and it's been working very well for me. In fact, I'm getting hooked on just texting a message to my Mac book to fire up user sessions now. I think if you give the Mac Book some time however, you'll find that there really is no comparison to PC's. Your life overall is going to just keep getting better as you dig in to the resources available to new Mac users.
    I'm sure it seems confusing to PC users at first, but here's how to set up any application as part of your startup sequence. It really is extremely easy and simple compared to the PC world. Oh and by the way, in reality, Mac users refer to this as your login sequence. So, at login time, you can do a multitude of different things for each user account you might want to set up. Naturally, you can choose to share or not share applications and data between these user accounts on your Mac too....
    Mac OS X 10.3 or later
    1. Log in as the user who wishes to have a login item or as an admin user.
    2. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.
    3. Choose Accounts from the View menu.
    4. Click the name of the user.
    5. Click the Startup Items button
    6. Click the "Add {+}" button.
    The item you selected will automatically open the next time you log in.
    there are several ways to get good info from the apple community on tips and tricks as well. you should just try the apple os x web site...here,
    happy mac-ing!

  • HOTSYNC PROBLEM SOLVED -between Palm TX using desktop version 6.2 & Windows 7 64 bit

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    I performed a google search for Toshiba bluetooth x64 drivers.  This took me to the following link:
    I downloaded PC Bluetooth Stack version 7.00.10 for Windows 7 x 64.  After downloading this suddenly the palm syncing software on my pc gave me the option to connect via bluetooth and I was on my way.  My bluetooth dongle (cirago BTA-3210) was not a toshiba, but did use the toshiba driver stack.  The driver that came with the bluetooth was not up to date- even though it was just purchased at newegg.  The driver update that my pc found was also not 64 bit compatible.  The only fix was to download the driver from Europe- hooray!!!!!  PROBLEM SOLVED
    Post relates to: Palm TX
    Post relates to: Palm TX

    Thanks for reporting your success! 
    I am a Volunteer here, not employed by HP.
    You too can become an HP Expert! Details HERE!
    If my post has helped you, click the Kudos Thumbs up!
    If it solved your issue, Click the "Accept as Solution" button so others can benefit from the question you asked!

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    Problem Solved!

    anything here ?
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    Check Settings/iTunes and AppStore/AppleID and make sure that your AppleID is filled in. If not , sign out and sign in with the correct info.
    To make sure that no other apps or videos are on your device than the one you bought, set it up as new device, explained here: How to back up your data and set up as a new device
    Content that is not bought with your ID can't be used on your phone, that's why his ID and password is asked when you try to use those apps downloaded in the store.

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    thx and have a nice day
    Moderator note: Email Address removed
    Message Edited by dazz19 on 03-Feb-2009 10:37 AM

    try www.fring.com
    Nokia N79 8GB
    SW Version: 11.049 RM-348

  • Creative MuVo and Nforce2 USB Problem solved??

    Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 12:43 pm    Post subject: Creative MuVo and Nforce2 USB Problem solved??  
    Creative released a official firmware for MuVo, and according to them
    Improved USB file transfers for computers with NVIDIA® nForceTM1 or 2 motherboards.
    Better playback performance when more than 128 music tracks are in the player.
    Uninterrupted playback for high bitrate (192 Kbps) WMA files.
    Smooth playback for WMA files even at low battery levels.
    Improved Previous/Next Track function.
    Player may be turned on even when its memory is full

    Originally posted by axeluktoo
    Good explanation of FSB Spread Spectrum here:
    From what I can make out, it\'s basic function is to help prevent your machine from interfering with other electronic devices (such as TVs, Radios etc.)
    Hope this helps!
    Axel  :D
    Thanks for the link.
    It does say in there that it does tend to mess up the clock. Also why doesn't the VIA boards have this option?

  • Undocumented problem solved with 16-bit pcmcia and irq error

    I am having the exact same problem as described in the following post:
    "Undocumented problem solved with 16-bit pcmcia and irq error."
    "I'm using a DAQ Card (AI-16E-4), which didn't work properly in MAX. MAX complained that the card didn't respond to an interrupt request.
    I've had this issue for a while, but dropped it, since NI support told me nothing could be done about it. Meanwhile, a seemingly unrelated problem with a wireless pcmcia network card arose. Cisco had no clue what was wrong with their card either, but I found Microsoft Knowledge Base Article Q327947. It seems that Win2k (they claim SP3 and up) disables ISA to PCI routing, which is what causes this problem.
    To fix it, open regedit
    and navigate to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Pcmcia\Parameters"
    edit or create the DWORD value "DisableIsaToPciRouting" and set the value data to 0.
    See Microsoft's article for further details: http://support.microsoft.com/default. aspx?scid=kb;en-us;327947"
    The difference is that I am using WinXP and the Regedit fix does not solve the problem. Does anybody know how he was able to continue to use the card before he solved the problem? The card works fine in MAX, but errors out in LabVIEW.

    Hey Willy,
    Here some additional suggestions that have corrected some PCMCIA difficulties in the past besides the registry edit you suggested.
    1. General Troubleshooting to Verify Correct Hardware and Software Installation
    Uninstall the PC Card hardware through Device Manager
    Remove the PC Card from the laptop
    Uninstall the NI-DAQ software
    Follow the normal installation instructions (the most important step to remember for Plug-n-Play Operating Systems is to install the software first)
    Try the latest service packs for Win 2000 or Win XP
    Try the PC Card in a different laptop
    Try a different slot in the laptop. On certain laptops PC Cards have been successfully installed in the top PCMCIA slot instead of the bottom.
    2. Additional Troubleshootin
    g for PC Cards that Return IRQ Conflicts
    For E-Series DAQCards:
    Update to NI-DAQ 6.9.3 first and then update NI-PAL to version 1.6.1 (included exe file).
    Download the attached NI-PAL (ni-cdu1610.exe), and run the installer. When receiving the error "The device is not responding to the first IRQ Level" in Measurement and Automation Explorer, try this method of upgrading NI-PAL
    3. Additional Troubleshooting Steps
    Try disabling the 3COM adapter, and any other extraneous (for now) devices like any built in serial and parallel ports. The best way to do this is probably to disable them in the BIOS. If the PCMCIA card works properly then try to reconfigure disabled devices one at a time.
    Make sure the latest BIOS is installed.
    Check for any unusual PCMCIA drivers or other software that might interfere with the PCMCIA driver.
    I hope this helps.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments
    ni-cdu1610.exe ‏1557 KB

  • HT1222 I am trying to update my phone so I can save my info on my old phone & get a new phone, but I get a error that says "There was a problem with downloading teh software, the network connection timed out.."  HELP!  Not sure what my settings shoud be..

    I am trying to update my phone so I can save my info on my old phone & get a new phone, but I get a error that says "There was a problem with downloading teh software, the network connection timed out.."  HELP!  Not sure what my settings shoud be...
    I never updated anything until now...I want o update my iPhone to the newest version, but i do not want ot loose all that I have on this phone. I was told I needed to update the operating systems so i can put things into the cloud for transport to new phone, but I am just not sure how to do this..Can you help out here??

    Dear Jody..jone5
    Good for you that can't update your iphone because I did it and my iphone dosen't work for example I can't download any app like Wecaht or Twitter..

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    Same problem here in Brazil.
    It seems to be a problem with logging in App Store in the Mac (Yosemite 10.10.2).
    When I tried the very same userid and password I was able to login in to use my iCloud account from the same computer and also from my iPhone.

  • Problem in downloading ALV output in excel

    Dear Abapers,
                           I am facing a problem while downloading alv output in spreadsheet. Report headers and data headings are coming in excle but contents are missing instead of that No Data is displaying on excel sheet. I have debug that and observed the deep structure name T_OUTTAB using by the FM ALV_DATA_EXPORT is empty, It should contain the contents of my output data.
    Below I am giving my code. 
          BEGIN OF d_file_out,
            index           TYPE i,                      "Index no
            msg             TYPE string,              "Message
            msgtyp(1)       TYPE c,                 "Message type
           END OF d_file_out,
    DATA:t_file_out       TYPE TABLE OF d_file_out.
    DATA:wa_file_out          TYPE d_file_out.
    Display Error Logs
    PERFORM display_logs USING text-006.
    FORM display_logs USING p_text TYPE string.
      CONSTANTS:  c_count    TYPE char5 VALUE 'INDEX',
                  c_mestyp   TYPE char6 VALUE 'MSG',
                  c_message  TYPE char7 VALUE 'MSGTYP'.
    *Field catalog
      PERFORM: z_field_catalog USING c_count   text-010,  "Record number
               z_field_catalog USING c_mestyp  text-011,  "Message type
               z_field_catalog USING c_message text-012.  "Message
    *Top of page event
      PERFORM z_event USING t_events.
    wa_layout-colwidth_optimize = c_x.
    ALV grid.
         i_buffer_active          = 'X'
           i_callback_program = sy-repid
         is_layout          = wa_layout
         I_STRUCTURE_NAME   = wa_file_out
          it_fieldcat        = t_field
          it_events          = t_events
          t_outtab           = t_file_out
          program_error      = 1
          OTHERS             = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    FORM z_field_catalog USING p_field TYPE any
                                                p_name  TYPE any.
      wa_field-fieldname = p_field.
      wa_field-seltext_l = p_name.
      IF p_field = 'INDEX'.
        wa_field-outputlen = '14'.
        wa_field-col_pos = 1.
      ELSEIF p_field = 'MSG'.
        wa_field-outputlen = '120'.
        wa_field-col_pos = 2.
      ELSEIF p_field = 'MSGTYP'.
        wa_field-outputlen = '08'.
        wa_field-col_pos = 3.
      APPEND wa_field TO t_field.
      CLEAR wa_field.
    Here I have given my code, which contain the building of field catalog and Calling ALV Grid. I have already checked the excel micros settings. Other programs are working fine on my system and downloading in excel is also working.
    Hope to get reply soon.

    Hi ,
    use this to down load to xcel
    v_file = lv_file.
      DATA:  BEGIN OF s_head OCCURS 0,
             head(40) TYPE c ,
             END OF s_head.
      s_head-head = text-015."'Sales price'.   * for header
      APPEND s_head.
      s_head-head = text-016."'Purchase price'.   * for header
      APPEND s_head.
      s_head-head = text-017."'Listing Procedure'.   * for header
      APPEND s_head.
          filename                        = v_file
         filetype                        = 'ASC'
         write_field_separator           = '#'
          data_tab                        = it_output1[]
          fieldnames                      = s_head[]
         file_write_error                = 1
         no_batch                        = 2
         gui_refuse_filetransfer         = 3
         invalid_type                    = 4
         no_authority                    = 5
         unknown_error                   = 6
         header_not_allowed              = 7
         separator_not_allowed           = 8
         filesize_not_allowed            = 9
         header_too_long                 = 10
         dp_error_create                 = 11
         dp_error_send                   = 12
         dp_error_write                  = 13
         unknown_dp_error                = 14
         access_denied                   = 15
         dp_out_of_memory                = 16
         disk_full                       = 17
         dp_timeout                      = 18
         file_not_found                  = 19
         dataprovider_exception          = 20
         control_flush_error             = 21
         OTHERS                          = 22
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

  • Optimization problems in downloading data of greater size from any URL.

    Hi everyone !
    I'm trying to download some resource from the internet by providing valid URL. My code takes almost 50-55 minutes to download. The same resource is downloaded within 3-5 minutes by using Internet Explorer and 3-4 minutes using Fire Fox at the same network and Kbps. The sample code is as under:
    //I'm using apache's HTTP APIs
    public static String url = "http://www.sk.ee/crls/esteid/esteid.crl"; //file size is approx: 10 MB
    //httpMethod is instance of HttpMethodBase and I have initialized it with GET method
    obj_httpMethod = new GetMethod( obj_httpUrl.getEscapedURI()
    InputStream obj_is = obj_httpMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream();
    ByteArrayOutputStream obj_data = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    //above code is working fine and giving proper input stream got from response.
    //problem start from here....although this code is working ok but it is not optimized
    //Is there any way to optimize the code
    MyHttpTransporter.copyStream(obj_is, obj_data, 524288); //Buffer Size: 512K [512*1024]
    //This method is working fine with files of small sizes but it is not doing well with greater file sizes e.g. 10MB
    public static void copyStream(InputStream a_objIs, OutputStream a_objOs,
                                    int a_iblockSize) throws Exception{
        System.out.println( "Buffer Size..: " +  a_iblockSize);
        byte [] byte_Buffer = new byte[a_iblockSize];
        int i_byteRead = -1;
        while ( (i_byteRead = a_objIs.read(byte_Buffer, 0, a_iblockSize)) > -1) {
          System.out.println( "reading stream...." );
          a_objOs.write(byte_Buffer, 0, i_byteRead);
          System.out.println( "writing stream...." );
          System.out.println( i_byteRead );
    System.out.println( i_byteRead );
    The one thing found in the above code is that, it is ignoring my provided buffer size and always fetching max 2047 bytes from the resource.
    Please help me in this regard as I'm unable to progress further in it.

    ASC_KS wrote:
    Thanx for the help.
    It makes some difference.
    the sample code is:
    //iblockSize = 524288 [512K]
    BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(a_objIs, a_iblockSize);
    BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(a_objOs, a_iblockSize);
    BufferedInputStream bis = (BufferedInputStream)a_objIs;
    BufferedOutputStream bos = (BufferedOutputStream)a_objOs;
    //what do you suggest 1 or 2 ? BTW I'm using 1
    If (2) works then behind the scenes the Apache code is already using Buffered streams (otherwise you would get a class cast exception) so there is going to be little advantage to using further buffering. Also, casting to buffered streams does not offer any performance advantage since any reading/writing you do will already be using the methods on the Buffered streams.
    Do I need to concentrate on the block size [reduce or increase what is good practice]. Because again it is fetching maximum 5387B and on average it is fetching the 2047B. But it is improved a little bit.Though the buffer size of the Buffered streams can be set when constructed they cannot be changed later so if the Apache code is not setting the buffer size when it constructs the buffer then you are stuffed. Check the Apache documentation to see if you can change the buffering.
    P.S. Of course, since it is open source, you can always modify the Apache code to increase the buffer size.
    P.P.S. I always use HttpURLConnection for this and it seems pretty quick though I have never downloaded anything beyond a few hundred KBytes.
    Edited by: sabre150 on Nov 21, 2007 11:18 AM

  • I can not write in Hebrew And create effects It shows all distorted  When This problem solved?

    I can not write in Hebrew
    And create effects
    It shows all distorted
    When This problem solved?

    roeisarusi wrote:
    When This problem solved?
    Nobody knows.  iWorks apps have always had bugs that make them unsuitable for Hebrew/Arabic for most people.  Tell Apple here:

Maybe you are looking for