How to clean mouse topside roller button?

Hi. My scroll button on the top of my wireless mouse isn't working very well. It doesn't really like to scroll down anymore. I clean it vigorously with a lint free cloth, but lately I have to do that a couple times an hour to be able to scroll down. Any suggestions on how to do a better job of cleaning it? It is about a year old.

Welcome to the forums!
How to really clean your Mighty Mouse (with caution!):

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    Yes there is....
    In transaction SOLUTION_MANAGER, click onto the EarlyWatch Alert tab -> next to the create button there is a button that say DELETE. If you click onto that it will bring up all of your sessions which you can select to delete.
    Hope this helps!

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    Sure just needs cleaning. Get some Foam cleaner. Spray on tissue/cloth flip mouse upside down and scroll in the problematic direction for 2 mins.
    Add more foam cleaner to cloth and repeat until you have completed the points on a Compass.
    Its dirt and grease that causes that. Its a known design problem. A simple clean usually resolves for a few months and then you have to repeat again.
    ANY CHEAP FOAM CLEANER SPRAY WORKS FINE. as long as its for Computers.

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    I am pretty new to Adobe Acrobat Pro and new to this forum (1st post here!). Greetings from Spain... and apologies for grammar mistakes and misleading explanations (in advance). I have been checking this forum and googling quite a bit, but I do not get to many conclusions (maybe I sleep few due to our baby!).
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    2) Hyperlinks in the text which open embedded files (pdf of others) hidden to the viewer but which are in the pdf document. Possible? (I want the recruiter to receive just one file). Even better if they could be open in another window (doubt it).
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    If you have any idea or advice (even if not related to PDF pro, of course), just please let me know.
    Thanks a lot in advance. I hope this thread may help others.

    Hi Dave,
    Thanks a lot for the input.
    (3) Right, I could not find either a way using just Acrobat Pro (I'm using XI). Sad thing that you confirm it... But it looks like you may do it using other programs on the PDF, but I don't know to use them. You may take a look at this: (popup rollovers using Illustrator) (popup rollovers using InDesign)
    (4) I think that embedding would make the file to big, so I may opt for the hyperlink to youtube option, even if I deeply dislike that message, although youtube is a reliable source for the viewer.
    Any other input is very welcome. I am pretty illiterate in the field!
    Have a nice weekend,

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    Hi phoenixzurc,
    If there is dust under the camera lens, please take the device to Nokia Care point and ask if they can clean it. Trying to clean it yourself might void the warranty of the device and potentially damage it. If there is dust on the lens, you can try to clean it with dry cloth.
    Hope this helped!
    If the answer solves your issue, please click the ACCEPT AS SOLUTION button so other users can benefit from it as well. Giving a kudos (the white star) if my answer has helped will be appreciated.

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    Please help

    Please refer to the below shown link as I feel this might be helpful to you
    Hope this helps, for any further queries reply to the post and feel free to join us again
    **Click the KUDOS star on left to say Thanks**
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions by marking a Reply 'Accept as Solution' if it solves your problem.
    Thank You,
    K N R K
    Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP

  • How to clean the back part of an iPod

    Any tips on how to clean the metalic back part of an iPod?

    The manual says:
    Important handling information
    Cleaning Clean iPod touch immediately if it comes in contact with anything that may cause stains—such as dirt, ink, makeup, or lotions. To clean:
    Disconnect all cables and turn iPod touch off (press and hold the Sleep/Wake button, then slide the onscreen slider).
    Use a soft, lint-free cloth.
    Avoid getting moisture in openings.
    Don’t use cleaning products or compressed air.
    The front of iPod touch is made of glass with a fingerprint-resistant oleophobic (oil repellant) coating. This coating wears over time with normal usage. Cleaning products and abrasive materials will further diminish the coating, and may scratch the glass. Abrasive media may also scratch iPod touch.
    Using connectors, ports, and buttons Never force a connector into a port or apply excessive pressure to a button, because this may cause damage that is not covered under the warranty. If the connector and port don’t join with reasonable ease, they probably don’t match. Check for obstructions and make sure that the connector matches the port and that you have positioned the connector correctly in relation to the port.

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    Run regedit -
    1. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software and delete iPlanet folder,
    2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services delete the entries for :  adminXXX-serv,  iAS60, slapd4.1, slapd-servername.
    Run regedt32 -
    1. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Enum/Root    changed the permission for key LEGACY_SLAPD-xxx from security, and delete it,    check in other controlSet (002/003) also,  including currentControlSet.
    If you are cleaning the Registry after an uninstall, than after cleaning
    registry delete the iAS home dir and "reboot" the computer.

    Maybe you can help. I haven't been able to resolve this one "small" problem which is preventing me from rolling out iWS6.0 SP2. I created a new instance of the server using "Add Server" so that I have 2 Web sites (e.g. and, but the 2nd server instance is pointing to the same HTML location as the first (i.e. takes you to the same location as What do I need to change and where to fix this? Need a VERY quick answer to this to implement a production Web server. I've tried the suggestions made so far (see: but nothing has resolved this problem. If you have any ideas at all, I'd appreciate if you could let me know :)

  • Specific region mouse over effect(Button 1 fades out and Button 2 fades in).

    Dear All -
    I am new to Flash CS5 and building Flash navigation bar with buttons on it.
    Below is my problem description that I want to solve with your help.
    I have a rectangular bar and placed one small button(Button 1) on this bar. Also, I have similar button(Button 2) with some graphics on it which is of similar size as to previous Button 1.
    Button 1 - Without graphic.
    Button 2 - With graphic on it.
    What I want is that, whenever mouse is taken over Button 1 placed on the rectangular bar, it should fade out and simultaneously Button 2 should fade in. I want only button region to be sensitive to this mouse over effect and not the complete rectangular bar.
    Kindly let me know how can I define the specific region(button region only) to be sensitive to mouse over effect in flash, and how to place Button 1 and Button 2 in layers so that both are at the same positition(so that there is no displacement of button detected).
    Thank You,
    Saurabh Khanna.

    Hello -
    Thank you for the reply. Button 1 does not have glowing effect, whereas Button 2 has a glowing effect. So what I wanted is that when initially Button 1 is loaded during page load, when I mouse over Button 1, Button 1 would fade out and Button 2 sitting behind Button 1 would automatically look like fade in(due to gradual fad out of Button 1 on top of Button 2).
    I could do this now, and would like to Thank you for your reply.
    I did this by creating movie clip on "Over" event of Button 1 and changing its Alpha property. But now what I want is how to gradually fade out, means when I remove my mouse from over button, then Button 2 should fade out gradually which will automatically make Button 1 fade in gradually.
    I could not find the "Out" event just like we have "Over" event for Button, so I assume this can only be done using ActionScript somehow.
    Let me know if I am going correct with my assumption, and possibly if you could help me achieve the remaining half(fading out gradually when mouse is removed from the button).
    Thank You once again for your reply.
    Thank You,
    Saurabh Khanna.

  • How to hidden mouse pointer?

    When mouse moves inside Frame, how to hidden mouse pointer?

    It depends on what you mean. If you want to make the cursor invisible, here is one way of doing it:
                ImageIcon emptyIcon = new ImageIcon(new byte[0]);
                Cursor invisibleCursor = getToolkit().createCustomCursor(
                    emptyIcon.getImage(), new Point(0,0), "Invisible");
                frame.getContentPane().setCursor(invisibleCursor);Note that even though the cursor is invisible it will still be a cursor, i.e. you can click on buttons etc.
    Or do you want to disable the cursor completely?



    Hello @Musiclady1,
    I would like to assist you today with cleaning the Printheads on your HP Officejet 4620 e-All-in-One Printer. Can I please have you follow the steps below.
    How to Clean the Printheads:
    Load plain, white U.S. letter or A4 size paper in the input tray.
    On the printer control panel, press the Setup icon ().
    Press the button () next to the Down Arrow () until Tools displays next to OK.
    Press the button next to OK to select Tools, and then press the button next to the Down Arrow () until Clean Printhead displays next to OK.
    Press the button next to OK to clean the printheads. The printer cleans the printheads and then prints a test page.
    Evaluate the test page for print quality.
    - Source
    If the print quality is still not satisfactory, you can run another Printhead cleaning. You may need to run up to three Printhead cleans to resolve a quality issue. Because ink is used during the cleaning process, if three cleans has not resolved the issue I would not proceed with additional cleans as you would just be wasting ink.
    Please let me know if these steps resolve your issue. Best of luck!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click "Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the "Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say "Thanks" for helping!

  • Mighty Mouse's side buttons too sensitive...

    Hi there,
    Every two seconds, the fonction of the side button gets activated because I press them by mistake... It's been two weeks and I still hit them by mistake.
    How do I make the Mighty Mouse's side buttons less sensitive?

    for me it's actually static that makes the side buttons operate all on their own just if my hand is barely touching. i don't have this problem when i'm on tile flooring with my new iMac, but in my bedroom on carpet, the mouse and computer act weird becasue of dry climate and static. if i keep my hand on the metal base of the imac i have no problems. as soon as i remove my hand, problems. i'm now working on grounding my computer but that hasn't worked yet. i need to be de-static in some way i think.

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