How to create a part selection and a part list ALV in the same screen

I will want to realize in a screen a part lists ALV and a part selection for the list.
I have created a container with  a splitter , but I do not know how to carry out the selection part.
Thank you for your assistance.

If you want to have the selections and the ALV list displayed on the same dynrpo then create a dynpro that contains in the upper part the selection/input fields and in the lower part place a custom container for the ALV grid.
If you want to be more flexible then you could use a subscreen for the selection/input fields.
There is no point in using a splitter container because we cannot place normal input fields into a container but only controls.

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    hi gaurav,
    Use the following code...It works...
    TABLES: vbrk.
    c_x(1)        TYPE c VALUE 'X',
    c_zxto        TYPE vbak-auart VALUE 'ZXTO',
    c_e           TYPE spras VALUE 'E',
    c_000000      TYPE posnr VALUE '000000',
    c_ship_to     TYPE parvw VALUE 'WE'.      "Ship To Party
    Table Types
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_vbrk_vbrp,
    vbeln TYPE vbrk-vbeln,    "Billing doc
    posnr TYPE vbrp-posnr,    "Billing item
    aubel TYPE vbrp-aubel,    "Sales order
    waerk TYPE vbrk-waerk,    "Doc currency
    mvgr1 TYPE vbrp-mvgr1,    "Material group 1
    mvgr3 TYPE vbrp-mvgr3,    "Material group 3
    mvgr4 TYPE vbrp-mvgr4,    "Material group 4
    matnr TYPE vbrp-matnr,    "Material no
    ntgew TYPE vbrp-ntgew,    "Net wt
    gewei TYPE vbrp-gewei,    "Wt unit
    kzwi1 TYPE vbrp-kzwi1,                             "Subtotal 1
    kursk TYPE vbrp-kursk,    "Exchange rate
    END   OF ty_vbrk_vbrp.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_data,
    land1 TYPE vbpa-land1,
    landx TYPE t005t-landx,
    mvgr3 TYPE vbrp-mvgr3,
    mvgr4 TYPE vbrp-mvgr4,
    bezei3 TYPE tvm3t-bezei,
    bezei4 TYPE tvm4t-bezei,
    ntgew_tea_bag TYPE vbrp-ntgew,
    ntgew_pkt_tea TYPE vbrp-ntgew,
    ntgew_bulk_tea TYPE vbrp-ntgew,
    kzwi1_tea_bag TYPE vbrp-kzwi1,    "Subtotal 1 Tea Bag
    kzwi1_pkt_tea TYPE vbrp-kzwi1,    "Subtotal 1 Pkt Tea
    kzwi1_bulk_tea TYPE vbrp-kzwi1,   "Subtotal 1 Bulk Tea
    ntgew_tot TYPE vbrp-ntgew,
    kzwi1_tot TYPE vbrp-kzwi1,
    line_color(4) TYPE c,  "For line color
    END OF ty_data.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_vbpa,
    vbeln TYPE vbpa-vbeln,
    land1 TYPE vbpa-land1,
    END OF ty_vbpa.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_t005t,
    land1 TYPE t005t-land1,
    landx TYPE t005t-landx,
    END OF ty_t005t.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_tvm3t,
    mvgr3 TYPE tvm3-mvgr3,
    bezei TYPE tvm3t-bezei,
    END OF ty_tvm3t.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_tvm4t,
    mvgr4 TYPE tvm4-mvgr4,
    bezei TYPE tvm4t-bezei,
    END OF ty_tvm4t.
    DATA: it_vbrk_vbrp TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_vbrk_vbrp,
    wa_vbrk_vbrp TYPE ty_vbrk_vbrp,
    it_vbpa TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_vbpa,
    wa_vbpa TYPE ty_vbpa,
    it_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_data,
    wa_data TYPE ty_data,
    it_t005t TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_t005t,
    wa_t005t TYPE ty_t005t,
    it_tvm3t TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_tvm3t,
    wa_tvm3t TYPE ty_tvm3t,
    it_tvm4t TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_tvm4t,
    wa_tvm4t TYPE ty_tvm4t.
    Global data for grand total
    w_tot_ntgew_tea_bag TYPE vbrp-ntgew,
    w_tot_ntgew_pkt_tea TYPE vbrp-ntgew,
    w_tot_ntgew_bulk_tea TYPE vbrp-ntgew,
    w_tot_ntgew_tot TYPE vbrp-ntgew,
    w_tot_kzwi1_tea_bag TYPE vbrp-kzwi1,
    w_tot_kzwi1_pkt_tea TYPE vbrp-kzwi1,
    w_tot_kzwi1_bulk_tea TYPE vbrp-kzwi1,
    w_tot_kzwi1_tot TYPE vbrp-kzwi1.
    Global data definitions for ALV
    DATA :
    ALV Grid container
    w_alv_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
    ALV Grid
    w_alv_grid      TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
    w_layo          TYPE        lvc_s_layo,     "For layout
    wt_fieldcat     TYPE        lvc_t_fcat,     "For field catalog
    okcode          TYPE         okcode,        "OK Code
    w_to(2)         TYPE         c,
    w_title         TYPE        string.
    Billing Date
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_fkdat FOR vbrk-fkdat MEMORY ID vf OBLIGATORY no intervals.
    Get billing data from Delivery header(VBRK) and item (VBRP)
    PERFORM get_billing_data.
    Get ship-to country
    PERFORM get_ship_to_data.
    Get material group description 3
    PERFORM get_material_group_3.
    Get material group description 4
    PERFORM get_material_group_4.
    Form the ALV Grid title
    PERFORM form_title.
    Process data
    PERFORM process_data.
    Populate text descriptions
    PERFORM populate_description.
    Set the text to when date high is there
    IF NOT s_fkdat-high IS INITIAL.
    w_to = 'to'(c16).
    Call the scren 9000 for ALV Display
    CALL SCREEN 9000.
    *&      Form  get_billing_data
    Get billing data from Delivery header(VBRK) and item (VBRP)
    & store in internal table it_vbrk_vbrp
    FORM get_billing_data .
    REFRESH: it_vbrk_vbrp.
    Select Billing data by joining VBRK & VBRP and store in it_vbrk_vbrp
    SELECT a~vbeln
    FROM vbrk AS a INNER JOIN vbrp AS b
    ON avbeln = bvbeln
    INTO TABLE it_vbrk_vbrp
    WHERE a~fkdat IN s_fkdat
    Consider only non-deleted document
    AND fksto = space
    Billing doc type should be ZXTB
    AND fkart = 'ZXTB'
    AND pstyv = c_zxto.
    *IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *MESSAGE i999(zttl) WITH 'No data is there'(m06).
    ENDFORM.                    " get_billing_data
    *&      Form  get_ship_to_data
    Get Ship-To party data
    FORM get_ship_to_data .
    DATA: l_it_vbpa TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_vbpa.
    REFRESH: it_vbpa, it_t005t.
    IF NOT it_vbrk_vbrp[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT vbeln
    FROM vbpa
    INTO TABLE it_vbpa
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_vbrk_vbrp
    WHERE vbeln = it_vbrk_vbrp-aubel
    AND posnr = c_000000
    AND parvw = c_ship_to.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE i999(zttl) WITH 'Exporter country not maintained'(m02).
    SORT it_vbpa BY vbeln.
    Create an unique and sorted driver table
    l_it_vbpa[] = it_vbpa[].
    SORT l_it_vbpa BY land1.
    IF NOT l_it_vbpa[] IS INITIAL.
    Get the country description from T005t table
    SELECT land1
    FROM t005t
    INTO TABLE it_t005t
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN l_it_vbpa
    WHERE spras = c_e
    AND  land1 = l_it_vbpa-land1.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    SORT it_t005t BY land1.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_ship_to_data
    *&      Form  get_material_group_3
    Get material group 3
    FORM get_material_group_3 .
    DATA: l_it_vbrk_vbrp TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_vbrk_vbrp.
    REFRESH: it_tvm3t.
    Create an unique and sorted driver table
    l_it_vbrk_vbrp[] = it_vbrk_vbrp[].
    SORT l_it_vbrk_vbrp BY mvgr3.
    IF NOT l_it_vbrk_vbrp[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT mvgr3
    FROM tvm3t
    INTO TABLE it_tvm3t
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN l_it_vbrk_vbrp
    WHERE mvgr3 = l_it_vbrk_vbrp-mvgr3.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    SORT it_tvm3t BY mvgr3.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_material_group_3
    *&      Form  get_material_group_4
    Get material group 4
    FORM get_material_group_4 .
    DATA: l_it_vbrk_vbrp TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_vbrk_vbrp.
    REFRESH: it_tvm4t.
    Create an unique and sorted driver table
    l_it_vbrk_vbrp[] = it_vbrk_vbrp[].
    SORT l_it_vbrk_vbrp BY mvgr4.
    IF NOT l_it_vbrk_vbrp[] IS INITIAL.
    SELECT mvgr4
    FROM tvm4t
    INTO TABLE it_tvm4t
         FOR ALL ENTRIES IN l_it_vbrk_vbrp
         WHERE mvgr4 = l_it_vbrk_vbrp-mvgr4.
         IF sy-subrc = 0.
           SORT it_tvm4t BY mvgr4.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_material_group_4
    *&      Form  process_data
    Process the data and do summation and populate final display table
    FORM process_data .
       LOOP AT it_vbrk_vbrp INTO wa_vbrk_vbrp.
         CLEAR: wa_data, wa_vbpa.
         READ TABLE it_vbpa INTO wa_vbpa WITH KEY
                                      vbeln = wa_vbrk_vbrp-aubel
                                      BINARY SEARCH.
         IF sy-subrc = 0.
           wa_data-land1 = wa_vbpa-land1.
         wa_data-mvgr3 = wa_vbrk_vbrp-mvgr3.
         wa_data-mvgr4 = wa_vbrk_vbrp-mvgr4.
    Do an unit conversion of the quamtity
             input                      = wa_vbrk_vbrp-ntgew
         NO_TYPE_CHECK              = 'X'
         ROUND_SIGN                 = ' '
            unit_in                    = wa_vbrk_vbrp-gewei
            unit_out                   = 'TO' "Metric tonn
            output                     = wa_vbrk_vbrp-ntgew
            conversion_not_found       = 1
            division_by_zero           = 2
            input_invalid              = 3
            output_invalid             = 4
            overflow                   = 5
            type_invalid               = 6
            units_missing              = 7
            unit_in_not_found          = 8
            unit_out_not_found         = 9
            OTHERS                     = 10.
         IF sy-subrc <> 0.
           wa_vbrk_vbrp-ntgew = wa_vbrk_vbrp-ntgew.
    Convert the currency from Customer currency to local
    currency by multiplying with kursk
         wa_vbrk_vbrp-kzwi1 =  wa_vbrk_vbrp-kzwi1 * wa_vbrk_vbrp-kursk.
    Convert the amount to Lacks by dividing with 100000
        wa_vbrk_vbrp-kzwi1 = wa_vbrk_vbrp-kzwi1 / 100000.       "DV1K905028
    When MVGR1 is between A to F use the amount as TEA_BAG
         IF wa_vbrk_vbrp-mvgr1 BETWEEN 'A' AND 'F'.
           wa_data-ntgew_tea_bag = wa_vbrk_vbrp-ntgew.
           wa_data-kzwi1_tea_bag = wa_vbrk_vbrp-kzwi1.
    When MVGR1 is between G to L use the amount as TEA_BAG
         IF wa_vbrk_vbrp-mvgr1 BETWEEN 'G' AND 'L'.
           wa_data-ntgew_pkt_tea = wa_vbrk_vbrp-ntgew.
           wa_data-kzwi1_pkt_tea = wa_vbrk_vbrp-kzwi1.
    When MVGR1 is between G to L use the amount as TEA_BAG
         IF wa_vbrk_vbrp-mvgr1 = 'M'.
           wa_data-ntgew_bulk_tea = wa_vbrk_vbrp-ntgew.
           wa_data-kzwi1_bulk_tea = wa_vbrk_vbrp-kzwi1.
         COLLECT wa_data INTO it_data.
    ENDFORM.                    " process_data
    *&      Form  populate_description
    Populate the description fields
    FORM populate_description .
       LOOP AT it_data INTO wa_data.
         CLEAR: wa_t005t.
         READ TABLE it_t005t INTO wa_t005t WITH KEY land1 = wa_data-land1
                                                BINARY SEARCH.
         IF sy-subrc = 0.
           wa_data-landx = wa_t005t-landx.
    Read description of Material group 3
         CLEAR wa_tvm3t.
         READ TABLE it_tvm3t INTO wa_tvm3t WITH KEY
                                  mvgr3 = wa_data-mvgr3
                                  BINARY SEARCH.
         IF sy-subrc = 0.
           wa_data-bezei3 = wa_tvm3t-bezei.
    Read description of Material group 4
         CLEAR wa_tvm4t.
         READ TABLE it_tvm4t INTO wa_tvm4t WITH KEY
                                  mvgr4 = wa_data-mvgr4
                                  BINARY SEARCH.
         IF sy-subrc = 0.
           wa_data-bezei4 = wa_tvm4t-bezei.
    Get the grand totals
         wa_data-ntgew_tot = wa_data-ntgew_tea_bag
                  + wa_data-ntgew_pkt_tea
                  + wa_data-ntgew_bulk_tea.
         wa_data-kzwi1_tot = wa_data-kzwi1_tea_bag
                  + wa_data-kzwi1_pkt_tea
                  + wa_data-kzwi1_bulk_tea.
         MODIFY it_data FROM wa_data TRANSPORTING landx
    Summattion of grand totals
         w_tot_ntgew_tea_bag  = w_tot_ntgew_tea_bag  + wa_data-ntgew_tea_bag.
         w_tot_ntgew_pkt_tea  = w_tot_ntgew_pkt_tea  + wa_data-ntgew_pkt_tea.
         w_tot_ntgew_bulk_tea  = w_tot_ntgew_bulk_tea  + wa_data-ntgew_bulk_tea.
         w_tot_ntgew_tot  = w_tot_ntgew_tot  + wa_data-ntgew_tot.
         w_tot_kzwi1_tea_bag  = w_tot_kzwi1_tea_bag  + wa_data-kzwi1_tea_bag.
         w_tot_kzwi1_pkt_tea  = w_tot_kzwi1_pkt_tea  + wa_data-kzwi1_pkt_tea.
         w_tot_kzwi1_bulk_tea  = w_tot_kzwi1_bulk_tea  + wa_data-kzwi1_bulk_tea.
         w_tot_kzwi1_tot  = w_tot_kzwi1_tot  + wa_data-kzwi1_tot.
    Append a grand Total row at the end
       CLEAR wa_data.
       wa_data-landx = 'Grand Total:'.
       wa_data-ntgew_tea_bag = w_tot_ntgew_tea_bag.
       wa_data-ntgew_pkt_tea = w_tot_ntgew_pkt_tea.
       wa_data-ntgew_bulk_tea = w_tot_ntgew_bulk_tea.
       wa_data-ntgew_tot = w_tot_ntgew_tot.
       wa_data-kzwi1_tea_bag = w_tot_kzwi1_tea_bag.
       wa_data-kzwi1_pkt_tea = w_tot_kzwi1_pkt_tea.
       wa_data-kzwi1_bulk_tea = w_tot_kzwi1_bulk_tea.
       wa_data-kzwi1_tot = w_tot_kzwi1_tot.
       wa_data-line_color    = 'C310'.
       APPEND wa_data TO it_data.
    ENDFORM.                    " populate_description
    *&      Module  STATUS_9000  OUTPUT
    Initialise PF-STATUS and title
    MODULE status_9000 OUTPUT.
       SET PF-STATUS 'MAIN9000'.
       SET TITLEBAR 'TITLE_9000'.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_9000  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  initialize_9000  OUTPUT
    MODULE initialize_9000 OUTPUT.
    Call the ALV grid to display data
      Billing Date
       PERFORM display_alv_grid.
    ENDMODULE.                 " initialize_9000  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_9000  INPUT
    Module to handle User Command
    MODULE user_command_9000 INPUT.
       CASE okcode.
         WHEN 'BACK'.
           SET SCREEN 0.
           CLEAR okcode.
           LEAVE SCREEN.
         WHEN 'CANCEL'.
           SET SCREEN 0.
           CLEAR okcode.
           LEAVE SCREEN.
         WHEN 'EXIT'.
           CLEAR okcode.
           LEAVE PROGRAM.
         WHEN OTHERS.
    ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_9000  INPUT
    *&      Form  display_alv_grid
    Display the data in ALV Grid
    FORM display_alv_grid .
       IF w_alv_container IS INITIAL.
    Create the alv container object
         CREATE OBJECT w_alv_container
             container_name = 'ALV_GRID'
               cntl_error                  = 1
               cntl_system_error           = 2
               create_error                = 3
               lifetime_error              = 4
               lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5
               OTHERS                      = 6.
         IF sy-subrc <> 0.
           MESSAGE e999(zttl) WITH 'Problem in ALV display'(t04).
    Create the ALV grid object. The parent is the ALV container
         CREATE OBJECT w_alv_grid
             i_parent = w_alv_container
             error_cntl_create = 1
             error_cntl_init   = 2
             error_cntl_link   = 3
             error_dp_create   = 4
             OTHERS            = 5.
         IF sy-subrc <> 0.
           MESSAGE e999(zttl) WITH 'Problem in ALV display'(t04).
    This subrotine creates the field catalog and
    store in internal table lt_fieldcat
         PERFORM prepare_fieldcat CHANGING wt_fieldcat.
    Layout design
         w_layo-no_toolbar = ''.
    Not to allow totaling feature
         w_layo-no_totline = c_x.
    Report title
       w_layo-grid_title = text-004.
         w_layo-grid_title = w_title.
         w_layo-zebra      = c_x.    "Alternating line color (striped)
         w_layo-cwidth_opt = c_x.    "Optimize column width
         w_layo-sel_mode   = 'A'.    "Selection Mode
    Name of the color field
         w_layo-info_fname = 'LINE_COLOR'."For row color
    Call the method to display the data in ALV grid
         CALL METHOD w_alv_grid->set_table_for_first_display
             i_save                        = 'A'
             is_layout                     = w_layo
             it_outtab                     = it_data[]
             it_fieldcatalog               = wt_fieldcat
             invalid_parameter_combination = 1
             program_error                 = 2
             too_many_lines                = 3
             OTHERS                        = 4.
         IF sy-subrc <> 0.
           MESSAGE e999(zttl) WITH text-t04.
    If the container & grid object is alreadt there reuse them
         CALL METHOD w_alv_grid->refresh_table_display
             finished = 1
             OTHERS   = 2.
         IF sy-subrc <> 0.
           MESSAGE e999(zttl) WITH text-t04.
       IF okcode = 'CANCEL'.
    ENDFORM.                    " display_alv_grid
    *&      Form  prepare_fieldcat
    Prepare the list of fields to be displayed                          *
         <--P_WT_FIELDCAT  text
    FORM prepare_fieldcat  CHANGING pt_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat.
       DATA : lx_fcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat.
       REFRESH: pt_fieldcat.
    **List of fields to be displayed should be added in pt_fieldcat
    Customer PO no
       CLEAR lx_fcat.
       lx_fcat-fieldname = 'LANDX'.
       lx_fcat-ref_field = 'T005T'.
       lx_fcat-ref_table = 'T005T'.
       lx_fcat-coltext = 'Market Name'(c01).
       lx_fcat-seltext = text-c01.
       APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fieldcat.
    Flavour type
       CLEAR lx_fcat.
       lx_fcat-fieldname = 'BEZEI3'.
       lx_fcat-ref_field = 'BEZEI'.
       lx_fcat-ref_table = 'TVM3'.
       lx_fcat-coltext = 'Flavour Type'(c02).
       lx_fcat-seltext = text-c02.
       APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fieldcat.
    Tea type
       CLEAR lx_fcat.
       lx_fcat-fieldname = 'BEZEI4'.
       lx_fcat-ref_field = 'BEZEI4'.
       lx_fcat-ref_table = 'TVM4'.
       lx_fcat-coltext = 'Tea Type.'(c03).
       lx_fcat-seltext = text-c03.
       APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fieldcat.
    Tea Bag Quantity in KG
       CLEAR lx_fcat.
       lx_fcat-fieldname = 'NTGEW_TEA_BAG'.
       lx_fcat-ref_field = 'NTGEW'.
       lx_fcat-ref_table = 'VBRP'.
       lx_fcat-coltext = 'Tea Bag(MT)'(c04).
       lx_fcat-seltext = text-c04.
       APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fieldcat.
    PKT Tea  Quantity in KG
       CLEAR lx_fcat.
       lx_fcat-fieldname = 'NTGEW_PKT_TEA'.
       lx_fcat-ref_field = 'NTGEW'.
       lx_fcat-ref_table = 'VBRP'.
       lx_fcat-coltext = 'PKT Tea(MT)'(c05).
       lx_fcat-seltext = text-c05.
       APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fieldcat.
    Bulk Tea  Quantity in MT
       CLEAR lx_fcat.
       lx_fcat-fieldname = 'NTGEW_BULK_TEA'.
       lx_fcat-ref_field = 'NTGEW'.
       lx_fcat-ref_table = 'VBRP'.
       lx_fcat-coltext = 'Bulk Tea(MT)'(c06).
       lx_fcat-seltext = text-c06.
       APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fieldcat.
    Total Quantity in MT
       CLEAR lx_fcat.
       lx_fcat-fieldname = 'NTGEW_TOT'.
       lx_fcat-ref_field = 'NTGEW'.
       lx_fcat-ref_table = 'VBRP'.
       lx_fcat-coltext = 'Total(MT)'(c07).
       lx_fcat-seltext = text-c07.
       APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fieldcat.
    Tea Bag Quantity in KG
       CLEAR lx_fcat.
       lx_fcat-fieldname = 'KZWI1_TEA_BAG'.
       lx_fcat-ref_field = 'KZWI1'.
       lx_fcat-ref_table = 'VBRP'.
       lx_fcat-coltext = 'Tea Bag(FOB-Lacs)'(c08).
       lx_fcat-seltext = text-c08.
       APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fieldcat.
    PKT Tea  Price in Lakh
       CLEAR lx_fcat.
       lx_fcat-fieldname = 'KZWI1_PKT_TEA'.
       lx_fcat-ref_field = 'KZWI1'.
       lx_fcat-ref_table = 'VBRP'.
       lx_fcat-coltext = 'PKT Tea(FOB-Lacs)'(c09).
       lx_fcat-seltext = text-c09.
       APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fieldcat.
    PKT Tea  Quantity in KG
       CLEAR lx_fcat.
       lx_fcat-fieldname = 'KZWI1_BULK_TEA'.
       lx_fcat-ref_field = 'KZWI1'.
       lx_fcat-ref_table = 'VBRP'.
       lx_fcat-coltext = 'Bulk Tea(FOB-Lacs)'(c10).
       lx_fcat-seltext = text-c10.
       APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fieldcat.
    Total amount
       CLEAR lx_fcat.
       lx_fcat-fieldname = 'KZWI1_TOT'.
       lx_fcat-ref_field = 'KZWI1'.
       lx_fcat-ref_table = 'VBRP'.
       lx_fcat-coltext = 'Total(FOB-Lacs)'(c11).
       lx_fcat-seltext = text-c11.
       APPEND lx_fcat TO pt_fieldcat.
    ENDFORM.                    " prepare_fieldcat
    *&      Form  form_title
    Form the ALV Title
    FORM form_title .
       DATA: l_date(10) TYPE c.
       CONCATENATE s_fkdat-low6(2)  s_fkdat-low4(2)  s_fkdat-low(4)
       INTO l_date SEPARATED BY '/'.
       CONCATENATE 'TTD - Statement of Export' '-From' l_date INTO
    w_title SEPARATED BY space.
       CLEAR l_date.
       IF NOT s_fkdat-high IS INITIAL.
         CONCATENATE s_fkdat-high6(2)  s_fkdat-high4(2)  s_fkdat-high(4)
         INTO l_date SEPARATED BY '/'.
         CONCATENATE w_title 'to' l_date INTO w_title SEPARATED BY space.
    ENDFORM.                    " form_title

  • TS3623 purchasing a movie from apple tv has stopped working.  I click on "movies" and it takes me back to the same screen instead of the movies available.  I have updated software, unplugged the modem & apple tv box, & the tv; Netflix still works!

    purchasing a movie from apple tv has stopped working.  I click on "movies" and it takes me back to the same screen instead of the movies available.  I have updated software, unplugged the modem & apple tv box, & the tv; Netflix still works!

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    First you should try logging out of your iTunes Store account (settings > iTunes Store > accounts) and then back in again.
    If that doesn't help, try resetting the Apple TV (Settings > General > Reset > Reset all settings). You should also try restarting your router.
    If both of the above don't help, you should try a restore (Settings > General > Reset > Restore).

  • 8Gb Touch 2nd gen problem. Only showing connect to iTunes screen and not letting me past that as I have a password - Already reset and it just loops back to the same screen with the same problem

    I have an iPod Touch 8GB 2nd gen and it's only showing connect to iTunes screen and not letting me past that as I have a password - Already reset and it just loops back to the same screen with the same problem.
    Any idea what I can do to fix this?

    you can connect the iPod to iTunes in recovery mode:
    Hold down the Home button and the Power button simutaneously, until the screen goes black and the device turns off.
    Now let go of the Power button, but continue to hold the Home button. Your iPod Touch/iPhone should have turned off and the screen should not be on.
    After around ~10-20 seconds, you will hear a noise (beep/ding) from your CPU as if it had just recognized a new hardware device
    and restore it to default settings, in order to remove your password (or just remove your password directly from the iPod touch, in order to sync with iTunes)

  • How to play stereo mix music and sing in my mic at the same time?

    Hi guys, need help regarding Realtek HD audio driver
    I want to play stereo mix music and sing in my mic at the same time.... not for recording purposes but in chatroom let's say.
    I'm using XP...Toshiba Satellite S4747 laptop
    In the Realtek software under " Realtek HD audio input" I have mic and stereo mix both.... but I can only select one at a time.....
    Any solutions plzzz thxxxx
    On a different note.... a friend of mine whose using one non-Toshiba laptop with win XP has an older version of the Realtek audio driver and can select both mic and stereo mix at the same time... I downloaded that version into my laptop but I still can only select one at a time....

    Check the audio settings in Windows and dont forget in Realtek HD audio manager. You can find it in control panel.
    I think your microphone is set to mute so check this.

  • How to put a few pages together as a panel group in the same screen ?

    Dear Friends,
    Hello. I am developing the accounting application of Journal Entry module. I have developed 5 pages for a journal entry: Journal header, Journal Line, Journal total, Journal Error and Journal Approval. I want to put 5 pages together as a panel group in the same screen so that users are convenient to use them. The format is as follows:
    Header | Lines | Total | Error | Approval
    When a user click on Header or Lines or Total or Error or Approval, its related page is displayed below it on the screen. But I don't understand how to put "Header", "Lines", "Total", "Error" and "Approval" together as above format and link them to its related page. Can anybody tell me how to do that ? Thanks.

    It's correct to make 5 pages as a seperate component.
    I am developing an accounting system using PeopleTools by myself.
    Because you understand PeopleSoft financial application, please tell me the 2 questions as follows:
    First, In Journal Line page, when select "edit Journal" and click button "process", the system check the Journal against Budget, if it's Ok, the System assign Journal ID for the Journal and put "valid" into the field of "Budget Status" and "Journal Status" in Total page. If it's not OK, the system send error message into Error page. Do you know how developer do that ?
    Second, In Journal Line Page, when select "Submit Journal" and click button "process", the system send the Journal to Approval page for approval. Do you know how developer do that ?

  • Is it possible to display list alv and grid alv in the same screen

    There are methods to display more than 1 alv grid in the same screen by using block append grid . In the same manner its available for more than 1 list alv report display by REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_APPEND.
    My question is I want to display 1 alv list and 1 alv grid report in the same output screen .
    Please let me know how to do it ?  I will definetly appreciate the answers.

    Hi Anindita,
                                      Previously i ad told v cant display two lists together in same screen. But u can use Block ALV for this. Use FM "REUSE_ALV_BLOCK_LIST_APPEND.
    In OO u can use Cl_GUI_EAST_SPLITTER_CONTAINER for displayin more than two lists in same screen.
    If useful giv points
    Vanitha P

  • How to create a linked data source with document libraries based on the same template?

    I use SharePoint Foundation 2013, SP Designer and Visual Studio 2013 to my needs. But there are several things which i don't get.
    I have a number of libraries which use the same template. I want to create a linked data source, that would contain them all, and if I add a library based on this template, the library would be added to the data sorce. Is it possible?
    I tried creating linked data souces, but the view that it brings by default is limited(no sorting, etc.). How can it be modified?

    I am planning to do my project on Linux with J2EE,Oracle technologies.You don't need to set up a DSN. Just use a JDBC connect string such as jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe

  • How do I share iPhoto library and Quicken info between accounts on the same

    I'm on an iMac running Leopard and iPhoto 7.1.2 and Quicken 2004. My wife has one account and I have another. How do we share iPhoto libraries and Quicken input automatically across accounts on the same machine?

    There are two ways to share iPhoto, depending on what you mean by 'share'.
    If you want the other user to be able to see the pics, but not add to, change or alter your library, then enable Sharing in your iPhoto (Preferences -> Sharing), leave iPhoto running and use Fast User Switching to open the other account. In that account, enable 'Look For Shared Libraries'. Your Library will appear in the other source pane.
    Remember iPhoto must be running in both accounts for this to work.
    If you want the other user to have the same access to the library as you: to be able to add, edit, organise, keyword etc. then:
    Quit iPhoto in both accounts
    Move the iPhoto Library Folder to an external HD set to ignore permissions. You could also use a dmg.
    (Some people have had success putting the library in the Users/ Shared folder. If you do this make sure the file permissions are set to allow read/write access to everyone.)
    In each account in turn: Hold down the option (or alt) key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting dialogue, select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new library location. From that point on, this will be the default library location. Both accounts will have full access to the library, in fact, both accounts will 'own' it.
    However, there is a catch with this system and it is a significant one. iPhoto is not a multi-user app., it does not have the code to negotiate two users simultaneously writing to the database, and trying will cause db corruption. So only one user at a time, and back up, back up back up.

  • How to have concurrent CSV upload and manual edit in APEX on the same table

    Hi there,
    my users want to have csv upload and manual edit on apex pages functions together...
    it means they want to insert the data by csv upload and also have interactive report and form on the same table...
    so if user A changes something in csv file...then user B update or delete another record from apex fronted (manually in the apex form)...then after that user A wants to upload the csv file,the record was changed by user B would be overwritten ...
    So how can I prevent it?????

    Hi Huzaifa,
    Thanks for the reply...
    I'm going to use File Browser so that end users can upload the files themselves...
    after editing data by users...a manger going to review it and in case of approval , i need to insert the data to one final table....
    so it needs much effort to check two source tables and in case of difference between table of csv and other one...what to do...

  • How can I get a Title and a subtitle that are on the same page to come into the TOC in order?

    The subtitle is appearing before the Title even though it doesn't flow that way on the page. I use Paragragh styles to create my TOC and otherwise have had no problems. Any suggestions?

    Thank you so much! It is fine after extending the title text box.

  • How can I lock my laptop and use a password to open the widow screen


    Are you using Windows 8.0, or Windows 8.1? If you are using Windows 8.1, the excellent instructions in DavidPK's link above won't apply.
    To find out what your operating system is, press the Windows + X keys, and select System from the list. Look under Windows Edition for your operating system (example below):
    Clicking the white KUDOS THUMBS UP on the right is a way to say thanks!
    Click Accept as Solution on a reply that solves your issue to help others in search of answers.

  • HT201933 How can I use my trackpad and my Apple Magic Mouse at the same time? If I don't have my mouse with me I can't use my laptop. The trackpad only moves an arrow around but doesn't let me click on anything?

    When I want to use only my laptop without the apple magic mouse, how do I disable the mouse so that the trackpad works?

    Hi, thanks for your answer,
    No, I connected the midi-in from the blofeld to midi-out from the virus. I was told to do so by the guy who sold me the ultralite mk3.
    I made some tests before getting the ultralite... I used the Virus soundcard as audio device and I could control the blofeld. But I had to link my monitor to the Blofed Out... then I wasn't able to listent to the Virus. But this way I could play the Blofeld in Logic (but couldn't see any midi data and when I bounced I had no sound)
    That's the main reason I decided to buy an external audio device (to be able to play both the Virus and the Blofeld)
    But I think the way I connected Blofeld to Virus is right because I can see the light which means it receives midi data.
    I think it's more about how to set it within logic...
    And the Blofeld only gets one Midi connection: Midi In
    Both my Virus and Blofeld are also connected to my MacPro via USB, that's the reason I didn't connect the synths to the ultralite via midi...
    thanks for you help! I'm getting crazy lol

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    Hi all, I updated my software to 10.5.8. Since then i'm unable to open system profiler. Tried using the: a) option button > then click system profiler b) spotlight c) apple logo > abt this mac> Please help. Many thanks in advance

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