HP Z600: GTX770 and 250GB SSD

I'm planning to buy a new workstation for visual effects work (Nuke, Maya, Mari), but with a budget of 1.000-1.200 € (1500$) the most powerful computer I can get is an i7 gaming rig.
I've found some interesting deals on eBay, like a HP Z600 with dual six-core X5650 for less than 600$, but I'd like to upgrade it installing an SSD and a new graphics card, something like a GTX 760 or a GTX 770.
I've seen that the Z600 includes a 650W 80+ Bronze power supply, so it shouldn't have to be a problem, but I don't know where I can find how many PCIe power connectors does the power supply has.
For the SSD I'd like to buy a PCIe to SATA3, and another PCIe to USB3.0 for my external Lacie 4TB RAID.
Thank you so much,

Ramon, welcome to the forum.
Here are the Manuals for the Z600.  You should be able to find the information that you need in them.
If you need further help, it would be good if you started a thread here.
Please click the "Thumbs up + button" if I have helped you and click "Accept as Solution" if your problem is solved.
HP TouchPad - 1.2 GHz; 1 GB memory; 32 GB storage; WebOS/CyanogenMod 11(Kit Kat)
HP 10 Plus; Android-Kit Kat; 1.0 GHz Allwinner A31 ARM Cortex A7 Quad Core Processor ; 2GB RAM Memory Long: 2 GB DDR3L SDRAM (1600MHz); 16GB disable eMMC 16GB v4.51
HP Omen; i7-4710QH; 8 GB memory; 256 GB San Disk SSD; Win 8.1
HP Photosmart 7520 AIO
**Click the Thumbs Up+ to say 'Thanks' and the 'Accept as Solution' if I have solved your problem.**
Intelligence is God given; Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!
I am not an HP employee.

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    Quote from: Funki on 05-June-15, 23:04:31
    k.4 the version of the 990FXA-GD65 is compatible with the 990FXA-GD65V2?
    the 990FXA-GD65 and 990FXA-GD65V2 are exactly the same the only difference is the V2 version shipped with a newer version of the VBIOS back when the FX CPU's first hit the market as the normal ones did not have a BIOS that supported them!
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    Satellite U840W PSU5XA-001006
    Started to receive BSOD with various faults.
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    What I really want to know is, How can I now Factory Reset Windows 8, making positive the 32GB is being used as CACHE and assisting fastboot etc, then safely upgrade to Windows 8.1?
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
    THINGS ALSO ATTEMPTED: IRST and RAID re-Install, Memory Diagnostic (Passed), BIOS Upgrade to 6.70, Rapid Storage Drivers re-installed
    Thanks ahead of time,
    Mr Frustrated............

    Ok, well, its been a while and no-one had really come up with a solid solution. But thank you JakieStewart for the RST information.
    Note: Updating RST drivers alone, failed....
    However, I have been able to work around the issue in a way:
    I have lost the ability to use the SSD as a cache, which really annoys me, as all the reboots, and suggestions i have read, re-installs etc proved flawed in some way or another.
    So, I have instead chosen to clean install windows 8.1 then followed a post relating to Diskpart and setting SSD hibernation partition.
    A link to consider would be http://download.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/sb/rapid_start_technology_user_guide.pdf
    However i followed a somewhat abbreviated version.
    1. Now I can close the lid on my U840W (INTO SLEEP or HIBERNATION Mode and not get a "System Thread Exception iaStorAV.sys error because I have 1. Reluctantly Clean Installed Windows 8.1 over factory image and 2. now created a >Hibernation Partition< on the SSD
    Even though SSD Cache may no longer be available, creating this Hibernation Partition assists with Rapid START Technology and the associated iaStorAV.sys type errors
    You can find your Toshiba Rapid Store Technology Drivers for your model here:
    https://downloadcenter.intel.com/search?keyword=Intel%C2%AE+Rapid+Storage+Technolog y+%28Intel%C2%AE+RST%29
    2. I no longer have the option to use the SSD as a cache, but overall my system runs a lot better now
    3. The SSD is not visible in explorer (which it never was under the original settings anyway)
    3. Downside: I can no longer boot or reset back to original Toshiba factory settings and can only recover from the new recovery disk (USB) i have made.
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    If like me, you clean install windows 8.1 I highly suggest getting your drivers downloaded locally so that you don't have to keep going back to Toshiba or Intel unless updates are required.
    4. Note: Make note to set the BIOS Hibernation mode to "Immediately" if you choose to go this route as per the instructions on the Intel Link
    5. Change "Toshiba Power Options" to make sure that closing Lid send laptop into Sleep or Hibernation (Both work) Do this by searching for "power options' in windows charm search and >select power plan >Change power plan settings >Change Advanced Power Settings >Power Button and Lid >selecting either Sleep or Hibernation (both work as i said earlier)
    ON THE PRO SIDE: My HDD boot from total Shutdown State time is "about" 50 seconds but more significantly, closing the lid into sleep keeps my work available again, and takes 9.5 seconds to boot from sleep into usable actions!!!!
    So despite losing SSD Cache, I now know a lot more about my computer, and the sleep function and Hibernation work supremely well.
    I hope someone finds this thread useful...
    Laslty, it is sooooo strange how this all happened overnight with the iaStora.sys; iaStorAV.sys iaStora.sys errors...and how restoring back to previous states didn't work, and how it seemingly corrupted even the Flash Stored Cache settings and Operating System! At least I now understand my computer better and luckily this didn't occur during previous Diploma studies. Phew.....
    Message was edited by: shaner1

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    Upgrading your MacBook Pro with a Solid State Drive...
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    Virtually any DVD burner that can connect to your Mac will work. They start at $40 on Amazon.

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    Hello torgy,
    If you look at your Hard Drive & SSD manual (it is at the very bottom of the list), it should help answer your questions.
    Please let me know if this helps.
    Good luck!
    ↙-----------How do I give Kudos?| How do I mark a post as Solved? ----------------↓

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    This is because the last released update for CS5.5 came out before the introduction of the GeForce 600-series GPUs. And Adobe usually tends to completely cease updating older software (CS6 is currently one of the few exceptions - and only for critical bug fixes, not to add new support) once the newer version is released. No driver version for the newer GeForce GPUs will ever fix or change that.
    So, basically, your CS5.5 is considered "EOL" (End Of Life), in the eyes of Adobe, once CS6 came out in May 2012.
    On the other hand, you can force MPE GPU acceleration to be enabled by default in CS5.5 or CS6 by simply deleting or renaming the "cuda_supported_cards.txt" file. Do not simply blank out the contents of the "cuda_supported_cards.txt" file without actually deleting the file; otherwise, the exact opposite would occur: Premiere would become locked to the MPE software-only mode even with a GPU that's officially supported for MPE GPU acceleration in Premiere.

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    I like both Crucial RAM and Crucial SSDs. Maybe because that's what I own and have never had any problems with either. Some people like OWC but I find that they are overpriced for the same, or similar, products from Crucial.
    Visit the Crucial website and click on the System Scanner tab. Download, unzip and run a small app that will report your model # information back to Crucial and you'll be presented with recommended upgrades for your particular model.
    Note that you can sometimes find the same Crucial items for a couple of bucks cheaper on Amazon.
    Good luck,

  • Partitioning 500GB-HDD and 80GB-SSD for Arch

    Hello guys,
    I have a laptop with a 500GB Harddisk and a 80 GB SSD installed, and I would like to get the most efficient partition layout.
    Note: Many times I have seen people suggesting putting the swap or the /var/tmp on the SSD, that is definitely something i do not want. SSD Disks have a limited number of write operations before they die, and therefore putting the Swap to the SSD is ridiculous.
    I have come up with the following partitions scheme, and i would like to discuss, and refine that with you:
    --- To make things easier I called the HDD hddX and the SSD ssdX. ---
    /dev/ssd1        /boot            ext2        noauto,noatime    1 2
    /dev/ssd2        /            ext4        noatime        0 1
    /dev/hdd1        /var/tmp        ext4        noatime        0 0       # on hdd for compilation
    /dev/hdd2        /home            ext4        noatime        0 0
    tempfs            /tmp            tmpfs defaults,nosuid,size=1024M,mode=1777    0 0
    16 GIG Swap at beginning of HDD!
    Is there any refinement you see? Or anything else in /var that must go on the HDD?
    Best Wishes,
    Last edited by alphamaennchen (2011-05-31 05:37:52)

    I have been using ssd laptop for quite some time now, and I have to definitely agree with graysky about swap. You probably don't need swap. It's an echo of the past, when PC's really were low on ram... Today, unless you use some specialized memory-hungry software you can do without swap even with 2GBs of ram. Check your system monitor, it's likely that you have a big memory redundancy all the time. And 16GB swap is ridiculous - you would go mad with software working on swap, even 2GB, believe me. And running all that you have in your system probably wouldn't use all your ram. It's funny how people still think that they need swap today. Use it only if you use hibernate.
    I would put /boot and / on ssd. I don't see any reason to put /var on ssd - surely ssd is fast, but hdd isn't that slow - I doubt that var would use more than 50MB/s, which every modern HDD should exceed. And depending what you mainly use /home for, it also can be put on ssd.(/home is hmmm... "unpredictable" - for example WINE can mess it up).
    And remember to add noatime and discard mount options to ssd partitions. There are few other tweaks for ssd too. For example, if you put /home on ssd, you can move your web browser's cache(I moved it to RAM).
    Last edited by bart_vv (2011-08-02 20:51:27)

  • 120GB or 250GB SSD?

    After 3 years, my 500gb hdd finally died. Its about time for me to upgrade to an SSD. But now i am unsure which capacity is enough, 120gb or 250gb for the os and programs i used + music.
    Programs i used are mostly Adobe CS6 (Photoshop, illustrator, dreamweaver, after effects, premiere + a few random one), Office, aperture, FCP And few little apps. Music currently is at 40gb (increase over the years). I store most of my other media in an external drive.
    120gb or 250gb?

    To be safe go with 256 GB.
    If you want to save money, go with the 128 GB.
    Since you seem to use an external drive and don't have a problem carrying it, I think the 128 GB will be sufficient but the 256 GB will again be preferred.

  • Upgrading RAM and maybe SSD

    Alright, so I have a HP Pavilion Touchsmart 14 Sleekbook. I want to have a little more speed and capacity. I would like to upgrade my RAM and SSD, but I have no clue on the maximum capacity on this computer. If you all could help me out, I would greatly appreciate that. Also, any recommendations for the brand or sub categories would also be appreciated.Thank you all!!

    Hi again,
    Manual: http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c03721290
    Specs: http://support.hp.com/us-en/product/HP-Pavilion-14​-Sleekbook/5355021/model/5438123/document/c0389800​...
    You can upgrade upto 8GB maximum according to the Specs page and Manual. And your laptop already had 4gigs in one slot.
    There are 2 customer-accessible slots available & you can buy one more exactly identical 4GB RAM preferably same brand for the upgrade & both can act in Dual-channel configuration for better performance.
    About the RAM frequency, the user guide does not give reliable information for Celeron processors. So better you find that from BIOS setup f10, soon after powering on the laptop or running CPUZ program tool.
    Crucial has an online scanner which detects and lists compatible upgrades guaranteed in your system, you can run that and probably purchase one from them.
    You can replace HDD with SSD of similar form factor - 2.5 inch SATA 7mm thick. A 250gb or above Samsung Evo SSD would be good in my opinion. Cloning the HDD to SSD would be preferable if you don't want to do a clean install. You could also use Recovery USB you must have created initially to factory reset laptop after SSD upgrade.
    If you don't have recovery media, you could create one now preferably in a 32gb good branded USB (avoid Sandisk):
    If you've upgraded Windows 8 to 8.1 , recovery partition might have become corrupted , this ordering Recovery USB is the option left.
    See Page 54-56, 66, 67 Chapter 5 in the Manual & you can see that, for installing SSD, memory module you have to take the System motherboard out. Its better you give it to nearest HP service center for the upgrade since they'll be having all the tools required.
    It'll void warranty if you do it yourself & in the process break something.
    ++Please click KUDOS / White thumb to say thanks
    ++Please click ACCEPT AS SOLUTION to help others, find this solution faster
    **I'm a Volunteer, I do not work for HP**

  • Setting up Dual Boot on a laptop with an HDD and an SSD?

    I've had a Lenovo Y500 laptop for about a year now, and I'd really like to run Arch on it. I've been using Arch on a virtual machine for a while now, and I have tried other distros like Gentoo and Slackware, but Arch is by far my favorite. I find myself spending most of my time on Arch with only 1GB RAM and 32GB hard disk space allocated, when I could be on my 8GB RAM Windows machine.
    The laptop has a 1TB HDD which is split into two partitions, a 883GB C: drive(entitled Windows OS) and a 25GB D: drive (entitled Lenovo), and a 16GB SSD which I imagine is for cache. I think I would like to allocate 256GB for Arch, since I really don't need much space to run Arch.
    Obviously I have to set up another partition, but I really don't know how to do that, especially without screwing up my HDD and SSD configuration.
    Any tips would be greatly appreciated,
    Thanks a lot

    Ensure you have read https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Partitioning
    Gparted worked very well for me several years ago when I re-sized the (gack!) Vista partition that came on this laptop to make room for a real OS.  I had no problems -- be advised that this is a BIOS machine.  Be sure you back up anything important to you before you start.

  • Recovery and proper SSD configuration

    I have a U845-s406 and I had to restore it last night. Using the restore DVD's I created, everything went well except one thing and the "Techs" at the Toshiba Support Center have no idea what I am talking about. They kept asking what SSID I was connecting to..... *sigh*
    Here is the issue:
    My daughter formatted the secondary 32gb SSD as an NTFS drive... My questions are as follows:
    1) What format should it be? The display at the store is listed as hibernation partition in disk manager.
    2) The amount of space shown is 11 gb and it is a 32 gb. Is the rest of the partition hidden?
    Basically I just need to get it back to factory specs.
    Thank you in advance!

    Actually, the problem isn't exactly solved for me.  Because of all the questions regarding this unit, I decided to open a BRAND NEW U845-S406 that I bought from Newegg as a gift for one of my daughters.  Apparently the spec sheet I posted showing a 16GB SSD (or cache, it's just a matter of semantics’) WAS correct,....at least for SOME units.  Despite the fact Newegg advertised the computer as having a "500GB + 32GB SSD", the unit that I received has only a 500GB + 16GB SSD.
    Because of how Windows calculates drive space, the SSD drive appears as only an 11GB drive.  The mechanical 500GB drive shows a total 563GB, with a partition of 11GB, making the 500GB appear as about 552GB using Windows calculation method.  Although I haven't opened the computer itself to see what kind of drive it actually is, in Device Manager, it's described cryptically with meaningless letters and numbers and no manufacturer name.  I assume it must be a Toshiba unit and it's one of those "Hybrid" drives.
    All I can figure is that they started the manufacturing run installing drives having 500GB with a 16GB cache and then switched to a drive with a 32GB memory cache.  I can tell you one thing though, the unit I received doesn't start up very fast, 16GB cache or not.  In fact, out of the box I was also surprised to see how bad the processor's Aero rating was (3.6), since EVERYTHING else has a pretty good number.  My old "A305 Satellite" (Core 2 Duo) has a faster processor speed rating, although it falls down because of the lousy Intel display chipset.  My wife has a cheap Acer notebook with an AMD processor and ATI display chipset and it beats BOTH computers in EVERY category.  Go figure.

  • HP H8-1500z and Samsung SSD - BIOS sees the drive, Win 8.1 doesn't

    I'm trying to help a friend (no really!)  I've worked in IT support, but this has me stumped so far.
    The H8-1500z has an AMD hexacore CPU, and the AMD Raid storage driver.  The Samsung Magician software has been run using a USB adapter to clone the internal HHD to the SSD drive, and it seemed to go fine.  When all else has failed, the SSD has been bootable as a USB device.  So it would seem the SSD is working OK, just not when connected to an internal SATA port.
    The current SATA config includes the internal HDD, a four-device memory card reader/writer, and now the Samsung SSD.
    The SSD is visible to the BIOS, but not to Windows 8.1.  
    I switched the BIOS from RAID (the default) to AHCI - the PC still works, but no change.  Win 8.1 updates are all installed, and the BIOS reports it's also up-to-date.  I've run the HP troubleshooter a few times--it reports it has made changes, but again, no joy.
    Samsung tech support wrote this to him:
    All Samsung Solid State Drives are compatible with AMD processors. The only known issue with AMD machines is with the Samsung SSD Magician software, in which the native AMD SATA port drivers are not compatible with the SSD Magician software. To remedy this, we simply ask that you install Microsoft SATA port drivers or NVIDIA SATA port drivers and the issue will be resolved.
    We've scoured the Micrsoft site and Google on how to "simply" do this.  Comparing the driver names for my Crucial SSD drives and his, the three files are the same.  I think he already has the drivers installed.  The Device Manager lists the "Microsoft Strorage Space Controller."  He did attempt disabling the  AMD drivers by renaming them; the PC was unbootable.  Thankfully he was able to boot off the SSD with USB and put the filenames back and restore bootability.
    I've suggested he disconnect the memory card reader to test.  He hasn't tried it yet.  I'm thinking of bringing my rig over, and seeing if my homebuilt can see his drive, and if his HP can see one of my SSD drives.
    We've been at this for several weeks, and I've spent hours on this site and Googling to try and figure out why the BIOS would see the drive, but not Windows.
    I really hope someone can point us in the right direction.
    Many thanks,

    Hello @SteveM27,
    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More.
    I understand that you are attempting to get your friend's desktop computer to recognize the new SSD in Windows 8.1, and I would be happy to help you!
    Since the SSD is visible from the BIOS, I recommend following the steps in this document on How To Change Drive Letter In Windows 8.1. This should help the Windows operating system see the SSD.
    Please re-post with the results of your troubleshooting, and I look forward to your reply!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

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