HT1677 disable pop-up killing software on my IPad

How do I disable pop up killing software on my IPad?

Have you turned Settings > Safari > Block Pop-Ups 'off' ?

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    Did you just install Lion? If so, you might need to try to reinstall as something got messed up.
    Alfoat uses SIMBL which will break at just about every update. The reason you may have to keep installing Afloat is because the Resume feature of Lion is not compatible with SIMBL. See here:
    SIMBL is a low-level system hack and may be causing your problems.

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    Greenleaf Compaction, Inc.
    142 W. Main
    P.O. Box 265
    Hopkins, MI  49328
    Phone:  1-877-552-9369
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    New email address: [removed]

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    Go to "View > Toolbars" and check-mark "Menu Bar" with a click if you want to make that permanent.

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    Connect the iPad to your computer's iTunes (you will need an up-to-date version of iTunes installed on your computer) and you should be able to reset your iPad : - you can then restore/resync your content to it

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    Safari > Preferences > Security
    Web content:
    Uncheck the box beside "Block pop-up windows".

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    Upper left corner (next to the Apple menu).
    Click on the word Safari.

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    Flash Player Protected Mode provides a modern, sophisticated set of security protections that we see as critical in today's security landscape. 
    We highly recommend that users not disable ProtectedMode.  Also, it's worth noting that by manually changing your mms.cfg, you have opted out of Protected Mode for all future versions of Flash Player, as we will continue to honor that preference. This puts your system at risk, and that risk will continue to grow over time. 
    Ultimately, this is an issue with the RealPlayer Browser Record plug-in.  There is a more technical explanation in the Mozilla bug referenced above in the thread, but the simplified version is that the security enhancements designed to prevent the introduction of malware via Flash Player make RealPlayer Browser Record plug-in no longer compatible with Flash Player for Firefox.  You can disable the record functionality to eliminate this issue, while retaining the ability to view both Flash and Real Player content.
    To disable the Real Player Browser Record functionality while maintaining the enhanced security provided by Flash Player with Protected Mode, do the following:
        Launch RealPlayer
        Click the RealPlayer icon in the upper-left corner of the window, and choose Preferences
        Choose Download & Recording from the left-hand menu
        Uncheck "Enable Web Download & Recording for these installed browser"
        Click OK



    I assume you're referring to the Add-On Compatibility Checker disabling your extensions when you update?
    To disable Add-On Compatibility Checking you can follow the following steps:
    1) Enter "about:config" into the URL bar (no quotes)
    2) Right click and create a New Boolean
    3) Name it: extensions.checkCompatibility
    4) Set it to: False
    You can now restart Firefox and it will no longer disable your addons.
    Keep in mind that without the Compatibility Checker Firefox can't guarantee that your extensions will work with the latest versions.

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    I've been having this problem for a while but it has yet to go away. Any help please?

    OK. Good. The most likely culprit is either your firewall or anti-virus software. Temporarily disable both while you are doing the update (then, of course, turn them back on when you are done).

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    Locked Out, Forgot Lock or Restrictions Passcode, or Need to Restore Your Device: Several Alternative Solutions
    1. iOS- Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    2. iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen
    3. Restoring iPod touch after forgotten passcode
    4. What to Do If You've Forgotten Your iPhone's Passcode
    5. iOS- Understanding passcodes
    6. iTunes 10 for Mac- Update and restore software on iPod, iPhone, or iPad
    7. iOS - Unable to update or restore
    Forgotten Restrictions Passcode Help
                iPad,iPod,iPod Touch Recovery Mode
    You will need to restore your device as New to remove a Restrictions passcode. Go through the normal process to restore your device, but when you see the options to restore as New or from a backup, be sure to choose New.
    You can restore from a backup if you have one from BEFORE you set the restrictions passcode.
    Also, see iTunes- Restoring iOS software.

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    Locked Out, Forgot Lock or Restrictions Passcode, or Need to Restore Your Device
    1. iOS- Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    2. iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen
    3. Restoring iPod touch after forgotten passcode
    4. What to Do If You've Forgotten Your iPhone's Passcode
    5. iOS- Understanding passcodes
    6. iTunes 10 for Mac- Update and restore software on iPod, iPhone, or iPad
    Forgotten Restrictions Passcode Help
    You will need to restore your device as New to remove a Restrictions passcode. Go through the normal process to restore your device, but when you see the options to restore as New or from a backup, be sure to choose New.
    Also, see iTunes- Restoring iOS software.

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    Back up all data.
    Unlock the Network preference pane, if necessary, by clicking the lock icon in the lower left corner and entering your password. Cllck Advanced, open the DNS tab, and change the server addresses to the following:
    That's Google DNS. Click OK, then Apply.
    In Safari, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data
    and confirm. If you’re using another browser, empty the cache. Test. Any difference?
    1. If you lose Internet access after making the above change to your network settings, delete the Google servers in the  Network preference pane, then select the TCP/IP tab and click Renew DHCP Lease. That should restore the original DNS settings; otherwise restore them yourself. Remember that you must click Apply in order for any changes to take effect.
    2. I don't use Google DNS myself, though I have tested it, and I'm not recommending it or any other DNS provider; the server addresses are offered merely for testing purposes. There may be privacy and technical issues involved in using that service, which you should investigate personally before you decide whether to keep the settings. Other public DNS services exist.

  • How do I update the software on my iPad to iOS 6.3.1?

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    See the chart below to determine whether you can upgrade your device and what you can upgrade to.
    IPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad iOS Compatibility Chart
         Device                                       iOS Verson
    iPhone 1                                      iOS 3.1.3
    iPhone 3G                                   iOS 4.2.1
    iPhone 3GS                                 iOS 6.1.x
    iPhone 4                                      iOS 6.1.x
    iPhone 4S                                    iOS 6.1.x
    iPhone 5                                      iOS 6.1.x
    iPod Touch 1                               iOS 3.1.3
    iPod Touch 2                               iOS 4.2.1
    iPod Touch 3                               iOS 5.1.1
    iPod Touch 4                               iOS 6.1.x
    iPod Touch 5                               iOS 6.1.x
    iPad 1                                          iOS 5.1.1
    iPad 2                                          iOS 6.1.x
    iPad 3                                          iOS 6.1.x
    iPad 4                                          iOS 6.1.x
    iPad Mini                                     iOS 6.1.x
    Select the method most appropriate for your situation. If you are trying to upgrade to iOS 5 or higher, then you will have to connect your device to your computer and open iTunes in order to upgrade.
    Upgrading iOS
       1. How to update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch
       2. iPhone Support
       3. iPod Touch Support
       4. iPad Support
         a. Updating Your iOS to Version 6.0.x from iOS 5
              Tap Settings > General > Software Update
         If an update is available there will be an active Update button. If you are current,
         then you will see a gray screen with a message saying your are up to date.
         b. If you are still using iOS 4 — Updating your device to iOS 5 or later.
         c. Resolving update problems
            1. iOS - Unable to update or restore
            2. iOS- Resolving update and restore alert messages

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