HT3971 Purchase failed in app haypi monster

I want buy coins haypi monster

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    i was doing an in-app puchase and it said to contact apple support and another said purchased failed cannot connect to itunes store, how do i fix it?

    Contact iTunes Support like the message said
    Apple - Support - iTunes - Contact Us
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store

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    Just make sure if it wifi is connected. if this doesn't work reboot your iPhone. If it's still doesn't work contact the game service center or something. lastly, make sure u have your credit card sign in. hope this help.

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    When an app is downloaded under an Apple ID it is permanently tied to that Apple ID.  The only option is to de
    Ete and then download under your Apple ID.

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         Now every time I open the app, it requests my Apple ID password. I've put it in multiple times and I've clicked cancel many times, but it continues to ask for the password. No transactions are being made (thankfully) and yet it keeps asking for my Apple ID password.
         I've checked the in-app purchases section of the app, and it says "transaction in progress," but nothing happens when I input my password.
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         How can I cancel in-app purchases that are labeled "in progress"? And I mean permanently. I'm tired of clicking 'cancel' every time I open the app and the window pops up. If you want to refer to this dormant / failed transaction in-app purchase more easily, just call it a pseudo-purchase.
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    If you haven't received the item then try the 'report a problem' page to contact iTunes Support :
    Or you can try contacting iTunes Support via this page : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

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    This is an automated reply, but an iTunes Store representative will be reviewing your request and will send you a personal response soon (generally within 48 hours). Meanwhile, you may find the following articles helpful. They address several common questions from customers:

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    I am in the US and for the last week or more whenever I go to try to make a purchase from the App Catalog/Store.  I get the error message 'Purchase Failed'.  When I tap on the exclamation mark/message I get the following:
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    Anyone else having this same problem?....If so, is there a fix?  Is Palm aware of this issue? - Please help.
    Thanks for your help!
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Can all users affected by this issue please send me a private message with your palm profile email address and MEID number of device you are using?

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    You need to take it up with the app's customer service people.

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    Thanks to the person who took the time to understand the posted question and provide a genuine answer - purchase an iTunes song using iTunes on my computer first, which forces iTunes to present the extended iTunes Plus agreement for you to accept, after which you can then sync the iPhone and it picks up the extended agreement and will then work properly to purchase and download iTunes Plus content.

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    By 'purchase fail' you mean ... ? And 'iTunes card is danger' ? If you redeem iTunes gift cards onto your account then you should be able to make in-app purchases via your account's balance.

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    Did any of you face the same/similar problem? How did you fix it?

    I'm returning with an update: the apps now appear in Purchased tab of the App Store. Most like it was a problem with App Store servers at the time.
    I've learned that I should have transferred all my purchases to iTunes when backing up the phone. That option is really hidden in iTunes, and after re-installing Windows on my PC I totally forgot about it. BTW, iTunes team: why back-up in iTunes does not include the purchases?
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    Good luck with your upgrade.

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    If or some reason you failed to transfer any purchases to your computer before updating, then redownload them:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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    deleted the app & reinstalled - after reinstalling i can't download previous magazines as another error message comes up 'restored purchases failed'
    restarted the ipad - several times
    checked automatic download is switch on
    checked there are no resitrctions on
    deleted the app, restarted the ipad and reinstalled the app
    reported the problem to the magazine ppl but becuase I subscribed through Apple it's an Apple problem
    check the discussions for help - found nothing
    Can't report the problem to Apple through my itunes account as the subscription was taken out in June so it's over 90 days old - not helpful Apple!
    I can't find any help anywhere and I'm extremely frustrated
    Please can anyone help?

    I've had this error with my GQ and Mens Health Magazines on my ipad, and this is what fixed it for both magazines.  Go to the "Library" inside each magazine app.  Then click on the gear symbol in the upper right corner, and choose "remove issues from ipad".  Then select the issues that had this error message, and remove them.  Afterwards, you re-download with no probems.

  • Subscription Purchase Failed

    I have had an App rejected by Apple. While they were trying to test the annual subscription they got the message "Subscription Purchase Failed. Failed to purchase subscription, please try later."
    As far as I can see I have everything done correctly. The Product ID matches (triple checked) and I have single editions available. The Viewer Type is Multi-Issue with iTunes Subscription. This is the 4th App I have submitted to Apple and the previous 3 with similar configurations all got accepted without a problem.
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    PS: Rang Adobe 24x7, 365 DPS Pro Gold Support and got directed to a voice mail. Fail!!!

    adeshks wrote:
    please tell me how to make payment for india unlimited again.
    That's not possible. The Unlimited India Plan has been permanently withdrawn due to unacceptably high fraud levels.
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

  • Frustrated with Purchase Failed bug!

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    Please, imaging the frustration I am suffering right now. And try to help me!

    Hi rmpagejr3,
    I'm so sorry you've had to spend so much time and effort on your price match request; it is certainly not intended to be such a chore for our customers. I was glad to see that Heidi from our Facebook team reached out to you last week. Please let her know if you require any further assistance.
    Elizabeth|Social Media Supervisor|Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

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