I opened a clip in the timeline - HOW DO I CLOSE IT?

Surely I'm not stuck with that clip-specific timeline forever?  How on earth do I get RID of the stupid thing?   There doesn't seem to be a "close clip timeline" option anywhere.
And while I'm on the subject - as a fairly experienced FCP (pre X) user, I am incredibly perplexed by WHAT USE the clip timeline is.   I can use it to select a range that I'd like to add to my main storyline.... BUT having selected the range, I can determine NO WAY to move it into the main storyline.   If you can't do that, what POSSIBLE use is range-selection?
This version is just indescribably frustrating to me.

There are back and forward buttons in the upper left that can take you to any previously opened project or item. Cmd-bracket. You can't close the timeline panel, so if it's the only thing you're ever opened it will have to sit there until you open something else.

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    Open the clip from the browser into the viewer. Press the F key. If the clip is used in the timeline, the playhead will move to the clip.

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    skalicki` wrote:
    Technically, to make the function keys work you don't need to change the second box to dash. I don't know why I gave that advice, but it isn't necessary. I guess I said that simply because that's what I have it set to.
    The reason there are two boxes is so that you can set Exposé to using both the function keys and the mouse. For example, if I have +All Windows+ set to F9 and Secondary Mouse Button, then it will show all open windows if I click F9 or right-click. That is why you actually don't need to have the second boxes for any of these set to dashes. You could set them to your mouse buttons, or if you wanted you could set the first box of any of these to any function key, as long as it isn't set to the same one as the key you want to use for your shortcuts within FCE.
    I hope this made sense, I realize that I might not have explained it very clearly.
    Message was edited by: skalicki`
    Thanks skalicki, I think I got it. You've been of great help !!

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    Tom Wolsky wrote:
    Select the clip. The display at the bottom of the timeline window will tell you the clips duration.
    Control-D will open the duration display in the dashboard.
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    I hope PP is smart enough to do this
    Thanks in advance!
    -- Tim

    Pick one instance of the clip, maybe even the first bit ... and use the new Master Clip feature ... here's first a written explanation and then a video tutorial on doing this ... it's a great feature.
    Adobe Premiere Pro Help | Master Clip Effects
    How to apply effects to all instances of a clip | Adobe Premiere Pro CC tutorials

  • How do I select multiple clips in the timeline!?

    Ok, not quite as simple as the subject! This is what I want to do:
    Just finished a multi camera edit and I now need to color correct and grade the footage. So, now that I've corrected the color on camera angle number 1 I want to apply that effect to all the clips in the timeline that come from that camera angle. How do I apply that effect to all those clips without having to do some manually. In FCP its possible to search for all timeline clips that come from a specific file. When those are highlighted it's possible to paste an effect onto all those clips.
    So, how do I do that in Premiere Pro CS5?

    Had to create proxies of my Canon 7d footage to achieve smooth playback but it's worked out fairly well so far!
    I'm surprised that the DSLR Preset for the Canon footage still required proxy files. I thought that would handle the 5D/7D MOV files just fine. Maybe I was mis-informed.
    The good news is that it's working for you, so things are good.
    Good luck,

  • How do I see every frame of a clip on the timeline in Premier ?

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    I'm not knocking the idea of using the program monitor to place markers on sync points and using that to synchronize clips. It should be a very good solution.
    What I am saying is that there are times when it would be advantageous to be able to see every frame of multiple clips on the timeline. When i first tried to do that I zoomed in and it looked as if it would display all the frames. I was dissappointed to find it wouldn't. As an editor who has done a lot of resynchronizing multiple camera shoots where there is no intentional visual sync cue, i can tell you it can be a big help to be able to see the frames as if we had a strip of film on each timeline. Sometimes we need to see several frames of each clip at the same time to make a decision about which frame represents the sync point, or to make the quickest possible decision about where to start and end a dissolve, or to chose which camera to use. In a scene shot with only one camera, there is no actual sync point. The action may have progressed slightly differently between shots. Being able to see 10 or 15 frames from each shot can help to make the quickest decision about how to line up the shots and where to do the transition. Would anyone out there say it would be a bad thing if Premier Pro could display every frame when we zoom all the way in ? It seems to me that it could only help. So i request Adobe consider it as a possible future improvement.
    Here is an example, the last time i tried to see every frame in Premier. I had a scene I used Maya to create, series of Tiffs. This scene shows an object appearing as if arriving through a time or dimensional portal. The scene includes plasma popping and flashing. There are two different shots of the same moment in time. The shots are frame numbered. So if I could see the frame numbers from the original tiffs on the timeline I could align the shots that way. But of course I lose the frame numbers. The overall scene is too long, and rendering time too long, especially for 3-D 1080, to render each shot from the beginning of the scene, which would make synchronizing very easy. So i needed to sync to the flashing plasma in the scene. I though I had the shots lined up using a flash. It turned out they were not the same flash. So if i did a slow dissolve between shots, the flashes form each shot would not line up in time. What I needed to do is line up several flashes happening over a couple of seconds, so I coud verify the flashes were the same flashes. There are different numbers of frames between each flash, so if I got three to line up they would have to be the same flashes. I spent a lot of time trying to get these shots lined up. If I could zoom into the time line and see evry frame I could synchronize several clips by lining up the flashes, in just a couple of minutes. To do this with markers, marking say five flashes from each of four shots, it would take several minutes to do it before being ready to do the synchronizing. It's a workable solution, but is not ideal, a compromise.

  • How do you move a sound clip in the timeline?

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    Hunt, most of my music files, over 9000 songs, are mostly mp3 files and a few are wma, and because of copyright laws I wouldn't use them in a commercial project I'm working on anyway. When I am working on a project for a client I will generally use higher quality WAV files. This project was being done just to learn some new techniques, gain some more experience with PPCS4, and expand my knowledge with the program. I have this huge number of music files and styles to work with, so I can do a great deal of experimentation to see what different songs can do to the mood of the video.
    As a test, I did put the exact same songs into the timeline on a different audio track. The problem track is audio 2, and I duplicated those songs on audio 3. I did the exact same editing. I faded them in and out the same as before. Split one song into 3 sections had parts of it come in and out over a video section of 9 minutes duration. They are working perfectly. I was just working on one section of that project a half hour ago, and I was still able to select and move each of the four songs on that track any way that I wanted to. However, the track just above it in that same timeline, Track 2, is still frozen.
    Hunt, just a moment ago I solved my problem. Still not being that familiar with the program, two days ago I know that I was playing with all of the controls, and I obviously hit one of them without knowing one of its side effects. I hit the show "show track keyframes". I'm sure that you know it, but I didn't realize that when that function is selected, you can't do much else with the track but play with those keyframe. Even though I didn't have the track locked, in the traditional way, it was still, for all practicall reasons, locked. I unchecked that function and now everything is back to normal again on that track.
    Something very simple, as many things turn out to be when you understand it. However, maybe someone else will make the same mistake, and my posting here will help them.
    I will use your suggestions for using .WAV files. Thank you again. 
    Terry Lee Martin
    Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2009 14:29:37 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: How do you move a sound clip in the timeline?
    What is the purpose of using the .WMA files? I'm sure that you have a good reason, but they can be problematic, at best. I only use them as a trasfer medium, when I need to get a DD 5.1 SS soundtrack into Audition for editing. There, I break them out into 6 discrete .WAV files, edit in Multi-track Mode and then usually Export as the 6 discrete WAV's to be encoded to DTS, or similar.
    If you do not have a compelling reason for using the .WMA, try PCM/WAV @ 48KHz 16-bit and see if the issues go away.
    Good luck, and let us know how it goes please,

  • How do I hide a clip in the timeline?

    How do I hide a clip in the timeline?  In the old version, at the far left of the timeline, there was a green button with a filmstrip icon. Clicking that toggled the clip on and off to let me see the clip below it.  Where is that button now?
    FCP X 10.1.1
    Mac OS 10.9.1
    iMac 3.2 Ghz Intel Core i5
    shoe size 10.5

    I have the full version of FCP-X on a new Mac.  I still have my old FCP-6 on my old Mac.
    I have something in FCP-X that looks like rows (tracks) in the timeline.  I have several clips that form a horizontal line and directly under that is another horizontal row of clips.  I call them rows or tracks.  Maybe that is not the correct term.  I just tried to create additional rows, and created six tracks (horizontal rows) each containing multiple clips.  FCP plays only the top clip, which is the same as the old version.
    I have found a way to disable a single clip, but what I want to do, and it was as easy as pressing the green button in FCP-6, is to temporarily disable the entire row of clips.
    Often I have multiple cameras shooting the same event.  I want to quickly disable one camera view and see the one below it.  If the video is chopped up into small segments, then It would take too long to disable each clip individually. 
    I wish they would have kept the old features when they upgrade the software.

  • How do I duplicate a clip from the timeline?

    In a sports video I want to duplicate a clip to the project files, then stretch the time of the clip to slow motion, add a title that says " Let's watch that in slow motion" and then insert the slow motion clip after the original clip to make sort-of an instant replay for my grandson. I don't know how to duplicate the clip and put it in "project files" and I'm not sure the best way to make the file a slow motion file. I've looked at the "Help" section but for some reason the blue links there don't function to lead me to the video clips of explanation.

    You may be over thinking this. There are easier ways. Jim's way is simple to use.
    Or, how about this instead?
    Put the clip on the timeline at full speed, then put it on the timeline again, and stretch the time to show it at 25% speed (for example). Put the title over the slower clip and that's it.
    This example video shows me putting the video on the timeline, then putting in a title I have already prepared over a copy of the clip held on the last frame, then the same video but set for slow motion using Time Remapping.
    If the clip had been longer, I would have eased into the slow motion gradually over the first three seconds or so, but this clip just wasn't long enough for that.

  • I am moving clips to the timeline and they arrive zoomed in.  how can I stop this?

    need some help.  I'm moving clips to the timeline and they arrive zoomed in.  I don't want this effect.  How can I stop it?

    To expand a little on John's questions and link, every clip and every sequence has its own frame dimensions (and pixel aspect ratio & frame rate). By default, Premiere preserves the dimensions (or "resolution") of a clip when you add it to a sequence. That means that if a clip's resolution is greater than that of the sequence, it will appear to be zoomed in on the frame. Conversely, if the clip is lower res than the sequence, it will appear shrunk, with black borders.
    If all of your content is the same resolution (which is the ideal case), then you should use a sequence that matches. The easiest way to do so is the "New Item" method that John refers to--dragging a clip to the Project Panel's New Item button--or, in later releases of PPro CC, dragging it into an empty Timeline panel. If you're working with content of mixed resolution, then you have to pick your poison and scale smaller clips up or larger clips down. The latter option is generally preferred because the former--scaling clips up--often results in unacceptable pixelation.

  • How do I delete space between clips in the timeline.

    I am adding several hundred photo's to the timeline. When I add them as a group, the the duration of each photo differs. I select a group of photo's, change the duration to 4.00 seconds and the clips change to 4 seconds but then there is a large space between each clip. Is there a way to select a group of clips in the timeline and have them connect to each other? How can I remove the space between clips?
    Thanks for your help.

    What you are describing happens when you have the position tool selected.
    Hit 'A' to make sure you are using the select tool (also known as the 'Arrow' tool, hence the 'A' shortcut).
    Unfortunately, your screenshots do not show which tool is active, but I am pretty convinced that that is your problem. Like Russ said, their look pretty similar to each other. But they work very differently.
    Here is a picture showing the arrow tool (in blue):
    And here is one with the Position tool (again, in blue):

  • How to rejoin two clips in the timeline in PrE 7?

    Hello all. Please excuse this newbisome question, but I've had no luck in figuring it out.
    I get one long clip into the timeline and then chop it up a lot (in a musical way that relates to quarter, eighth, sixteenth notes, etc). Often I find that I need to rejoin some of the clips, sometimes quite a bit of time after they've been split (so undo isn't an option).
    How can I do this?
    PS, this is the first video editing software I've used. I've had PrE for three hours, but have had quite a bit of experience with editing audio in one program or another.
    Cheers and thanks for your time.

    People, thanks for the quick replies.
    I understand that all the clips in the timeline are just instances; the same thing happens in audio software, but that software gives you the opportunity to re-glue clips (they're called regions in Logic) once they've been split.
    I'm interested in trying to make a video like this  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35Y7tr3mBtQ
    I can do this sort of thing quite easily with audio, and I think I'm on my way with the video stuff, but being able to re-glue clips would help with handling. I go through the “master clip” looking for beats and little sections that will do the trick. In my current proj, a  1/16th note lasts for four frames, so as you can imagine, I have a lot of 4-frame sub-clips to deal with. I generate each sub-clip from my original master clip after I have dragged it into the timeline from the organizer. I then copy, paste and resize the clips, all in the timeline. I only use the preview window as a way of reminding myself what clip x, y or z sounds like. Maybe I need to investigate the functions of the preview window more. The group option may be a work around as well.
    A lot of what I do is “suck and see”. I split off a piece, then listen to it in isolation in the preview window by double-clicking and using 'play from In to Out'.  A simple re-glue would be fast and convenient if the clip didn't pass the audition.
    Quite possibly I'm using an inefficient method (very new to this). Any advice would be gratefully received.

  • No Clips in the Timeline When Project is Opened

    I added some clips to the Timeline, edited them together, saved, and closed the project. When I opened it again my clips were still in the Browser, but none of the clips were in the Timeline, even though I saved it before closing. Anyone know why this would happen?

    No. Have you tried opening an Auto Save Vault file to see if they have worked.

  • How do I completely remove a clip from the timeline?

    I just bought a mac pro and final cut pro x to go with it (after a couple of years of being used to using adobe on a pc) so apologies if this sounds like a stupid question, but how do I completely delete/remove a clip from the timeline instead of merely 'disabling' it?

    If you have a keyboard without the numerical keypad, then FN delete will delete the clip and replace it with a gap if it's on the primary storyline. If it's a normal Mac keyboard, then the back delete will do the trick.
    You can also lift a clip from the primary storyline by right-clicking and choosing lift from primary storyline, then just delete.

Maybe you are looking for