I repaired my retina macbook pro at Feb 18th, but......

Hi, I'm macbook pro with retina display user lived in Korea. I replaced my macbook display at Daihwa Computer(Apple Authorized Service Provider) at Yongsan because of white spot problem. However, It has a light leaking. I went to Daihwa Computer again, but they denied to fix it. What can I do?

Support for Korea:
(82) 1544-2662*
Can't hurt to try...

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    How to repair my broken retina macbook pro?
    My 15 inch retina macbook pro fell on the floor and is damaged. The screen is completely apart and the aluminum unibody shows many signs of damage. I want to see what my repair options are here. The pro is still under Apple's one year limited hardware warranty. What does it cost? Can I have apple repair it for me for a less price or any other reliable repair specialists? I just don't want to throw the $2500 pro machine in trash when some of its parts clearly can be of use.

    M3737 wrote:
    The pro is still under Apple's one year limited hardware warranty.
    Doesn't cover user inflicted damage, only factory defects.
    Can I have apple repair it for me for a less price or any other reliable repair specialists?
    Third party companies likely don't have access to the sources of the Retina Displays or parts to switch yours as it's a rather new machine.
    So to fix it would have to go to Apple for repairs and no warranty/AppleCare as the original damage could have further issues later.
    I just don't want to throw the $2500 pro machine in trash when some of its parts clearly can be of use.
    Well if you decide the repair bill is too much or too involved or can't be done reasonably (like just the display replaced), then sell the machine for parts to a online Mac repair shop, they will certainly welcome the spare parts to use in others machines.
    Your likely better off with a cheap $400-$600 Windows PC next time around.

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    I ran Apple Hardware test 3 times.. the first time it spotted an error "4SNS....ICOR..." but after cleaning out the vents on my mac, it hasn't shown up again.
    Now I read online that a clean fresh install of Mountain Lion may solve the kernel_task problem... however my rMBP is so slow, that I cant even manage to open the app store on it.
    So my questions are:
    1) Is there any solution to fixing the kernel_task hyperactivity on the rMBP that I am not aware of?  (Tried rebooting, resetting SMC, PRAM multiple times, repairing disk, repairing disk permissions -- all to no avail - the problem recurs after a short period of normalcy and then goes back to becoming unusable)
    2) I have a 2011 iMac... Can i download mountain lion on it via the app store, make a bootable disk from it, and use it to perform a fresh reinstall of mountain lion on my 2013 rMBP? Can OSX downloaded on app store of iMac be used on a totally different device like rMBP? Should I be worried about device incompatibility, drivers going out of whack, etc?  Or is the mountain lion installer a global software and can figure out the device make on its own and install itself correctly?

    1. That's a known problem in portable Macs. There's a fix but you have to follow the steps carefully > http://www.rdoxenham.com/?p=259 Make a backup of your files before doing this.
    2. The 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina display was launched with a special OS X version, but as the most recent OS X version is 10.8.4, you can download OS X Mountain Lion from the iMac and use it in the MacBook Pro without any problem. Just download OS X Mountain Lion in the iMac and use Lion Diskmaker to burn it to a USB drive or DVD > http://liondiskmaker.com

  • Sharing my experience, water spill accident on my Retina Macbook Pro

    I would like to share my experience to the community and to fellow mac users regarding my water spill accident on my 1-week fresh Retina Macbook Pro.
    Before begining, i appologize for gramar or spelling mistakes since I am French and English is not my first language.
    So lets begin ...
    My 2006 macbook pro started giving away and i knew that i had to replace it very soon. So i opted for a high end machine because i knew i needed something for at least 5 years.
    After much thought, i bought a Retina Macbook Pro since for work i needed a 15 inch screen laptop and portability was key for me.
    Normally at work the Retina Macbook Pro sits on an aluminum Rain Design stand, but on thursday, i was at a co-worker office brain-storming for an important presentation. So i had my Retina macbook pro sitting on a small conference table and next to it i had a cup of water (THE CULPRIT), 200 ml to be precise.
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    So enough introduction ... After taking a sip from that cup of water i accidently spilled the cup on my keyboard. To be precise i spilled around 160 ml of tap water on the keyboard while the computer was ON (on battery).
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    I ran for paper towels and started absorbing as much as i can, while absorbing the water my fellow co-worker was helping me, and since the power button is so tiny and placed on the keyboard, he accidently turned it back ON again ... I immediatly turned it back off (forced) and kept on absorbing as much liquid as i can.
    To my surprise, we kept on bringing paper towels and absorbing ...The water was just sitting on top of the computer and i had the impression that not a whole much was making it inside.
    After finsihing the first cleaning process ... i placed two dry paper towels on the keyboard and closed the screen, fliped the computer upside down so it was sitting on the screen. This was on thursday. I DID NOT DISCONNECT THE BATTERY (since i did not have the necessary tools for Apple's alien screws).
    Friday morning, when i arrived at the office, i checked the laptop (still haven't turned it on) ... Paper towels were wet, so i changed them ....
    I left it over the weekend at work .... doing some research on water spills ... i decided not to use rice or hair dryers or opening the machine ... i estimated that what could've made it through the inside of the laptop was roughly 20 ml of water that was absorbed by a plastic sheet seperating the keyboard from the logic board.
    Monday, D-day, i tried turning the laptop ON and it booted normaly ... i was a bit skeptic, i was thinking maybe the RAM modules were fried or certain keys on the keyboard or the sound controller ... but nothing everything seemed normal.
    I just finished running the Apple Hardware Extensive Test and everything seems running fine.
    So to all persons who will be in the same case as mine - WATER SPILL - (not coffee, cola, or sugary acidic beverages spill). Turn off the machine as fast as you can, absorb water as much as you can, flip the computer on its screen side while placing paper towels to absorb humidity, time is on your side so the more you wait the better, in my case 3.5 days, and PRAY .
    The waranty is probably voided since black sensors inside the machine turns to red as soon as they contact water, (like litnus paper with acids or bases)
    Hope my experience will help you get through yours ...

    9 times out of 10, you cannot, will not, shall NOT get thru same,.......corrosion sets in.
    Many people suffer the pain of a "dried out and working notebook"..........  only to learn corrosion will soon ruin it.
    Liquid spills, why your MacBook chassis is a one-way valve for spills
    After a substantial spill many people will turn their notebook upside down and shake it, not only does this not work, but it spreads liquid havoc throughout your machine and makes things often as bad as possible.
    The keyboard itself acts like a one way valve in the case of a substantial liquid spill. While liquid pours into the bottom chassis easy, it does not come out easily at all, and in the case of any spill, most of it will not come out by turning it upside down. Disconnect all power and contact Apple for diagnostics and repair.
    Do not attempt to, after a spill, ‘dry out your MacBook’ and test it
    After a spill most people invariably try to “dry out” their notebook by various methods, including hair dryers and otherwise. This both does not work, and after a substantial spill of any magnitude, even if the liquid was water, residue is left behind.
    There are additionally many very tight places inside your notebook where liquids will linger for a very long time, and cause corrosion or worse.
    Immediately unplug your notebook and contact Apple for in shop diagnostics and parts replacement.
    In the case of very minor spills people will “dry out” their notebook and feel success that their notebook is working ok, however invariably in nearly all instances after 4-14 days an error / fault pops up and is usually followed by more.
    In case of a spill, damage estimates are impossible,.....anything can be fixed, without question.......the question is cost.
    contact Apple for in shop diagnostics and cost estimation ....possible parts replacement.  

  • Retina MacBook Pro Screen Flickering

    I've experienced screen flickering three times in the last week on my month old MacBook Pro with Retina Display. Each time it's happened I've had either Safari or Chrome running flash. The flickering gets worse when trying to jump to a certain time on a YouTube video and when scrolling. The issue disappears after a restart. I've tried to duplicate it on my own, but I can't. I had automatic graphics switching on and off and neither fixed the problem. I'm covered under Apple Care and I'm thinking of paying the Geniuses a visit.
    I found a video on YouTube to give a better understanding of the problem. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq0l-bHmSYE
    It's identical to the video. I've not experienced any other problems other than this with my rMBP.
    I have a few questions:
    Anyone experience this? If so, what did you do?
    Could this be a graphics issue? If it is, can it be repaired, or will Apple have to replace the Retina MacBook Pro?
    Thank you.

    Well i took mine back to Apple Store and got it fixed for free under my warranty. Mine was like 4 months old when the problem occured. If you still have Apple's warranty take it back and let them fix it, because there isn't anything you can do about it or fix yourself.

  • Retina Macbook Pro sudden OSX issues

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    The computer will -simply- not execute a lot of my instructions, orders, or it simply -lol- ignores me. (skynet much?)
    Anyway, it really is bothering me and here is a rundown of issues I have -so far- experienced
    a) No control over resolution. I keep changing the resolution to "best for retina" but when I reboot , the system just doesnt care and changes the resolution to "more space".
    b) No control over login items. No matter what changes I make, removing entirely the programs using the "minus" icon (not just unticking the items), it never makes a change when I reboot the computer. It still lists all the items I removed.
    c) Finder boots up every time the computer is on and with the applications folder poping up. I tried removing the finder.plist from the preferences but it doesnt matter the computer still pops up the applications folder when I boot up.
    d) I cannot even change the desktop background and make the option stick after a reboot. I choose another desktop and everything seems alright, then I reboot, and it switches back to the one it is "stuck" with.
    e) Iphoto needs to repair the library every time I open the application.... no matter what...
    f) I noticed that the system and specifically the kernel task is taking up much more ram than before. With a fresh boot my computer normally had 6.20 GB of free Ram available and kernel took up about 700MB. Now when I boot, the free memory has droped to around 5.40GB free and kernel takes up about 1.20 GB
    I tried reseting the PRAM and SMC but without success.
    Any help will be really appreciated, I know all things must be connected to each other, there must be a single reason that causes all this mess, probably a preferences file or system file... anyone can help me because this really drives me insane and I really dont want to go through all this reinstalling ML thing....

    I am logged in as admin. I deleted some preference files for the login and now I do have control over login items, yet the rest of the issues still persist.
    I am repairing permissions and yet no problem has been found. Only an ACL thing that was repaired as it says.

  • Retina Macbook Pro PHY MODE not connecting to 801.11n... slow wi-fi!

    I've had the Retina Macbook Pro for about 3 weeks and im really getting tired of the slow wi-fi connection this past week! I tried looking at the advanced wi-fi options (opt+click on the icon) and the PHY MODE always says 801.11g. Heres the catch: I did the same thing on my iMac and it says 802.11n!
    I tested this in a few ways:
    speedtest on the retina macbook: 2-4 mb/s
    speedtest on iMac: 12-15 mb/s
    speedtest on iPad: 12-15 mb/s
    speedtest on friends PC laptop: 10-15 mb/s
    Really crappy speeds on the retina macbook right? I'm about to throw this out the window! Also, I resetted my Netgear WNR2000 router to factory settings 2-3 times just to make sure I'm not overlooking anything on there.
    Any way that I can change the PHY MODE to 802.11n on the macbook? or should I bring it into apple and have them check to see if the network adapter is faulty?

    I have found a solution!
    I took the laptop to apple 'genius' bar and they could not figure out the problem. They told me to download mountain lion to see if it would work. Didnt work! So there was one thing left for me to try: BUY A DUAL CHANNEL ROUTER.
    After purchasing that and connecting to the 5ghz channel (make sure you're on WPA2 as well) my speeds are fast like my other devices. I'm assuming the laptop is sensitive to these things! Kinda stupid but oh well; makes sense as the channel is clear from other devices on my network.
    So if you're still having these problems try buying a new dual channel router. If it still doesn't work, return the router and have apple repair your laptop (or take it back if you still can).

  • Retina MacBook Pro Trackpad in Windows 8

    Hello, and apologies if this has been answered anywhere, I've been digging for hours and to no avail.
    I just recently picked up the new Retina MacBook Pro, and I'm having issues with the trackpad in boot camped Windows 8. For reference, the trackpad worked fine in Windows 7, and I used the same Windows Support drivers that Boot Camp downloaded for both Windows 7 and Windows 8.
    The issue manifests itself as such:
    Windows receives no input from Trackpad at all
    2 "Touchpads" appear in Device Manager in Windows 8
    Both touchpads have yellow yield sign indicating on further inspection "driver installed improperly"
    So far I've tried the following:
    Uninstall and re-scan for devices
    Reinstall by running repair with boot camp utility
    Older versions of the driver in boot camp
    Running the individual boot camp driver directly (results in "you need to run 64 bit version of DPInst.exe"
    Extracting boot camp driver archive, replacing DPInst.exe with a 64 bit version, running DPInst.exe as well as re-archiving and running the driver
    Checking online for additional drivers, including Microsoft's auto-check functionality
    Each of these methods have resulted in the same thing, 2 touchpads appearing with "incorrectly installed drivers." I'm at a total loss, if anyone has had any success conquering this issue, or if you've simply been able to use your Trackpad on your RMBP, please share your steps!

    To make the trackpad work. You need to install trackpad++
    (http://www.techspot.com/downloads/4967-trackpad-control-module.html), it will enable the trackpad driver on boot camp. After you install the trackpad++, trackpad++ will complain something. ingnore it.  You should be able to enable trackpad. And you can now even uninstall the  trackpad++, the trackpad will sill work. 
    brightness, what graphics card are you using? It might be due to the auto adjusting brightness running there. You can go to your power options, edit the one you are using  (Change plan settings >> Change advanced power settings) and look for Batteries >> Enable adaptive brightness and disable the one you are using. After that, the scrollbar for adjusting brightness in power options should work again.
    bluetooth connection is incredibly unreliable/intermittent when in Windows (I run Windows 7 64-bit and Boot Camp 4.0, and got both devices connected without any trouble via Bluetooth).
    After much testing, I have found the cause of lagging/jumpiness on the Bluetooth Magic Mouse and Magic TrackPad in Boot Camp. Hopefully this will help others:
    The drivers for the Broadcom 802.11n Wireless Adapter have a setting called "Bluetooth Collaboration" that is Disabled by default. Enabling this option removes the problem instantly. My Magic Trackpad now works flawlessly, even if I stand 6 metres from the machine. It now works just as well as under Mac OS. The setting can be found under:
    Control Panel > Device Manager > Network Adapters > Broadcom 802.11n Network Adapter (right click and choose "Properties".
    Under the "Advanced" tab, highlight the setting named "Bluetooth Collaboration", then change it to Enable. Then click OK.
    I narrowed the problem down to the wireless card by disabling ALL startup services and processes for Windows, then re-enabling one by one.
    As soon as I enabled the Windows Wireless Service, the problem came back.
    Similarly, disabling the Wireless Card inside the Network and Sharing Center (or Device Manager) removes the problem.
    This led me to believe it must be a driver issue with the wireless card, since the problem didn't occur with the Magic TrackPad under Mac OS, or on my mother's Windows 7 64-bit computer.
    So when I went into the Driver Properties to check for an update, I found this setting about Bluetooth Collaboration.
    All Apple notebooks use the Broadcom card (and have done for years), so this driver is installed for almost anybody using Boot Camp on an Apple notebook. I'd assume this problem would affect anybody using Boot Camp + wifi + a Bluetooth device.
    Wireless Connection problem using windows in a Mac.

  • Retina Macbook Pro (late 2013) screen blinking

    I recently got a Retina Macbook Pro (late 2013), and the screen has been spontaneously blinking. It's exceptionally distracting, and I've been unable to correlate it to any running program. Has anyone else had this issue?

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    Your MacBook is in warranty, so take it to an Apple Store or reseller to get the MacBook repaired or replaced free of charge. It looks like a hardware issue, so it's better to do this

  • Can I wirelessly display the screen of my 15 inch retina Macbook Pro to a Thunderbolt display ?

    Can I wirelessly display (like via bluetooth) the screen of my 15 inch, late 2013, Retina Macbook Pro, to a thunderbolt display ?

    They can fix it, but not for free. Macbook repairs supposedly are classified into 3 tiers by an Apple Rep, I for least amount of damage and III for most. I have a dent in the corner of my MBP and it would require new housing to get it fixed. $450 (tier I) or ~half the cost of a Macbook Air on education discount... HA.
    If it doesn't affect your everyday computing, I wouldn't worry about it. It's awful, but welcome to the club

  • "L" key on my Retina MacBook Pro has been popping out

    Since I own the new mid-2012 Retina MacBook Pro, the L key on my keyboard has been behaving abnormally.
    Initially when press & depressed, it will become loose.
    Now it pops out sideways.
    I will bring it to a Authorized Apple Repair ctr and they will tell me I have to pay for it even when I am on AppleCare as its a COSMETIC problem.
    I have called Apple Technical Support Ctr and received the same answer.
    I have never subjected the keyboard or my Mac to any improper use.
    Prior to this rMBP, I used a late 2008 Al unibody MacBook with same keyboard without any issue.
    I am deeply saddened by Apple's service & subpar quality on their products.
    In addition to the L key prob, I lived with ghost image and ignore the prob.
    But Keyboard key popping out will require the entire keyboard set to be replaced and Apple which charge a premium for this blaming me for abusing the keys.
    I live with iphone4 & 4S that have antenna issue.
    I live with iPad3 that has dents outta e box.
    I live with iPhone 5 that has dents outta e box.
    How nice Apple.
    You think I should buy your next product?

    me too ! this is my screen macbook pro retina 15", don't know it like to all of u or not

  • Why my 2013 Retina MacBook pro aways stop running when it startup

    why my 2013 Retina MacBook pro aways stop running when it startup?
    I try to reset smc and pram .
    but its no work. howhow can I check what happy in my rmbp?

    The startup disk may need repairing ..
    Startup your Mac while holding down the Command + R keys so you can access the built in utilities in OS X to repair the startup disk and reinstall OS X  using OS X Recovery

  • Display gone crazy on Late 2013 Retina Macbook Pro

    Could somebody please tell me what is wrong with my Late 2013 15-inch Retina Macbook Pro? Please check the pics here:

    Looks as if you've a graphics card and/or screen problem - I would lean more towards the GPU.
    You should take the machine into your local Apple Store or an AASP and have them evaluate the problem. This diagnosis should be free as should an estimate for repair (if you're not still under warranty).
    Good luck,
    MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), OS X 10.??, 16GB Crucial RAM, Crucial M500 960GB SSD, 27” Apple Thunderbolt Display

  • EFI Update broke my Retina Macbook Pro performance

    Ever since I applied the last EFI Update that was released with 10.8.2 my retina macbook pro has been working awfully.
    To begin with xcode, I don't know if it's the version 4.5 or what but switching from one plain file to another takes up to 1 minute and if I switching to a Storyboard it takes way longer. Right now all processes are taking up to 130% on activity monitor and it's impossible to work on it.
    After waking up from sleep it's taking years before I can start typing, it takes up to 20-25 seconds, on 10.8.1 it took around 10-15 seconds and on OS X Lion it was instantaneous, What happened?
    This is really affecting me, how can I fix this or roll back this EFI update or 10.8.2 all along?

    This didn't solved my issue, Apps are still using a lot of resources.
    I'm attaching a screenshot of xcode using 114% of the processor, no compiling is being done, just editing.
    The rMBP has 16GB of RAM, so it's not pagination

  • How do I perform a "Suite Product Activation" so that Acrobat will start working on my new Retina MacBook Pro?

    How do I perform a "Suite Product Activation" so that Acrobat will start working on my new Retina MacBook Pro?
    Like others, I have recently upgraded my MacBook Pro to the next generation and migrated all my information from old to new. Everything works seamlessly EXCEPT Acrobat. Photoshop, Indesign, Bridge and Lightroom all seem functional. Acrobat hangs with an error message "Suite Product Activation Needed. Acrobat was installed as part of a suite. To enable Acrobat, please start another element of the suite (such as Photoshop)." Needless to say, starting another element of the suite has NO impact on Acrobat.
    This has to be a common problem. Now that Apple has made it really easy to migrate information from old to new machines, it has to come up all the time. What surprises me greatly is that I can't find any coherent answer in these forums.
    So how do I get Acrobat running again?

    Hi Anubha,
    I do not understand what you said below.
    I am running Adobe Acrobat Pro Version 9.5.5. I do not remember whether it came with Photoshop or InDesign.
    When I open Photoshop, it opens without my having to follow any instructions to activate the software. As a matter of fact, I cannot find my Photoshop serial number anywhere in the Photoshop program itself. I do know it from my profile at Adobe.com. Are you suggesting I deactivate Photoshop on the new computer and then reactivate it using my serial number? Will it reactivate?
    When you say
    "/Library/Application Support/Adobe" at the root level of the startup disk (not the Library folder inside a user's Home folder)
    what do you mean? I do not have a startup disk. I have the original installation disk but that version of Photoshop has been updated a few times.
    After staring at your instructions for a while, I realized that you might be talking about the Library/Application Support folders resident on my Macintosh HD, although why you called it a startup disk is unclear to me. IAC, I went into those folders and duly moved the three folders into a new folder I called “Acrob1” and restarted Adobe Acrobat 9 and got the following error message: “AMT Subsystem Failure  The licensing subsystem has failed catastrophically. You must reinstall of call customer support.” with a small (6).
    By undoing my actions I am back to the staus quo ante.
    Now what?
    Regards, Robert

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