IBook publishing in Japan

I live in Japan and I would like to know what the process is for me to publish a book through the iPad/iPhone. Thanks in advance.

This is a good place to start: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5071

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    Hello Patrick,
    I can only assume that it's a random glitch, as three months is enough time for you to grow a tree and make a paper copy!  Could you start the entire process again, or is it preventing you somehow?
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    Bubbity wrote:
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    iBooks is an ebook reader, you don't upload anything with it.   If you want to submit books to the iBookstore directly, instead of via Smashwords, you use iTunes Connect and follow the instructions in the FAQ.

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    Its  always difficult to say how long it will take the review team to get around to your book.
    You should be aware that they may find issues with your book and notify you that it has a "ticket". The  ticket should indicate what needs to done to correct the issue and be re-delivered using the same Vendor ID and files ( now corrected).
    IF  your book is OK at  first review, you will see the red dot under your book in iTunes Connect change to green.
    Usually before that you will have an email to notify that your book as been passed to the iBookstore. After that it can take - 7 - 14 days before  you will see it "online".  BUT there have been reports here that books have gone through in hours rather than days.. so its really a case of "wait and see" and be patient because it can be frustrating waiting... but it will apear eventually.

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    [email protected],
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    x Apple's web service operation was not successful
    x Unable to authenticate the package: Golden_Book_Khmber.itmsp
    x ERROR ITMS-6014: "Golden_Book_Khmer.ibooks: Language km for type main is only supported in epub 3 content." at Book (MZltmspBookPackage)
    x ERROR ITMS-6014: "Golden_Book_Khmer_Sample.ibooks: Language km for type main is only supported in epub 3 content." at Book (MZltmspBookPackage)

    Yes, that's how it is.  From page 48 of Using iTunes Producer 2.9 for Books:
    Do any languages require EPUB 3.0, iBooks 3.0 app, and iOS 6?
    Yes. The following table is a list of the languages that require EPUB 3.0, iBooks 3.0 app, and iOS 6 to be supported by iBookstore as the primary language.
    2013-02-20 | © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. 48
    Featured Tasks
    Do any languages require EPUB 3.0, iBooks 3.0 app, and iOS 6?

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    PDFs cannot be imported/inserted in toto.
    If you want to use segregated resources, it's up to you to weed them out of the sourced PDF and bring them in accordingly.

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    Thanks in advance for any and all assistance.

    Sorry I do not have an answer, but I would like to see your books.  What is the title.  Splinters69 yields no search on iBooks.  I would love to learn more on how you published and if lulu was worth it

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