IE8 Freezes on Startup after installing SMP Ver 4.51

Dell Vista Home Premium: had to uninstall SWP to restore IE8 functionality.
Works fine on HP Vista Home Premium. 
Any ideas how to get it to work on Dell machine.  (I suspect it is not Dell related.)
This question was solved.
View Solution.

Solved!   Run IE8 as Administrator and SWP runs without hanging up IE8.   You can do this routinely by right clicking IE8 shortcut->select Short Cut Tab->Select Advance button->select "Rin as administrator."
Don't understand why this is necessary, but it works.

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  • System 10.3.9 freezes at startup after installing Security Update 2006-007

    I installed the security update 2006-007 this morning and upon restart everything froze once the words "login window starting" appeared.
    I tried a bunch of troubleshooting suggestions from the support pages ("Your Mac won't startup in OS X - 10.3.9 or earlier") including starting in safe mode, single user mode and dumping login preferences, network prefs, reset certain priveleges. None of these solved the problem.
    Is the only work around for this to re-install the system?
    PowerMac g4 dual proc. Mac OS X (10.3.9)

    I admit to being somewhat perplexed by your experience. But let me ramble a bit here anyway.
    My opinion is that problems of the sort that you are experiencing (freeze after a software update) are almost always due to some software problem. (I base this opinion to a large extent on the experiences of other people in these forums.) The fact that your system works okay with Tiger is consistent with this idea.
    But, if it is a software problem, why did it not go way when you re-installed Panther? I am wondering how you did the re-install. Was it an Archive and Install? That is the easiest approach and the first one to try, but there are some things it cannot fix. For one, if user settings and preferences are maintained during the A&I and the problem is related to these settings or preferences, then the problem will remain. In that case, an Erase and Install would be needed to clear out everything. Of course, this also deletes all of your data, so it is something you do not want to do unless you have a backup (which you said that you have).
    Another thing that an A&I cannot solve is corruption of the filesystem (computer loses track of where some files start and stop on the hard drive). This problem can usually be detected and often repaired by booting off your install CD and using Disk Utility to repair the disk. You said that you used Disk Utility but gave no other details. I take that to imply that you detected no problems. If there are problems and Disk Utility is unable to fix them, a more powerful utility can sometimes do the job, and sometimes there is no solution except to reformat the hard drive and re-install the operating system. This of course destroys all data on the drive.
    If there were a hardware problem behind this, the most likely thing in my view would be some bad blocks on the hard drive. I am pretty sure that Disk Utility, as used above, will look for bad blocks and mask them out if any are found. You mentioned something about 1 Gig of RAM. I think that RAM is unlikely to be the culprit. Problems with RAM usually are manifested as more erratic behavior that what you are experiencing.
    You have already exhausted many of usual tricks, so what are your options? It sounds like you do not want to buy a copy of Tiger just to fix this and I can understand that. So, you could go to more and more extreme versions of re-installing your software. By this I mean using your Panther install disks to do an Archive and Install, then to do an Erase and Install if the first did not work, then to reformat and do an install if the Erase and Install did not work. Before doing either of these last two step,s you want to be sure that you have backup that you know works. You have said that "re-installing Panther does not fix the problem" and also that you "haven't done a system restore". It is not really clear to me what you mean by re-installing Panther. Was this from a backup or from your install CD?
    If you want to avoid a re-install from your install CD as long as possible, then my suggestion is to attempt to troubleshoot the problem further by booting into Single User mode (which I think you have done). Once you get the disk mounted, I would suggest looking in the system.log file for an error message. Once you have mounted the disk, you can look at the end of the system.log file with the command
    tail /var/log/system.log
    Look to see if any of the messages look like they might be indicative of a problem. If you see nothing, you can print out more lines by doing this:
    tail -40 /var/log/system.log
    which will cause the last 40 lines to be printed. If you see any message that might be hinting at a problem, post it back here and perhaps someone will get a clue. I should say at the outset that this way of doing things takes a lot of patience and is not guaranteed to provide a solution.
    I hope this ramble helps a bit. I know your are frustrated and I hope you get a solution soon.

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    ... and i have no idea what else to do :?
    Return that RAM and buy either the Crucial ram ( for your system or buy from OWC ( I've used Cruical ram in many systems over the years with no issues, and have bought Samsung (factory fill) from OWC with no issues either.

  • No startup after installing illustrator?

    I just downloaded illustrator on my MAC (OSX 10.6.8), but it will not startup. I tried a several times without succes. Then I uninstalled it and did the installation again. But it still doesn't work.What's wrong?
    <Removed by Moderator>

    Great ! Problem solved!  Thanks!!!!
    Op 13-mei-2014, om 10:51 heeft Sanjay Kumar het volgende geschreven:
    no startup after installing illustrator?
    created by Sanjay Kumar in Illustrator - View the full discussion
    Can you please check if verdana fonts,(all four variants i.e. regular, bold, italic and bold italic) are present and enabled.
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  • Freeze during startup after SW update from 10.4 - 10.4.8

    After updating to 10.4.8, my machine would freeze during startup (at the gray screen with the apple and spinner) and give me the "Please restart your computer" message in a few languages.
    I thought it might be a RAM issue, so I removed all third party RAM - same problem.
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    I thought that the HD might be bad, so I replaced it with a brand new SATA drive, installed 10.4 and it worked perfectly, ran all of the SW updates (including the combined 10.4.8 update) and I get the same freezing again when I reboot.
    Any suggestions are appriciated!

    Hi Joe,
    Welcome to the only place where you can get friendly advice.
    Ok have you tried starting up from the installer / restore CD that came with the mac and run disk utility??
    Try hardware test doing the extended test in a loop to try and find the base of the Kernel panic (thats what the "you need to restart your computer" image indicates)
    For info and guidance on Kernel panics see:
    and trouble shooting info:
    for extensive advice on solving the kernel panics see:
    Worst case senario it could be the G5 processors, make sure you have applecare; just in case it gets expensive!!

  • MBP freezes at startup after several crashes

    I have an older MBP, I think it's a 2008 running Snow Leopard.  I am backed up. Computer screen started glitching while watching videos online and would freeze (screen would glitch strangely, I could move the mouse but nothing on the screen was responsive).  I'd have to manually power down and at first it would restart if I'd insert the installation disk and boot into startup manager and select hard drive.  But after a few more crashes it will not boot at all.  I've removed the hard drive and used another MBP to repair disk, hard drive appears to be fine but the computer still wont boot.  I don't believe it is a hard drive problem.  In fact I'm having the same startup issues with 2 hard drives (both with the same version of snow leopard) installed internally.  What happens at startup is the apple logo appears, spinning wheel appears but it stops spinning and it doesn't seem to go any further. This happens when I try to boot from install disk or boot into startup manager or into disk utility and even when trying to startup in Apple Hardware Test.  Spinning wheel stops then nothing.
    I have tried resetting nvpram.  I have been able to boot into verbose mode but it appears to freeze up again after a short amount of time.  I tried booting into safe mode and the progress bar showed quickly then spinning wheel stops again.  My original plan was to do a fresh install of the OS and do a time machine backup but the comp won't start in any mode.
    Does anybody have any ideas what I could do to fix this problem?

    It unfortunately sounds like it could be what's called an "intermittent generic fault."  I use a product called Scannerz ( and in some of their documentation they describe this type of fault. Scannerz can actually test and detect this type of problem if it's in the development process, but the system needs to at least be bootable, and it doesn't sound like your's is. I think it's described in their downloadable document about hard drive testing.
    An "intermittent generic fault" is essentially a crack or separation in a logic board trace or connection, or intermittent connection in a cable, or even the connection itself. If it's in the logic board, such as in a cracked trace or a marginal solder connection that went bad, it may get worse with more CPU activity because it causes the heat in the unit to go up, cracks in traces or solder joints expand, and a disconnect occurs. This might explain your video glitch. According to them, if this is the problem, it typically gets worse over time until the system becomes unusable. If it's in an I/O cable it can be easily fixed by replacing the I/O cable, but if it's in the logic board, it basically means you need a new logic board. Intermittent connections with something plugged into the logic board may also cause this type of erratic behavior. Sometimes just re-seating connectors can do the job. I've personally seen this type of problem happen when Airport cards on the old PPC based Aluminum PowerBooks worked their way loose - reseat them and the problem goes away.
    Another thing you could also try is the PM reset. It might work because I've seen it mess up booting, but that wouldn't explain the erratic lock-ups you got with the video. Some of the MacBook Pro's have a diagnostics connector connected to them and Apple can apparently connect diagnostic equipment to the unit to diagnose a whole host of problems, but I don't know if your system has this feature because it's relatively new.
    I hope this helps you in some way, and good luck.

  • Slow startup after installing on my StorCenter ix2-200 CE the latest firmware version

    After installing some weeks ago the new firmware version, the startup of my device is taking consistently around 45-60 minutes to be full operative, accessing to its web interface or being mapped and available the different disk units that i have configured.
    What about the corresponding warranty that should have the new firmware? If it has being published and recommended by Lenovo, it should have the corresponding period of warranty.
    1.- Has the root cause been detected? Should we have a new firmware version solving it? Because it seems downgrade to previous firware version is not possible.
    2.- Could you confirm a possible workaround? Disconnect network cable and startup device till consisten white led...?
    3.- For an alternative solution, can it help to rewrite this firmware version? How is the procedure?
    4.- Does full factory reset help? If yes, i can look for making a backup, and try it.
    Waiting for your suggestion of next steps.
    Thanks for your support.

    Hello jdehoyosr
    My answer is still the same.  You would not have been able to factory reset the unit and retain your data without backing up the data first.  I have already clearly explained that the backup and restore feature could have allowed you to backup your settings/configurations to be restored after the factory reset.  You would have still needed to restore your data from the backup after the factory reset regardless if you had used the configuration backup and restore option for your settings.  
    The configuration backup and restore would not have been able to the firmware glitch that you were experiencing.  If would have had a previous backup file, it would only have applied settings that you had previously backed up. Depending on which restore option was picked it could have also wiped your data.  
    LenovoEMC Contact Information is region specific. Please select the correct link then access the Contact Us at the top right:
    US and Canada:
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    India/Asia Pacific:

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    - start up and windows boot screen
    - then black screen and computer freezes
    The only option to this problem I found so far is do a cold reboot and then let system repair uninstall the updates. Is there a better way to solve this problem?
    Asus UL80VT laptop
    NVIDIA GeForce G210M (driver version
    Win 7 Enterprise, fully updated

    After you unstall the two updates, does the black screen issue completely disappear? We should first figure out whether the two updates are the culprits.
    Since the two updates are related with .net as you mentioned, then here's a .NET Framework Repair Tool released by Microsoft, I suggest you try it and check if it cna detect something.
    Check your event viewer and see if it recorded something valuable.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

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    How do I restore audio quality after installing iTunes version 10.5? The audio is high-pitched and metallic.

    I wish i knew, no feedback or help forthcoming from apple yet

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    Try reinstalling Chrome.

  • Getting error messages upon startup after installing Lab View 5.1.1.

    I have recently purchased a DAQ system along with a computer, which uses a readout program written in Lab View. however, after installing Lab View 5.1.1 on this same system, I started getting some error messages and the readout program no longer works. Here are the error messages:
    "The \SystemRoot\system32\drivers\nidmmk.dll device driver could not locate the entry point ?single PointWrite@mdsSimpleDIGPortPrimitive@@UAEXKKKAAJ@Z in driver Nidaq32K.sys"
    as well as
    "The ordinal 2011 could not be located in the dynamic link library nidaq32.dll. An error occurred while loading VT Digital buffer"
    I would greatly appreciate any help I can get.

    Installing LabVIEW should not effect an installation of NI-DAQ. However, it seems to me that we may have installed a different version of NI-DAQ on top of the current version. This is very possible because the old LabVIEW CD�s contain NI-DAQ on them.
    In this case, there is not an easy solution, we could try uninstalling and reinstalling combinations, but it will probably save the most time and effort to uninstall all National Instruments products and reinstall them. The best way to do so is from the ADD or REMOVE Programs utility from the Control Panel. Then we want to remove the following registry keys (BE SURE TO BACKUP YOUR REGISTRY!!)
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\National Instruments <-- Delete the entire tree!
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\National Instruments <-- Delete the entire tree!
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI\ or \ISA and delete registry entries containing any keys with 1093 in them.
    Do not worry if any of these trees are not listed. If you have Administrative rights, and you still cannot delete these keys, that is also OK. Continue with the remainder of the process.
    Make sure that you do not have any of your own VIs or other files saved in the "C:\VXIpnp", "C:\Program Files\National Instruments", or "C:\WINDOWS\nidaq" folders. If you do, copy them to a different location. If you are concerned about keeping old virtual channels and your SCXI setup intact, then backup the "C:\WINDOWS\niconfig.daq" file, too. Delete all folders and files mentioned above.
    Note: If you have Windows NT/2000, replace "C:\Windows" with "C:\WINNT" in the paths listed above.
    Once these steps are taken care of, we should have clean system. You probably want to reboot and then reinstall the software. You should install development environments first, and then install drivers.
    Just let us know if this does not take care of the problem, or if you have any questions on how to complete a step of the process.
    Best regards,
    Justin T.
    National Instruments
    NOTE: Turning off virus scan programs greatly increases the speed of uninstalling and reinstalling.

  • New iMac freezing on startup after NTFS install

    I have a new iMac with OS 10.7.4  that freezes for 5 minutes upon startup, then starts working normally. During this time there is no response to the keyboard or the mouse. Force Quit has no effect.  I have it set to start without a password so it goes straight to the desktop. This behavior started when I installed a Paragon NTFS interpreter from my Seagate external hard drive. This is done during the setup install from the hard drive to allow both Mac and Windows to use the drive. I have tried this three times, reinstalling the OS each time to get the Mac working again.  The drive came with a USB 3 base which is bad news for an iMac. Seagate sent me a firewire base and I hoped that would solve the problem, but no luck. The NTFS interpreter has been uninstalled and the Seagate external drive reformatted as a Mac drive. Everything now works, but the freezing behavior still persists, and I suspect that some startup files for the Mac are corrupted by the NTFS software.  I ran the bootlog in the Console for one of the startups with freezing. The following is the only thing I see that seems unusual:
    12-08-15 11:34:08.464 AM applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for '': unknown error code
    12-08-15 11:34:08.464 AM applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for '': unknown error code
    12-08-15 11:34:08.465 AM applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for '': unknown error code
    12-08-15 11:34:08.465 AM applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for '': unknown error code
    12-08-15 11:34:08.606 AM ( Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find:
    12-08-15 11:34:08.608 AM load: option requires an argument -- D
    12-08-15 11:34:08.608 AM usage: launchctl load [-wF] [-D <user|local|network|system|all>] paths...
    12-08-15 11:34:08.817 AM ([134]) Exited with code: 1
    12-08-15 11:34:08.825 AM UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CNSServerRegisterUserAgent:187 new user agent port: 17691
    12-08-15 11:34:09.685 AM Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
    12-08-15 11:34:09.686 AM 2012-08-15 11:34:09.684[155:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
    12-08-15 11:34:09.686 AM Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
    12-08-15 11:34:09.686 AM 2012-08-15 11:34:09.685[155:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
    12-08-15 11:34:09.686 AM Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
    12-08-15 11:34:09.686 AM 2012-08-15 11:34:09.685[155:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
    12-08-15 11:34:09.687 AM Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
    12-08-15 11:34:09.687 AM 2012-08-15 11:34:09.686[155:1707] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
    12-08-15 11:34:10.129 AM[168]) Exited with code: 1
    12-08-15 11:34:22.000 AM kernel: IOHIDSystem: postEvent LLEventQueue overflow.
    12-08-15 11:34:28.550 AM ([128]) Exit timeout elapsed (20 seconds). Killing
    I can post the entire bootlog if necessary, it isn't all that long.  Any experience with this problem?  The Seagate people provided good phone support but they haven't heard of this problem before.

    Here are the specs for your HP Pavilion p6720f Desktop Computer. According to the specs your system came with integrated graphics using ATI HD Radeon 4200 and a 250 watt power supply. You indicate that your computer now has an ATI Radeon™ HD 5670 Graphics card installed and you are having issues. According to AMD the reference ATI HD 5670 graphics card requires a minimum of a 400 watt power supply. If this is a retail card, you will need to upgrade your power supply to accomodate this graphics card. The Corsair CX500 and CX600 power supplies are good choices and are known to fit many HP cases.
    Please provide the make (not AMD or ATI, but Asus, EVGA, etc.) and full model number (not 5670, but HD-567X-ZNF3, etc.) of the graphics card in question for more assistance.
    {------------ Please click the "White Kudos" Thumbs Up to say THANKS for helping.
    Please click the "Accept As Solution" on my post, if my assistance has solved your issue. ------------V
    This is a user supported forum. I am a volunteer and I don't work for HP.
    HP 15t-j100 (on loan from HP)
    HP 13 Split x2 (on loan from HP)
    HP Slate8 Pro (on loan from HP)
    HP a1632x - Windows 7, 4GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6130y - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6320y - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240
    HP p7-1026 - Windows 7, 6GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6787c - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240

  • LR 1.3.1 now freezes up in startup after installing 1.3 update.

    I had this problem when I first installed 1.0 after purchase. The support person I spoke to said it was an error with a catalog or directory. I can't remember exactly and I can't remember how we fixed it. Now that I have installed the update, it freezing up again. It begins to start up and then freezes. I reviewed the troubleshooting and nothing seemed to work.
    Any ideas? Any help would be appreciated.
    OS - XP

    Try the following and see how far LR gets into start up:
    Locate your preference file and rename it. It is in
    C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application Data\Adobe\Lightroom\Preferences\Lightroom Preferences.agprefs
    Start Lightroom and it should give you splash screen, the same as when you first started it. Then try opening a catalog. This should help isolate the problem; (maybe it is just the preference file has become corrupted, or maybe your catalog).

  • IMac Freezes on blue screen during startup after installing itunes 9.2

    I let iTunes update to 9.2 today on my 27" iMac quad and when it restarted itself it froze on startup at the blue screen. The blue screen switches between two different shades but never exits that loop. I CAN boot in safe mode (which is what i'm doing right now).
    Thus far i've tried:
    - reinstalling itunes
    - resetting my pram
    - uninstalling itunes
    - removing itunes startup app
    I still cannot boot normally. Help!

    You might try booting from your install CD and running disk repair in Disk Utility.

Maybe you are looking for