Impossible installare le applicazioni con creative cloud

ciao a tutti, sono due giorni che provo ad installare photoshop e altre applicazioni dell'abbonamento creative cloud da me sottoscritto ma il download è sempre danneggiato, cosa posso fare? Ho già formatattato e installato da zero lion 10.8. Suggerimenti o idee... grazie

Potreste essere in grado di scaricare un trial di Photoshop CS6 e poi accedi con l'ID Adobe in licenza come parte di Cloud creativa

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    Please check the links in :'
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    adobe creative cloud cannot open. Code 1712.

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    Hi giutrenti,
    Please refer the article:
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    Hola Josep María, gracias por las explicaciones, es lo que suponía que hacías.
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    Respecto al IDML, que es lo que no sale exacto?
    Y lo de responsabilizar a la imprenta en el resultado final de la impresión, lo tienen tanto con un IDML o con un PDF, creo que te refieres a la etapa de preimpresión o "fotomecánica".
    Supongo que abrir el IDML en InDesign, revisarlo y hacer el PDF para el CTP son servicios y tiempo que te cobran. Si les llevaras un PDF listo para imprimir te ahorrarías dinero y quizás tiempo.
    Has probado a hacer un PDF de tu revista a modo de prueba y enviarlo a la imprenta y que te lo revisen si está todo correcto? Si lo haces con tiempo, sin prisas, podrás acabar haciendo PDFs que salgan como quieres o quieran en la imprenta, como los ves en tu equipo.
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    BLANK Cloud Screen
    -and step by step
    Link for Download & Install & Setup & Activation may help

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    The 404 or Not Found error message is a HTTP standard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server could not find what was requested. 404 errors should not be confused with "server not found" or similar errors, in which a connection to the destination server could not be made at all. A 404 error indicates that the requested resource may be available again in the future.
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    Thank you,

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    Hello after chatting with Adobe technician. I have resolved this problem.
    1. Click finder.
    2. Choose Go > Go To Folder.
    3. Type: ~/Library
    4. Hit return
    5. Navigate to: Application support/Adobe/OOBE
    6. Under this delete OPM.db file.
    7. Now restart the CC desktop application and sign in.
    8. Accept the privacy policy from Adobe and it's done!

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    Message was edited by: Gyora Gal

    HI Gyora,
    What is the error message that you are getting while trying to download CC ? Please try downloading Creative Cloud Desktop Application from the below mentioned link and share a screen shot of the error message that you get ( if any ).
        Free Creative Cloud | Download Adobe Creative Cloud free trial
    Kartikay Sharma

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    From Adobe Support:
    Saravana: Please close all adobe applications including CC desktop application .
    Ian McGinn: Done
    Saravana: Click finder.
    Ian McGinn: Yep
    Saravana: Do you see Go option at top ?
    Ian McGinn: yep
    Saravana: Click on it and choose Goto folder under  that.
    Saravana: Type: ~/Library (use ~ symbol before library )
    Saravana: Hit return.
    Saravana: Navigate to: Application support/Adobe/OOBE
    Saravana: Under this delete OPM.db file.
    Ian McGinn: Ok - done that
    Saravana: Now, please launch CC desktop application and sign in .
    Ian McGinn: That's worked - thanks very much
    Saravana: Excellent !
    Saravana: I am glad that the issue is resolved and you are able to sign into CC desktop application successfully !

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    Buongiorno. Ho fatto la migrazione dei programmi da un computer all'altro e non mi funziona più il Creative Cloud. Mi dice che devo acquistare adobe creative cloud. Ho provato a riscaricarlo, ma non funziona. Come posso risolvere questo poblema?

    Hi There,
    Kindly try the below mentioned steps.
    1. Kindly sign out and sign back in:
    Sign out, Sign in | Creative Cloud Desktop app
    2. Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CS5.5 and later
    Please let us know the follow this if it still doesn't work.
    OS version:
    Migration method:
    Atul Saini

  • Problemi con creative cloud desktop help!!!

    ragazzi ho installato creative desktop con un indirizzo vecchio e adesso mi chiede la mail di verifica ma io non posso verificarla perche non ricordo piu la pass della mail quindi mi sono fatto un id nuovo e mi sono scaricato nuovamente creative desktop ma mi esce sempre e solo la schermata di conferma .. e non mi fa inserire il nuovo id.. come posso fare??
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    Change/Verify Account may help
    -wrong email

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    In that time we have the Adobe Creative Cloud service in Latin America, especially in Ecuador

    Hola Santiago,
    Ya estamos listo con Creative Cloud en todo LATAM.Tonces si tienes alguna pregunta sobre Creative Cloud me escribes [email protected] .

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