Insufficient space to publish site

Here we go again. I was on a bit of a honeymoon with iWeb, after that disastrous and disappointing bug-ridden piece of garbage first release. The updates had seemed to fix the publishing issues that I and countless others had experienced.
Well, something has happened. I am unsure if this is an issue related to the last update, or if there are some server issues with .mac, or WHAT the issue is. For the second time in the past week, I have been unable to upload a page to my .mac site. I get a dialog that erroneously informs me that I have insufficient space on .mac to publish the changes to my websites, please buy more space. This, of course, is wrong, I have plenty of space.
I have found suggestions to delete a plist contained within the Domain file for iWeb. This doesn't work. I try many times to publish, get angry, take a break, and then a few hours later it publishes just fine. My guess is this is a .mac problem, rather than an iWeb issue.
Any suggestions?
Apple MUST address the problems with .Mac. It is slow. It is very unreliable when uploading information. Their system status on the main .mac page is nothing but a place to report the problems after the fact. When something goes wrong, update the freakin' status to something meaningful, so I and others don't spend countless hours trying to troubleshoot our end, thinking it is something with our computers, or with our ISP.

I don't know what to suggest Skip. It appears that iWeb uses the same DotMacKit framework that is used by the .Mac System Preferences. I don't understand why iWeb would show anything different than that shown in it.
I make my pages by "hand coding" and publish them by dragging the needed files and folders into my iDisk.
iWeb allows you to publish to folder. You could do the same by dragging it to the iDisk/Web/Sites/iWeb folder.
This wouldn't update the links from this new page to other pages, however. You would still need to "publish" from iWeb to update the other pages (just modifies your other html files).
You could also upload your movie (if you are making a movie template page) to your iDisk Movies folder. Once it is uploaded you could link to the media in iWeb as you create the page. Publishing would be much faster because the largest part of your total upload has already been placed in your iDisk.

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    Welcome to the discussions. If quitting iWeb and restarting it doesn't help, this may:
    "In the end i sorted it by publishing my web-site content to a folder on a local drive before returning it to point to MobileMe. This resulted in several pages changing to red as if they needed updating but everything uploaded successfully this time after selecting 'Publish Site Changes'. The blue bar isn't showing as full any more so it looks like iWeb was forced to recalculate the disk space. Panic over, for me anyway. Hope this helps. It shows the issue is definitely with iWeb as opposed to MobileMe."
    ...Found by doing THIS.
    By the way, if your site has a blog, it may have something to do with the problem — consider using a more reliable blogging platform such as:

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    Thank you William for your most helpful response. I shall deal first with your three comments:
    Not being tech savvy, I would not have been able to make that call myself but it sure makes sense.
    I have updated my profiles as you suggest.  Excellent tip.
    This guidance is good.  Being new to Apple Support Communities, I did not find the field a labeling and guidance to be clear, a point you make.  Now I know, I shall do as you say and will use the small slim box as a header to the full message/question, which will place in the larger box below.
    Secondly, I come to your question: Did anything change on your Mac recently, such as replacing the disk or main logic board?
    The answer is “yes”.  Two events have happened both of which concerned the Time Capsule:
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    What is the web address of the published site so we can see what you are referring to?
    While waiting for that:
    A common reason why formatting on a published page will not match what you see in iWeb is that objects (pictures, movies, text boxes, etc.) are overlapping. When the web browser goes to try and interpret that overlap the results can vary (this can effect the display of fonts as well).
    Go to the page in question in iWeb and click on 1 object. Go to Edit > Select All.
    You will see all the objects on the page with their boundaries activated. Move any items that are overlapping so they have their own space around them.

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    You are just talking to other users here. To tell Apple something, use this link:

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    Please note that Java and Javascript are not related. iWeb uses a lot
    of Javascript, not Java. There may be some issues with the Javascript
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    you can do this by keeping the external hard drive connected and doing the following
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    -select choose library, iTunes should bring up your explorer windows where you can search for the external HD
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    -after opening the iTunes folder look for the file that says iTunes library.itl or if you can't see that extenstion just look for a document looking thing in the iTunes folder that shows up as a database file
    -double click the database file and boom iTunes should load your library without having to copy it to the computer
    PS: do make sure that if you are going to do it this way, make sure that the external HD is connected at all times, because if you don't then you will get exclamation marks next to your iTunes songs
    double PS: if you are unsure how to find out if the iTunes library file is a database file just right click it and choose properties and under the type it should say database file
    hope this helps:)

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    Camelot wrote:
    When burning a CD-R, the OS first creates a 'shadow' disk image that replicates what the CD will look like, then it copies that data to the CD-R itself. Therefore you need enough free space on your internal drive to create this temporary image. If your internal hard drive is full you won't be able to create the shadow, and that could be what you're seeing.
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  • Can't publish site

    Greetings People,
    Is there an any server updating occurring?
    I keep getting this error message when trying to publish site. Please advise. Thank you.

    Hi Robert,
    That means when in your home network, Muse is not allowed to make connection with the servers at business catalyst. Please check your firewall and make sure nothing is blocking Muse. Was this working before?
    - Abhishek Maurya

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    i am defeated...
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    thank you for the quick response. i erased and my drive and re-installed almost everything in the hopes of rectifying an ongoing and annoying problem and i don't have the AppSupport>iweb pathway available to me. how do i find a link to log onto .mac when i re-publish this my iWeb site to .mac?

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    This has nothing to do with iWeb. These links are added on the server- probably due to the fact that you are using a "free" hosting service.
    Contact your host to upgrade your account or choose another one with more appropriate facilities...

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    the ribbon.
    I tried creating a new page but it still didn't show.
    Does anyone have any ideas why this is not working?
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    Hi Yoshi,
    I tried reproducing the issue in my SharePoint Server 2013 by creating a site collection of Publishing Portal. Then I created a new page, and inserted a media web part. When I click on the web part, WER PART tab and MEDIA tab were both shown in the ribbon.
    Then I tried any possible reason, I deactivated publishing feature in site feature, then the media tab still existed. After I deactivated the publishing feature in site collection feature. The media tab disappeared and all ribbons in WEB PART tab greyed
    I’d recommend you check the if publishing feature is activated in site collection feature and site feature. Could you edit this media web part properties? Did the issue occur in other site collection with publishing feature activated? Did the issue occur
    with admin permission?
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Insufficient space in Javaheap Error when installing BIEE on linux

    I am trying to install OBIEE on Linux Enterprise 4 on a VM machine. When the installer reaches 20% it shuts down with the following error. Can someone please tell me how to resolve this as I am not able to install BIEE. I have 4GB of RAM with OAS 10.1.3 also running on this.
    JVMST109: Insufficient space in Javaheap to satisfy allocation request
    JVMST109: Insufficient space in Javaheap to satisfy allocation request
    WARNING: could not write using log service: ServiceException: (error code = 200; message = ""; severity = 0; exception = [java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: ])
    JVMDG217: Dump Handler is Processing OutOfMemory - Please Wait.
    JVMDG315: JVM Requesting Heap dump file
    JVMDG318: Heap dump file written to /u01/app/oracle/product/bi_unzip/RH_Linux/Server/Oracle_Business_Intelligence/
    JVMDG303: JVM Requesting Java core file
    JVMDG304: Java core file written to /u01/app/oracle/product/bi_unzip/RH_Linux/Server/Oracle_Business_Intelligence/javacore.20091209.164713.7496.txt
    JVMDG274: Dump Handler has Processed OutOfMemory.
    JVMST109: Insufficient space in Javaheap to satisfy allocation request
    JVMST109: Insufficient space in Javaheap to satisfy allocation request
            at java.awt.GridBagLayout.GetLayoutInfo( Code))
            at java.awt.GridBagLayout.getLayoutInfo(
            at java.awt.GridBagLayout.preferredLayoutSize(
            at java.awt.Container.preferredSize( Code))
            at java.awt.Container.getPreferredSize( Compiled Code))
            at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize( Code))
            at java.awt.BorderLayout.preferredLayoutSize(
            at java.awt.Container.preferredSize( Code))
            at java.awt.Container.getPreferredSize( Compiled Code))
            at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize( Code))
            at java.awt.GridLayout.preferredLayoutSize(
            at java.awt.Container.preferredSize( Code))
            at java.awt.Container.getPreferredSize( Compiled Code))
            at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize( Code))
            at java.awt.BorderLayout.layoutContainer(
            at java.awt.Container.layout( Code))Thanks

    Here is solution from ID 1073417.1
    1. Set the environment variables JAVA_HOME, ANA_VARIANT, ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
    - ORACLE_HOME set to the ORACLE_HOME for the mid tier installation.
    - JAVA_HOME was set to $ORACLE_HOME/jdk.
    - ANA_VARIANT = Linux.
    2. Copy/Move installation files to the root directory (/ directory). Copy all script, Config, to root directory.
    3. Run install with the following syntax, from the JAVA_HOME directory:
    java -Xmx256m -jar setup.jar

  • Setting Custom Master page in search results page - Publishing site

    I have a publishing site, in which i have a custom Master page.
    However when doing the search in the site, the search results does not show the custom Master page.
    Is it possible to set the custom created Master page for the search results page? How to achieve this?

    Hi Venkat,
    The search page for a publishing site is a file available in the layouts folder (I believe it is the osssearchresults.aspx if you see the address bar). It is used by all web applications and site collections in your farm. So ideally you should not change
    it. I mean you can change it to point to your master page but it is bad practice ..
    I would instead do the following
    1. Create a custom search results web part page and place it in the site collection itself (one of the document libraries)
    2. Custom search results is not difficult because all search results pages are made of a set of Out of the box search results web parts. If you add the same webparts to your page as the default search results page, you have effectively created a copy of
    3. go to site settings --> search settings and change the search results page to your newly created page
    4. The newly created page by virtue of its location will automatically use the master page the rest of the site uses.
    I could not spend the time to try the above for you but I am sure the above will work.
    Thanks and Regards,

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