Integrating CS pages in to existing site

I am working on an existing site, where we want to make available a couple of new pages that are been fed up from the content server. The documents in the cs are been translated correctly to html via the templates we define in Site Builder. However, the existing site has its on navigation, look and feel etc. I know site builder allows you to embed html round the translated page but i think this is to messsy particulartly because the nav and existing look and feel is complex.
As the cs returns the pages as a "distinct" web pages, i.e. they have their own <html> , <head>, <title> tags etc. First of all, is their any way of configuring the content server such that it does not return the translated document as a "distinct" page. Secondly, if the translated doc can only be returned as a "distinct" page, is their any best practise in terms of how to integrate the cs generated page with an existing site. We are not using frames, but I was thinking of using iframes.
Thanks in advance

It's been a some time since I played with content publisher, but I believe you can remove all that stuff by editing the layout template for the project.

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  • Template changes will not propogate out to the child web pages in the defined site.

    I have a user in my organization who regularly makes changes to a dreamweawer template in order to universally change content on pages that are internal to her office.  The site that serves her office has been defined in dreamweaver (we're running dreamweaver CS4).  Normally, after saving the template changes on her way out of the dw session, she would be asked whether or not she wanted to propagate her template changes out to all of the child web pages (.htmls) in her site.  This has stopped happening and sure enough she can see that the change doesn't exist on the child pages.  Does anyone know why this might have happened, how to restore that prompt for propagation or, most importantly, how she can get those changes propagated to the child pages?

    That may be an eventuality, particularly assuming I'm never able to work on this fulltime...which is likely. =)  Anyway, thanks so much for the link.  We'll try this again.  Hopefully, you'll be able to read it.  Even if it's clear, it may still just be clearly ugly, but please let me know what you think.  Thanks!:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <!-- begin page information comments section.
    Replace the entries below to match your pages
    File:          /templates/intranet_full.dwt
    Date:          06/30/2005
    Author:          Page author / developer name
    template for the census intranet
    Sponsor / Contact:
    Modification History: (initials, modification, date changed)
    JRJ, Template created, 06/30/2005
    end of page information comments section.-->
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  • Integrate Tribevita template into existing site

    Hi all
    I am going through the pleasure of integrating a new Tribevita template into an existing site ie so the crucial sales data etc is maintained. From my research, this is a bit of work and basically it seems you are copying various parts of the new template into the current (old) site.
    I gather the process of integrating a new site involves:
    1. Recreate the folders, web app layouts, forms, content holders, photo galleries etc from the new template, into your existing site.
    2. Change the relevant ID's in the html in the new site, so they match the ID's of those just created in step 1
    3. Then.... ftp all the new template's pages, assets, css, files etc into the OLD site....and in theory you will have your new & improved website all while maintaining all that traffic and sales data.
    The new template site is a reponsive site from Tribevita - Flora Design, so I don't know if that will have any issues moving across to the old site.  Has anyone gone through this process and can you give me any advice on things to look out for and if the above the correct method to do this changeover.
    Many thanks.

    Hi Buzzvick - glad you messaged me as I've been meaning to let you know but couldn't find this thread.
    OK it did go smoothly but here's what I learnt.
    First make sure the template you bought is almost EXACTLY what you want. Ie products display the same as you want them to, search pages etc work how you want to. Find one that you would be happy to use as is just with minor changes like colours.
    Create your template on a test site. Write down your login details as you will refer to it often. FTP copy this new site.
    FTP copy your new site again and save it as a working file (e.g NEW SITE - Working file)
    Create all logos and banners in the sizes you will need for new template.
    FTP copy your old site - save it as ORIGINAL SITE and lock it in your files.
    FTP copy you old site again and save it as working - use this to compare the files for when you upload the new template
    FTP copy your old site once again and save it somewhere else just in case you need it!
    copy your products and customers for backup
    do a sync if you are using onesaas etc
    I also printed all invoices from start of BC / made sure I had a foolproof backup
    Create a new start page and say you are doing updates (if you are tackling it all in one day)
    (I was recommended to check duplicate scripts, css, images, templates etc but I realised this would take hours / days so skipped it and bit the bullet - If i had more time I would have but as I was prepared for our site (=my site) to be offline and have customers call if problems I jumped right in).
    FTP across the template to your website - I used the 'working' file and deleted files on my computer once I had uploaded them so I new what was still to be done.
    Update the template and page module numbers etc (I used a script from BC Gurus that showed the module ID numbers next to it - message me if you need it).
    Screenshot the NEW template (on test site) and also OLD template ID numbers (using script above) and print it out - this will save hours as easy to cross compare.
    If the menus don't show - which ours weren't - RECREATE them... this took me 2 hours to work out why they weren't showing as I just duplicated them and it didn't work!!
    Now change over page templates - start with unpopular pages like about us etc
    Using firebug fix up any styling etc and update css.
    I also removed / delete all my old styling sheets and just kept the new template one (hence your site might look a bit fuzzy so make sure you do it on a crappy sales day or with the maintenance page loaded)
    - I used FTP with my new template file in one screen and current site in the other screen and deleted anything that wasn't in the new template (make sure your original site backup is on file).
    Check all categories, pages etc - e.g update home page etc
    Check ipad / iphone versions (I use firefox web tools that resizes screen as our new site is responsive)
    Make site live (remove maintenance page)
    Pretend you are a customer and sign up for your newsletter, sign up for access / do an order. TEst it all.
    Add in all Google analytics and trackings.
    Update your SEO info e.g title tags - I went page by page through my old site templates and copied any SEO or scripts I'd need and saved it in word
    Recheck site again - Pretend you are a customer and sign up for your newsletter, sign up for access / do an order. Test it all again.
    Recheck site again from other browsers - Pretend you are a customer and sign up for your newsletter, sign up for access / do an order. TEst it all.
    I also kept a notepad handy and highlighted all the above once done. I also wrote down anything little that needed to be changed and kept going on the above. If you start fixing little things as you go you will never finish. I employed my 90% principle - get 90% done then do the remaining little 10% once 90% is up.
    And good luck! It took me from 8am Saturday morning to 5.30am the Sunday morning - so almost a good 24hours! Luckily I'd had a super early Friday night (no life that weekend!) and did it from my home office. So I'd recommend only conquering it when you can pull an all nighter so the site is done.
    Hope that helps

  • Can I load an existing site in iWeb?

    I have a website that I put together with an old program I can't use in OS Leopard (wouldn't want to anyway). I want to start using iWeb to work on my web pages. Can I load the pages of my site into the iWeb program to edit? How do I do that? Thanks.

    No, iWeb can't open, edit, or import an existing site.

  • Need help adding a page to an existing website

    Hey guys....I'm, as the subject states, a newbie to Dreamweaver.  I am needing to add a page to an existing website.  Simple enough...or so it seems...anyway, I went to the site, copied the source coding, went back to Dreamweaver, pasted into the code box, and up pops the page I copied.  Great!  So then I make my changes so that the page states what I want it to say, link it to what I need to hyperlink it to, then try to upload the page back onto the server....and here's where I get lost...I go to the web to check the site, and the page that I copied and made my own is not there.  The link didn't work and the page is nowhere to be found.  I don't mind whatsoever telling any of the what the site is (not sure if I can do that here), but any help would be very grateful!!!  I'm not sure what I am doing wrong obviously.  Many, many thanks in advance for any help you can give me! 

    At the moment the link you refer to goes to the file ashby.php
    Do you have a page named ashby.php in your site folder?
    If you do copy that and make the changes you require. Save it as whisperer.php
    Now you need to change the link from ashby.php to whisperer.php
    <div class="leftMenu"><a class="menuLeft" href="ashby.php?s=1">Becoming an Alzheimer's Whisperer</a></div>
    So it looks like this:
    <div class="leftMenu"><a class="menuLeft" href="whisperer.php">Becoming an Alzheimer's Whisperer</a></div>
    I'm not sure if it will work because the link has a variable (?s=1) after it but as the links all go to different pages the information probably isn't being fetched from a database. In other words all the pages appear to exist as individual pages. I don't know what 's' the variable refers to.

  • How to apply CSS to Existing Site

    Help! I am a Macromedia Dreamweaver user. I manage a few simple sites on a volunteer basis. I was recently forced by a new computer purchase to upgrade to CS4 for Vista compatibility.
    I have never used Style Sheets. I've spent several hours this afternoon combing the web for instructions and found that most of the information assumes way more knowledge than I have, and the more basic articles seem to provide nice overviews of what CSS is and why one might want to use it, or possibly how to build a new site using CSS, but they have not answered my "how to" questions about my existing sites.
    My two most pressing unanswered question are these:
    1)  I seem to have successfully created a new CSS rule by selecting a section of text in the document, setting the Property Inspector to CSS and then naming the rule and choosing a font style and size (although the new rule dialog box never appeared - I did it all in the Property Inspector). Do I have to go through the whole site and apply this rule individually to each section of body text? The existing document has all the text set by its specific features (e.g. Arial Bold 10), not using "heading 1" "heading 2" etc.
    2) I do not use Dreamweaver to upload my finished documents. I use a site-managemet ftp page on my host server. Once I've created these CSS style rules, is there anyting that I need to upload besides my edited pages?
    Thank you in advance for help.

    If you are using the same font family, font size, colour, etc... you can use a separate style sheet and just use
    body {font-size:14px; font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif}
    this will make all your site the same body style.
    Do I have the book for you:  CSS in easy steps by Mike McGrath  isbn#1-84078-301-x
    It's a really good beginner's book to CSS.  And really easy to read!  Was a huge help to me in my beginnings of CSS.
    Also, is a great resource.
    Hope this helps!
    You'll need to upload that extra css page with the rest of your site!
    Message was edited by: JulesN

  • I need to know how you would publish a new site into an existing site

    Okay I have a new Dreamweaver website that I just created for my brother in-laws law firm and want to publish in onto an ftp server but the sever already has the existing site published onto it and before I have it pulled down I would like to publish this new site on there to see if everything is going to work okay and if everything is displayed correctly.  Does anyone know if there is a way I can do this and how to do it?  Please help!!!

    I typically create a TEST folder on the remote site.  Upload new pages and dependant files there for debugging and testing purposes.  Then using a 3rd party ftp ware (filezilla, cute ftp or Ws_ftp pro), I move the new site files & folders over to the root directory.  If you have used the same filenames as were on the old site, new pages will overwrite the old ones.  If you used a different naming convention, you will need to delete old files from server.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Weird Save as... issue - New page not visible on site

    Wasn't sure what to call this thread, but I'll try my best to explain....
    Basically, I have a site which uses a database to show details of safari lodges in Africa, for example here:
    So far so good - all working as it should.
    However, we are moving the existing site to a new domain,
    So I set up the new site definition in DW, copied all the files across, and uploaded them to the new domain. Pretty painless so far:
    However, something with the database isn't playing ball - it should have been painless, as the two domains are hosted on the same reseller account, and so share the database. But the lodge pages were drawing a blank, for example:
    I've been working backwards to see what's causing the issue, and got a page working (minus the contact form):
    So I figured I could at least get most of the pages back simply by saving as... and changing the LodgeID to the relevant ID for each lodge. But when I tried that, those pages were not showing.
    I've now tried literally just opening that /index101.php page, and saving it as /index102.php, not changing a thing, and uploading it.
    But that's not even appearing:
    Sorry that was a bit long winded, but does anyone have any clue what might be getting messed up here?
    Thank you!

    Just to say I spotted the issue - was out of disk space and bandwidth for the account - it just threw me as it cropped up as an issue in the middle of me trying to figure out the original issue.

  • Uploading/intergating Lightroom page to iweb / dotmac site

    All of these answers were helpful - I tried the walk throughs but cannot see where I have gone wrong - the link is active but directs to account error message rather than the Lightroom flash gallery folder saved in Sites on iDisc.
    Can save to my iDisc sites folder but how do I get Adobe Lightroom to upload a web site page to my .Mac/iDisk web site?
    What do I enter in the "Configure FTP File Transfer" window that asks for :
    "Username/password" ? "[email protected]" or just "mymacname?" and login password?
    "Server path" ? /volumes/dotmacusername/Web/Sites/ (times out if I browse to find path)
    Can any one post a work flow/walk through for this newbie?
    Thank you in advance.
    Miffy O

    Joomla is open source and works on the same basis as Drupal. The idea is that you don't download it to your computer, but rather you purchase hosting with a host that supports open source like Joomla and Drupal and you then load it on your server directly from your host and create your site from there.
    If you want to add pages created with iWeb to your existing Joomla site, then place a link to the other pages in your Joomla site and then create pages in iWeb, publish to a folder and then upload to your server. Place the iWeb files into your root folder so that they are visible and then the link to the pages from your Joomla site should work.

  • Importing existing site made in another app into iWeb

    Is it possible to import to iWeb a site created in RapidWeaver? Or, at somehow have any new iWeb site I do, and keep the work I did the in RW online.
    I don't necessarily need to edit it, but I'd like to keep that RW site intact and available.
    Also, Roddy, thanks for this link you put in another thread- I've got a lot to study:

    No; iWeb cannot import existing sites. If you have the HTML and other files from RapidWeaver, store them on your hard disk, and then use iWeb to publish to a folder, posting those pages as desired.

  • Attach existing CSS style sheet to existing site

    Hello all,
    I have an external CSS style sheet called default.css. I have an existing site of 61 pages that I want to apply default.css. Is there a way to apply a CSS file to multiple pages? Or am I doomed to going through the process 61 times?
    Thanks for your time.

    Thanks for replying Ben.
    I 'forced' it to work. Fortunately, the pages were all linked to the same style sheet, so I just did a 'Find and Replace All'.
    Thanks again.

  • Adding a page to an existing page

    Does anyone know if it's possible to add a page to an existing page? If I try to add a page it adds it to the entire site (thus it showing up in the top bar - I don't want that). I just want a new page within in a page.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks for the help!

    One more question regarding this... was able to create the page and remove from Nav bar...but how do I get the address of the new page to put for a link on the first page? Do I have to publish it first?
    Thanks again!! I appreciate it!

  • Migrating existing site content to UCM

    We looking for any tools, APIs that help in migrating the existing content of web sites to UCM. The site content is structured and needs to mapped to WCM content in UCM. The site has static as well as dynamic content.
    For dynamic content we are assuming a DB is used. But not sure if the entire functional information shown for a page is coming from the DB. Want to understand if any tools are available to make migration of content from a DB to UCM.
    For static pages we have to extract the content and move it to UCM. Here also it is not clear as to how many static pages are there. Our concern is that if too many static pages (having a similar template) are there then manual migration may not work out. We may have to parse the html content and create structured WCM content out of them. Our doubt is do we have any API to create WCM content programatically?

    Hi Pratap,
    we here at Fishbowl have developed just such a site migrator. It takes existing sites and will import and build them into a new WCM (10gR4) site.
    Our site migrator focuses on the body content of the sites (i.e. what end users will be editing in context). You still need to build out your navigation structure etc. However, we do parse the contents of your existing sites into specific region definitions of the new WCM.
    contact [email protected] for more info.
    Billy Cripe
    Fishbowl Solutions

  • Get a online number page does not exist!

    This is the 3rd time this is happening to me in about 2 weeks with no success. I go to the online number page and everything works fine. I can view my existing online numbers and so on. However when I click on the link get an online number because I want to sign up for another it says the page does not exist.
    Hi, we couldn’t find this pageLooks like the page you were trying to visit doesn’t exist or has been deleted. If you got here by a link from then about the wrong or out of date link and we’ll fix it. Thanks.
    Since we’re not sure what you were looking for then here’s a bunch of things you might find useful:

    We are short on information. Settings may depend on your Mac OSX version, which we don't yet know. Please let us know the version, plus how you are sending/receiving mail: a mail client installed like Apple Mail, Ms Outlook, or Entourage; or by visiting a web site like yahoo, hotmail, or gmail.

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