Internal Modem Com port!

I was designing an application in which i should check if the modem is active or NO. I had a simple idea which was to try to open the modem's COM port and if I get an "port in use" exception means the modem is active. I used the comm API but I found out that my modem's COM was not listed in the port ID and I suppose it is because the modem is Internal and doesn't use a Physical COM port like the serial port but a virtual one.
Is there a way in which I could access this virtual com port??
Thank YOU

Try the API for and Line

Similar Messages

  • Help!! Modem/Com Port

    Okay, I recently built my first PC and it has been running well, that is until I tried last night to get online.
    I doubt it's a massive problem but I'm stumped. I'd really, really appreciate some help on this one.
    I have a K7N2 Delta-ILSR, and I'm trying to run a Creative Modem Blaster V.92 PCI modem.
    Right now my PC says it's on slot 5.
    Anyway, whenever I try to connect to the net, via AOL (sucks I know, but I get it free where I live), the thing just doesn't dial. I think maybe it's a com port problem, but I know nothing about them. I bought the modem OEM, so no manual. It's showing up on Com Port 3, and the PC says ports 1 and 2 are 'In Use', though I don't know what with.
    I initially had it on another PCI slot, installed it with the CD which came with it. And I had the problem. I moved it to where it is now, and before reinstalling with the CD the modem would dial, but was only recognised as a Generic modem. It also wouldn't talk with the network. So I reinstalled with the CD, and then I was back to square one.
    Any ideas?
    Here's my set-up:
    K7N2 Delta-ILSR
    Win XP Home
    Athlon XP 2500+ (no o/c)
    2x 256 PC3200 Corsair RAM
    Radeon 9500Pro
    Please some help would really be appreciated.

    Dial up modems can be a bitch to install (don't ask me why!). Try this: Power down and remove your Modem card then uninstall any drivers you've installed for it. Reboot then re-install the modem driver software (I assume you have drivers) then power down again and replace the modem card. Hopefully when you boot XP should detect your hardware and then install the drivers you've installed!  
    Also turn PNP OS off in the BIOS, and make sure APIC is enabled.

  • IMac11,2: How do you use internal modem without a modem port?

    This is driving me nuts. How on earth do I dial up somewhere from my iMac, or even send or receive a fax, when there is no modem port to connect my modem lead to, and thus connect the Mac to a phone line?
    I rang Applecare but they didn't even seem to know there was an internal modem on the Mac, or even how it used to work with a direct connection to the phone line. They seemed to think I could attach the modem lead to my router. But I rang BT re my Home Hub 3 and they didn't know either. There is no modem socket on the router.
    So I searched Apple Support and found a reference on page 11 of the following manual:
    "To use a dial-up connection, you need the external Apple USB Modem, available from the online Apple Store at or from an Apple Authorized Reseller. Plug the Apple USB Modem into a USB port on your iMac, and then use a phone cord (not included) to connect the modem to a phone jack"
    But when I rang the Apple Store they said they didn't sell Apple USB modems. They, too, didn't seem to have any idea of what I was talking about.
    I cannot be the only person in the world who wants to dial-up places from their Mac. There are three reasons for wanting direct dial-up:
    1) Sending and receiving faxes
    2) Connecting to a company server via dial-up (and I am talking a major national newspaper here, not a small outfit)
    3) Using a dial-up internet service when the broadband goes down
    All very good and important reasons for needing to be able to connect the Mac to the phone line, I am sure you will agree.
    But how on earth do I do that now?

    Hi Niel,
    Thanks for the speedy reply.
    But my iMac does seem to have an internal modem because it shows up in Network prefs under the list of available connections, and there is still a fax option in System prefs too.
    Plus it shows up in System profiler under Network/Locations/Automatic as follows:
    Internal Modem:
      Type:          PPP
      Configuration Method:          PPP
      Configuration Method:          Automatic
      FTP Passive Mode:          Yes
      ACSP Enabled:          No
      Display Terminal Window:          No
      Redial Count:          1
      Redial Enabled:          Yes
      Redial Interval:          5
      Use Terminal Script:          No
      Dial on Demand:          No
      Disconnect on Idle:          Yes
      Disconnect on Idle Timer:          600
      Disconnect on Logout:          Yes
      Disconnect on Sleep:          Yes
      Idle Reminder:          No
      Idle Reminder Time:          1800
      IPCP Compression VJ:          Yes
      LCP Echo Enabled:          Yes
      LCP Echo Failure:          4
      LCP Echo Interval:          10
      Log File:          /var/log/ppp.log
      Verbose Logging:          No

  • Write among COM ports in the same PC without cables

    How can I write to the memory address(es) of a serial COM port?  I would like to send data from one serial COM port to another in a manner similar to the that of the 'Simple Data Client' and 'Simple Data Server' vi examples.  This must sound strange since this is exactly what a null modem cable will do, externally.  I would like to eliminate the cable connection between COM ports that exsit in the same PC and communicate between them, internal to the PC, somehow. 
    Currently, I am using a LabVIEW vi to read a serial message on COM1, translate it, send the trsanslation out on COM2, so that a separate windows program (no .DLLs to interface with LabVIEW) can read the message on COM 3.  COM 2 and COM 3 are connected by a null-modem cable.  This requires three COM ports, and two serial cables.  I realize that I can use a physical loop-back jumper on COM2, for instance, where I send and read the translated message on COM2, but I still wonder if there is a method for doing this in memory, or something. Is there a way to accomplish the same objective with one cable (into COM1), no loop-back jumpers, and only two serial ports?  In summary, I want to read on COM 1, translate in LabVIEW, then write directly to another COM port, internally, without using a serial cable.  Can the 'IN PORT' or 'OUT PORT' vi's apply here?  Are these tools only for parallel ports?
    Hope this is not too confusing....  It seems like I am always trying to do something with LabVIEW that was not meant to be done....

    Thank you.  If I pay the price they ask, this looks like it will create and share virtual COM ports - exactly what I need.  However, I would really like to find a way to do this in LabVIEW, such that I do not have to make my application dependent on another piece of third party software.  The 'Simple Data' and 'Simple Data', included in the shipset examples, seem to do this for TCP/ IP ports.  I wonder why the COM ports cannot be addressed at the memory level, in a similar manner???


    I am trying to use my computer to send a recieve faxs. I am connected to the internet via infar red port. And I am under the impression I can use my internal modem to send and receive faxes.
    I have hooked the phone socket to internal modem input on my Lap top and have tried many times to send and receive but it says my modem is not set up.
    Looking in prefs it is not set up, but it wants a telephone number for dial up.
    I have broadband so have no idea about a telephone number for dial up.
    Is there a way to set the modem up to receive and send faxes and still be connected to broadband internet?
    Hope you can help,

    If you want to use the modem to send and receive faxes, then you don't want to have the Network trying to control it, you should disable the modem port in the Network prefs and use only the Ethernet port. You can use the Network prefs to troubleshoot to ensure that the modem is in working condition, but you can't have the network dial-up taking control of the modem at the same time as you want to be waiting for a fax or sending a fax. This can cause the modem to get hung, and you will get the waiting behavior that you described.
    You should just be able to receive faxes by checking the "Receive faxes on this computer" button in the Print & Fax Prefs. If you had an external modem you could see some activity lights come on as soon as you check the box as it goes into standby to answer a call mode, with an internal the only way to know it's working is to send yourself a fax.
    To send a fax, I think you might need to configure a Fax printer, if you don't seem to have one already. Click the "Setup Fax Modem..." button at the bottom of that Print & Fax Prefs. IF you launch /Applications/Utilities/Printer Setup Utility can you select from the View Menu: Show Fax List and does anything show up in the list? You should have a Fax List and fax printer in that list similar to your Printer List and whatever printer you have installed.
    To check if the modem is even working you may have to use some modem terminal utility like ZTerm that will let you type simple commands and check the modem response. For example AT should result in an OK. With the internal you can't check the activity lights to see if you are receiving data or sending data, so I'm not sure how else you can verify the internal modem is actually functioning. It might be worthwhile checking that first, or if you know you can use it for dial-up, I still use my modem as a backup for when DSL goes out (rarely).

  • Internal Modem No Longer Dials

    For the first time in a while I tried to fax something off my Mac today and no matter what I did, the mode wouldn't dial the number. I am using the Fax PDF command. I tried entering the phone number manually, and I tried creating an Address Book entry with the number, but neither one worked. It launches the Internal Modem icon in the dock, and when I went to the Internal Modem window it would show the fax preparing to send, but never dial and just go into a hold for a few minutes, then try again with the same result.
    Next I went to Faxing under Print and Fax in the System Preferences and selected Receive Faxes on This Computer to see if maybe that would make the modem dial when I tried to fax something, but that didn't help.
    Finally I tried going into Network under the System Preferences and selecting Modem. There I clicked off the Wait for Dial Tone Before Dialing to see if that would get it to dial, but now it just says, "Waiting for Modem to become available." I've faxed off this computer before, so it should work. Does anyone have any idea what the problem is or how to fix it? (Under About This Mac, the Modem information lists the modem driver as (v1.3.0), and I'm afraid that something has happened like the driver got updated in one of the automatic software updates to a version that for some reason won't run on my Mac, even though I'm using 10.4.11.) If anyone can help, I'd sure appreciate it!

    Hi AdmrlLocke!
    j.v. is doing an excellent job of assisting you, but see if the info posted below, is helpful.
    You cannot be connected to the Internet, while you are sending, or receiving a FAX.
    Not all DSL Cable Modems can be configured to send a FAX using the OS X FAX function.
    Review this KB Article Can I fax with my cable, ADSL, DSL, or ISDN modem using Mac OS X 10.3?.
    I have DSL as well, and when I want to send or receive a FAX, I disconnect the Ethernet cable from the Mac Ethernet port, plug a wire from the wall jack to the Internal Modem port on the Mac.
    I have a two port Splitter/Filter plugged into the wall jack.
    The Cable/DSL Modem wire, is always plugged into one of the ports on that splitter.
    When I want to use the FAX function, I plug the telephone wire into the other port, but I do not unplug the Cable /DSL Modem.
    The Splitter/Filter may not be a necessity. If you don't have one, just unplug the Cable Modem wire from the wall jack, and plug in the telephone wire.
    I then set the Network System Preferences, back to the Internel Modem, deselect the Built-in Ethernet, selecting Internal Modem, and dragging it to the top of the window.
    This of course will disconnect the Mac from the DSL connection, and you can then use the Internal Modem to send or receive a FAX.
    Also review this Topic Faxing, for additional tips.
    Additionally, when you enter the recipient FAX number, use this format 1-area code-xxx-xxxx.
    ali b

  • Internal modem failing to connect via dial-up

    I'm new to posting questions. Every time I try to connect using dial-up I get the message failed to detect dial tone. I tried to connect in different buildings and using new phone line (wire?) with no success. Tonight I created a new location in network preferences, tried and failed. Created a new user as a test, tried and failed. I cannot try in another building for a day or so. Anybody able to help? Thanks.

    Hi Again starlite!
    I hope you're feeling better.
    Have you ever been able to connect with the PowerBook?
    I don't know about your PowerBook, but on my iMac, the Modem port & the Ethernet port look very similar. Make sure you haven't inadvertently plugged into the Ethernet port.
    Below is how I set my Network Preferences, using AOL. I don't know if the same configuration will work for you, but it may help to compare how yours are set. What ISP are you using? I'm guessing that you're on campus.
    If you have any questions, please ask them before preceeding.
    First, be sure you know what version of Modem you are using.
    Disconnect from the Internet.
    Navigate to:
    If present, move to Trash: (a file) (a file) (a file)
    Don't empty the Trash just yet.
    Before you change the settings below, you might want to make notes, or take screen shots of your present configurations.
    Then, open System Preferences > Network
    Location: Select "Automatic"
    Show: Select "Internal Modem"
    On the PPP screen, click PPP Options. UNCHECK ALL options
    On the TCP/IP screen, Configure using IPv4: Select "Using PPP"
    On the Modem screen, Select your modem from the list. I'm using an iMac (Summer 2001), and I have "Apple Internal 56K Modem (v.90)" selected.
    Check "Enable error correction and compression in modem"
    "Wait for dial tone before dialing"
    "Dialing": Tone
    "Sound": On
    "Show modem status in menubar" (This isn't necessary, I just like to keep track of it)
    Also select your Country.
    Then, still in "Network" preferences,
    Location: "Automatic"
    Show: "Network Port Configurations"
    Make sure "Internal Modem" is checked and at the top of the window.
    Click "Apply Now" at the bottom of the screen.
    Quit System Preferences.
    Sometimes changing the access number that you use will also help. Do you know how to do that?
    Good Luck!
    ali b

  • Unable to send fax via internal modem

    Until two days ago our internal modem was working fine we have been able to send faxes with no problem. I have ran disk first aid and repair, but the modem still is not able to send a fax. We have check the phone line and there is a dial tone up to the computer, but not dial tone in the computer. Is my modem dead or is there another way to fix the problem.

    If you want to use the modem to send and receive faxes, then you don't want to have the Network trying to control it, you should disable the modem port in the Network prefs and use only the Ethernet port. You can use the Network prefs to troubleshoot to ensure that the modem is in working condition, but you can't have the network dial-up taking control of the modem at the same time as you want to be waiting for a fax or sending a fax. This can cause the modem to get hung, and you will get the waiting behavior that you described.
    You should just be able to receive faxes by checking the "Receive faxes on this computer" button in the Print & Fax Prefs. If you had an external modem you could see some activity lights come on as soon as you check the box as it goes into standby to answer a call mode, with an internal the only way to know it's working is to send yourself a fax.
    To send a fax, I think you might need to configure a Fax printer, if you don't seem to have one already. Click the "Setup Fax Modem..." button at the bottom of that Print & Fax Prefs. IF you launch /Applications/Utilities/Printer Setup Utility can you select from the View Menu: Show Fax List and does anything show up in the list? You should have a Fax List and fax printer in that list similar to your Printer List and whatever printer you have installed.
    To check if the modem is even working you may have to use some modem terminal utility like ZTerm that will let you type simple commands and check the modem response. For example AT should result in an OK. With the internal you can't check the activity lights to see if you are receiving data or sending data, so I'm not sure how else you can verify the internal modem is actually functioning. It might be worthwhile checking that first, or if you know you can use it for dial-up, I still use my modem as a backup for when DSL goes out (rarely).

  • Unable to connect internal modem/authentication fails

    I have iMAC OS X 10.3.9. I can't connect my internal modem. It worked perfectly with my new ISP until Saturday, 10-27-07. Now I get authentication failure notice. My password is typed in and has not changed. It will not accept my password. I have Vip Power/Dialup Ine. They have checked my account and find no fault. When troubleshooting internet PPP with iMAC specialist I was told to dial my ISP #, then hang up when it answered. This process never worked.

    Welcome To  Discussions threecherries!
    No guarantees, but this configuration works for me on my iMac G3. You may need to make some adjustments for your particular Mac, Modem, and ISP.
    Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with your service, so I am not able to advise you on how to reset your access numbers.
    Hopefully you know how to do that.
    Read the entire document. Pay attention to *Notes.
    And if you have any questions, please ask them before preceeding.
    Delete only the files listed, no more.
    Sign off from your ISP, and quit the browser.
    See *Note 1
    Navigate to:
    If present, move to Trash: (a file) (a file) (a file)
    Don't empty the Trash just yet.
    *Note 1Before you change the settings below, you might want to make notes, or take screen shots of your present configurations. Actually, this should be done before you trash or move any of the files I've listed above.
    Then, open System Preferences > Network
    In each of these panels, after you have made your selections or changes, be sure to click on the "Apply Now" button in the lower right corner, if it's available.
    Location: Select "Automatic"
    Show: Select "Internal Modem", or however you connect.
    On the PPP screen, click "PPP Options". CHECK ONLY THESE options:
    "Send PPP echo packets"
    "Use TCP header compression"
    Click OK
    On the TCP/IP screen, Configure using IPv4: Select "Using PPP"
    On the Modem screen, Select your modem from the list. I'm using an iMac (Summer 2001), and I have "Apple Internal 56K Modem (v.90)" selected. Select your modem.
    Check "Enable error correction and compression in modem"
    "Wait for dial tone before dialing"
    "Dialing": Tone
    "Sound": On
    "Show modem status in menubar" (This isn't really necessary, but it's handy.)
    Also select your Country.
    Then, still in "Network" preferences,
    Location: "Automatic"
    Show: "Network Port Configurations"
    Make sure "Internal Modem", or however you connect, is checked and at the top of the list.
    Click "Apply Now" at the bottom of the screen.
    Quit System Preferences.
    If everything is hunky dory, you can empty the Trash.
    ali b

  • Internal Modem

    I am using javax.comm for detecting my modem . My modem is internal and the card is fixed on motherboard. The port of modem is COM3 showing in the property of modem. Will any body help me how to detect the internal modem on COM3 using javax.comm.

    javax.comm will always try to detect ONLY serial ports. However on Windows it always finds com ports from COM1 to COM4 (even if you dont have COM3 and COM4).
    Detecting modem is not so hard. Just send AT command followed by \n or \r and it should return OK.
    if it doesn't return anything - it's not modem.
    if it returns OK it MIGHT be a modem.

  • Failed internal modem - cannon send faxs

    The Apple eMac internal modem is a hardware device, which appears to have failed in my computer. The OSX hardware test facility found the modem but did not report whether it worked or not. Replacements are not available. I planned to fit an Apple external modem (sold in the Apple shop for $50) but the reviews posted there were mostly very negative, only one reported sending and receiving faxs successfully, although most problems were with internet connection.
    Can anyone recommend a reliable external dial up modem? Is it straightforward to get it to respond to the fax button in the Appleworks Print Page. Does the eMac find the modem given that it will be connected to a USB port? Should I just settle for posting letters?

    If you want to use the modem to send and receive faxes, then you don't want to have the Network trying to control it, you should disable the modem port in the Network prefs and use only the Ethernet port. You can use the Network prefs to troubleshoot to ensure that the modem is in working condition, but you can't have the network dial-up taking control of the modem at the same time as you want to be waiting for a fax or sending a fax. This can cause the modem to get hung, and you will get the waiting behavior that you described.
    You should just be able to receive faxes by checking the "Receive faxes on this computer" button in the Print & Fax Prefs. If you had an external modem you could see some activity lights come on as soon as you check the box as it goes into standby to answer a call mode, with an internal the only way to know it's working is to send yourself a fax.
    To send a fax, I think you might need to configure a Fax printer, if you don't seem to have one already. Click the "Setup Fax Modem..." button at the bottom of that Print & Fax Prefs. IF you launch /Applications/Utilities/Printer Setup Utility can you select from the View Menu: Show Fax List and does anything show up in the list? You should have a Fax List and fax printer in that list similar to your Printer List and whatever printer you have installed.
    To check if the modem is even working you may have to use some modem terminal utility like ZTerm that will let you type simple commands and check the modem response. For example AT should result in an OK. With the internal you can't check the activity lights to see if you are receiving data or sending data, so I'm not sure how else you can verify the internal modem is actually functioning. It might be worthwhile checking that first, or if you know you can use it for dial-up, I still use my modem as a backup for when DSL goes out (rarely).

  • Possible? internal modem as speaker phone?

    I have used this AppleScript plug-in for Address Book to dial phone numbers on the landline using the modem, then you use a standard phone handset on it's own phone jack, after the modem has dialed the call. Pretty handy, like a speed dial for all your contacts in your Address
    I was just wondering (but expecting the answer that this is not possible) can the internal modem on a MDD be used itself as a speakerphone using the conventional phone landline?

    So its airport card is so old it's stopped reliably working & I don't know where I could find a replacement.
    If you have been using an internal wireless network, the router (base station) should (normally) allow you to connect via an Ethernet cable from the corresponding port in the iBook as well.
    BUT I keep getting a busy signal over & over when I dial up
    Without knowing any details, this seems to indicate that the modem does work. Wrong number/own number? Have you checked that everything has been entered correctly according to the instructions from the ISP?
    Could KB article # 106748 possibly be of any help here?

  • Broadcasting/sharing wireless using internal modem or airport

    Until recently I have been able to send out a wireless signal to my colleagues after connecting my computer to a port via dsl (powerbook g4). Not sure how it was turned on, but one day I just found out this computer acted as a wireless hub. Then a few days ago I tried to pick up wireless myself (which it was previously unable to do), and since I have gotten that working, I can no longer send out a wireless signal. I have taken out the wireless card, but still to no avail. I have set my connection settings to - Sharing: on using internal modem; airport: on. Location: automatic; view: airport. Now, my internal modem reads: idle, as does my airport. I'm guessing this is the crux of the issue, but have no clue how to solve it. Weird thing is, the other computers recognise my wireless signal, say they are connected to it, but cannot get on the web through it. I am an absolute imbecile when it comes to this stuff, and have been racking my brain, so if anyone could help me I would be extremely grateful. Thanks, please, for the love of God help.

    Jasonislost, Welcome to the discussion area!
    Are you wanting to use the PowerBook to share a DSL
    connection or a dial-up connection?
    DSL connections are typically Ethernet and have
    nothing to do with the internal modem.
    If you are trying to share a DSL connection, you
    should only need to visit the Sharing preference pane
    and enable Internet sharing from Ethernet to AirPort.
    BTW, life would be simpler if you used a wireless
    router instead of your PowerBook to share the DSL
    wow, thanks so much Duane, that worked perfectly. Phew, I am so grateful, and wow that was quick. Thank you infinitely, I feel a little dumb that it was apparently so simple, but I'd rather feel dumb than confused. Thanks again, man, I really appreciate it.

  • Disable internal modem

    Got an iMac 333 with a defective internal modem. Am now using an external modem but needed to upgrade OS from 8.6 to 9.2. Upgrade went fine and the modem worked. My friend called me and now has the same problem...the OS wants to dial-out using the old modem. We've disabled the extenstion to the old modem but the problem still exists.
    I'm a pc tech but learning Mac stuff and would like to know how to disable the internal modem, that or pull the modem if it is in an expansion slot. And if by pulling the old modem will that force the OS to look at the external modem?
    BTW- the OS sees the external modem
    Thanks for your help

    Open up the Extension Manager Control Panels & make sure every modem extension is disabled especially:
    XMODEM Tool
    Apple Modem Tool
    iMac Modem Extension
    Modem Scripts
    Restart your computer.
    If the above does not work, hopefully something in the following article will: Mac OS 8, Mac OS 9: Troubleshooting a Dial-Up/PPP Internet Connection.
    If your computer system info is correct, then I strongly suggest that you purchase more RAM. As much as you can afford. 64mb is not enough to run OS 9.x sufficiently.

  • HylaFax on OS X 10.4.7 Working with internal modem but not USB Modem

    I have managed to configure and install HylaFax on a powerbook G4 with an internal fax/modem.
    Only a couple of hangups to get that configuration to work.
    As per the prerequisites outline here:HylaFax Prerequisites
    You need the Xcode tools to use it's compiler.
    The only other thing you may not have is:
    If you are running an x-serve you probably already have an MTA as well (postfix)
    There are someOS X Specific install instructions of which I only had to follow the first couple, to create a user. Some of the latter instructions I found unecessary since startup is handled by launchd as far as I understand.
    Before I compiled I had to put the hylafax source on a thumb drive, I know it seems wierd, but it worked. Something to do with the HFS+ format of the hard drive. But low and behold it worked. (the hylafax website mentions issues with other disk formatting besides UFS, but the fat32 formatted thumb drive worked for me)
    A little side note:
    You need to actually download the ghostscript fonts from the ghostscript project FTP site and mv them to the proper location:
    Once installed run:
    It should prompt you to install your modems.
    After doing this I had to start hylafax
    #sudo /usr/local/sbin/hylfax start
    and run a faxgetty command to enable incomming and outgoing
    #sudo /usr/local/sbin/faxgetty ttys.modem
    After doing so I was able to receive faxes and open them up with a pdf viewer, as well as send faxes via an application or printer driver on the mac and PC (windows xp with win hylafax print) Super SIMPLE! which is great for end users.
    Okay so here is why I am actually posting on here. It is great that I got this working, but the final configuration will be on an x-serve that has no internal modem, and I would like to use more than one modem in case of high traffic incoming and outgoing. I purchased 2 apple usb fax/modems and when running faxaddmodem it even recognizes the modem, but never is fully able to use it like the internal modem. If anyone has any insight it would be great.
    The issue I am seeing is that when I run
    /usr/local/bin/faxstat -s
    The modem says Waiting for modem to come ready

    Just wanted to say I got hylafax to work with a usb modem on a powerbook, not sure if it's stable and user friendly enough to be used my a wide base here, but it's definitely cool, and it does work. I just wish it had LDAP/mysql integration, instead of the flat file business it has.
    Anybody with any input on hylafax would be great.

Maybe you are looking for