Internet ppp kppp pppd

This might help someone trying to get on internet with the 2.6.3 kernel.  The 2.4.25 is fairly automatic but the 2.6.3 is a different story . I spend days trying to get on and finally made it.  Other posts have demonstrated the same trouble. The problem is that pppd and kppp do not recognize one another .  My steps were as follows
1. kppp does not support ttyS4 it only goes to ttyS3. So in etc/rc.local I put the symlik ln -sf /dev/ttyS4 /dev/modem    This way everytime when booted /dev/modem is recognized.
2. in etc/modprobe.conf   i added my modem module --  alias eth0 8139too
3.    ifconfig eth0   at the prompt , makes kppp and pppd interactive(this was demonstrated on a post that i read) 
4 etc/rc.conf     at" MODULES="put ppp_generic so it looks like this--  MODULES=ppp_generic      --    /dev/ppp needs to be there otherwise pppd will not work and this puts  ppp on the dev nod
5  etc/ppp/options   There is an option with says --  auth.    Put a # in front of auth --#auth -- on some systems this keeps kppp from dying when first connected to your isp.
6. reboot the system and hope for the best

This is the diagnostic info:
1) pacman -Syu failed to download anything
2) ping failed
3) pinging my ISP's ip address worked!
4) /etc/rc.conf: --
MODULES=(!usbserial ide-scsi sis900 snd-intel8x0 usblp ppp_generic radeon !ehci-hcd ohci_hcd)
#"eth0 netmask broadcast"
INTERFACES=(lo eth0 !ppp0)
# Routes to start at boot-up (in this order)
# Declare each route then list in ROUTES
#   (prefix a route in ROUTES with a ! to disable it)
gateway="default gw"
DAEMONS=(network syslogd !pcmcia netfs cups crond kdm klogd)
So! Is this a domain resolution problem?
This just shows me how little I know. I'm on a cable network at the moment, and was thinking about downgrading. But I have found a crafty way of getting efax-gtk to work in Arch, so all would not be lost in terms of investing in a serial modem!

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    I think I'm going to love Arch Linux. It fills the little niche between LFS (Too time-consuming) and Debian (Too picky); perfect!
    However, I'm a little frustrated by the lack of documented support for ppp. Actually, let me rephrase that. I'm extremele frustrated by my rural setting's lack of support for anything but dialup. :-D
    From a base install, I ran pacman --sync kde-network, and this installed X and KDE for me, no problems, beautiful!  I configured kppp to connect to the internet by symlinking /dev/modem to /dev/cua4 (I haven't configured devfs to do this automatically, but I think I can... I think I can...)
    So Kppp is connecting to my ISP all right now. The problem is that it isn't resolving any names. Er... I (foolishly) didn't think to try connecting directly to an IP. I'll get back to you on that after I boot back into Arch, but I don't think that will work either. I checked the log, and it seems that my local and remote IP addresses are being assigned improperly; see:
    Jan 18 13:24:25 buchuki pppd[210]: pppd 2.4.1 started by root, uid 0
    Jan 18 13:24:25 buchuki pppd[210]: Using interface ppp0
    Jan 18 13:24:25 buchuki pppd[210]: local  IP address
    Jan 18 13:24:25 buchuki pppd[210]: remote IP address
    Jan 18 13:24:59 buchuki pppd[210]: Terminating on signal 15.
    Jan 18 13:24:59 buchuki pppd[210]: Exit.
    Those IPs are nothing like the ones my ISP usually assigns me!
    I'm assuming DHCP is misconfigured, but I don't have any idea what might need to be changed.  I've tried comparing to relevant files in my Knoppix configuration, but don't know what to look for.
    For PPP, I don't think I need anything in the rc.conf, as far as interfaces or routes go (besides loopback), right? This is configured by pppd automatically?
    I browsed the man page for pppd, and found that the ip-up and ip-down scripts are usually run from /etc/ppp mhen a connection is made. However, neither of these scripts was installed after I ran pacman --sync ppp. Further, pacman -So ip-up is returning nothing. Are thes scripts missing, or are they somewhere else other than /etc/ppp, or are they unnecessary with kppp or...?
    I saw a reference to a ppp/arch guide in a forum search, but can't find a link to it... am I missing a documentation section on this site?

    Ah, I found it. I had to comment out the "demand" option in /etc/ppp/options.
    I'm in arch and pacman just freshened its package list in a miniscule fraction of the time that apt-get used to take.
    Is there anything I can do for Arch Linux? I'm a Java developer, doubt you have much need for that, but I can write documentation...
    Let me get my system set up *exactly the way I want it* first. excellent work guys.

  • KPPP problem

    I'm trying to connect to internet with kppp dialer (56k connection...) as a normal user but I always kppp tells me that pppd dies and gives me the following error :
    Cannot open any of the following logfiles:
    I really can't understand it. Note that both kppp and pppd have SUID set and that the /var/log directory is writable for normal users. Moreover I have no problem connecting manually with pppd deamon. Any clues?

    mackdk wrote:
    Install sysklogd
    Thanks! That it the spot. Kppp is a bit confusing since pppd the problem wasn't related to the log. It was the auth option I was sure to have commented out but I didn't.
    Anyaway, I have a question now... Shouldn't syslog-ng do the same job of sysklogd? Why kppp had problems? Something wrong in my configuration?
    Yes, they are both logging daemons. I think syslog-ng is more modern. Probably kppp is still using the sysklogd daemons to log error message.

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    i use
    >pppd call gprs
    connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/gprs"
    /dev/rfcomm0 115200
    lcp-echo-interval 0
    lcp-echo-failure 0
    TIMEOUT         60
    ECHO            ON
    ABORT           '\nBUSY\r'
    ABORT           '\nERROR\r'
    ABORT           '\nNO ANSWER\r'
    ABORT           '\nNO CARRIER\r'
    ABORT           '\nNO DIALTONE\r'
    ABORT           '\nRINGING\r\n\r\nRINGING\r'
    ''              'ATE1'
    OK              AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet"
    OK              ATD*99***1#
    CONNECT         \d\c
    pppd call gprs
    Serial connection established.
    using channel 1
    Using interface ppp0
    Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/rfcomm0
    sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0xa0000> <magic 0xc7eaf41c> <pcomp> <accomp>]
    rcvd [LCP ConfRej id=0x1 <magic 0xc7eaf41c> <pcomp> <accomp>]
    sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 <asyncmap 0xa0000>]
    rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 <asyncmap 0xa0000>]
    rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x0 <auth pap> <mru 1500> <asyncmap 0xa0000>]
    No auth is possible
    sent [LCP ConfRej id=0x0 <auth pap>]
    rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <mru 1500> <asyncmap 0xa0000>]
    sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 <mru 1500> <asyncmap 0xa0000>]
    sent [CCP ConfReq id=0x1 <deflate 15> <deflate(old#) 15>]
    sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
    rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x0 <addr>]
    sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x0 <addr>]
    rcvd [LCP ProtRej id=0x0 80 fd 01 01 00 0c 1a 04 78 00 18 04 78 00]
    Protocol-Reject for 'Compression Control Protocol' (0x80fd) received
    rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
    sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
    rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 <addr> <ms-dns1> <ms-dns3>]
    local  IP address
    remote IP address
    primary   DNS address
    secondary DNS address
    Script /etc/ppp/ip-up started (pid 8117)
    Script /etc/ppp/ip-up finished (pid 8117), status = 0x0
    I thing It is the right way but why it doesn't work?
    Last edited by (2007-11-20 13:24:38)

    mucknert wrote:What's the output of your ifconfig and route? What's the content of your resolv.conf?
    # Generated by dhcpcd for interface eth0
    # search
    # nameserver
    lo Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:
    inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:366 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:366 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:19366 (18.9 Kb) TX bytes:19366 (18.9 Kb)
    ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
    inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:
    RX packets:3 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:3
    RX bytes:54 (54.0 b) TX bytes:66 (66.0 b)
    Kernel IP routing table
    Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * UH 0 0 0 ppp0
    default * U 0 0 0

  • AT&T DSL & Cisco ASA 5505 Problems

    Okay I have been working with a 5505 for two days and finally got it configured and working on an AT&T DSL Modem then when I took the 5505 to the clients office and connected/configured it to their AT&T DSL with their IPs the whole thing quite working. I noticed walk through the Tech discussions that there are lots of problems with AT&T DSL deployments and I also discovered that one working configuration was attached to a DSL in AT&Ts standard deployment as a DHCP router using dynamic IPs while the second is in bridge mode using static IPs.
    So here's the question why won't the DSL Modem in bridge mode not work as a typical Internet connection like a Cable Modem? I have a Cisco Wireless VPN 4400 to it in bridge mode using static IPs and it works great and on the 4400 there are no special PPPoe settings that have to be set just standard IPs, DNSs, Gateways, Masks...
    I see in the Cisco Tech Notes that it is recommended/mandatory to configure Vpdn groups and the Vlan2 to take into account the PPPoe configuration of the AT&T DSL Modem but if the DSL modem is already set in bridge mode and is handling the PPPoe authentication why does the 5505 have do it again this see,s redundant. Will try to use the example configuration additions above and post here with the results.
    BTW the configuration with the DSL set as DHCP Router works without any special PPPoe configs.
    Very puzzling this DSL configuration conundrum... Last point for businesses if you can use Cable or nonDSL ISP you should do so this AT&T stuff is for the birds... Angry Birds...
    Thanks for the assistance in advance!!!
    If static ip address:
    vpdn group INTERNET request dialout pppoe
    vpdn group INTERNET ppp authentication {chap|mschap|pap}
    vpdn group INTERNET localname setroute
    pppoe client vpdn group INTERNET
    mtu outside 1492
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App

    Hi Ferdinand. I don't know what a Smartnet contract is. How do I know if we have one? This ASA basically hasn't been touched for 5 years. Almost the entire staff has rotated through this company since then and nobody knowns anything. I found the invoice for it this morning after accounts searched for it, but it appears to have been purchased from a non services retailer. I contacted them and while they confirm they sold it to us they know nothing about it. They don't offer service. 
    What are my options?

  • Does anybody know how to access modem?

    Q: What API should I use to implement modem dialer functionality,basically to access Internet (PPP), only dialer functionality is     required? How to access modem dialing functions in Java? thanks.

    You can use AT commands to communicate with the modem using COMMAPI
    If I remember correctly the commnad to dial is ATD <PHONE NUMBER>
    To send the command to the modem :
    /*rough draft of the actual code*/
    serialPort.getOutputSream.write("ATD <NUMBER>\r");
    *carriage return is required to terminate the command.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Unable to connect to Total Broadband suddenly - re...

    I should start off by saying the only reason I am not using a Home Hub with my Total Broadband is because about a year ago I had to get it replaced and BT in their incompetance managed to send me a business hub instead.
    I was going to send it back but then I read on the forums (see posts like​ues/BT-Broadband-with-non-BT-Home-Hub/m-p/350297/h​... that any username/pass would work so I just kept it as I needed the connection to work without waiting another week for a new replacement.
    So for a year or more I've been running fine with a business hub using some [email protected] username and junk password.
    Last night, in the middle of watching something on iPlayer my internet suddenly cut out and when I look at the hub, the Internet light is now Red (even though the 'Broadband light is green). The hub status page tells me DSL is connected fine but no internet connection.
    And for a while at least (can't reproduce now for some reason) When I tried to visit a web page, I got redirected to the hub gateway page saying 'unable to connect your broadband with that username/password please set up your connection details correctly' or something to that effect.
    Needless to say, I've tried rebooting and reseting the hub many times and tried every possible suggested username/password pair I can find online for people running non-homehub hardware, despite the fact that apparently it shouldn't matter on a Total Broadband line which authenticate by phone number anyway.
    There are no reported outages in my area and I have a perfectly fine DSL connection according to the hub, just no Internet/PPP connection.
    I'm really hoping someone here has some good advice about this situation because I am absolutely sure if I have to phone BT customer support it will take me an hour just to convince them I don't have a home hub but no it's not my fault for using third party hardware because they supplied the **bleep** thing.
    Has anyone else had the same? Can a fault on the line cause this or has BT suddenly changed their authentication scheme overnight? Given a lack of others complaining about this I guess not.
    Any help gladly accepted although I feel I may have to grit my teeth and pick up the phone soon...

    In case it helps anyone else:
    BT live chat were helpfull and suggested using [email protected] and a host of other settings.
    That didn't change anything so I'm getting a replacement (hopefully a homehub this time).
    I'm still none the wiser about why this suddenly happened - it's plausibly a fault in the hub but given the fine DSL connection it seems likely that is not the issue.
    But never mind. If the new hub works I'm happy enough.
    And after my comments about BT phone support, I feel I should say that the live chat experience was significnatly better although I guess for most people it is not an option (as they don't have an alternate internet connection!).
    Thanks imjolly for the reponse.

  • VPN IN

    Sent from my iPhone
    Begin forwarded message:
    From: VPN in Touch Support <[email protected]>
    Date: ٢٢ نوفمبر، ٢٠١٢ ١١:٣٢:٤١ م جرينتش+٠٣:٠٠
    To: khalid alghamdi <[email protected]>
    Subject: Re: [VIT-iPhone][[email protected]]
        This is Tommy again.
        As I said in my last mail, we need you to forward the EMAIL that iTunes sent to you about your purchase. Without that mail, we can not be able to help you.
        So I'll be waiting for your receipt mail.
    VPN in Touch Customer Support
    Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you
    Follow us on social networks to receive our latest news:
    Google Plus:
    On 11/22/2012 7:10 PM, khalid alghamdi wrote:
    Hi tommy,
         I m waiting your support.
    Sent from my iPhone
    On ٢٠/١١/٢٠١٢, at ٦:٥٨ م, VPN in Touch Support <[email protected]> wrote:
    Dear Khalid,
        This is Tommy and I'll be handling your concern today.
        Unfortunately Apple hasn't sent your purchase message to our server. So please check your iTunes email address and then forward the iTunes Receipt EMAIL to me. I'll fix the problem.
        Please be informed that after a successful purchase from App Store, Apple will send an email with a receipt code to your iTunes email address.
        Sorry for any inconvenience. Don't worry about that. I promise you this issue will be resolved.
    VPN in Touch Customer Support
    Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you
    Follow us on social networks to receive our latest news:
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    On 11/20/2012 2:35 PM, khalid alghamdi wrote:
    Hi ,
         I paid 219.99 SAR  today
    Sent from my iPhone

    The simple way to use VPN. PPTP for example
    #yum install ppp pptp
    #pppd pty "pptp --nolaunchpppd" user USERNAME password PASSWORD

  • Unable to connect internal modem/authentication fails

    I have iMAC OS X 10.3.9. I can't connect my internal modem. It worked perfectly with my new ISP until Saturday, 10-27-07. Now I get authentication failure notice. My password is typed in and has not changed. It will not accept my password. I have Vip Power/Dialup Ine. They have checked my account and find no fault. When troubleshooting internet PPP with iMAC specialist I was told to dial my ISP #, then hang up when it answered. This process never worked.

    Welcome To  Discussions threecherries!
    No guarantees, but this configuration works for me on my iMac G3. You may need to make some adjustments for your particular Mac, Modem, and ISP.
    Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with your service, so I am not able to advise you on how to reset your access numbers.
    Hopefully you know how to do that.
    Read the entire document. Pay attention to *Notes.
    And if you have any questions, please ask them before preceeding.
    Delete only the files listed, no more.
    Sign off from your ISP, and quit the browser.
    See *Note 1
    Navigate to:
    If present, move to Trash: (a file) (a file) (a file)
    Don't empty the Trash just yet.
    *Note 1Before you change the settings below, you might want to make notes, or take screen shots of your present configurations. Actually, this should be done before you trash or move any of the files I've listed above.
    Then, open System Preferences > Network
    In each of these panels, after you have made your selections or changes, be sure to click on the "Apply Now" button in the lower right corner, if it's available.
    Location: Select "Automatic"
    Show: Select "Internal Modem", or however you connect.
    On the PPP screen, click "PPP Options". CHECK ONLY THESE options:
    "Send PPP echo packets"
    "Use TCP header compression"
    Click OK
    On the TCP/IP screen, Configure using IPv4: Select "Using PPP"
    On the Modem screen, Select your modem from the list. I'm using an iMac (Summer 2001), and I have "Apple Internal 56K Modem (v.90)" selected. Select your modem.
    Check "Enable error correction and compression in modem"
    "Wait for dial tone before dialing"
    "Dialing": Tone
    "Sound": On
    "Show modem status in menubar" (This isn't really necessary, but it's handy.)
    Also select your Country.
    Then, still in "Network" preferences,
    Location: "Automatic"
    Show: "Network Port Configurations"
    Make sure "Internal Modem", or however you connect, is checked and at the top of the list.
    Click "Apply Now" at the bottom of the screen.
    Quit System Preferences.
    If everything is hunky dory, you can empty the Trash.
    ali b

  • Pcmcia modem setup

    I'm having unexpected difficulties in getting a pcmcia modem to work on my new Dell Inspiron 2200.  The laptop has an internal hsf modem which I managed to get to dial but which refused to negotiate a connection, so I gave up on that and bought a Psion Gold Card 56k pcmcia modem - I had one of these on my previous laptop and it worked fine with Arch, so I was expecting no trouble this time.
    I am trying to set up the modem to dial through kppp and I have followed the steps in the wiki (ppp,kppp,2.6 kernel).  As the modem shows up in Windows as Com5, I have created the symlink from /dev/ttyS4 to /dev/modem as advised.  Problem is, whichever device I select in kppp, I always get the response "The modem is busy". 
    cardctl ident gives:
    product info: "Psion", "Gold Card 56k Combine iT", "56K+Fax", "V8.35"
    manfid: 0x016c, 0x0006
    function: 2 (serial)
    However, I do not see the modem listed by cardmgr when it loads during the boot process, nor do I see it in the output of dmesg (I can't recall whether I should).
    I am loading the modules pcmcia, pcmcia_core and ppp_generic through rc.conf, and the pcmcia daemon.
    Am I missing anything here?  I'm starting to wonder if this Gold Card is different from my old one and maybe they changed the chipset.
    Maybe I should add that I was able to get the supplied internal wireless card (Dell TrueMobile 1370 / Broadcom) running fine with ndiswrapper, but this should not affect the operation of the modem afaiaw?  Despite having the wireless access at home, I do need to have dialup working for when I go travelling.
    Thanks for any ideas.

    I have fixed this problem.  In /etc/pcmcia/config.opts  there is a line
    exclude irq 7
    as this is meant to be reserved for the parallel port.  But my laptop doesn't have a parallel port.
    I discovered that my pcmcia card was using irq 7 in Windows XP, and after commenting out that line I am able to access the modem.

  • How do I connect my Centro to the Internet via bluetooth over PC's Internet? Where is Centro's PPP Connection Type? How do I setup Login Script for bluetooth connection?

    I am trying to set up bluetooth on the Centro to connect to the internet via my PC's internet.
    HotSync over bluetooth works successfully.
    Computer specs: Toshiba P205-S6277; Bluetooth Stack v5.10.04 (currently using); Bluetooth Monitor v3.01 (to use Vista's built-in bluetooth)
    I think I have narrowed my problem down to 3 things.
    (1) Finding Network Access properties (to allow connected devices to access the internet)
    (2) Finding Centro's Network Connection Type: PPP
    (3) Finding the correct Login Script to use
    for (1) I think I've looked everywhere; found nothing on Network Access. 
    Checked control panel: only Bluetooth Local COM
    Right-clicked bluetooth icon > Settings: File transfer, PAN Networking, PAN DHCP server, AV controls. Other bluetooth settings are for file transfer or object push. I don't see anything like this.
    I'm stumped on (2). It seems as if palm removed this option under Centro's Advanced network settings .
    Nearly all the forums that I read says to choose Connection Type: PPP.
    (3) Found 2 scripts that seemed would work. I don't know how it exactly works but it sounds workable.
    First script:
    Send: CLIENT
    Send: CLIENT
    Wait for: CLIENTSERVER
    Script 1 Connect Log:
    Connect Log
    S: client
    S: client
    Err: 0x121F   <<<netErrUserCancel b/c I canceled it. 
    Not connected
    I canceled it because the process would stay on "Signing In" then it automatically "Canceled" itself.
    Second script:
    Send CR:
    Delay: 1
    Send: CLIENT
    **UPDATE** I found on this forum (Reply # 3689) that the script is needed only if you are using Palm OS 4 or under. Centro uses Palm OS 5.49121. Can anyone support this?
    Even without the script it has problems "Signing In".
    I'm currently reading this site and trying out its decribed methods. I will update this thread when I get the results.
    I'm using the Centro. And If anyone's been able to successfully connect to the internet on the Centro via a bluetooth connection to the PC WITHOUT 3rd party applications, please share.  If not, please share any ideas.
    Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)
    Message Edited by naisanza on 01-01-2009 02:26 PM

    I've been going at this for days, and have probably exhausted all the proposed solutions on the first 3 pages of various google searches. I'm getting the feeling that Vista users are pretty much SOL for the time being.
    For the record, I just tried out a few of the solutions (mRouter & SoftickPPP) on XP and they work perfectly.
    Post relates to: Centro (Verizon)
    Message Edited by Cogwheel on 02-13-2009 09:45 AM

  • I am using SURPLUSMETER :) I am also using Apple Airport Time Capsule as my Router that is connected to my Satellite dish Internet Modem ... Now on the Surplusmeter I have the option for PPP Modem . Ethernet Port , Airport , Network Card ,

    I am using SURPLUSMETER I am also using Apple Airport Time Capsule as my Router that is connected to my Satellite dish Internet Modem ... Now on the Surplusmeter I have the option for PPP Modem . Ethernet Port , Airport , Network Card , & Adaptor .
    Which one can I use properly to monitor all the wireless Devices in my hous

    Actually, none of the options will do what you are looking for it to do. That is because, this application only monitors the traffic from the device it is hosted on. That would also mean that you would have to run a copy on each computer that will access the Internet on your network; note their individual usages, and then, combine them to get an idea of the total usage.
    However, if you are only interested in the amount of Wi-Fi traffic that only your computer is seeing, then the "AirPort Network Card" option would be the correct choice.

  • Internet wont connect because of "PPP" setting

    everytime i try to connect to the internet through cable or ethernet a window pops up saying "an incorrect PPP option has been set, please check your settings and try again" i have done everything possible such as system prefrences but nothing seems to work. how can i change my ppp settings so that my internet can work??

    Place the iPod in recovery mode and then restore the iPod via iTunes on your computer.  For recovery mode see:
    iPhone and iPod touch: Unable to update or restore

  • Not Able To Connect Internet Using Ethernet Getting Not Able To Connect PPP Server

    I was able to connect to internet using ethernet,but suddenly it is not working when i try to connect it says not able to connect ppp server but i am able to connect same ppoe to windows machine

    Hello vivek.palamkar,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    Solutions for connecting to the Internet, setting up a small network, and troubleshooting
    Mac OS X: Connecting to the Internet With PPPoE
    Mac OS X: Troubleshooting a PPPoE Internet Connection
    Best of luck,

  • Internet won't connect because it says a PPP setting is incorrect help me!

    Someone please help me! my internet will no longer connect. recently i downloaded a vpn client but it wasnt working so i uninstalled it, but not my internet settings were somehow changed. so everytime i try to connect a window pops up and says " a incorrect PPP option has been set, check your settings and try again." ive tried everything such as system prefrences, but nothing seems to work. could someone please help me to fix this problem?? is there such a thing as a system restore on MACS like there are on PCs?

    usually with an ethernet cable, i used digitunnel vpn client. but it screwed some setting on my computer ever since i cant use the internet. i deleted it off my computer and i still can't use the internet.

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    Hi, I have iPhoto '09 (fully patched to 8.1.2) running on both my MacBook and MacMini (both on Snow Leopard 10.6.4 with all updates installed). When editing (usually a zoom operation) a .jpg photo in the iPhoto window or in full screen mode the whole

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    I have been doing some research on iPlanet performance tuning. In our current production environment (iAS6.0 SP1B, iWS4.1 SP2 on Solaris), since we don't use clustering there should be a couple of performance improvements we can make immediately: 1.

  • IP Phone Messenger error - "You were trying to access...."

    I am trying to configure the IPPM service on two phones: 7975 and IP Communicator but I'm getting the following message on both when I press the services button: "Invalid Device You were trying to access IP Phone Messenger service from a device not p